Fight For Me ✔

De Terah0602

398K 14.3K 2.5K

You have no idea how much I need boring. Two years after the murder of her parents Caia is finally ready to s... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 8

11.7K 378 97
De Terah0602

TGIF! Forget what I told Brian, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! Not because of school, or well kinda because of school or more specifically a person in school. Yep, you guessed it: Liam.

For the past week he's been everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! Every time I turn around, he's there. When I leave the classroom, he's there. When I come to school, he's there and when school's out he's also there. He continues to sit next to me in biology and today at P.E. - yes, I have P.E. with the guy, and let me tell you, he likes to be shirtless in those classes. One word: yum - he stuck to my side like glue especially during dodge ball. Okay, I'm happy with that because Britney really had it out for me with those balls. On the other hand, if he'd left me alone, like I asked, she probably would have restrained herself to the poisonous glares she usually utilizes.

He's always trying to get me to talk, trying to coax me into letting him take me home and trying to bully me into telling him who Brian is. I'm a nervous, twitching wreck, especially when I'm alone, always looking over my shoulder, carefully looking around corners and hiding behind various obstacles whenever I can. It's not as bad when I'm with Camille, she always gets me away from him pretty fast. Jade helps too but with more reluctance and she takes her time with the getaway. The only good thing is that he keeps out of my personal bubble entirely.

Except for today.

Today in P.E. he touched me. Not a lot or inappropriately or anything. Just... small touches. Sliding his hand against mine. Lightly touching the small of my back to gently push me forward. Loosely embrace me from behind to grab something in front of me. Grabbing my arm to lead me across the room. Holding on to my waist. Sliding my hair away. Touching my shoulder as he leans down to whisper in my ear. Wow, now that I think about it, he actually touched me a lot. No wonder everybody looked at us so weirdly. On one occasion he even touched my cheek and gently stroked my temple when Britney got around his defenses and hit me in the head.

I nearly had a seizure. And Britney nearly had a coronary if the furious red color on her face was anything to go by. And Liam? He seemed content to just stroke my face and speak calmly to me as if I was a skittish animal. It got awkward really fast especially since everyone stepped closer to look on in awe, as the Beast displayed a never seen before gentle side. He didn't stop touching me until the teacher - who had also been watching with an expression of disbelieve - cleared his throat and spun me around by my shoulders, dislodging the loose hold Liam had on me. He didn't seem to mind that terribly much seeing as he instead stepped closer to me so I could feel his body heat at my back.

At this point I started to wonder whether or not there was a step above furious. If so then Britney was definitely there now. I think I have to watch my food like a hawk from now on, lest she poison me at lunch.

I barely escaped close confinement with Liam in the infirmary. The teacher asked if I wanted to go, I got the distinct feeling that Liam would offer to take me and then I quickly said that I was fine even though my face hurt like I had gone a round with Rhonda Rousey. When they didn't seem convinced I panicked and ran to grab a ball which I then threw at a random classmate. Weirdly enough it worked, the game started again as if nothing had happened, though Liam stayed even closer to me that before throughout class.

Which brings me to now.

Now I'm standing alone in the parking lot waiting for Jade by her and Cades dark blue Volkswagen. Jade forgot something in her locker and we're gonna go get Camille by her house, since she had to change her clothes. I have no idea why.

I pull out my cell. Jade has been gone for over ten minutes. What's taking her so long? Her locker is one of the closest to the main entrance she should be back by now. Maybe I should go fin-

"How's your cheek?" I scream and turn on my heel at the sound of the voice. Liam's standing under a meter away and his proximity makes me jump back, and I stumble over my backpack sitting on the ground. He leaps after me and catches me by my upper arms before my ass become acquainted with the pavement.

"Whoa there Bambi! I think you have been hurt enough today, don't you?" he asks, keeping hold of me until rip myself away. As I do, something flicker in his eyes but it's gone before I can identify it. Instead a stubborn expression comes over his face. He takes a step toward me, grabs my arm again and yank me closer.

Before I know what's happening, he has his arms wrapped loosely around me, his fingers intertwined and resting at the small of my back. We're not exactly chest to chest, but we're damn close.

His head begin to come down and I lean away thinking his going to kiss me again. As my mind recalls our last kiss, I can't deny the quiver of anticipation that runs down my spine, making my toes curl. I close my eyes and wait for the feel of his lips on mine. But it doesn't happen.

Instead I feel his breath by my ear. "Stop running Bambi. You're never getting away." My eyes spring open as he pulls back but doesn't release me, and I feel something dangerously close to disappointment settle in my chest. He looks at me expectantly. I open my mouth to answer, but when the only sound to make it out is a small "yip" I quickly close it again.

Liam's eyes become alight with laugher and the corner of this mouth tremble faintly as he try to hold in his mirth. We stand in silence for a little while, me still in his arms and my hands has now found purchase resting on his arms. Finally he speaks.

"Let me take you home?" he asks, letting go of me only to start pushing me towards his bike. He manages to get me a few meters before I regain my sanity and start to resist, digging my heels into the asphalt. I spin evading the hand on my back and coming to a stop facing him. I swallow once, twice before I'm certain I can form a coherent sentence.

"I-I can't, Camille, Jade and me, we're going shopping, I'm just here waiting for Jade and... and... Liam you have to leave me alone." The last part is said quietly and met with furious silence, the light in his eyes becoming violent. When I shiver this time, it's not in anticipation. I swallow again and continue.

"And the touching... the touching has definitely got to stop. Liam please." I plead.

He move toward me and I hastily take a step back but not fast enough. He's in front of me before I can blink, and he raises his hands to hold my head, fingertips sliding into my hair and palms resting on my cheeks. He brings his head down to look into my eyes.

"I'm not going to leave you alone Caia. I'm not going to stop touching you. I'm going to keep coming closer, keep pushing you and I'm not gonna stop until I have what I want." He tilts his head. "Don't you wanna know what I want, Caia?" he whispers his mouth barely a centimeter from mine. I have the overwhelming urge to lick my lips and his, but I restrain myself. Barely.

At last I manage to force out "Wh-what do you want?" in a hushed, husky voice I don't recognize as mine.

Liam smiles at me gently and leans closer. My breath hitches as his lips make contact with mine and I stiffen in anticipation as I wait for him to deepen the kiss. But he doesn't.

He keeps up the steady pressure of his lips, making small movements and nibbling lightly at my mouth. He doesn't lick my lips or try to enter my mouth at all. It's actually more like a really, really, reaaaaaally long peck than a kiss.

He's looking directly into my eyes and I reciprocates his stare, mesmerized by his intensity and the darkening of his eyes.

When he pulls away he doesn't break eye contact. He spends a few moments just looking into my eyes, as if searching for something, before he sighs and kiss my nose in a sweet, affective gesture, that leaves me confused beyond belief.

"You'll find out soon enough my sweet. Sooner if you stop fighting me." He gives me a last peck on the mouth and then let me go, before he starts walking towards his bike. He gets on and revs it up.

"See you Monday, Bambi." He yells before he shoots out of the parking lot and down the road, leaving me standing in a daze, wondering what just happened.

I'm pulled from my stupor by the sound of my cell.

Still slightly hazy I read the text.

Brian: did an extensive search on Liam Paine. Been arrested for fighting several times, but was always let out on bail and with a warning. No criminal record, never been arrested for possession of drugs, assault, speeding, driving while intoxicated or anything else. As it is there doesn't seem to be anything to be afraid of but if ur uncomfortable stay away from him. Stay safe Blue Eyes

I look dumbly at my phone, and I keep looking at it dumbly until Jade arrives and we go get Camille.



I need a drink, or a fight. A fight would be good. Anything to release the tension currently riding through my body.

I kissed her again, a very tame kiss but a kiss all the same. After having battled the urge for several weeks -a month? - I'm gratified that it finally happened again. I'm also frustrated that I couldn't do more. Actually I'm just frustrated.

My campaign to slowly win Bambi over is taking its toll on my patience and isn't exactly doing wonders for my already volatile temper. For the last week I have become increasingly more irritable and have left a trail of beat up gym members in my wake. Now they avoid me like I have Ebola or something.

And that sucks. Who am I supposed to fight now?! I gas up even more and soon I'm free of the city and it's suffocating, concrete buildings. Out in the open where I can really speed up, feel the wind and hear the roar of my engine as I push it to its and the roads limits.

My mind wanders back to the one sweet little creature, who has taken up permanent residence at the center of my being. She's never far from my mind and frankly it's been freaking me the fuck out, but it's more difficult to stay away than it is to overcome my apprehension.

She's just so beautiful. So sweet. And cuddly. She's definitely cuddly, not something that ever particularly attracted me before, though I admit to actually liking that aspect of the afterglow. Not exactly in accordance with my bad boy image, and I rarely get to do it since I seem to attract girls who like to talk and can't seem to appreciate silence after the act. And that just annoys me.

But with Caia? I can easily see myself picking her up and placing her on my lap or by my side, and just hold her while I play with her hair. Maybe we'll talk quietly, listening to each others' voices and enjoy the tranquility of the moment.

Holy shit, am I actually a softie? Oh man, this girl has me completely pussy wipped and I have only kissed her twice! I languorously wonder who I might become if I ever got any further with her. Probably even softer - if that was possible - but I can't seem to work up the expected amount of appall and disgust.

Soft. She will also be soft. Her curves are subtle but perfect. I still remember the feel of her fragile body tight against mine the first time we kissed. God, how would it feel to touch her skin? To slowly undress her, slide my hands over her body, fill my hand with her breasts, kiss her hot mouth, explore every inch of her skin until I reach those sensitive spots and...

Aaaand hello hard on.

With a frustrated groan I take a sharp turn and pull over. Turning off my bike, I cross my arms over the handlebars and rest my forehead against them. I don't know how long I'm like this, head down, eyes closed, trying desperately to stop thinking about my girl.

My girl... damn that sounds so good. And she is. My girl that is. She doesn't know it yet, but everybody else does. Or at least the boys does and that's what's most important.

I take a deep breath and hold it while counting down from twenty. As I exhale the steel pipe in my pants goes flaccid and the blood returns to the right head again. Unfortunately the right head doesn't seem in the mood to think rationally. It seems perfectly content to think up ways to deal with my aggravation. Kidnapping a sweet forest creature and having my dirty way with her being my personal favorite.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Kidnapping Caia would only scare her to death, the poor jumpy little thing. Once she's mine I plan on finding out exactly why she's so nervous all the time. And then I'll make it go away. But right now I need to relieve the tension in my body, and since the Bambi method is out that leaves only one thing.

I restart my bike and turn back towards the city.


The bar is stuffed by the time I get there. Johnny's lies in a prime location, smack-dap in the middle of the city. How they get to stay there? I have absolutely no idea. The place is dirty, the air thick with smoke, the windows broken more often than not, graffiti both inside and outside, the alcohol is liable to be thinned with water and the 'food' - if you can call it that - would most likely give you food poisoning. The police come in every few month, sometimes more often, and they always walk out with a few shady types and a shit ton of illegal guns and drugs.

The sparsely clientele sits around by the dirty tables, which hasn't seen a cloth in years, drinking thin beer and bad whisky, either alone or together in small groups with their heads together, clearly up to no good. The bar goers are like the bar. Dirty, unkempt and dark. Some has managed to get drunk on the bar's sorry excuse for alcohol, others have a faraway look in their eyes making it clear that they are so high, they are all but meeting God. In more ways than one.

Over in the corner sits a man who looks close to sixty, but I saw him a few years ago where he couldn't have been more than thirty-five. At the moment his head is thrown back, a moan leaves his lips, a slight line of drool running down his chin, and his hips buckle, causing the whore between his legs and on her knees to hit her head on the underside of the table.

Neither of them seem to mind the lusty looks from the other tables or the line that's forming, men waiting to buy the whore's favors.

All in all this is a piece of shit bar. The place is only full on Fridays, at any other time their only costumers are the drunkards that virtually live here. How they stay in business is anyone's guess.

And me? I don't come for the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes or the beer. And most certainly not for the charming company.

No, I come for the fights. For when I need a good, pull-no-punches, all out brawl. Like the one I need right now.

There's always some fucker willing, drunk or high enough to take me on. These are the fights that even I can't walk away from unscratched. Where my blood pumps, my adrenalin spikes and I get to feel the crack of bones underneath my knuckles.

Call me a sick bastard if you want, but nothing releases tension like pain and adrenalin. Nothing else makes me feel the calming silence after the excitement or the contented feeling of being alive.

Well, one person does make me calm and content. I shake my head and walk towards the bar.

The tender - a girl - is standing at the far side, bending over the counter and flirting with a costumer, her skirt so short that I can see her ass. I take a seat and clear my throat. Annoyed she snaps her head towards me, but as soon as she gets a good look at me her eyes fills with lust and she abandons her target in order to make her way over to me.

Again she bends over, this time in front of me and her breast spill out over the dirty corset top she wears. She gives me a flirty smile and reach out to stroke my arm before she asks suggestively "What can I do for you, handsome? I'm at your service."

I shrug of her touch, appalled as never before, and answers "Beer. Tap." Shortly, briskly and harshly. She doesn't seem to notice my disgust as she walks away to get my order.

I turn in the barstool and lean my elbows against the counter. The second look at the bar doesn't reveal any redeeming qualities. Still just filthy outcasts, out to get their fix. And not one person worth beating up. Disgruntled I turn my head as the bartender returns with my beer.

"Here you are stud. Now for the main dish..." and then without warning she straddles me, positioning her core as close to my groin as humanly possible. She wraps her arms around my neck and lean in. "How about I eat you? Hmm?" her lips lands on mine, and she proceeds to try to enter my mouth.

Now, B.B. - Before Bambi - I would have been all over this. Well, maybe not her mouth because who knows where that has been and there is no such thing as a mouth condom. But the rest? No hot-blooded male would say no to a free lay.

But since I have entered my D.B. stage - During Bambi - I get a sick feeling in my stomach and freeze in shock. Funny how I'm all of a sudden the male version of my Bambi. Though it doesn't last long. I feel her hand leave my neck, in order to travel down my stomach. It doesn't take a genius to guess the ultimate destination.

Before I can react - by putting her ass on the floor - she is hauled away from me. She screeches and just then I feel a fist connecting with my jaw. I fall back against the counter but I manage to catch myself before I collapse onto the floor.

I grab my jaw and rub it before I look up at the stupid bastard with a death wish. The guy standing before me is shorter than me but just as buff. He let the bartender go and she falls to the floor before quickly scrambling away from us.

"F-find your own god dammed whore!" my attacker slurs.

I study him more closely. His eyes are bloodshot, he stutters and he's rocking back and forth. The dude is high as a kite. And looking for a fight. Who am I to deny him? I think as a savage smile spreads across my face.

"Not my fault that you're so ugly you can't keep hold of them. Besides I don't need to pay to get laid. Unlike some people." Yes I'm goading him. Sue me.

Furious he lunge at me, hands outstretched. I dodge his clawed hand and direct my fist upwards in a uppercut. He stumbles back from the hit, but doesn't go down. Maybe this fight will be good after all.

"Fucker!" he curses at me and comes at me again. This time we both end up on the floor rolling around, exchanging hit after hit. He gets in a few hits, but none are good whereas I get several bull's-eyes. Eventually I end up straddling him and I begin to rain hit after hit down on his defenseless form. He tries to protect himself by putting up his arms and waving them around blindly, but he only swats me lightly.

Just as I'm about to deliver the coup de grace and end the miserable bastard's suffering, a sharp pain blooms on the back of my head and for a few precious moments I'm disoriented. Somebody grabs my hair and my arms to drag me of my victim and throws me bodily into a small group of tables, whose occupants quickly vacate the premises.

I shake my head trying to clear it. Something warm and sticky is gliding down my neck. I reach back to touch my head and my hand comes back bloody. A quick glance at the floor reveals shattered glass and a green bottleneck. Fuckers hit me with a bottle of beer, which would also explain the overwhelming stench of beer that makes me want to gag.

I look up in time to see high dude being helped up by the newcomers. Seems the bastard wasn't alone. He turns to me with a cocky smile.

"Not so c-confident now are you, huh, you s-son of a bitch." My victim says as he and his cronies encircle me. "Wanna run home to mama now, huh?" he mocks.

I just smile. "Run? The fun's just started. Come give me a challenge, you cocksuckers."

Then they pounce. 

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