Diggy Simmons Love Story

By teddybear423

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A story about a regular girl meeting a famous person.. on accident and falling in love but maybe too quick More

At His house...
At The House part 2
Getting Closer..
Author's Notes
Just Perfection
Jump Start
It ended Happily (Final)

Just a Accident

4.9K 15 0
By teddybear423

I’m at a CTMD concert. I was there to support Diggy. He had a act after his performance but I had to call my mother. I stepped out into the hall because there was a lot of noise just as I was about to call my mom I saw 2 big security guards with a boy in between them I couldn’t tell at first who it was then realized it was Diggy. 

Me: (Shocked) Hey Diggy!

Security: sorry ma’am you have to step back

Diggy: she seems cool just lemme talk to her (rolling his eyes)

security: (mumbles) trifling 

Diggy: what was that?

Security: nothing (stepping to the side) 

Me: got your Security in check (smiling)

Diggy: Well you know I have too (laughing)

Me: (look towards screaming fans running towards us) I don’t know about you but I’m about to run away(pointing) 

I start to run outside planning to dip away and come back but as I was running pass a limo I was picked up and thrown in. I was confused until I realized I was in the limo with Diggy.

Me: Why did he throw me like that (kinda mad)

Diggy: I’m sorry they did that bit I couldn’t take the chance of you getting hurt just because you were talking to me. (smiling) 

We both looked out my window and jumped when we heard a loud thud. It was a fan banging on the window and said at the same time, “Looks like I’m stuck here”. 

Diggy: Would you like for me to take you home. 

Me: Sure but is there anyway your security can get my sister Tiffany, she’s still in there ?

Diggy: Oh yea but we have to move then go back and get her when the crowd leaves

Me: Ok (smiling)

Back in the concert

Tiffany: where is MaKayla? She should be back by now. I’m going to go out here and call her. (on the phone) 


Me: hey wats up

Tiffany:where are you?

Me: with Diggy

Tiffany:no your not so where r u really 

Me: I’m with him his security is coming to get you and take you home.

Tiffany:If he’s really there let me talk to him (with attitude)

Me: ok (starting to get angry)

Diggy: it’s ok (putting a hand on my shoulder and taking the phone) Hello?

Tiffany: Diggy?

Diggy: This I’d him what’s up.

Tiffany:OMGosh can’t believe this

Diggy: I’m sorry I had to take your sister but fans and almost being attacked that was not cool.

Tiffany:Oh so when is he coming to get me.

Diggy: Probaly Now..

Tiffany: yup he just picked me up and is carrying me out. Just want you to know I don’t like this. 

Diggy: yea I don’t either when they pick me up

Tiffany:I think I’m outside bye.

Diggy: bye (passes phone back to me)

Me:So she was nice?

Diggy: yea but a little snappy,but I got a question for you.

Me: ok

Diggy: Will you-

Just as he’s about to speak the door opens and Tiffany Is thrown in the car harder than me and we drive off

Tiffany :That hurt (angry)

Me: I know they did the same to me. Now Diggy what were you saying

Diggy: umm um Will you guys hang out with me tomorrow at my house?

Tiffany:Yes Yes and Yes

Me: Excuse you I can speak for my self but yes I would like too.

Diggy: ok I will come pick you up tomorrow. 

Me: Ok thanks see you tomorrow but how will I get in-touch with you if anything happens and I cant go.

Diggy: here you go 432-363-5353 

Me: Ok I will call you tonight (smiling)

Diggy: Good Night Makayla (smiling)

Tiffany :(cough)

Diggy: and Tiffany

Me: Good night 

Tiffany:Good night

Before she could close the door all the way all I could say was… 

Me: Ignorant! cause that was not necessary 

I saw Diggy laughed but stop when I looked at him I waved again and we walked in the apartment building on Michigan Ave. 22nd of 23rd floor. Once we changed into our pajamas I called Diggy and we talked till the next day. We fell asleep on the phone but when I woke up he was still there I woke him up and hung up. As soon as I hung up Tiffany came busting in my room telling me to get up but it was 7:00AM and we were suppose to be ready at 2:00PM. so I threw her out my room and locked the door. At 11AM I got up and ate lunch and got dressed. I wore blue skinny jeans with a blue and white stripped shirt. Tiffany wore black and white skinny jeans with a black and white stripped shirt. Hoping to meet one of Diggy’s brothers since she was 2 years younger than me.

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