The Alpha's Reject

بواسطة Hushedsecrets

369K 5.8K 1.5K

Ever since Ryder Hutcherson's thirteenth birthday, she's been the Dark Moon pack's weakest link. Which is som... المزيد

The Alpha's Reject
Not A Chapter- Important A/N
~Chapter 3- TAR~

~ Chapter 2- TAR~

65.5K 1.6K 449
بواسطة Hushedsecrets

Okay, first off this is dedicated to all of you lovely readers!!! I NEVER imagined my story would become this popular, so thank you!!! I am so sorry about not uploading quickly but my big brother came home from Afghanistan a few days ago so I took some time off to spend some much needed time with him!! I only get 14 days with him so, yeah.  Also with that being said I'm kinda not in the best of moods at the moment, I am so sick with worry about him and stressed from school (I have been working on 3 big projects as of recent) so I quickly wrote up this chapter today.  Sorry, but it is really, really bad. But I didn't want to keep on getting these UPLOAD, UPLOAD messages.  Sorry if you don't like this chappie, hopefully nothing will happen like this again BUT this is VERY IMPORTANT so please don't blow it off.  The main story line will pick up in the next chapter, I am trying my best to not rush :)

Since this is so sucky, 10 votes please, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS, right now, they are really making me smile so thanx... I think I kinda need that.

Not edited... sorry  Important A/N at the end!!!


                                                                      Chapter 2

I huffed loudly as I gave the wood beams that made up the ceiling of the attic a blank stare.  They were laced with cobwebs, making the beams take on an ashy hue. I fiddled with my thumbs a bit, trying my best to not allow the thoughts of Carter and Catherine invade my mind as I spread out on my mattress.  Before anything else could happen I turned and high tailed it out of his hallway like the scaredy cat I was, even if I was somewhat reluctant about doing so. 

I didn’t want to leave him with Catherine but I was afraid they would find me and beat me for just standing there, taking up space.  Though my imagination was killing me as the possibilities of what they were doing danced in my head.  They got worse every second, and it reached a point where it was painful.  I placed my head in my hands and squeezed as if I could constrict the sight of my sister and my new Alpha out of my head.  In the end it didn’t help at all; instead it worked in dulling away the splitting headache that I had.  Usually I didn’t get headaches so this one felt like hell.  Usually I could deal with pain, but this one was different, not to mention headaches were one type of pain that would always have the ability to crumble me.  Sad, I know, but true.

As the pain dulled even more, I stripped off my hot hoodie, revealing the tank top underneath.  It was getting later in the day which caused my room to get hotter from the lack of windows and a fan to circulate the stagnant air, so just something like having socks on could make it feel like a long trek through the Sahara.  I sat up to look around my room.  It wasn’t very big, actually not big at all. If four, grown, male werewolves were in here they wouldn’t be able to move, only shuffle a few inches.  It was tight and I am lucky I’m not claustrophobic because this would have been my personal hell.  This is the only place that I am the closest to being safe, no one ever wanted to be in here. 

My mattress was over in the far right corner, right up against the wall, a small outdated clock/radio placed on the floor next to it.  Across the room from it is my makeshift bathroom and to the right of that is a small bureau that holds my very few clothes.  Opposite of the bureau was my door.  That was it, my small pathetic excuse of a room.  But a room that held all of my life. 

I remembered my old room that I had.  It was huge, complete with two window seats.  My current room doesn’t even have windows; the small cracks in the roof didn’t count.  The walls were a pretty ocean blue like in the islands or in Hawaii, and I had a large queen sized bed and many stuffed animals, complete with my own bathroom suite and pictures of my family and friends that I burned when they all abandoned me.  I was in heaven and I didn’t even know it.  I fisted my hands as I tried to not let the tears to fall, the familiar burning feel of them taking over my eyes.  My tears weren’t worth them, but it didn’t stop a traitor tear from falling.  I swiped it away quickly with the back of my hand.  I didn’t want to cry over them.  They would regret everything one day.

I could hear the faint laughs and bangs that radiated up to me from the dining room where the pack was currently eating their breakfast. At the thought of food my stomach growled, low and deep reminding me that I hadn’t eaten anything except the granola bar from early yesterday morning.  The hunger pangs came right on cue as well, they hurt but I was gradually getting used to them. I was tired of hearing all of the fat jokes that I was getting from well, everyone so I decided to go on a diet.  The diet consisted of one granola bar every morning with a side of milk, and trail mix to snack on during the day.  It wasn’t easy and some days I felt like I was going to die but I stick with it.  Though kitchen duty was hard enough without wanting to pig out and eat everything in sight.  But every time I thought about grabbing those chips or candy a mental picture of Catherine would pop into my brain.  Her golden blonde hair and nice tan body.  Her legs went on for miles and her smile was killer.  Her stomach was nice and toned.  While mine was practically the opposite.  In fact, everything about us were opposites, even though we are twins. 

Where she was curvy I was lumpy, and the skinny parts of her were outshone by my fat, her eyes are like crystals while mine are a muddy hazel.  She doesn’t need make up but that never stops her from wearing it, making her face identical to the airbrushed ones on her favorite beauty magazines when she does.  Yes, we are definitely opposites and honestly, I strive to be like her.  Tan, skinny, and pretty.  It was no wonder why everyone favored her.  It was obvious even without us standing side by side.  I want to be able to stand next to her proudly without squirming and fidgeting nervously as I sweat bullets from everyone’s heated glares.  And this diet was the key.

  She wasn’t the nicest to me, but far from the worst pack members that resorted to beating me up when they were merely bored.  I wondered for probably the fifth time since waking why fate has been so cruel to me.  I didn’t remember a specific event where I was mean or heartless enough to deserve this cruel sick punishment.  Was it so bad that I hadn’t shifted yet? 


I bolted upright, my eyes bursting open as I took in a gallon full of air.  My heart was beating erratically and my under t was molded to my body with sweat.  I could feel my heart beating against my ribcage painfully as I tried to chase away the rest of my nightmare.  I ran my hand through my now tangled hair, catching snags in its shaky state.  I breathed in through my nose, letting the stale air flow through me and bring me back to reality. Just a dream, it was just a dream.  I chanted to myself as I closed my eyes momentarily.  Those familiar green eyes haunting me when I closed for too long.  I let out a long breath as my heart slowly went back to its normal rhythm but I was still frightened.  My dreams were always peaceful, memories of going to the beach or visiting my grandma before she got ill.  Never before had I woken up this way and it made my blood run slightly cold.  And the dream felt too real, kind of like I truly was living in it, kind of like a memory.  What was this about?  I thought back over what I just dreamt about.  There had to be a reason I dreamt about it and why it felt that way right?  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, allowing myself to materialize back into what I just dreamt.

Slowly the woodsy smell replaced the stuffy smell of my attic bedroom and I could hear the rustling leaves and the birds that took up their singsong tunes again.  I could feel the soft air caress my face and the damp ground mold to my bare feet.  I was back in the unfamiliar woods again.  And sure enough when I opened my eyes I was greeted with nothing but the wide expanse of green oak trees, their branches casting off cool shade from the sun.

I replayed myself running around.  Examining the small twigs on the ground or occasional rustle in the bushes.  Once I was sure nothing was truly wrong I actually set out, not really sure where I was going but eventually my carefree walking turned into a jog.   A couple of times I would turn to go one way but my instincts would go into a small frenzy and tell me to go a different way.  And for some reason, every time, a sensible part of me told me not to go, but something stronger compelled me to do it even though I knew it would eventually lead to me waking up in a cold sweat.  After a while of this stop, sniff, and turn another way, I realized I was following something, I was sure but what I didn’t know.  I eventually made it to this clearing, no trees just a grassy field, the perfect type for a picnic.  The sun broke through and everything looked much lighter.  Something in my heart fluttered, kind of like when I thought about Carter and I knew I was close to finding what I was looking for. 

I looked around me, circling the clearing carefully.  I didn’t know what I was looking for which made it that much harder to find but I followed my inner instincts.  Whenever the fluttering spread farther within me I knew I was closer.  I was kind of like a medal detector.  I made it to a small lake.  The water was a deep blue and the wind sent ripples across its surface.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  I smiled as I bent down to rest on my knees.  I was overcome with a thirstiness and the water looked so cool and refreshing.  I leaned in closer to the water and slowly placed my hand above the surface, casting a shadow with my hand.  I cupped my hand for better access and dipped it under.  A sigh left my lips as the cool liquid came in contact with my hot hand.  I slowly pulled my hand out of the water and brought it to my lips, being careful to not spill it; water was already trailing off the sides.  I brought my hand that held the water to my lips and I could feel chill of it radiate to me. 

I smiled lightly at just how refreshing that was.  It helped to soothe the sweat that was building on my upper lip due to all of my running.  With no further ado I brought my hand to my lips and just as the water touched my tongue my world succumbed into darkness.

  My legs gave out from under me and I fell in complete and utter darkness.  It took me a moment to realize the awful screeching sounds echoing all around me were my screams.  I quickly clamped my mouth shut knowing good and well that no one could hear me so I was only hurting my vocal cords. The loud sound of the whooshing air in my ears made me cringe, how long would I fall?  Not too long after asking, I got the answer. The ‘whoosh’ of the air stopped and I could feel my feet on solid ground, though I was still in complete darkness.  The type where you literally can’t see your hand if it was right in front of our face. 

I shivered slightly.  The air was extremely damp and moist, kind of like being in a cloud and the air seemed heavy, and sure enough my breaths were coming out as pants.  It reminded me of showering in my shower, the way the cold seeped to my bones.  I didn’t stand there long but time seemed to stretch the most in this part of my dream.  A far off sound happened, almost like a twig snapping and then everything seemed to simultaneously happen at once.  A white light blasted me, sending my hair flying back and I raised my arms to cover my eyes.  The wind whipped at them and I cringed slightly when it seemed to intensify on one of my newer bruises.  The wind didn’t stay long and the air soon stilled, an eerie ringing in my ears sounded instead.  The type that happens when it is deafly quiet.  I hesitantly lowered my arms from my face and blinked before taking in my surroundings.

I looked to be in a large white room.  The type that you see at those loopy hospitals, the ones that are paired with the people in those strait jacket. Why I was here, I didn’t know.  I continued to scan the room carefully.  Why did my dream take me here?  I was missing the sound of the waves from the trip we took to Hilton Head when I was three. 

It was my most reoccurring dream.  It was my first time going to a beach.  My family planned this whole trip to Hilton Head in South Carolina, about five hours from where we lived.  I was so excited and on our second day there we went to the beach around sunset, my dad, Catherine, Hayden, and of course me.  My mom’s allergies were real bad in South Carolina so she couldn’t join but that didn’t stop us from having fun in the outdoors.  After about an hour at the beach I nagged my dad to get us ice cream and he finally complied when I pulled the puppy dog move on him.  He came back five minutes later with all of our favorite ice cream.  He handed me the cookie dough and severely told me to not go in the ocean with it.  Being three years old I enthusiastically nodded and did exactly what he told me not to do.  At first it wasn’t bad battling the larger waves but a huge, salty wave came over me and my ice cream was chucked right out of my chubby hands.  I stood there, my mind reeling what happened over and over again before I busted into a mess of tears.  I was crying so much that I didn’t’ see the sister wave that came next.  It whisked me off of my feet and I went tumbling under, rolling on the sandy banks, my arms and legs being cut and scraped from the rough sand.  Honestly I thought I was going to die.  I was underwater for what felt like eternity before I felt two strong arms wrap around me and carry me up and away from the water.  My dad set me in my lap as I coughed up salty water with a raw throat.  I remembered how he got me a replacement ice cream and how happy I was knowing that my daddy always had my back.  Just like he promised every night when he tucked me in.  I had that dream close to every night and I desperately wanted to be back there.  There was something about this room that had the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up and I didn’t like it.

I immediately crouched some, though I knew that if it came down to something, I would severely lose, no matter what.  I had the bruises and doctor notes to prove it.  I slowly circled around myself, my eyes darting all around as I scanned everywhere.  And everywhere I was greeted with that stomach churning white.  Until I saw it.  I couldn’t tell what it was until I slowly creeped forward, careful of the way I walked.  I didn’t want to make too much sound.  When I was close enough to make it out I realized it was a body, I curiously sniffed the air.  Werewolf.   Even though I haven’t shifted I still possessed the advanced abilities like hearing, sense of smell, and sight.  Though not strength.  It is the only ability obtained with shifting.  I looked around though I knew no one else was here before slowly approaching the werewolf.  I could not tell if it was a young or old wolf.  Hell, not even if it was female or male.  The scent coming off of it was way too weak, and I stepped right up to it.  If the scent didn’t alert me, the sight of it clearly showed that the werewolf was deteriorating. 

The wolf was huddled in on itself, it’s knees pulled up close to its chest and its arms were enveloping its shins, in a hugging gesture.  I tried to suppress a shudder from racking through me at how thin its arms and legs were.  The skin was really pale and was starting to take on a mustardy yellow hue.  It had clothes on which hung loosely and I knew underneath was probably all bones, but he still looked to be about my age.  I felt my heart sink at the sight of this wolf.  Why is it like this?  It’s hair was a dull brown and was wiry, hanging at the were’s shoulders, too thin to tangle.  It’s head was bowed so I couldn’t make out it’s face but from the type of clothes it looked like a boy.  But you never know, it looked pretty messed up so maybe it just took whatever clothes it could find and just threw them on.  I’m pretty sure I would.  I studied it a bit longer and my heart twisted and sunk when I found something oddly familiar about the were’s body.  I knew him. 

As if to help, the were slowly raised his head and I took a step back.  The gasp barely managing to pass the lump in my throat.  He looked so broken and sick.  But what was most haunting were his eyes.  They were the most vibrant jade I had ever seen in my life.  Sure it wasn’t saying something, but I have seen far healthier people and still their eyes dulled in comparison.  His eyes slowly trailed up my body, like that action alone took a lot of effort.  They rested on my face and met mine as I choked on a sliver of air.  No, it couldn’t be.  Of all the people, why was he like this?  My mind tumbled as I caught on his scent.  Something in me broke and my body convulsed as I felt something warm make a trail down my cheek.  It was him.  I instinctively reached for him when his eyes clouded over.  ‘Help’ I instantly knew he said it, like he whispered it to my mind.  I was about to touch him when my world blurred over and my dream was done.

A sharp knock resonated at my door and I shook off the last of my dream.  I got up from my mattress and slowly massaged my lower back with my hand.  I needed a new mattress soon or else it would just get worse.  Apparently I took too long to get to the door because not a second later the door broke off of its hinges and I instinctively brought out my hands to cover my head.  I could feel a few splinted pieces of wood eat at my arms but luckily the newest bruise I got a few days ago didn’t get hit.  That would have really hurt.

I lowered my arms hesitantly, feeling a weird sense of de ja vu’ take over.  And sure enough when I looked up my breath caught in my throat.  There in all of his glory, stood Carter Greenwood.


Sorry, again.  But who do you think that was???  Comment please, also I need help picking a cast so right now Catherine needs a person.  I will describe in better detail Carter next chapter.  Hayden can be played by anyone with dark brown hair, and Ryder needs to be played by someone with dark brown hair as well. 

Thanx to all of you who have supported, sorry to disappoint in this chappie but it will get better,  and the highest I have been is #7 on the What's Hot List for Werewolves.... so THANX.  Again not edited. 


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