Noah and Richelle: love preva...

By Someonewhoisnthere

43.5K 668 459

This story was intended to be just a one-shot, but I liked sit so much I just had to continue with it! Just a... More

Storm Deja Vu
What is and What isn't
Um..... What's Going on Here? (Bryles)
I Need Her.....
Motorcycle Crap and Stuff
Party Plans
Why Are You Doing This to Yourself?
It's Up!
How We Met
What Did I Just Say?......
15 facts about me
School Blues (Sequel to How we Met)
Dancing Days (Bryles)
New book!!
Trio Trouble
Closer (Sequel to Trio Trouble)
The Trouble With Siblings
Her Demon, His Lover
Not an update: more of a warning

Sadistic Love

1.1K 19 2
By Someonewhoisnthere

Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been really busy trying to figure out culminating in religion and some stupid geo shit. Man do I hate geography- man do I hate high school, period. But anyways, I'll try and update Life With the Andersons soon, but I really wouldn't get your hopes up.

Also, just a fair warning, this one shot is probably gonna be creepy. I've been reading a lot of Lord of the Flies fanfics (jalph 4 life, y'all😜❤️) , and I've been pretty intrigued with the character Roger, so it's kind of based on his Sadistic persona- or Noah is I should say. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Synopsis: He's a sadist- he hurts people for fun, for his own personal pleasure, maybe because he's bored, or perhaps just because he feels like it. She's not like him- she can't be. She won't be. But she finds herself in love with him anyways.

"I hate you."

Richelle snarls at the sadistic beast in the shape of a seventeen year old boy in front of her. She subconsciously runs her tongue over her dry lips; feeling the bruised and bleeding cut upon it. There are many scratches on her face- her body too. Though none of them compares to the deep gash of a wound in her heart.

She fell in love with a sadist.

Richelle had first only found him intriguing. He had a dark demeanour to him, he didn't seem to like to socialize with people, always hiding back in the shadows, and he was quiet, secretive, and untrusting- just like her. And another thing was that unlike others, he allowed her to get to know him.

Perhaps he knew. Perhaps he knew that if she fell in love with him, that he could use he and take advantage of her- and he did. Not in the way that most unhealthy and forceful relationships do- in a more physical and psychological way. Maybe that was his plan all along. To lure her in and then use her, attack her- like some kind of predator. Richelle can see how this could all make sense. He is an animal after all: a horrific beast of an animal. And yet despite all this, despite all the abuse, she is still standing here before him, feeling utterly irate and yet hopelessly in love at the same time.

She is an emotional wreck- and she knows it.

But she continues to love him anyway.

Despite herself.


To him, she is nothing more than prey.

Noah had known from the beginning that she was interested in him. She had looked so innocent at the time- ripe for the picking, a good fit to torture. After all, the best ones to torture are the innocent ones. Theirs screams are shrill yes, but they hold more fear than others- something that's music to Noah's ears.

If only he had known.

If only he had known what a fighter she was ahead of time. Maybe then it would've been easier to trap her. Or maybe he just wouldn't have bothered at all. But then again, where's the fun in that? She just so happens to be his most entertaining prey by far. He's decided he likes the ones who has a fiery kick to them- they're more fun to play with. Noah doubts he'll ever find another one as feisty as her though.

Poor Richelle. Poor dumb, stupid, little, naive Richelle. She should've known better than to play with the big boys.


Richelle glares hard at the boy and the way he only smirks back makes her insides boil. Stupid fucking basket case. "I trusted you," she mutters out, barely audible in her own ears. Somehow though, he is able to hear. The boy shrugs his shoulders. "A really dumb decision on your part," he tells her and receives a murderous look in return.

"You've hurt me," Richelle says simply, "I've got many marks to prove it." With that, she rolls up her sleeves and shows him the large bruises and marks he had given her, much to Noah's sick satisfaction and content. But that's not all. He knows there's more. And he yearns to see all of them.

"That isn't all of them, sweetheart," he says maybe a tad mockingly, and without warning, forcefully takes the flannel off of her leaving her in nothing but her sports bra and shorts. Richelle stumbles back a bit from the sudden contact but still glares at Noah as he relishes in the sight of her many bruises and gashes and cuts.

"You've given me many scars," she shakily continues. Noah rolls his eyes slightly. "I know that, Princess," he says sarcastically. Richelle bites back a sarcastic and snappy reply. "But......" she continues and starts to inch towards him, "you have failed to mention or even acknowledge the fact that I am the only one-" she then lunges at him, practically ripping off his white undershirt, revealing his bare, toned torso, "-that I am the only one who has ever been able to hurt you back!" She points at all the slash marks and bruises and cuts on his body as well.

Richelle suddenly feels herself being forcefully pinned against a wall. She sees Noah glowering at her. "Stop talking," he snarls threateningly. Richelle however, one smiles. She knows better than to be afraid anymore. "Admit it; you scar just as easily as I do," she tells him and then suddenly is thrown onto his bed, with Noah crawling towards her evilly yet seductively. "Careful, cupcake," he whispers in her ear, now pinning her down. Richelle lets out an anger filled shriekish cry and tries to writhes around in his grip but no avail. He has her wrists in a tight grip. "Bad things happen to people when they speak to me like that."

Richelle scoffs at this threat. "Please, you've already hurt me in more ways than countable. What else could you really do?" She asks him. Noah ponders this for a moment before smiling a sickly sweet smile. "You're right," he says in a hushed tone, "let's make some more." Richelle knows what he means by more and knows better than to scream and thrash around this time. But that doesn't means she won't put up a fight. She's stronger now. And smarter. And she won't be the one being abused this time.

Noah smiles and goes to reach over for his weapon: the switchblade. His most prized possession, his best toy, well, other than Richelle. But he suddenly pauses and a blank look runs across his features. He darts his head towards his dresser and realizes that there's no blade to grab or to be reached. He's weaponless. Oh well, he can still hurt her anyways.

This revelation only distracts him for about two seconds but that's the perfect amount of time for Richelle to retaliate. With a desperate yet determined grunt, she manages to slip her wrist out of his hold and land a hard punch to his stomach. Noah groans in slight pain, but doesn't double over. However, Richelle doesn't need him too because she's already pushing him off of her, flipping the their positions so that she's on top of him, straddling his stomach, and he's the one being pinned to the bed.

They're both breathing a bit heavily now, Richelle out of satisfaction and smugness and Noah out of- well, struggle. He looks at her with a level of smugness as well. "You know this won't last long, right?" He asks her, although he can't help but be slightly impressed. She's not always able to successfully fight him back. Richelle only smirks. "You would like to think that, wouldn't you?" She asks him, tightening her grip on his wrists, "but you don't really get it- I can be strong too. And just as crazy as you can be." Noah closes his eyes and let's out a dark yet low chuckle. "Ah, so it seems we are not so different after all," he proclaims.

Richelle narrows her eyes and her grip on his wrists become so tight that her knuckles become sheer white. "I am NOT a sadist like you. I am nothing like you," she growls at him.

Noah ignores the vice like grip on his wrists as if he can't even feel it. And if he does, he just really doesn't care. After all, he is in love with pain itself. "You would like to think that, wouldn't you?" He uses her own line against her simply to just aggravate her. She growls a low threatening growl before lunging to punch his face. However, at lightning fast speed, Noah catches her wrists in an instant and sits himself up, pinning her wrists high above head against the headboard of the bed even with her legs still wrapped around his waist.

He smiles with sadistic amusement and pleasure as she flails helplessly in his grasp. "What now, Honey?" He asks her in a low throaty voice right beside her ear, causing her to shiver.  But not out of fear- out of lust. Weak, pathetic lust that will always be there for him. Which at this moment proves itself helpful for once as she gets an idea. Sighing out a breath, she jerks her head forward and kisses him forcefully.

It's a wonder how immediately Noah sinks into the kiss, kissing her with an amount of viciousness only she would be able to match (after a long time of experience though). She feels him playfully suck on her bottom lip and she growls in frustration, forcing his mouth open with her own and sticking her tongue in this mouth which he gratefully responds to. She grips onto his shoulders like her life depends on it, as his hands release the grip on her wrists to stroke her body up and down, though she feels his body still alert for any sudden loves she may make. He won't expect this one though.

Speaking of which, she needs to act fast or else she may get lost into another kiss. Without warning, she bites down hard on his bottom lip until she starts to taste blood. Noah grunts and Richelle feels his body weaken for a second- only a second. But that's enough time for her to crush their bodies together, effectively pushing him back down on the bed. She then departs their lips and breathes heavily though manages to breathe out a reply, "that's what- honey," she says in a saucy tone.

Noah merely smiles again. "I bet you love this, don't you?" He asks her. "Love what? Winning against you? Beating you at your own game? Hurting you? Oh yeah, brings me tons of joy!" She says with absolutely no sarcasm at all. She means every single word she says. But Noah just lets out another dark chuckle. "No," he says in a low voice that could almost appear soft but Richelle knows better, "being on me; Crushing our hips together-kissing me," he flashes a maniacal yet extremely sexy smile, "grabbing me like your life depends on it."

He's so unbelievably cocky it makes her want to smack him in the face. But he's also so unbelievably right that it makes her wanna kill him and kiss him at the same time. When Richelle can only find herself able to reply by narrowing her eyes at him in defiance, he lets out a full on laugh. A laugh of mockery. Richelle sits back and releases his shoulders to cross her arms and frown in annoyance. "Shut up," she mumbles, sounding more pouty than she would have liked.

Noah takes this as another opportunity to sit up. Richelle's frown hardens and she places a hand on his chest, ready to push him back down when Noah puts a hand out to stop her. "Relax, Princess- I'm not gonna try anything," he reassured or tries to reassure Richelle but she really can't find anything that comes from him reassuring at all. Still, she doesn't make another attempt to stop him, instead shifts herself so that she's now sitting in his lap.

She rolls her eyes. "You've used that one already," she says, referring to him calling her "princess" again. He raises an eyebrow in slight amusement. "Have I?" He questions, "oh well. I guess I'm running out of ideas." He states this with a simple shrug. Now Richelle raises an eyebrow. "How about calling me my real name for once?" She asks him. A small smile creeps up on his face. "Where's the fun in that?" He asks her cockily and she rolls her eyes again. "Why does it always have to be like this?" She questions him as his lips ghosted above her neck. She ignored the good feeling of his soft lips on her skin as she continued, "why do we always end up like this? Every single damn time we fight and then kiss, fight and then kiss, it never changes! Why?" She asks him and he looks up to make eye contact with her from the place he is currently kissing her neck before looking down again. Richelle sighs and rolls her eyes. She knows that look. It means she'll have to wait till he's 'done'.

Finally releasing her skin, Noah looks her in the eye again, a small closed-lip smirk crawling into his face. And not his usual sadistic one- nope, he's wearing the dirty, mischievous one: the one she always succumbs to, the one that always provokes  their fights, the one she always says yes to- the one that makes her a magnet. A fucking magnet. No matter how hard she tries to leave, no matter how hard she tries to repel herself away from him, he will always be her opposite— and he'll always lure her back in.

Noah snickers at her frustrated frown, thoroughly succeeding in frustrating her more. Richelle absolutely cannot stand being laughed at. "The answer to your question is simple;" he tells her an leans in to whisper against the smooth skin of her cheek, "because if it wasn't like this, there'd be no attraction at all," he answers close to her ear. When he pulls away, Richelle has a thoughtful look on her face. "Maybe it's better that way," she mumbles and he shrugs. "Probably is," he agrees, pulling her closer, "but it ain't happening any time soon, babycakes. Might as well just roll with it."

Richelle looks at him as she rests her forehead against his. His lip, still curled up into that unbearable smirk, his eyes gleaming with that predatorily essence– like a panther claiming its prey. She's always hated that look- and couldn't get enough of it either. But one look at that smirk and she knows she's about to hop onto that Ferris wheel, back on to that never ending ride- and inevitable fate and she knows it- yet continues to come back each time. With one swift motion his lips captures hers and they fall back onto the bed, bodies pressed flushed against each other.

Here we go again.

Annnnnnnd there you guys go! Two oneshots in one day! I actually wasn't even planning on finishing this today but then I saw it and then I realized it had to be done. The first pas groan was from last semester for gods sake! I don't even have geometry anymore! But if you've read my other shot, you'll know that I wanna update life with the Andersons but I have terrible writers block so if you guys could comment some ideas that would be great!👌🏾

Anyways, I should probs go now..... Shits going down at home. Nuthin unusual. But yeah hoped you enjoyed this and don't forget to review! Bye.


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