Unforgettable (The Fooo Consp...

By abstractruins

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Anne is a normal 14 year old girl. Her normal life changes when a band called The Fooo comes to observe her... More

Unforgettable( a Fooo Fanfiction in English)
Chapter 1: New York Never Rests
Chapter 3: Mystery Guests
Chapter 4: The Class
Side note
Chapter 4: Dark Horse
Side note
Chapter 5: Heart Attack
Chapter 6: The Chosen Ones
Chapter 7: Uhh... Awkward
Chapter 8: Heartbreak?
Chapter 9: Start of a Beautiful Friendship
Side Note
Chapter 11: The Plan Worked!
Chapter 12: The Last Song
Side Note
Chapter 13: Let The Games Begin!!
Chapter 14: Truce!
Chapter 15: A Flash of Brown with a Touch of Red and Orange
Chapter 16: Monster
Chapter 17: Wake Up!
Chapter 18: You Got a Good Arm Kid
Chapter 19: Just a Dream
Chapter 20: In Charge
Side Note:
Chapter 21: Frozen
Side Note:
Chapter 22: Fun Day
Chapter 23: Disney Movie Mood
Chapter 24: Knock on the Door
Chapter 25: You Fall You Get Right Back Up
Chapter 26: The Van
Chapter 27: YOU DO!!!
Chapter 28: VIP Floor
Chapter 29: Kiss
Chapter 30: Club
Chapter 31: Over
Side Note:
Chapter 32: Messages
Side Note:
Chapter 33: Silent Tears
Chapter 34: Uh-oh
Chapter 35: Cecilia
Chapter 36: Ice
Chapter 37: Saying Good-Bye Hurts
Chapter 38: First Day of School
Chapter 38: We Can Defend Ourselves
Chapter 39: You Said Forever
Chapter 40: New Manager
Chapter 41: Tour
Chapter 42: Good to Have You Back
Chapter 43: Why Didn't You Call?
Chapter 44:The Masked Man
Chapter 45: The Performance
Authors Note:
Picture of Lizze on the Side:
Chapter 46: Woohooo!!!
Chapter 47: Skpe
Chapter 48: Unforgettable
Authors Note:

Chapter 10: WAIT WHAT??!!

2.1K 51 7
By abstractruins


We arrived at the coffee shop and took our seats. I sat at a table with OG while the others sat together in pairs all around the shop. We talked and talked and talked untill the waitress came and asked for our orders. "What can I get for ya darlins?" she asked me and OG. "I'll get the sticky bun and a small Vanilla Milkshake. She scribbled down my order and turned to OG. "I'll get large Chocolate Milkshake and two chocolate-chip cookies" he said and she scribbled down his order before taking off for the kitchen. We talked until she came back with our orders. We were eating and right as I took a big bite into my sticky bun OG asked "So how long have you and Ethan been dating?" My eyes widened and I chocked on my sticky bun. "You ok?" he asked with worry in his eyes. "Yeah...but..I'm...not..dating...Ethan" I said in between coughs. "But he had his arm around you and you seemed happy together" he said "Ethan is like my brother, we are NOT dating just great friends. Besides, I'm not dating anyone" I said "Oh" he said as a smile crept onto his face. He finished his food so he went to throw it out. I looked around and saw Ethan talking with Oscar, Kacy and Meghan while Jessica and Brittany drooled over Oscar from a table about five feet away from their two tables that they pushed together. Felix was just looking, wait no, scratch that, glaring at OG. My face put on a confused look and I turned to Lizzie and Omar's table to see Lizzie storming away with tears in her eyes. "We gotta go can we please go to your house I'll explain on the way there" "Ok s-sure." I stuttered. OG returned and saw Lizzie. "You ok?" he asked. She shook her head no and he pulled her into a hug. "Hey OG we gotta bounce but here's the money for the food can you give this to the lady and this ten dollars for a tip. "Nope" he replied popping the p. "Please OG I gotta go and I can't wait for her to-" i said but didn't get to finish "I'm paying for you" he said. "No I'm paying" I said "Nope" he replied. "OG" I warned. "I can stand here all night if I have to but I'm pretty sure you gotta go" I smiled and said thank you and pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. He blushed and I pulled away, blushing myself. "Here's my number, text me sometime" I told him. He accepted it and just then Lizzie dashed out of the coffee shop and I was brought back to reality. "LIZZIE, WAIT!!!!!" I said. I wondered why she ran out until I saw Omar approach us. "Hey Anne please give this to Lizzie" he said and he handed me a napkin with writing scribbled onto it in messy handwriting. "Ok, bye OG" text me later. "Ok" and he gave me a quick kiss in the cheek. I wished it could've last longer. Stop it Anne, stop it right now. I blushed and darted out of the coffee shop and my tiny legs carried me 10 miles per hour. I have run track since I was 5 so I am a REALLY fast runner. I ran and ran until I saw a figure sitting on the ground curled into a ball and leaning against a building.


SHE'S SINGLE!!!! YES!!!! I was lost in thought and then I remembered why she left. I looked at Omar and asked "Why did Lizzie bolt out of here?"


What just happened? We were talking and then a waitress came and I looked at her and asked for her number, forgetting Lizzie was there and then all of a sudden Lizzie teared up, got up and ran to Anne. Hey that rhymed, NOT THE TIME OMAR!!! Anyways, I like Lizzie like REALLY like Lizzie and the only reason I asked for her number was to practice asking Lizzie because I was nervous to ask her. UHHH!!! WHY AM I SO STUPID??!!!! OF COURSE SHE GOT UPSET!!! I WAS PRETTY MUCH ON A DATE WITH HER AND I FLIRTED WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!! Well I didn't mean to I just... did. Uh!!! I'm so dumb!! I really hope Anne can fix it.


Omar told me everything and I surprisingly stayed calm until the end when I dragged him outside and screamed "YOU IDIOT!!I! SHE LIKES YOU, LIKE REALLY LIKED YOU!!!! OF COURSE SHE WAS CRYING!!! IMAGINE IF SHE WOULD'VE DONE THAT!!! YOU'D BE DEVASTATED!!!" I exploded. I just hate when people did that. Someone did that to my friend and she shut everyone out and cried and was depressed. They sent her to counseling because she cried all the time and wouldn't talk to anyone. "I know I'm so stupid. Stupider than stupid. I hope Anne can fix this. I really like her and I've never felt this way about anyone." he said as his eyes filled with tears. "It's ok bro, Anne's a genius, she can fix this" I said comforting him because even though he is an idiot, he is one of my my best friends and he just made a mistake. We walked back into the coffee shop and waited for everyone to finish. Omar just kept his head on the table looking at the ground. I heard him sniffle and I knew he was crying. He liked Lizzie as much as I liked Anne. It was obvious by the way he looked at her and by the way he couldn't get her out of his head. I feel bad for him.

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