Unexpected Royal Heir

By kazzygirl1

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Princess Lilyanne Blythe sneaks out to a party and has a one night stand. Assuming that was in the past, that... More

Chapter 2: Unexpected
Chapter 3: Pregnant!
Chapter 4: Truth
Chapter 5: Cover up
Chapter 6: The Father
Chapter 7: Safety
Chapter 8: Confession
Chapter 9: Dawn
Chapter 10: Reflection
Chapter 11: Simple Tear
Chapter 12: Questions
Chapter 13: Promise
Chapter 14: Returning home
Chapter 15: Bigger
Chapter 16: Him/Her?
Chapter 17: Kidnapped!
Chapter 18: Fresh Blood
Chapter 19: Esphen
Chapter 20: Brother & Sister
Chapter 21:Family
Chapter 22: Two Days
Chapter 23: Last Words
Chapter 24: Don't let me be right
Chapter 25: Babies
Chapter 26: Flirt
Chapter 27: Nightmare
Chapter 28:Emerald Eyes
Chapter 29: Third Surprise
Chapter 30: Epilouge
Chapter 31: Her Death
Chapter 32: Insight (Bonus)

Chapter 1: Sneaking Out....

68K 1.4K 126
By kazzygirl1

Lilyanne's POV

"Lilyanne" a little voice said poking me out of a peaceful sleep.

I opened my eyes to find my maid Faith waking me as a worried look was drawn across her face.

"I am trying to sleep..... just let me sleep" I whined while lifting my pillow and putting it over my head.

"Your parents have requested you for an early dinner" she continued, "They want you down as quickly as possible".

"Goodness, can I just take a nap? What time is it?" I groaned while stretching across the bed.

"4:00 pm exactly."

Pulling myself out of bed and walking towards the bathroom, my bare feet smacked the cold floor. Once I was in the bathroom I turned to Faith, "Alright let's get ready..."

She ran in handing me a long pink dress with extra fabric at the waist down for the 'poof effect'.

Quickly I took off my clothes and replaced it with the dress. Scars lined my skin with fresh bruises and cuts, my mother's latest punishment. Every time I looked at my beaten body I realized I could never escape any of this, I was stuck.

Sitting in the bathroom chair, Faith pulled my hair into a cute braid and wrapped it around my head. She gently put my crown atop my head and I was ready. I stood up and headed for the door.

"You can't go yet! You need your makeup!" She exclaimed.

I shook my head and she knew it was not going to be put on tonight.

I hated makeup except for mascara, my mother used to constantly cover me in pounds of makeup just to cover what she had done. When she realized I would no longer let her put it on me she made the scars where my clothes covered.

Before my hand slipped onto the handle of the door, I turned and faced the mirror. My smaller 5'6 figure was wrapped in a tight pink dress and my light brown hair was wrapped up loosely with the crown. My blue eyes were glossy signifying I was healthy, but deep down I was one big mess.

"Miss Lilyanne!" A deep voice called from behind my door.

"Yes?" I called back.

"You are to be escorted to dinner now" I assumed a guard said from behind the door.

Escorted? I only was ever escorted when we had guests.

My fingers grabbed the handle and I entered the long grand hallway. Looking over I saw my guard.

"Miss," he said nodding while holding out his arm.

I looped my arm through with his and continued on.

"Ah, you are a good man Romero!" My father's voice laughed as I walked into the dining room.

Walking in I was met with my mother and her evil glare, but it quickly turned into a sickly sweet smile, "Hello dear!" She announced.

I nodded to my mother and curtsied, "Hello mother and father, I'm terribly sorry for being late! May I join?"

"Yes Lilyanne you may," my father granted while smiling at me. 

He didn't mind I was late at all, my father was the sweetest guy in the world. Only if he knew what my mother did.

I quickly sat down averting my eyes from everyone and put a napkin in my lap.

"Lilyanne lift your head and say hello to our guest," my mother scolded.

I looked up to meet a guy with dark brown eyes, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well" he replied.

"Lilyanne, you are not aware of this yet but Romero and his family will be staying with us for a year. Their castle in our neighboring kingdom caught on fire and they need to rebuild. His wife, son, and daughter will be staying with him in the empty west wing."

I nodded my head. The wings only consisted of connected bedrooms. We have an east, west, and north wing. The kitchen, dining room, music room, ballroom, and other rooms will be shared with Romero's family. I was just glad that I didn't have to see them too often.

"Welcome to our kingdom Romero, what is your last name if you don't mind me asking, so I can recall which kingdom?" I asked.

"My last name is Calliwell, from the Isoten kingdom."

I nodded, "Well it will be wonderful to have you here."

We continued our meal and it was quite interesting learning about their kingdom. It was small but very similar to our ways. They have tons of different holidays that celebrate the different people that brought their kingdom together and Christmas is their largest celebrated holiday.

"Goodnight everyone!" I called out while leaving the dining room.

"Goodnight Lilyanne, we will see you tomorrow!" Romero yelled.

I was walked back to my room slowly as the thought of having another family stay with us filled my head. Would mother lessen the beatings since others would most likely catch her? She probably would since Romero's kids would also be here roaming the halls. I was actually really excited to meet them, if I remembered correctly he said they were around ten years old.

When I reached my door I shook my thoughts away, hoping that everything would turn out okay.

As I entered my room a dirty blonde-haired boy with green eyes was sitting in a chair directly facing me.

Not fazed by it, I closed the door and walked to my bed.

"I thought you didn't like those dinners?" He questioned.

"You know I don't, but it's not like I can just get up and leave... my mother would hurt me ten times more. This dinner was interesting, to say the least," I shrugged.

Dax Winthrope was my best friend and one of the only friends I really ever had. We had been best friends ever since we were seven years old. He was a servant around the castle that only tended to the garden and flowers. His parents weren't around to care for him so his life was here.

"Hey now... I was just asking chill. Although I do have good news! I found a way to get you out of the castle tonight! There is a party in the village and it's at a brewer's house, wanna go?"

"I'm in" I agreed.

"Well that was easy" he chuckled a little to himself.

I needed to get out of this stuffy castle every once in a while to enjoy myself and this was the perfect chance. I just prayed my mother would never know.

He pulled out a dirtied dress and handed it to me. "It's from the servant's quarters so you can blend in," he said. It was a light brown color with patches of dark green.

I slipped off my pink dress and pulled over the ragged dress. I let down my hair from the pretty braid it was in and let it rest on my shoulders.

"Ready?" He asked.

"As I will ever be" I smiled nervously.

We opened the door and snuck down the servant's staircase. Once we reached the servant's kitchen the backdoor was wide open. We slipped through that and jumped in the back of a truck. It was filled with hay and milk containers.

"The truck leaves in 3 minutes and comes back at 2:00 in the morning. Meet back at it before then!"

I nodded at his words as the truck started to hum, early I like it.

The drive was short and as soon as the truck stopped we jumped out

Dax walked up to the driver and fist-bumped him.

"Let's do this Lil!" he said turning around and slapped my back.

I hissed at him while shooting him a dirty look.

"Sorry, I'm a little too excited..." he inched away from me.

"Just a little?" I groaned while rolling my shoulders.

We walked down the street getting closer to the blasting music. Lights were everywhere and couples danced erotically. Pushing our way through the crowd we made it into the main room filled with beer.

"Grab a cup and chug!" A random guy yelled.

I grabbed a smaller cup and chugged it all. Trying to forget everything. It burned on the way down, Vodka.

"It's not just beer here Dax! It's everything!" I yelled not sure where he was.

Soon I drank 4 glasses of beer and 2 shots of straight vodka.

I was on the dance floor swaying my hips with random strangers. Everything was so different and fun. I just listened to the music forgetting my mother and my life. This was my time to just simply live.

As I moved on the dance floor two hands were on my hips and turned me around. I faced a pair of brown eyes that watched me with desire and his hair was a chocolate brown mess, I loved it. I ran my hands up his chest and into his hair. It was so soft.

Slowly my hands made their way down to his neck as I started to sway to the beat. I was so drunk I didn't realize that I was ballroom dancing to a slow song, but apparently, this guy knew it. I didn't know they taught ballroom to villagers? The song was light and delicate sending waves of ease down my body.

As the song finished we looked at each other for a couple of long seconds before he dipped his head forward kissing me. He grabbed my waist with one hand and the back of my head with the other. Both of my hands fell to his chest once more.

I leaned back and broke the kiss. Placing my hand on my head I tried to stop the world around me from spinning.

"I'll be back" I slurred while poking his chest.

My feet found the way to a bathroom so I could do my business. This party was amazing! Being drunk never felt so great! I smiled at myself in the mirror, this wasn't who I was every day and I loved it.

As I opened the door the same pair of brown eyes were staring down at me. I walked closer to him and kissed him.

Roughly he pressed me up against a wall as I wrapped my legs around his waist. With one of his free hands, he pinned my hands above my head and kissed down my neck. As he reached the collar of my dress he pulled away and carried me to a nearby bedroom.

Piece by piece we took off each other's clothes and things began to get heated.

As he saw the scars on my body he pulled back with a confused look.

"Horse riding accidents from when I was a kid, don't worry about it" I lied while pulling him towards me.

He took the bait as his hands started to roam my body again. His mouth met my breasts and I cried out from such a foreign sensation. The more noise I made the rougher he was. I wrapped my hands in his hair as I straddled him and he continued to leave hickeys across my now redbreasts.

In one quick movement, he wrapped an arm around my waist and flipped me over onto my back. I laid there naked underneath him as he looked into my eyes. His lips met mine again for the hundredth time that night and he positioned himself to take my virginity. For the next couple of hours, I cried out in pain and ecstasy as he made me feel more than I ever had.

My eyes flickered open to a loud bang someplace in the house. Probably the maids I thought while rolling back over.

The minute I rolled over my naked skin came in contact with a warm body and within seconds everything from hours ago came rushing back. I was not in my own bed!

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as I fell off the bed with a thin layer of sheets trailing behind me.

The warm body that was next to me jumped out of bed looking around.

A light flickered on revealing a guy in the bed naked just like me.

"I had sex with you!" I screamed the first words that came to mind.

"Listen Lily, the world-" I cut him off holding up my hand.

"How do you know my name?" I glared.

"You told me while we,  you know..."

"Oh, well since you know my name I would like to know yours..."

"I'm Erin Calliwell," he said while standing up and slipping on clothes. His body was built perfectly and images from last night flashed through my mind.

Stop Lilyanne, no!

His name sounded familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it, my head was throbbing.

I turned to look at the window to find it was still pitch black outside. Glancing down at my watch a small "shit" escaped my lips.

"Well I must get going," I said while tossing on my rags.

"Will I see you again?" He asked.

"I hope not, you wouldn't want to know me" I whispered.

Erin walked over to me backing me up against the bedroom wall. His hands were at my waist and he pinned me against the wall so I couldn't move. He brought his lips to my neck and kissed me gently. My body started to turn back into putty just like it had before.

"Oh trust me, I already know every inch of your body so I intend to know much more" he smirked.

"Still no" I shook my head and left the room.

I ran down the street and finally met up with the truck, 1:40 pm.

Two strong arms wrapped me up from behind pulling me into a tight hug, "Dang Lil why do you have to scare me like that!" Dax whined.

"Scare you how?"

"You were gone all damn night! I thought you got hurt?" He whined.

"Well I hurt but I didn't get hurt, it was the opposite actually..."

His eyes met with mine as he lifted his finger, " Lilyanne what did you do?"

"I lost my virginity......" I mumbled.

"You what!?" He yelled.

"Shush loud mouth!" I shoved him back a couple of inches.

"Well it's about time, I lost mine weeks ago!" He laughed.

"You did?! When?!" I jumped.

"With one of the maids my age, Willow I think her name was, she was alright."

"Oh okay," I said wiggling my eyebrows.

Dax and I jumped in the back of the truck and we began our journey back home after a crazy night.
Thank you for reading!

What do you think of Dax? And what do you think of mystery man?

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