Hero (One Direction AU)

By HeyItsDanni1D

135 5 0

“We’re too late,” Louis whispered brokenly, staring down at the bruised and bloody body in front of him. “We... More

Chapter 2.

Chapter 1.

37 2 0
By HeyItsDanni1D

~ Chapter 1. ~

Ebony Gloom is an Alien from planet Duron. She was sent to different planets and galaxies to learn about other species. When she reached planet Earth, her ship landed pretty roughly, causing it to shatter. She’s been stuck here ever since.

Durians float, and are translucent. They are different colours based on gender. Boys are a light blue, and girls are a light pink. Since Ebony is a girl, she’s pink. When Durians take another’s look, they call it a “Skin”.

Ebony’s power is cloning. Since Ebony was stuck on our planet with no way home, she tried to blend in with the main species on this planet. She studied them for a long time, their facial features, their hair, their bodies, their clothes. When she finally knew enough about them, she drew her own Human Skin. She cloned into a small girl, and she blended in perfectly. Ebony decided to go to an all human school, to learn like the other humans, including their language.

When Ebony first started at her school, she fit in perfectly. She didn’t talk at all, however, because she didn’t know this foreign language. She soon learned the language and talked with her other classmates.

While in elementary school, Ebony learned the way the humans learned. She learned Math, Science, Language, Writing, and Social Studies. As years went by, Ebony had to draw a new Skin, so it looked like the girl grew. It was a bit hard for her, but her drawings were successful, because she blended in with all the others.

When Ebony entered high school, she wasn’t treated as nicely. Other humans called her names, and made fun of her. This left Ebony furious. She hated the way the humans were treating her. She left high school, and she never went back.

Since then, Ebony used her powers for bad. She played pranks on many people, and soon, her powers went to her head and she used them for evil. She’s gotten many people arrested, and many people in huge trouble. She enjoyed watching the other humans suffer, just like they did to her.

One night, Ebony turned on her television, to see a news program flashing onto the screen.

Five boys known as “One Direction” are known worldwide for their amazing abilities. Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Harry Styles each have their own special powers, and they join together to defeat the evil. They have saved many people’s lives, and always leave smiles on people’s faces.

“One Direction,” Ebony smirked. “They seem interesting.”

Ebony went to her computer and researched the five boys known as “One Direction”. She found many news articles about them, all of them about defeating a villain. She searched pictures of them, their powers, and their location. She searched everything about them.

Looks like she’s found her next target.


“Come one Niall! Just a few more!” Louis encouraged the blonde, who was obviously way too tired to do his daily workout.

“C-Can’t” Niall managed to breathe out, as he dropped the weights down to the floor.

Each day, Niall had to lift two one hundred pound weights over his head, one hundred times. Usually he could do it without breaking a sweat, but Niall didn’t get much sleep that night.

Louis sighed, “Fine. To the treadmill!” He yelled, running over to the treadmill, Niall close behind. Niall got on the treadmill, grabbed a towel, and wiped the sweat from his face before Louis started it.

“Alright. Two minutes, and then a break,” Louis instructed. Niall nodded, and Louis started the treadmill.

Niall started off slow, then got faster and faster, until he was running. At the two minute mark, Niall put his feet off to the sides of the treadmill to catch his breath.

“Good job. Okay, so one minute break, and then back on for two minutes. Then, we move on,” Louis said. Niall nodded and grabbed his water bottle, squirting some of the cold liquid into his mouth. It was very refreshing.

Niall once again grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat from his face. Then, he put his feet back on the treadmill.


“Liiiaaaamm…” Zayn called, walking into Liam’s bedroom. Liam looked up from his small notebook he was doodling in and smiled.

“Oh, hey Zayn.” Liam said. Zayn sat on on the end of Liam’s bed.

“Whatcha doing?” Zayn asked, examining the notebook in Liam’s hands. Liam closed the notebook and put it on his lap.

“Oh you know, just doodling.” Liam said, flipping the corner of the front page between his fingers. Zayn nodded.

“Can I see?” He asked. Liam nodded and handed Zayn the book. Zayn took the book and slowly flipped through the pages. Liam had many drawings in the small notebook, most of them of all five boys together.

Liam watched Zayn flip through his book. A small smile appeared on Zayn’s lips, satisfied of Liam’s amazing drawing skills. Liam smiled wide.

“Do you like them?” Liam asked.

“You’re amazing at drawing, man.” Zayn replied. Liam smiled even bigger.

“Thank you,” He relpied.

Zayn stopped on a page that had no drawings, but words. He examined it closely, and realised it was a song. “Save You Tonight” was the title. On the page beside it, it had all five boys on a stage, singing into microphones.

“Did you write this song?” Zayn asked.

“Yeah,” Liam replied nervously. “Do you like it?”

Zayn nodded. “It’s cool. But it would be cooler if I knew the tune.”

“Haven’t thought of one yet,” Liam added. Zayn nodded.

“The picture is amazing,” Zayn complimented Liam’s work. “One Direction as famous singers? There’s a plot twist.” Zayn added, causing both boys to chuckle.

“Yeah, that would be pretty cool,” Liam replied. Zayn nodded and handed the book back to Liam.

“Your drawings are great, Liam,” Zayn said.

“Thanks. So-“ Liam was interrupted by a faint voice coming from the kitchen.

“Breakfast is ready!”

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