
By Rutlala123

23 2 4

story about a 17 year old girl that somehow gets picked to attend the infamouse school, blackspring for gifte... More

Chapter 2. My new home

chapter 1. Strange letter and email

17 1 4
By Rutlala123

My name is Wendy and I am currently 17 years old. I live with my mom, dad and younger sister Jenny. I go to a normal school where I am studying normal stuff u know nothing special. I don't have many friends today but I used to, ahh those sure where good times, anyway back to the story haha. I'm a pretty bubbly girl with a positive attitude towards life, although I stress and worry over the smallest detail and I have a very soft and weak heart, in other words I'm emotional. I'm also strong or I like it say that and I like being a bit of a tomboy haha still I like to be girly time to time.

Gahh i should stop doing that haha I'm not going to have to describe my entire personality there hehe. I'm on my way to school and it's till dark outside Beacuse it's November and the sun comes up at 09:-- something anyway what about that. The buss should be here soon, I mean it's only 07:04 and the buss usually comes 07:08 or something like that.

I am in the second grade here and I've had enough ughh that's why I'm writing this letter in my head to idk who just anyone who can hear me, please let me live a more exiting life ahh and I want lots of guy friends haha that would be great.

I arrive at school and do all the usual things, say hi to the girls and follow them around and listen to their gossip, sit in class and doodle and not even listen much to what the teacher is saying. Life is sooo boring I don't have any close friends and I wish I did. Imagine if I had a group of good friends who love listening to me and find me hilarious and wanna hang out with me after school. I'd like that.

School is over in thr blink of an eye and before i know it I'm sitting in the buss on my way home, so boring. But it's oki it could be worse. I try to be positive by putting on some calm piano music and praying a little bit in quiet. I pray, - Dear God please can you take me somewhere where I can be happy and enjoy life, have great friends and be entirely myself. Please " and after that I pray for all the things I usualy pray for and get of the buss.

As soon as I walk into the house my parents are celebrating over something my little 15 year old sister is doing. She is the perfect child of us two, no I'm not Jeoulus just sad that my parents don't have much interest in me. Oh well it can't be changed so why complain about that now ^-^

I just go into my room and lay in my bed and watch useless YouTube videos about some stupid facts I will never have any use for. Before I know it it's already night and I check on the group chat, only to find out if was kicked out since they where planing to have a sleepover again, they don't even bother to invite me but why should I care.

It's Friday so tomorrow I can sleep as much as I want and dream about a better life. Yes that sounds about right for me. I quickly draw a little cute drawing and post it on Instagram and get some nice comments, this makes me happier and I pray and go to sleep. I played a similar prayer like on the buss just louder and more detailed.

The next morning I wake up probably 9 or 10.. it dosent matter really and notice a little note on the fridge from mom, it says - Jane ( my little sister 15) did so well on her math test that we are taking her to the movies, there is some leftovers from last night dinner, enjoy momma - a little tear runs down my face, well Beacuse I wanted to come too. I eat the leftovers they taste horrible but I eat them anyway.
While going through my emails I notice a weird email with the name " blackspring " on it and open it, well it's probably a spam email or virus but I don't really care right now, I open it and it says something like this " Dear Wendy, we would be honored to pay for your  scholarship for the private school " Blackspring " please contact us if you do not get the handwritten invitation- nr ×××××××
I jump up from my chair and run out the door to find the handwritten letter while wearing my pink unicorn pajamas. To my suprise it is actually a very formal letter with a red stamp and everything. I quickly run inside to open it.
The letter says in a very nice handwriting

Dear Wendy, the company artyspider would like to pay for a scholarship for you in the newly open to the public boarding school " Blackspring " please come to our office as soon as possible and sign user the papers and get fitted for your uniform more information will be able when you arrive at the office from artsy spider and Blackspring school for well gifted young people with big dreams "

My heart is beating so fast I can almost breath! This is the real deal, th4 artsy spider is a were well known art supplies store who regularly pays for private schools for porridge students, but how did they pick me ?.. anyway this is great and this is my new beginning THANK YOU GOD I scream so loud the birds outside get scared and my voice hurts. As I go to get my jacked and buss card after getting dressed i notice that a little note had fallen out of the letter saying

Dear Wendy please pack what you need Beacuse you will be transported to the school Saturday, and have contacted your parents they will be there to say their goodbyes unfortunately no school friends of yours will be allowed to meet you although we do not think that will be a problem for you miss Wendy.

It seems like this person who wrote this knows me and my story.. weird. Anyway I start to pack my favourite clothes and some things I want to decorate my dorm with, I wonder if the girl I share a room with will be good friends with me XD I jump around in happiness not afraid in any way Beacuse I know that God has my back hehe.

Then as I am going to leave the house of notice a limousine waiting for me with a Butler and everything, WHAAAT !
He helps me inside the car, inside are more people they all smile and make me feel like a Princess. We drive to the town I live outside of and walk into the office, one of the ladies in the car tells me her name, Lilly. She is tall with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes much brighter than my dark blue eyes. And my mildly dark brown hair looks 2 times darker compared to her blonde angel like hair.

Inside the office I am offered sweets, they are blue and purple with a melon like taste very good, they have nothing to do with all of this but I just felt like adding that haha I'm so weird, as I think about that. A man in a suit walks in with body guards, he has brown redish hair and dark green eyes and freckles that cover most of his face, he looks about 40-50 years old. He hands me a peace of paper and a golden pen that is surprisingly heavy, without him saying a word I sign under the paper and the people applauce me.

Straight after that I go together with Lilly and get my uniform specially designed, this old lady with gold hair peace in her hair welcome us in, and takes one look at me and finds the perfect fitting uniform right away. It fits me so well I say to them, while smiling Beacuse I feel so royal. It reminds me of a Japanese school uniform with a bit more British felling to it, although it pretty much a dark blue dress with long sleeves and a white line that lines it perfectly. And my hair is curled and my makeup is done for me, the nice makeup lady also teaches me how to do the makeup on my own and gives me a little leather suitcase filled with the highest of quality of makeup. A lady I think is a stylist goes through my clothes and pics out new for me, everything is perfectly my style haha you might think they have gone through my pintress and looked at what I like haha oh well who knows.

Then I am followed to the train, the tell me to enter the VIP section of the train, everything looks so gentle in here I love this. I sit down and notice that I am entirely alone, how strange. I just put my headphones on and listen to my music, look outside the window and fall asleep. This is turning out to be my best day ever it must be a dream oh well the best dream them.

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