Dancer K.T

Af klaysbae

10.4K 180 2

it all started with a hip hop class Mere

Character Visuals
The New Guys In Class
The First Date
He's Got A Girlfriend
Girl's Day
Game Day
Dancing Around
Klay's Birthday
Clap Back For Real This Time
It's A Small World
Today's a Good Day
The Big Announcement Pt 1
The Big Announcement Pt 2
Catch Up
Plot Twist Pt 1
Plot Twist Pt 2
Another Day Another Date
All Over TV
Full Of Surprises
Oh Hell No
More Surprises Pt 1
More Surprises Pt 2
Date Night
Beach Days
All Star All Style
Shopping With Bae
Meeting His Parents
Oh Shit
Here We Go
Birthday Fun

I've Told You My Secrets

342 6 0
Af klaysbae

I sat up and looked around. I was not in my house or in my bed and I was only in my bra and panties.

"What the fuck?" I said gripping my head and I went to the closet.

"Oh I'm in Klay's house" I said and grabbed my backpack.

I got out and saw a towel and a wash cloth. I got in the shower and washed up. I wrapped myself in a towel and pulled my hair up in a messy bun. I pulled on my outfit and groaned.

I put on some mascara and walked downstairs.

"Who's upstairs?" Dray asked and I walked in.

"It was me you donkey" I said and Steph started laughing.

"Y'all hooked up?" He asked and I scratched my head.

"No we did body shots" I said and Klay nodded.

"Yo break me in on some shots" Dray said and I plucked his forehead.

"You wish" I said and he groaned.

"Do you have on Ugg slippers?" He asked and I nodded.

"Hell yeah they all comfortable" I said and he nodded.

"Cool cool but check it we have practice today at like 12" he said and I looked at the time.

It was 11:37.

"Y'all asses are some idiots it takes an hour to go and I need to hitch a ride" I said and they looked at me.

"Steph can you drive me to your house?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah" he said and I smiled running to the door.

Steph and me got on the road.

"Did y'all hook up?" He asked as we drove down the road and I shook my head.

"I already told you no Steph" I said and he looked at me.

"I'm serious" he said and I groaned.

"No" I said and he looked at me.

"Cmon Carter tell me the truth" he said and I groaned.

"Cmon Steph don't pull the big brother card" I said and he looked at me.

"Stop it Carter" he said and I looked at him.

"Don't think I won't forget but go on in the house" he said and I kissed my teeth.

"Whatever" I said and he gripped my arm.

"Stop it Carter" he said and I yanked my arm away.

"Bye Wardell" I said and hopped out the car.

"Carter I swear to the lord himself" he said and I groaned.

"Bye" I said and shut the car door.

I rolled my eyes and walked in the house.

"For real for real Steph can suck my ass" I said and Ayesha looked at me.

"Oh Jesus" she said and I grabbed a pancake.

"What's wrong with him" she said as I fixed up my plate and I sat down.

"He asked me if Klay and I hooked up and I said no so then he said he's serious and I said no then he was like cmon and I was like don't pull the big brother card and he kept asking me and he got me pissed so I was like bye Wardell and he got pissed so I slammed the door and walked in here" I said and took a bite of my pancake.

"You know he's just looking out for you" he said and I groaned.

"But I'm a big girl and I can look out for myself" I said and she nodded.

"I know but it's better to have someone look out for you then to have no one" she said and I sighed.

"Don't I know it" I muttered and she looked at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I smirked.

"When you nod your head yes but you wanna say no" I sang trying to avoid the subject and she looked at me.

"You know what I was asking about" she said and I looked down scraping at my plate.

"It's nothing" I said holding back the tears that threatened to fall and she grabbed my hand pulling me over to the couch.

"It's five o'clock somewhere pour me some wine please" I said ignoring the lump in my throat and she nodded.

She poured herself orange juice and walked back in.

"Now you wanna talk about it?" She asked and I sighed.

"Yes" I confessed and she smiled.

"I'm all ears" she said and I sighed.

"Ever since I was five I felt a little different from my sister and brother. I was treated differently like my sister and my brother were above me. When I turned twelve I realized that something really was wrong with my family" I said and a tear fell.

"I was so different from my siblings that my parents began to notice and give them special treatment. They began to leave me at home when they would go out with Brandon and Bailey which are my brothers and sisters, they celebrate with them for their birthdays and I got nothing, and a bunch of other stuff like that" I said and I saw Ayesha wipe a tear away.

"And then they went off to college and I went to art school but they paid for my siblings and I had to pay for myself. I worked two jobs and one day I got in a car accident because I was so tired that I fell asleep. I flipped my car and went to the hospital. They didn't show up but my grandma did. They told her I wasn't expected to live and she was so ashamed of my parents because they weren't there and even more of my siblings because they didn't treat me well" I said and took a sip of my wine.

"I was in a coma for two months. When I finally got up I had a broken leg, two fractured ribs, and broken arm. They never came and that day was the last day I ever saw them. My grandma packed me up and drove us down to her house where her my aunt, and my grandfather raised me. I said don't I know it because I had to push them away to start fresh and it feels so good to get that of my chest" I said and let out a sob.

She held me and I cried. It felt so good to get that extra support. About an hour later when I finally calmed down I decided to finish my story.

"And my brother and sister became big leagues like my sister is a well known fashion designer and my brother is a big time corporate business owner so I guess my parents thought that I would be like that but I've had more of an art vibe to me. So I-I still thinking they secretly wanted me to be a big well known person but I didn't want that. I decided to run my own business and cut off all ties" I said and she nodded as I cried even more.


The guys walked in about an hour later and I looked up. My face was red and puffy and my makeup was running. My hair was messy cause I was laying in Ayesha's lap.

"Yo what's go-! Oh shit" Dray said and I looked at him.

"What's wrong Dray" Klay said and looked at me.

He rushed over to my side and took me into his arms.

"What's wrong" he said and cradled me.

"Nothing Klay" I said and Steph picked me up.

He sat me at the table and sat down next to me.

"Is it your parents?" He asked quietly and I nodded.

"I'm sorry" he said and hugged me.

"No I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you this morning. I was just tired, hung over, and I didn't eat anything" I said and he nodded.

"It's understandable but I'm sorry that you have to go through this" he said and let go of me.

"And remember your not fighting this alone" he said and I looked up at him as he stood up.

"We're your family you fight we all fight" he said and I smiled.

"Thank you big bro" I said and he smiled.

"Anything for you lil sis" he said and I smiled.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face off.

I reapplied some mascara and I put on some clear Baby Lips. I walked out and was immediately greeted by Klay.

"Come here I want to talk to you" he said and we walked to his car.

We got in and I sat down. I sighed and he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a face full of concern and I looked at him.

"I'm fine" I said and looked away.

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to face him. He looked deep into my eyes and I bit my lip.

"Tell me the truth" he said looking from my eyes to my lips and I looked down.



"Wow" he said and I looked down.

"Fuck me being the warrior you are" he said and I looked up.

"You're such a tough gir- excuse me woman" he said and I bit my lip.

"You wanna know something?" He asked lowly grabbing my chin and I licked my lips.

"What?" I whispered and he leaned in.

"I think your the most bad ass chicks I've ever met in my life" he said and I smirked.

"You think? I know I'm the most bad ass chick you've ever met babe" I said and he connected our lips.

I moaned at the sudden contact and he smirked into the kiss. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. His tongue swiped over mine and I pulled away.

"I'm gonna go back inside" I said and he smiled.

"Okay" he said and I walked inside.

"Ayesha. Kitchen. Now. Please?" I said and she walked quickly to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I touched my lips.

"This is what's wrong Ayesha. Klay kissed me in the car it was so wrong but it felt so right" I said and she bit her lips hiding a smile.

"That's so bad" she said and squealed.

"I'm sorry but I wanna know all of the details" she said and I told her everything.

"Go baddie" she said and I giggled.

"Stop" I said in between giggles and she smiled.

"Let's have a sleepover. I'll grab my bag and we can go" she said and walked upstairs.

I sat on the couch and made eye contact with Klay making me blush. I looked down and Steph looked at me.

"Where did Ayesha go?" He asked and I smiled.

"She's packing. We're having a sleepover tonight" I said and he shook his head laughing.

"I'ma text Sydel too" I said and he nodded.

"Cool" he said and I smiled.

As if on cue my phone buzzed.


Me🤓: Hey Dell I was just talking to you to Steph nothing bad it was just I was wondering if you want to sleepover tonight??

DELLIE😻: Of course boo I'll be there

Me🤓: K be there by like 7


I went to Bryn's number and texted her the same thing.

"Okay Bryn and Sydel are coming it's bout to be a fun ass night" I said and Ayesha came downstairs.

"We need to stop at Sephora and Walmart" I said and she nodded.


"And then we kissed" I said and everyone but Ayesha gasped.

"I know" I said looking at my face mask in the mirror.

"So then I walked inside and that was that" I said and Bryn smirked.

"He wants the P" she said and Sydel nodded.

"It's true. Man fuck Hannah or whoever he wants you" she said and pointed at me.

"Okay well I'm going to bed its late as fuck" I said and Bryn nodded.

We had been watching scary movies and talking about boys all night.

"Definitely is night y'all" Sydel said and I fell asleep.


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