
By AnimeAngel04

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" Even if our love is forbidden, I want to protect you." An angel in love with a demon. A demon in love with... More

The Language Of Flowers
Chapter One // Jasmine
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen // Maroon
Chapter Fourteen // Jasmine
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen // Maroon
Chapter Eighteen // Jasmine
Chapter Twenty // Third Person
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nineteen // Maroon

1.7K 67 9
By AnimeAngel04

  Iris ~ Delicate blue or purple iris petals symbolize faith, valor, wisdom, and promise. Yellow iris flowers represent passion, and white blooms signify purity. The mythology of the flower dates back to ancient Greece, when the goddess of the same name acted as the link between heaven and earth.

   " Got you now demon..." the guard above me chuckled, his sword pinned against my neck. I struggled to get out of his grip, but the blade he held would poke me, and end my life if I moved too much.

I tried to turn my head, to see if Jasmine was alright. But from what I could see in the corner of my eye, she was nowhere in sight. I wave of fear fell over me, thinking that she could have been taken by a guard or worse...killed.

But my worries were put to rest once the scar-faced guard above was sent flying into a wall. And there, stood Jasmine, only...she didn't look like herself.

Her blond locks was now a brindle color, her eyes shined gold, and the blood that dripped from her ripped wing was now RED.

Her gaze remained trained on the guard, who was now getting up off the floor. She growled and charged towards him, pushing him against the wall with her hand squeezing his throat with pure hatred written on her face. One of her wings stood tall and proud while the other remained limp, being dragged on the ground with a trail of blood following it.

I laid there in pure shock; Jasmine was never like this. She didn't have a single evil bone in her. She is an angel with a pure heart, not some murderous demon.

" YoU..." Jasmine growled, her voice sounding abnormal as the guard struggled to get out of her steel grip," yOu HaVe CoNfLiCtEd SuCh HoRrIfIc pAiN tO mE...aNd NoW...yOu WaNt To CoNfLiCt ThE sAmE pAiN oN mAroOn...? i'Ll KiLl YoU bEfOrE tHaT eVeR hApPeNs..."

The scar-faced guard wheezed and coughed as Jasmine's grip around his neck tightened. She lifted her free hand as it became engulfed in black flames, a power only demons possess. She held the flame inches away from the guard's face," AnY lAsT wOrDs..?" she asked, the black flame growing bigger in her hand.

" Jasmine. Stop." I command, rising to my feet. Her head snapped in my direction, anger and hatred glowing bright within her golden eyes. And yet, I could see the fear and sadness that lurked behind her facade," Please, put the flame out."

She growled," nO. hE dEsErVeS tHiS pUnIsHmEnT..."

" This isn't you Jasmine, the demon essence inside you is controlling your actions. You know you don't want to do this." I state, slowly inching towards Jasmine.

" HoW wOuLd YoU kNoW? PeOpLe CaN cHaNgE. pEoPlE dO tHiNgS fOr ThE oNeS tHeY lOvE tHaT mIgHt NoT aLwAyS bE tHe RiGhT tHiNg..." she replied coldly, facing the scar-faced guard again who was trembling in fear as he gasped for air.

" But would you?" I ask, stopping Jasmine from bringing the flame any closer to the guard's face," Jasmine...please. Don't do this."

She shook her head, tears brimming her eyes," Y-You wouldn't...UnDeRsTaNd..." Jasmine said, her voice returning to normal for a small moment. She faced me once again, allowing herself to unleash her tears. Her eyes would flicker from blue to gold, as if she was fighting to keep control," Y...You don't k-know the...pAiN i HaVe...e-endured..."

I took a step closer, reaching my hand out to touch her shoulder," I know and I understand your past, but that doesn't-"

" nO! iT's NoT tHaT!" Jasmine snapped, more tears rushing down her face as her eyes continue to flicker color from color," I...I saw you d-die...right in f-front of m-me..."

" That's not possible-"

" BuT iT wAs! i SaW yOu DiE...r-right in front of me..." she cried," I-I don't know i-if it was just a d-dream...o-or some vision...b-but I saw you d-die...a-and I could d-do nothing to s-save you...e-everything is just r-repeating itself...and I-I won't let history r-repeat itself...nOt tHiS tImE."

I stood there in shock, trying to figure out how it was even possible before it suddenly clicked in my mind. Jasmine's mother was from a magically bloodline, meaning Jasmine carried the magical gene within her. So obviously, her power is sight, to peer into the future.

" Jasmine, listen to me." I say in a calm tone, which seemed to help cool her down," I know you're scared, I know you're angry...but is this really going to do anything? Besides spill blood on you clean hands?"

" hE's ThE oNe ThAt KilLeD yOu, i aM sUrE oF iT." Jasmine growled as she glared at the scar-faced guard, whoms face seemed to be turning purple.

" Jasmine, please," I begged, resting my hand on her shoulder. She tensed, but relaxed under my touch and slowly looked up to meet my gaze," we can leave now. Escape before any of them can get us."

" W..What if they do..? T-They'll shoot you d-down...a-and you'll-"

" I am willing to take that chance princess." I state, determination in my voice. Jasmine's eyes went wide with shock before she dropped the trembling guard. The guard wheezed and gasped once he hit the ground, but Jasmine remained gazing into my eyes with her beautiful blue ones, a single tear tracing down her cheek.

" M...Maroon..." she called out before she collapsed in my arms, obviously weak from the blood loss. Her hair had turned back to it's original color, same with her blood, but she was much paler now, and I knew I had to get her to Rose soon or she'll bleed out," t...thank you..."

" For what princess?" I asked, looking down at my beloved angel.

She smiled weakly, reaching her hand to cup my cheek," F...For loving me..." Jasmine whispered, her eyes barely open.

I smiled and planted a kiss upon her forehead," That's nothing love." I say, spreading my wings before taking off out the window.

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