No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanf...

Par HttydFanatic

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Banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury, Hiccup and Toothless leaves Berk and they are never to retur... Plus

Author's Notes
Twenty One


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Par HttydFanatic

A/N: Hey guys welcome to my exciting new story, No Turning Back. I am so excited to write this story and I am even more excited for you guys to read it. This will be different than my other HTTYD fanfiction, Beware. It will be less dark but it does have some angst. If you guys haven't already checked out Beware, please feel free to. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, guys.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks :)


The doors of the Great Hall burst open.

Hiccup felt his skinny frame being tossed onto the stone hard floor, like some unwanted animal.
He lay curled on the ground, holding back tears.

The enormous figure of his father, Stoick the Vast stormed into the dark lonely hall, slamming the door behind him.

The Berkian chief was angry. He had just witnessed his son doing the impossible. He had just witnessed him befriend a dragon, choosing their side instead of his people.

Worse, his son had exposed what he really is.

A liar. A cheat. A betrayer to Vikings.

Dragons were lethal creatures, and are a threat to the Viking society. They were blood thirsty creatures that have killed countless numbers.

Hiccup cautiously watched his father pace around angrily.

He knew he had done it. He knew he had disappointed him.

Yet, he wasn't afraid of being punished.
Rather, he was afraid of what will happen to Toothless, his best friend; his only friend.

"D-Dad..." Hiccup murmured, weakly sitting up.
"So is it true?" Stoick paused, nostrils flaring angrily, "You befriended an enemy?"
Hiccup lowered his eyes, avoiding his father's glare.

Part of him knew his secret would come out eventually. But not like this.
He needed time to show the Vikings the truth about dragons.

Perhaps fate had other plans.

"So everything in the ring," Stoick snarled, "A trick? A lie?"
Hiccup winced by the rage booming through Stoick's voice.
He was easily intimidated by his father, especially whenever he disappointed him.

That had been countless times. Now he's done it. He's stuffed everything up.

"I screwed up," Hiccup admitted, "I-I should have told you before now. I..." he shut his eyes for a moment.
He wished none of this had ever happened. He knew he was a disgrace and his best friend was in the hands of the Vikings, probably waiting for his death.

"Take this out on me. Be mad at me," Hiccup pleaded, his small frame trailing behind his father, "Please, don't hurt Toothless,"

Stoick shot him a stone cold glare.
"The dragon? That's what you're worried about?" he scowled, "Not the people you almost killed?"

Stoick shook his head in disbelief. He continued to pace around.
Clearly, he was shocked his son would even side with those beasts.

"He was just protecting me!" Hiccup argued in defence, "He's not dangerous!"

The burly chief scowled at his son. He's had enough of this nonsense.
No matter how hard Hiccup reasoned, the headstrong chief would not surrender to listen.

His own son had broken one of Berk's laws. Now he was afraid of the consequences.

"They've killed hundreds of us!" Stoick declared.

Hiccup narrowed his glass green eyes, "And we've killed thousands of them! They just defend themselves that's all,"

Stoick walked away, ignorant to Hiccup's frantic calls.
All his life, he's fought countless dragons. So why should he stop now?
They were dangerous and vicious. They even killed his wife.

"Dad, please listen to me," Hiccup called, his voice full of desperation, "Dragons are not dangerous. They're kind, amazing creatures. They're just misunderstood,"

But Stoick would not listen. He continued to walk away, already have had enough of his son's nonsense.
Hiccup groaned. He tried to catch up to his father.

"Dad, there's something you need to know," Hiccup called, running after his father, "Dad, listen to me! Dragons raid us because they have to. If they don't bring-''

When Hiccup grabbed hold of the chief's beefy arm, Stoick roughly shoved him aside.

The young Viking collapsed on the stone floor.
He looked up at his father with hurt and worry.

"Bonding with those beasts is a crime. Dragons, they're BEASTS. How can you not see that?" Stoick glared at the small teen, "I have no choice but to banish you from Berk,"

Hiccup's heart skipped a beat. Exile sounded as horrible as he thought.
But he was more worried about Toothless than himself.

"And what about Toothless?" he choked through his words, "Will he get to live?"

Hiccup stared at his father, worry and anger strung in his blood.

Stoick stopped in front of the door. He turned to his son with a sneer.

"That dragon shall die in vain," he announced through gritted teeth, "That...beast is a threat to us all,"

Hiccup's heart shattered. His heart ached at the thought he wouldn't live to see his best friend again. His heart boiled.

He wasn't going to let those Vikings kill his best friend.

Toothless had done nothing but showed him kindness.

Hel, the Night Fury was the only friend Hiccup's had when nobody else bothered to care.

Without Toothless, he was nothing.
Hiccup weakly rose to his feet.
"If you cast me out, let me take Toothless with me," Hiccup looked at his father sternly.

Stoick stroked his beard, reconsidering. He gave a curt nod.
"On one condition,"

Hiccup crossed his arms, "Name it,"
"After you're exiled, you and your dragon can never return,"
Stoick arched a thick brow, "Understand?"

Hiccup's heart ripped in two.
Berk had been the place he grew up in. He had lived his life unprivileged, but had many memories.

Berk was home, although some of the people weren't so welcoming.
However, leaving this place was for the best. Besides, nobody would really care when he's gone.

"So be it," Hiccup gave a nod, "We'll be gone by sunset. Then you won't have to see me again,"

Stoick said nothing. There was nothing he could say except,
"Then you are banished from Berk. I want you gone by sunset,"

Hiccup's eyes stung. He had the urge to cry, for rejection hurt so much.
But he chose not to. Not in front of the chief.

"Now, pack your things...boy," Stoick ordered, turning his back, "But remember-''

"First, let Toothless go free," Hiccup ordered with desperation, "Let me give him a place to stay while I pack. I can't bear to have him locked up,"

Stoick stared coldly at the boy. Finally, he let out a shallow breath.
"Fine," he said at last, "But keep him away from the village,"

Hiccup nodded firmly.
The chief looked away, not bothering to look at the traitor in his eyes.

That's when the auburn haired teen fled out of the Great Hall.
Hiccup threw himself out into the blinding sun.

He collapsed on his knees and sobbed as hard as he could.
This was it. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't anymore of his pain.


Two burly Vikings shoved hiccup towards the cage where Toothless was kept.

They exited the arena, leaving Hiccup to reunite with his dragon.
When the Night Fury saw his human, he couldn't help but jump up and down like an excited puppy.

Hiccup smiled at his dragon as he fiddled around with the lock.
Once the cage door broke free, the Night Fury leapt onto his human, greeting him with slobbery kisses.

The Night Fury missed his human very much.
After being trapped for hours, Toothless was glad to finally be out. He was happy to see his human again.

"I-I missed you too, bud," Hiccup chuckled as his dragon continued licking him, "Yeah, yeah I'm happy to see you too, you useless reptile,"

The hyped Night Fury eventually pulled away.

Hiccup stared at the arena for a moment. He then drew a crestfallen breath.

The worried croon from the Night Fury made the boy snap out of his thoughts.

"Don't worry about me, bud," Hiccup supressed a smile, "I'll be fine,"
Toothless moved closer, nuzzling his snout against the teen.

Hiccup smiled as he stroked his dragon's snout.
Maybe banishment wouldn't be so bad. He had Toothless with him, and that was enough.

He faced Toothless, grabbing both sides of his head.

"Bud, we're leaving here by sun down," the auburn haired teen paused, holding back tears, "I'll meet you back at the cove later. Okay?"

The Night Fury tilted his head in confusion. He wasn't sure why his human wanted to leave.

He wasn't sure what was happening, but his human looked really troubled.

Toothless licked his human, and then quickly scampered towards the cove.
Hiccup watched his reptilian in the distant.

Part of him hoped he would make it to the cove safely.

"So it's true. You're banished?" Hiccup whipped his head to face Astrid and the other teenagers.

Hiccup gave a sad nod, "Da-I mean, the chief banished me and I have until sun down to pack," Hiccup lowered his eyes sadly, "Then I'm banished forever,"

Astrid's eyes widened, "Forever? So you're never coming back?"
Hiccup shook his head in dismay.
"No, according to Berkian law. Once I'm banished, I can never return,"

The others looked at him sadly, except for Snotlout. He looked actually pleased.

"Good riddance," Snotlout muttered smirking, "I guess Berk is better off with an heir that looks like a proper Viking,"

Astrid rolled her eyes. She went over to him and twisted his arm, which made him wail like a child.

She then turned to Hiccup with a scowl.

"This isn't fair. You don't deserve to be banished,"

Hiccup drew a crestfallen breath, "But it's the law. I befriended a dragon. So I'm banished,"

As much as he hates to admit it, Berk had really stupid laws that don't even make sense.

But they were traditional laws that people need to adhere to.

"This is stupid," Astrid sighed, "You don't deserve this, Hiccup. You were just trying to prove dragons aren't monsters. I believe you,"

Hiccup breathed a heavy sigh, "Vikings are too stubborn to listen. There's nothing I can do,"

He shut the cage door and made his way out of the arena.

"The chief can't do this. This is insane," Astrid called after him, "Come on, there must something you can do. You can't just leave everything behind. This is ridiculous!"

Hiccup turned to her and the teens. He lowered his eyes sadly.
"I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can do. Goodbye,"


By sun down, Hiccup was already packed.

He had said his farewells, including his blacksmith mentor, Gobber.
The old Viking knew banishment was harsh, but laws were laws.

Befriending with a dragon was against Viking traditions.

The consequences were either death or exile.

Luckily, the chief had chosen exile.

Gobber was going to miss his apprentice. He had been like a son to him, and had been the most helpful, creative and skilled apprentice he's ever had. No one could replace him.

Word about Hiccup's banishment spread like wild fire.

It was already sunset and the viewing space around the arena's dome was already packed.

The entire village had all gathered here, eager to have the Berk traitor gone. Yet, some were not so eager.

The entrance to the arena rolled up. The sound of metal cranking echoed through the rowdy atmosphere.

With a breath, Hiccup stepped forward, duffel bag swung over his shoulder.

Since he wouldn't be returning, Hiccup brought everything, including his mother's horned helmet.

A reminder of his old Viking life and what's left of his mother.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," the chief boomed, commencing the banishment ceremony.

Hiccup stepped forward to the centre of the ring.

He stared at the mud on his boots. He dared not to make eye contact with the chief.

"Because you befriended a dragon," Stoick went on, "You have taken sides with the dragons. You have betrayed this tribe; you have made contact with those beasts behind our backs,"

Hiccup glared at the chief, "They're not beasts. They're creatures that have been mis-''

"Because of your crime," Stoick went on, oblivious to Hiccup's protests, "Snotlout Jorgenson will take your place as heir,"

Hiccup gave a silent nod.

Although the boy wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, Snotlout was strong, brawny and everything Hiccup wasn't.

"You are forever disowned as a Viking of Berk,"

That strung him. Hiccup felt his heart ripped in two.

"I hereby banish you from Berk forever. You are never to return," the chief spoke, his back turned, "Escort him out,"

There were shouts of agreement, yet a small minority stayed silent.

Astrid, Gobber and the teens were the minority. Sadly, there was nothing they could do.

Two burly Vikings roughly yanked Hiccup out of the ring.

Hiccup collapsed on the cold hard ground with his bag.

Astrid had watched the two men tossed him like some unwanted object. That really made her blood boiled.

"Leave him be, lass," Gobber stopped her, knowing exactly what she had planned to do, "He must meet his fate now,"

Astrid's face flustered as she watched her friend limp weakly out of the arena.

Once Hiccup reached the cove, he found Toothless curled up under a shady tree.

"Hey, bud," Hiccup approached the Night Fury, "Ready to leave?"

The Night Fury perked his head up.
When he saw his human with a large bag, Toothless slowly stalked towards it, sniffing the bag's contents.

Toothless' eyes lit up. He opened his mouth, revealing a gummy smile.

"I know what you're thinking, bud," Hiccup set his bag down, "And that's a no. We need to save it later during the journey,"

The Night Fury pouted then nuzzled against his human.

When both dragon and human pulled away, Hiccup stared sadly at the ground.

A dejected breath escaped from his lips. He was trembling and his eyes had become watery.

Remembering he was no longer a Viking of Berk, Hiccup collapsed on his knees.

His shoulders sagged as he broke down to tears.

Toothless crooned sadly at the boy. He hated seeing his friend upset. He wanted to help him.

"I-I'm okay, bud," Hiccup stood up weakly, wiping his tears, "I think it's time we leave. What do you say, bud?"

The Night Fury chirped happily. He began bouncing up and down excitedly that Hiccup had to calm him down.

The brunet gave one last look at the cove.

It was the place where he first met Toothless, the place where there weren't anyone telling him he was a disappointment, the place where he could be free.

Sighing, Hiccup climb onto his dragon's back.

He drew a breath, "Ready?"
Toothless gave a growl of approval then shot through the sky, leaving Berk forever.

So what do you guys think of the chapter? I will try to update this story often since I am still working on Beware.

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