By hayleymarshallc

130K 3.2K 478

a·mour əˈmo͝or,äˈmo͝or/ noun a secret or illicit love affair or lover. More

another book?!


15.2K 277 103
By hayleymarshallc

[chapter one]
|| amour ||


Asta was looking through the window of William's car. They were currently driving to school. She liked the car rides with her brother, the silence enveloping her as they listened to some shitty radio station her brother had chosen out. She glanced out the window, admiring the city on the way toward her destination. Watching the city pass by on their ride was one of her favorite times of the day. It was a safe space, one of the only times she had to just think and to be by herself. This would be the year, she thought. This year would be when she finally find herself. She wanted this year to be different. After so many years of being sheltered by her brother, and her classmates thinking of her a certain way, because of the way her brother and his little crew of guys who hovered over her had acted all her life. This year she could escape this band of so called macho men and be herself. those said men were going to be very busy with their new bus they had got for the Russ.

They pulled up and she huffed, getting out and beginning to walk alongside her older brother. People were staring at them as they walked into school, their classmates always did this. William was the most popular boy at their school, the girls gawked at him as he walked by, smirking and winking as he passed. The boys would look at her and asses her, never approaching, although they wish they could. Asta was kind of like a game to these boys, the way she was regarded so highly and protected by her brother so heavily, they wanted to be able to say they had been with her. They wanted to gloat. 

Asta was a beautiful girl, she knew this. She never had an easy time making real friends because of this and the overly annoying brotherly act. Girls would pretend to be her friend for a little, using her for popularity or to get close to the boys she surrounded herself with. It was the way of her life, sadly.

She walked into the school and went to her locker.
She looked to her right and saw Noora, the girl that kept rejecting her brother. Good for her. William would never admit it, but his extremely large ego was getting slowly crushed the more she did reject him. Good. Asta knew he needed to be taken down some pegs.

She grabbed her Spanish book and shut her locker, beginning to go towards her class. This was probably her least favorite class, because all the people In there annoy her so much, because they all just make dirty jokes, it's so immature. She walked into her class and sat down, getting ready for the lesson.


Asta walked out of her class and went outside. She was deciding who to sit with when Vilde called her over to her table. She had classes with her before, kind of finding her to be loud. She appreciated it though. Not too many girls at the school were so able to be themselves openly, the school being very popularity and mean girl cliche.

Taking a few steps closer and squinting to see if she was actually waving at her, she frowned a little and then decided to close the gap between herself and the table of five other girls, including Noora. "You're Williams sister, right?" She asked while everyone turned to look at Asta. She blushed a little as they all looked between Vilde and Asta with slightly strange expressions.

"Yeah. My name is Asta though" She spoke to the girls. She coughed a bit and cringed at her rude tone. Kind of used to people already knowing who's he was just because of her brother she was prepared for the worst. "Oh no, I didn't call you over here to talk about your brother, geez. I'm sorry!! I just wanted to see if you'd like to chat a bit?" She corrected herself with a small smile, gesturing for Asta to sit.

She smiled back and slid into the chair next to Vilde. The table sat in a quiet awkwardness for a moment. Asta looked back towards Vilde again, almost with a questioning glance. Pulling her bag onto her lap and squeezing it into her chest, she glanced around the group weirdly once again before deciding to speak. "Sorry, I zoned a bit. You're all good, Vilde." She paused to look over at the blonde, revealing she knew who she was as well.

"That's pretty!" Noora spoke up out of the blue. All eyes on her. "Your name, I mean." And smiled. Asta gratefully smiled at her as well, "Thanks" She said, still smiling a bit with a little glint of content in her eyes. Happy to have found people who for the most part seem pretty normal and kind.

"Are you already in a russ?" Vilde asked her. Asta once again looked toward the other blonde at the table. She had wanted to be in a Russ this year, but her being younger made it a little issue. She knew that nobody really cared or would ever say anything about it if she decided to join one. On another note though, Asta had always been a rule follower, staying out of trouble was best for her.

"No. I don't really have any friends, I mean I don't know if you've heard." She laughed as they all listened to her repsonse. "Um. Sorry, that was unnecessary. I actually was thinking of joining one this year though." Vilde clapped her hands enthusiastically and the other girls laughed at her display of excitement. "You want to be in ours? We've just started it!" She exclaimed. She thought about it for a minute while looking at the girls, they all had hopeful looks on their faces. She wasn't really sure why they all wanted to have her in theirs, not even knowing the girl. She considered a second before finally just caving, she did say to herself she would make this her year. "Fine."


Vilde pointed at at the girls and they introduced themselves, the other three girls being named Sana, Chris (berg), and Eva. They were having a great lunch. Asta was glad to be there. These girls were super contagiously happy and exactly the kind of people she was looking forward to meeting.

After talking and getting to know one another for a bit, they all decided they would meet up after school to discuss further what they were going to do with their newfound Russ. Lunchtime would be over soon, having the dreadful rest of the day to endure before they could continue to mingle.

The bell rang and pulled her out of her thoughts as she rushed to get to her next class, it was the last one before she can stand outside of school with the girls.

"See you later!" She called after them.

After another hour of excruciating classes and fake classmates, Asta promised her brother she would be at the car in a few claiming she had made some new friends and needed to exchange phone numbers with the girls before she departed the school.

"There's a party tonight for the penetrators, are we going?" Asta asked the russ Girls. The penetrators were a Russ her brother and his best friend Chris were both in. She usually was invited to hang around his friends because William didn't have the heart to leave his sister alone all the time, knowing she lacked in the friendship area. Mostly his fault, he always thought. Better her be safe he always agreed.

"You're the only one that knows any of those 3rd years." Eva spoke to her. The girls all grinned at Eva, already knowing there was no way they couldn't deny this invitation Asta has extended. This would be the first party of the year, and a big one.

As soon as she said that, Chris walked by and smiled at Asta. " Hey." He called out with a small wave, glancing at her group. His eyes found their way to Asta once again, becoming lighter and had a more gentle look to them. "Hey Christoffer." She said his full name teasingly and smiled at him. He just rolled his eyes before turning his head and walking away.

"That's Christoffer Schistad!" Vilde explained. She looked surprised to have him even glance their way. He was known to be a womanizer, but she had never been one of the girls in his line of sight. " I know!" Asta replied back.

The other girls laughed and she realized something. "We need to create a group chat for the Russ, and I need your numbers" The group smiled and agreed and they exchanged numbers.

The final bell dinged indicating that they could leave campus and the girls waved before parting ways, heading to their houses. Asta headed toward her brothers car with a smile clad on her face. Maybe she was actually right about this year. She hopped back into Williams car and they drove off.

After school, Asta was messaging the girls. She got a message from Chris.

"Are you coming to the penetrator party with your Russ girls?"

She rolled her eyes before typing a reply

"Do you want us to come?"


She smiled.                  "we'll be there"


"I can not wear this! William will murder me if he sees me in this!!" Asta said as she looked at the outfit that the girls had picked out for her. A black corset like top and black pants, she didn't usually wear anything super exposing of her chest or body like this. Admittedly, she felt very good in the outfit but she knew she would be pushing it stepping into her brothers gathering like this.

"You will look super hot though! Cmon Asta, don't you want to hook up with someone tonight?" Vilde said. With a grimace she sighed and turned towards the girls. She knew there were rumors about her spread by people who didn't like her or whoever else, but she just wasn't all that interested in one night stands. For crying out loud, she had only kissed one boy in her life and it was when she was 16. Only a year prior.

"No! I don't want to have my first time at a party with a random guy!!" she said, with a slightly raised voice. They looked shocked. Most likely hearing rumors about her. "First time? You're a Magnusson!" Vilde said, reciving a glare from the other girls.

"The name doesn't define her, her personality does." Sana said. Asta gave her a grateful smile

"Wear this!" Vilde said while pulling out a baby pink crop top and light wash ripped jeans. She put on the outfit and they were ready.


The girls arrived at the party and walked inside. Asta instantly looked over to see Chris looking at her, and William was looking at Noora. She was looking around for someone,because everyone went off and left me when she heard Chris.

"You all came, great." He smirked and she shivered, someone was going to have sex with Chris tonight. She could see the way his eyes were hooded lightly as he addressed her, alerting her of his already altered state due to whatever he had been drinking.

"Yeah, and I'm going to go avoid William at all costs but it won't be that hard since he's making heart eyes at Noora." Asta said and he gave her a salute.

She walked off and spotted Eva, she looked drunk. Probably too much at the pregame, poor girl. "Eva, you okay?" She said whilst pulling her up for support. She slouched into Asta slightly, swaying at bit. How had she not noticed how drunk she was. Was she okay... really?

"Yes, yeah I'm fine." She said while stumbling on her feet a little. The overwhelming smell of Tito's was coming off of Eva's whole body, likely from a spill she had staining her shirt already. Asta inwardly sighed. Not that she minded taking care of people at all, she just wasn't used to it. People were always doing that for her.

"Come on, to the couch. Sit." Asta commanded her. "You'll feel better soon, I'll get you some water." She scanned her surrounding area before deeming it safe for Eva to be left alone for a moment. Asta ran off towards the kitchen to get some water for Eva. She rummaged through some places before looking in the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. She was going back to the couch but Eva wasn't there anymore, instead it was some random couple making out. Ew.

"Eva!!" She called out, before turning to the room that was where all the penetrator boys were. Scary. She made a mental note to stay away from the macho protectors so she could enjoy her night after she located her friend. She shook her head before walking in and seeing Eva making out with a random guy. Oh dear lord. "Eva!" She called her friend.

"Oh look, that's my friend Asta. Asta meet- wait what's your name?" She looked confused before turning and hugging Asta. She was giggling and stumbling, clearly intoxicated beyond reason. They had been there for a solid twenty minutes. Oh Eva. "I brought you some water." She said to Eva. Eva took the water and gulped it down and walked away. Asta tried to reach to call out to her, but she was already lost. She texted their group text to look out for her and Sana responded she was on it. With relief, she began her night. Finally.

"Hey Asta." The guy behind her said. The same one who had been making out with Eva a few moments before. "Stalker much? Don't listen to other people's conversations." She said before turning to walk away, but the guy caught her arm, laughing.

"We we're going to make out, where are you going?" He smirked at her. She eyes her up and down, his arm latched onto hers. He tried to move his grip to her waist, but she pushed him while his hand let go of her.

"I'm going away and you can go to hell." She walked off.


She was laying in her room about to fall asleep, when her phone started ringing. She gave up on the party, after downing a few drinks and realizing she showed up too late to have any fun with any of the way more drunk party goers, she gave up and left.

"Where did you go? Are you okay?!" The voice of Noora rang through her phone and she smiled, happy that she had good friends. "I'm at home, thank you for worrying!" She said and hung up. Sleep was overcoming her, her eyelids began to feel heavy. Asta smiled at herself as one thought rang through her head

'This IS going to be a good year'


Omg guys this is horrible but this is cHapter one, like I'm seriously considering re-writing it's just so bad.

ANYWAYS, I'm excited that the book is officially updated:))

Just edited this and added way more detail and more thought to what she is actually like and what's going on in the scenes. Decided to try to rewrite this horribly written story and see if I can give it some meaning. Lmao :)

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