Fix You (Jelsa) -{COMPLETE}

By Sil-bD9

84.8K 3K 2.6K

Elsa Winters could be easily described as perfect. She has a great family, awesome friends, a secured future... More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine
New story!!

Twenty Four

2.1K 68 106
By Sil-bD9



Once they finally arrived to the campus infirmary (that luckily served as hospital as well) Jack instantly picked up Elsa as he could and carried her to the reception, Kristoff and Anna following right behind.

"Oh Christ! What happened to her?" One of the nurses said, face in shock while gazing at the now larger blood stain.

"They attacked her, she has a large cut near her hip" Jack said in a rushed tone, he saw two more nurses arriving with a hospital stretcher, and stop right next to him.

"Place her here, we're taking her in right away" Said one of the nurses that brought the hospital stretcher said. Jack placed Elsa down, and was about to let her go, but she hung of his neck.

"Don't leave me" Elsa said again. Jack breath hitched and he gazed at both nurses, but they were looking at him with a 'You can't go in' look on their faces. He sighed.

"I won't, princess. I promised you I won't." He said and he separated from her. "I'm just going to be right here, okay? I'm not gonna leave." He said and caressed one of her hands trying to calm her.

Elsa was about to protest again. "You're gonna be fine, I'll wait for you here"

Elsa gazed at him sadly and he felt his heart break again, but she still nodded.

"I'm going in" Anna said appearing from behind. The nurse was about to deny her petition. "I don't care what you said I'm her sister! I'm. Going. In." Anna nearly growled.

"Okay lady, you can come in but you need to keep yourself together inside" The nurse said warning her. "Is there anyone else you need to call?" The nurse said looking between Anna and Jack.

"No, I already called my parents, they're on their way" Anna said quickly. The nurse nodded and they gestured her to follow, and they disappeared from Jack sight.

Jack slipped both hands through his hair harshly and almost screamed in despair.

"She's going to be fine Jack" Kristoff tried to calm him down "You got her here on time, she's gonna be fi-"

"Yeah but what if I didn't?! What if I got there too late?!" Jack screamed, pacing around. Kristoff grabbed him by the shoulder and steadied him in place.

"But you didn't! You didn't and she's okay now. You need to relax, she needs you to be calm or else you just going to make everything worst for her" Kristoff said, Jack really wanted to keep on screaming, letting all out. But Kristoff was right, he needed to collect himself and keep himself calm for her.

Jack sighed in impotence, and went to seat in the last chair of the waiting room, Kristoff did the same, taking a seat beside him.

Soon, the infirmary's front door swung open.

A tall and built man entered with an immense aura of power and impose surrounding him. He had strawberry blonde hair, a Nordic resemblance and was dressed in an impeccable and polished grey suit. He was followed by an elegant and refined beautiful woman that looked like royalty, she had dark brown hair and big grey blue eyes. She looked just like Elsa.

This obviously were Elsa and Anna's parents, only a fool would not recognize one of the most powerful married couples in the world.

They were walking rapidly towards the reception, Adgar Winters with a raged but worried look in his face, and Idun Winters with a terrified look. Jack and Kristoff looking at both of them not knowing exactly what to do.

"I'm here to see my daughter were is she?" Adgar's powerful voice nearly screamed at the reception.

"Adgar please relax, you're not going to make anything easier if you scream" Idun scolded.

"Relax?! My daughter has been attacked how can I relax? Now where is she?!" He screamed again slamming both hands loudly at the reception table, the terrified receptionist was about to respond.

"Papa!" Anna screamed, rushing out of the restricted access doors. Both adults turned to their little daughter, sighing in relief for a moment. Anna run and hugged both of them, she still had puffy and bloodshot eyes.

"Where's your sister, honey? Is she okay?" Idun said, caressing her daughter's arm.

"She's fine, they're stitching her up now, but everything's okay, she's just scared" Anna said worried.

"What happened to her? Who did this to her?" Her father asked, growing angered again.

"This guy that was obsessed with her, he somehow cut her with a knife on her side. Elsa still said nothing, I don't know anything else, I wasn't there" Anna explained, and locked gazes with Jack.

Both parents turned to him, realizing that he was in the scene.

Jack suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. Both parents were about to walk to him when the door swung open again.

"Anna! Is Elsa okay?" Rapunzel said entering the infirmary with a pink bag, being followed by her boyfriend and Merida and Hiccup. "Oh, hey Mr. and Mrs. Winters! Is a pleasure to see you again, too bad is under this circumstances" She said, and both Winters smiled at her sadly. "I brought the clothes you asked for, Anna" She said and handed her the pink bag.

Anna nodded at her and quickly gave the bag to one of the nurses, the nurse quickly took the bag and entered towards the restricted area again.

"What happened to her? How did Pitch managed to force her into his room?" Flynn asked very angry.

"How's the wound? Is it deep?" Hiccup asked with a rather worried face.

"Don't worry Mr. Adgar, we're gonna kick Pitch's ass" Merida said with a frown on her face.

"We don't know anything, we're just as clueless as you" Idun said quietly.

Flynn gazed through the room and found Jack and Kristoff seated in some of the chairs, he wasn't surprised to find him here, Anna already told them that it was Jack the one that saved her sister.

Flynn was about to walk towards Jack, until the door opened again.

Two man walked in. The first one was a large tall man with long white beard, and a big frown in his face. Nicholas St. North. The second was an average length man with a funny mustache and a worried face, he was wearing a suit. Headmaster Disney.

"Mr. and Mrs. Winters, I'm so sorry that we have to meet in this circumstances" Mr. Disney said.

"Are you're going to explain me how on Earth this is supposed to be the 'safest' collage on the world and yet my daughter ended up being dragged and wounded by one of your students, Walt?!" Adgar Winters screamed in rage.

"I'm very sorry for everything that happened, Adgar. I'll accept that all our well trained security staff are constantly making sure no one unwanted gets in, and maybe we ignored the dangers from inside" Mr. Disney tried to explain.

"Oh, maybe? Are you kidding me right know?! One of your students had a freaking knife with him! One of your students was obsessed with my daughter according to her friends, and he dragged my daughter into his room and managed to somehow get her almost naked wounding her, a wound that needs stitches! What if whoever saved Elsa got there too late? She could have been raped for all you know!" Adgar screamed once again, and Idun tried to comfort him by grabbing his arm, but she was equally angered, so she would not make his husband stop. "Where's this fucking idiot anyway?!"

"Mr. Winters, I'm Nicholas St. North, professor of your daughter, and I'm the one that had been called to the scene. Pitch just woke up minutes ago and he's being detained in the headmaster office by two guards" North explained the worried father a bit more calmly.

"Woke up?" Idun asked in confusion.

"Yes, Pitchard Black was unconscious when I got to the scene. The boy that saved your daughter had to fight him in order to get Miss Winters out of there safely" North explained, with a flash of pride in his eyes.

"The boy who saved her?" Adgar asked, and North nodded. Jack sunk deep in his chair.

"My godson" He said. Adgar and Idun were about to ask North where his godson was, when the doors from the restricted area opened.

"Papa? Mama?" Elsa's weak voice called. Everyone instantly snapped her head towards her. She was wearing purple sweatpants and a pink sweater that obviously belonged to Rapunzel. Her hair was all messy and she was walking slowly while a nurse help her walk steady by letting her lean in her shoulders.

Everyone rushed towards Elsa, and Jack had to hold himself from running straight to her. Maybe she needed some time with her family and friends.

"Oh my god sweetie, are you okay?" Idun said stroking Elsa's hair.

"I'm fine mom" Elsa said a bit weakly.

"I was so scared, honey." Adgar said and hugged her carefully, and kissed her forehead.

"Oh, Elsie! We were so worried!" Punzie said and tried to hug her how she could.

"We're going to take care of Pitch don't worry" Merida said.

All of them take turns to hug her and tell her how relieved they were, Flynn was the last one.

"I'm going to kill him" He said looking sadly at her, and she smiled weakly.

"I'm okay Flynn" she tried to assure him.

"I never got so worried in my life" He said and hug her tightly without hurting her, just as they parted, Elsa's cerulean eyes scanned the room, landing in silvery white hair she was dying to see.

"Jack!" She exclaimed with a smile, and almost run to him while the nurse screamed at her to slow down and while everyone looked at them shocked.

Elsa jumped and hug him really tightly, smiling relieved at the warm contact, feeling instantly safe and calm. Jack was a bit taken aback by the affection demonstration in front of everyone, but as soon as she hugged him tighter his arms slowly and carefully hugged the small of her back. And he finally smiled, relieved.

"Hey, princess" He whispered, inhaling deeply her vanilla with just a hint of peppermint scent. "Don't hug me that tight, I don't want to hurt you" He said chuckling a bit, Elsa giggled.

"Shut up" She said, and snuggled on his neck.

They didn't realized that Adgar and Idun got really close to them observing curiously the scene. They've never saw their daughter like this.

Adgar cleared his throat.

Both youths broke up the hug, and gazed surprised at them. Little to say, Jack was tomato red.

"Are you going to present us, Elsa?" Adgar said, raising a brow. Elsa blinked in surprise.

"Yeah, uhm. Papa, mama.. This is Jack, and he-"

"He's my godson" North finished with a smile. Adgar and Idun looked shocked at North, and then gazed back to Jack.

"You're the one that saved my daughter?" Adgar asked with wide eyes.

"Err-" Jack couldn't even finish the sentence because Elsa's mother was instantly hugging him. He stood still like a statue.

"You have no idea how thankful I am" Idun said with teary eyes. Jack gazed at Elsa that was holding a giggle and then he looked around, everyone was staring at him he couldn't help but blush. Elsa's mom broke the hug and kissed him softly in the cheek.

He was about to die of embarrassment.

"I really hate to interrupt this sweet moment, but I need to explain Elsa her medication" one of the nurses said with an apologetic face. Both parents nodded and turned to her. "Luckily the cut wasn't deep enough to affect anything important, but we still had to stitch it. We also vaccinated Elsa with the anti tetanus vaccine, just in case the blade was rusty. She needs to apply this cream every morning and night" she said and gave Elsa's mom a little cream jar "this is going to help her skin heal without leaving any scars, or at least not big ones. I'm two weeks she needs to return so we can get out the stitches" the nurse said.

"Thank you so much for your help" Idun said, the nurse nodded all of them and left the waiting room, disappearing inside the restricted area.

"Okay, now to the next important part" Flynn said arm crossed "What in hell is gonna happen to the fucker of Pitch" Flynn nearly growled.

"Language Mr. Fitzherbert" North scolded.

"Language my ass, Elsa almost got raped here!" Flynn exclaimed. "No offense Prof. North" he quickly said.

"Eugene is right, what's gonna happen with him?" Adgar supported, asking to Mr. Disney.

"Pitchard Black was expelled from the DWU already, and he has a restriction order that forbidden him to stay any less of one mile from the campus"

"JUST that?!" Flynn screamed in disbelief.

"That idiot deserves to be in jail! No less!" Adgar said clearly offended.

"He sexually harassed a student! And he kept her trapped in his room!" Jack growled.

"We still don't know exactly what happened" Mr. Disney tried to calm down the three males. "Elsa dear can you please explain to me what happened" Mr. Disney pleaded, trying hard to keep himself calm and trying to ignore the three males that were about to jump at his throat.

Elsa instantly felt incredibly uncomfortable and dirty.

She wasn't even raped, but by the look they all were giving to her she felt like she was.

She could feel her body starting to tremble. Jack squeezed her shoulder slightly feeling her discomfort, and he smiled supportingly.

Even if she didn't want to talk about it, she had to. If she didn't, Pitch was never gonna receive the punishment he actually deserved.

She just needed to find a way of letting all out without risking her family and friends to have a heart attack.

"It was all a plan so he could have something to blackmail me" She decided that was the best way to start, to clear all the 'rape' assumptions off.

"Blackmail?" His father asked in confusion. "Blackmail how?" Elsa sighed.

"He grabbed me when I was walking near the Main Building, at first I told him to leave me alone and to back off but he tried to grab me a couple of times. When he grabbed me the last time, I felt a burning pain in my side, and thats when I realized that he had a knife pressing on my skin." She started. "He threaten me to hurt me if I screamed or told someone, thats why when I came across Kristoff I quickly dismissed him" She said gazing at Kristoff.

"That's why it looked like you two were hugging?" Kristoff asked.

"Yeah, people didn't noticed that he was actually hurting me. Plus, my sweater was maroon so no one could difference blood or anything. Anyway, after that he took me to his dorm and locked the door. He asked me to undress and at first I thought that he was going to rape me. But he said that he was going to make a 'short photoshoot'. He told me that if I didn't pretend to be his girlfriend and marry him after, he was going to upload naked pictures of me all over the internet, that way my future as C.E.O. would be ruined. He managed to get me off my clothe, luckily not my underwear, and thats when I kicked him and locked myself in the bathroom." She explained in discomfort. "He managed to knock the bathroom door down, but thankfully Jack came before he could get me" She finished.

"And how Mr. Frost knew where you were?" Mr. Disney asked a bit suspiciously. Jack Frost was not known for heroic rescues after all. Jack let out a dry laugh and rolled his eyes.

"We were supposed to meet for a project in his dorm, but I forgot one of my notebooks and went back to class to look for it, that's when Pitch caught me. Jack must have searched for me after I didn't returned for about one hour" Elsa instantly defended him.

"And how did you know Miss Winters was there, Mr. Frost?" Mr. Disney asked directly to him.

"I told him that I saw her with Pitch" Kristoff also stepped to defend him.

"Everybody knows Pitch is obsessed with Elsa, so when Kristoff told me he saw her with Pitch, I knew something was wrong" Jack said with a sarcastic smile.

"Okay, I understand" Mr. Disney said. "I'll make sure no any other collage accepts Mr. Black in, and make sure that this is shown in his record" he said. "His father is on his way to get him right now, so there's nothing else to worry about."

"Nothing else? How 'bout more security ye dumb man?!" Merida exclaimed, and Rapunzel instantly hold her back before she could jump to the Headmaster.

"But security inside the campus!" Hiccup supported.

"We'll take care of that as well" Mr. Disney said.

"Ye better!" Merida screamed sarcastically.

"Mr. Disney, when Pitch Black's father arrives to take his son the hell out of here. Tell him I'll wait both of them in court" Adgar said. Mr. Disney just nodded and rushed out of the place.

"What do we do now?" Hiccup asked.

"I'll like to go to the dorm" Elsa said quietly.

"Sure, honey. Do you want everyone to go too?" Idun said with a smile.

"Of course" Elsa said.

"You can go with us honey, we brought my car" Adgar said and Elsa smiled relieved, that meant that there were no staff or maids with their parents, they surely were in a rush when Anna called so they decided to come by themselves.

"Sure, me and Jack are going with you" She said smiling, and instantly grabbed Jack's hand, surprising everyone for a few seconds, before all of them started to walk towards their respective cars.

Just as he realized that no one was paying attention to them anymore he softly yanked Elsa back. She gazed at him confused.

"Are you sure you want me to go?" Jack asked a bit doubtful. Elsa smiled.

"Of course, Jack. I want to be with you" Elsa said and Jack tried hard to fight the blush creeping from his neck.

"No one really likes me there" Jack said with a slight frown.

"That's not true" Elsa said softly. "My parents seem to like you, and Kristoff likes you, and I do too" She said, Jack pursed his lips and nodded in defeat.

"Just wait a minute, okay?" Jack said, Elsa gazed at him confused, but he quickly turned on his feet and walked towards North.

"Jack" he said surprised. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am now" He said with a slight smile, probably the first smile he gave him in three years. "I just need a favor" North blinked surprised.

"Yeah, of course. Anything" He instantly said.

"I need you to tell Mr. Disney to keep an eye on Pitch's friends. I'm pretty sure they were aware of everything he did, and when they find out about Pitch being expelled, I'm sure they're gonna try something if no one keeps an eye on them" He quickly explained. "They are Han-"

"I know who they are, Jack. Don't worry, I'm gonna tell Mr. Disney and make sure someone keeps an eye on them" North said, supporting his godson.

"Thank you" Jack said quickly, and walked to Elsa again. North smiled, he was really thankful for Elsa.

"Is everything alright?" Elsa asked a bit concerned. Jack smiled down to her.

"Everything is fine now, princess" he said with a smirk. Elsa smirked as well.

"Then lets go already" She said, grabbing his arm and dragging him outside.

He really hoped everything turned fine in this little 'meeting'.

At least, the princess was safe now, and that's all that matters.

A.N.: Hey beautiful and awesome readers! Look what I brought you!! A bit of fluff and finally a bit of drama free (I thought you needed a little rest since most of you told me that nearly died) I really hope you enjoy this chapter! I REALLY love it, I think everything is finally settling in (sorry about what happened to Elsa tho).

Okay this chapter I'm updating a little bit early, because I'm here, in a dress, face full of make up and hair in a much uncomfortable up do finishing it, because I'm about to go to my cousin's graduation party, and since I already told you that here in Paraguay we party until morning, I wasn't going to be able to uptake at my usual time.

Don't worry! I swear I wrote this because I really love this chapter and because I felt ultra inspired today, so please don't think I'm over stressing, writing is actually something I love so much, and that makes me so happy!

Okay, I don't know if there's much to say today, just sorry for playing with your feelings and with your cardiovascular system.

So, Jack's officially meeting the fan and friends next chap... and its going to be AWESOME.


And I really, really hate make up, ugh.

BEFORE I FINISH... Jack_Addictson_Frost tagged me... Is the first time that someone tags me in something like this YAY!

1. Do I like someone?

Yes, my family, my friends and my fluffy pom dog :) her name is cookie.

2. Do they like me?

Huh... a few I guess, mostly because I don't like to be an hypocrite. But I'm perfectly content with the ones they do like me :)

3. Middle name.

Belén.... and I don't like it... I don't think it fits with my first name.. Silvana Belén... ew.

4. Single or taken?

Single according to the law but in a relationship :p

5. Last person I texted

My friend that's studying in the USA.

6. Last song I listened to?

Probably All I Want by Kodaline (I listen to that song EVERY TIME) or probably one by Bon Jovi... I don't really remember but those are basically everything I listen to this days.

7. Battery %?

67% and charging.

8. Girl best friend?

I got two, Andrea and Oriana.

9. Guy best friend?

His name is Mathias.

10. Fav OTP?

Gosh that's hard, I mean Jelsa is my supreme OTP but since its a little bit impossible, my next choice would be Bellarke. But if the Fairy God Mother of OTPs asks me what of my many (many) OTPs would I wish for her to magically make them canon. Jelsa.

11. Why I made my account?

I started reading FanFictions in but I needed more Jelsa fanfics, so here I am today :)

12. Current lock screen?

An edit with Dean Winchester's Impala with 'Wanted Dead or Alive' lyrics by Bon Jovi. That song was made for Dean.

13. Birthday?

September the 4th! Virgo's RULES!!

And I'm tagging my lovely reviewers and voters (voters from last chap because I'm running out of time! Sorry I cant make it to 20 :( ) :)










Till tomorrow ;)


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