Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalke...

By jedi_skywalker

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Do it. {Not all ideas/characters are mine and storyline may not go along with movies/shows} All rights go to... More

Authors Note
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11K 264 98
By jedi_skywalker

We arrive on Geonosis. The red, sandy planet did not give me a welcoming feeling. I look over to Anakin, who is clearly thinking the same thing. He lowers the ship near a door.

"Padmé," Anakin shuts the ship off, "this is where we separate." Padmé looked at him shocked. I too was surprised by what he was suggesting.

Padmé's eyes widen, "no, Anakin! I have to help you and (Y/N)—"

"Then leave," he demanded. "If you want to help us, go back to the Temple and inform the Council we will need immediate back up. I don't get a good feeling from this place, and neither does (Y/N)."

"Once we leave the ship, wait five minutes before leaving," I suggest.

"Yes. Just in case we need to get back," Anakin nodded.

Padmé sighed, "take the droids. You'll end up needing them." She walked over and hugged me, "be safe."

"When have I ever gotten myself into trouble?" I smirk. Padmé rolls her eyes and sits down.

"Leave," she croaks, "I do not want this to be a goodbye, so go before it feels like one." I watch Padmé's back as she impatiently waits for us to go. Anakin looks at me and taps me, indicating we should go. As I follow Anakin, I realize something: this may be the very last time I see Padmé. My best friend, the only person who ever listened to me, who believed in me.

I look back at the two droids who are studying the area."Stay with the ship, okay," I tell Threepio and Artoo.

"But," Threepio argues, "if something were to go wrong – which scientifically speaking, there are infinite possibilities of that happening – we may be to your assistance."

Anakin sighs, "we don't want anything happening to you two. You are very important. Plus, we can handle ourselves just fine." Artoo has a rampage of beeps and whistles.

"Oh Artoo," I roll my eyes, "we aren't that reckless." The droid beeps sadly and I turn around and approach the door. It opens.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I whisper.

As we are about 20 feet into the hallway, Anakin nods, "this is too easy. Somethings   not—"

His final words were cut off by blaster fire. Anakin and I whip out our lightsabers and deflected the green orbs, and slice some of flying bugs in half. I throw my cloak off, so I could move more fluidly.

I didn't notice a Geonosian shooting right at my feet. The green ball of energy exploded once it reached the ground, sending me flying backwards.

"(Y/N)!" Anakin cries. He finishes off the last of the attackers. I rub my head, I must've hit hard. As I try to get up, my body does otherwise. My arms buckle under me, I fall, and I grasp onto my head, which is now pounding. Soon, everything goes silent. Either that, or I lost my hearing.

"(Y/N)," Anakin runs over and slides next to me. "You alright?"

"Hold... On..." I struggle to let the words out. I lean forward, and began meditate, so k can replenish myself. Finally, many moments later, my head stops pounding, and my strength feels relieved. "I'm better now." Anakin grabs my arm and helps me up.

I brush sand off my tunic, "thank you."

"Of course, (Y/N). You had me scared there a little," he smiles.

"Well," I look at myself, "I think I'm fine. Let's keep going." He nods and we continue down the hallway to a door. We open it, and step out onto a platform. As it starts to move, I don't know what to do, until there is no more ground beneath me. I fall towards a moving platform and land hard on my shoulder. The sounds of Anakin calling for me are muffled by the machinery surrounding me.

As I struggle to get up, I notice the flame machines, and the pounders. The conveyor belt moves endlessly, closing the gap between me and my death. I could use the force to hold it up momentarily, or I could try to jump high enough to get over them. It's too late to think now, so before the machine drops to pound another scrap of metal, I run under it, barely getting crushed myself. There's another one, so I do the same thing I did before. Now, there's a flame machine, which is stalled for a much less amount of time. My legs move faster than I've ever remembered, and I barely make it through without being completely fried. Key word: completely.

I scream out as I feel the excruciating pain swarm all over my back and upper arms. The sweltering flame just got me there. As I look at my sleeves, which were burnt all the way through, I gasp over my charred, slightly bubbly skin. But now is not the time to worry about this, I need to focus on the following obstacles. Arms of metal swing to and from, sending sparks of heat to stick one piece of metal onto the other. The first set, I just barely miss being melted. But the second set, I wasn't so lucky.

The metal arm swings and hits me in the gut, sending me stumbling backwards, and soon I feel myself falling. That is, until I land into a large, iron bucket-like container. As I hit the hard, cold bottom of it, black surrounds my vision. Today was not my day.


I wake up, scared by not knowing what was going up.

I shoot up onto my feet, and hop onto the side of the container. Maybe I can cut the arm holding this so I can get down to the platform far below me. With my lightsaber in my hand, I press the button to activate it to start cutting. Problem is, it won't turn on. I rotate my handle, only to find it burnt.

"Damn it!" I yell out in frustration. Maybe I could possibly try to jump down to the platform, but gravity and I haven't really been getting along lately. As my container moves forward to get molten lava inside, it drops. From the movement of the bucket, I fall inside and land hard onto the below platform, stinging my burns. With the hard landing, the bucket falls over, sending me rolling out of it. As I get up, Anakin jumps onto the platform I'm on.

"Your back. Your arms," he gasped.

He opens his mouth to say more, when Geonosian guards swarm all around us. And Count Dooku.

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