The Virtuous

By Dreamcatcher22310

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Naomi Hamel leads a normal, borderline boring life, even for that of a college sophmore. The only glimmer of... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter two: Chance encounter
Chapter Three: Detour
Chapter Four: Call from home
Chapter Five: Creative writing essay
Chapter six: Go away-N
Chapter Seven: Pinky promise
Chapter Eight: Bravo
Chapter Nine: Angel rankings
Chapter Eleven: The Vawerth
Chapter Twelve: Nightclub
Chapter Thirteen: Pulled a few strings
Chapter Fourteen: Lilith
Chapter Fifteen: First Date
Chapter Sixteen: Mind Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Pancakes

Chapter Ten: Lunch

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By Dreamcatcher22310

Later that day I went to work. I worked at a costume shop that was open year round just off campus. I loved working there and the people were always nuts. It made my days a little more fun, knowing there were people out there almost as crazy as I was.

I was in the middle of putting away the new shipment we'd gotten in of fairy costumes when I heard my boss yell for me from the back storage room.

"What's that Mel?"

"I said go on lunch, you've got an hour and Rob comes in at three." My boss, Melanie, hollered in her booming voice. I finished putting the costumes up before grabbing my bag from under the register and heading to a great soup and salad place just a few shops down.

Usually my days at work were pretty normal; work for about five hours, go eat lunch for an hour, work another four hours, then go home and swing by the cafeteria to grab dinner, then go to the dorm and pass out.

I could only hope regardless of the crazy stuff going on, this ritual would be one that wouldn't change.

I went in and ordered a bowl of cream of potato and took up my usual seat, a chair that let the sun sink into your skin regardless of the season.

I was prepared to pull out my notebook and start to write but I noticed a familiar blonde blob of hair sitting about three tables down with his buddies.

Levi looked completely unaware that I was there and I wasn't going to point myself out. Besides he was with his football friends and a couple of girls who looked like they would be seniors. It must've been their choice for lunch today because I knew the football team would never come to a soup place on their own accord without the proper persuasion.

I shoved my notebook back in my bag and was prepared to order my soup to go when a too familiar face popped out of nowhere.

"Hello angel, going somewhere?" Duncan grinned sarcastically and set a tray down in front of me. I actually felt myself shudder when he said 'Angel'.

"I was planning to; however I have a bad feeling you're prepared to stop me." I grumbled and noticed on his tray was my order. He pushed it towards me and offered a spoon. I took it and began to slurp down my soup.

"You truly should work with rocket science, Naomi."

"Why must you be such a smart-ass?"

"Would you rather me be a dumb-ass?"


He grinned at me and I couldn't help it; I grinned back. His eyes were boring into me again and I felt my skin crawl in anticipation, feeling his corneas burning into the depths of my being. The little smile that drew up in the left corner of his mouth was making my palms sweat and the way his hand was just barely brushing mine made my heart skip every time I thought our skin touched.

"Hey Naomi."

I suddenly jerked back and looked up to see Levi standing over me. His eyes were narrowed in Duncan's direction but his smile was directed towards me. Duncan looked up too but much more slowly and gave Levi a once over before deciding he was no threat and returning his gaze to me.

"Hey Levi; what's up? You guys just get done practice?"

"Yeah, the guys were starving and they had their girls so they insisted on coming here...who's your friend?" He questioned and gave Duncan a filthy look. Duncan looked up; his interest suddenly peaked by Levi's behavior.

"I'm Duncan Heavens. Naomi helped me find my class the other day and I was repaying her back by buying her lunch...would you like to join us?" Duncan gave a challenging smile and I swallowed hard; Levi took the bait and sat down between us.

"Actually I would love to; you're okay with this right Naomi?" He asked but clearly wasn't going to leave one way or another.

I just shrugged and slurped at my soup.

"So, Duncan right? What're you majoring in pal?" Levi asked and leaned back, unzipping his blue and white letterman jacket. I quietly went about ignoring them and eating my lunch.

"I'm working at a degree as an English major and teaching major. I'm also minoring in religion."

I coughed on my soup for a second at his words but quickly regained myself and took a sip of water. Levi looked at me in concern but Duncan gave a small teasing grin only meant for my eyes.

"Nice...What're your plans after college?"

"Settle down somewhere in the area hopefully and get a teaching job." Duncan explained and stole a bite of my soup while I took a few more sips of water to soothe my nerves.

"Hmmm...where's your accent from?" Levi finally asked and almost snickered at him, clearly he was liking Duncan less and less as the questions continued.

"Canada." Duncan spoke in a clipped tone and glanced out the window; he was slowly becoming irritated with Levi's presence but clearly Levi was enjoying this.

"Canada huh? You got family up there?"

"No...I'm an orphan." Duncan spoke softly and this caused me to look up. He very seriously avoided mine and Levi's gazes and went on.

"When I was younger my parents went on a trip to the states and left me in the care of a distant cousin. While they were here though, they were suspiciously murdered. I was too young to remember them when it happened and now I'm too old to really go into trying to find details."

Levi's eyes softened and I could see he was internally contemplating his opinion about Duncan. As for me, I wasn't sure if it was even real or not. It seemed rather unlikely though to me.

"Whoa dude, I'm so sorry." Levi muttered and rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed fashion.

"It's okay...Being an orphan isn't exactly something I, my cooking skills. Those are something to brag about." Duncan winked in my direction and Levi was back to hating him.

"Right I bet...So, Naomi, I was wondering if you were still coming to my game tomorrow." Levi turned and asked sincerely. At least I thought it was sincerity. That or he was just trying to make Duncan jealous.

"That's the plan." I muttered and nibbled at the crusty roll that had come with my soup.

"Awesome, I'll tape off some seats for you." He beamed and I think I noticed Duncan flinch for a moment.

I squirmed a bit in my seat as Duncan suddenly spoke up.

"So I've got this party coming up Naomi, I wanted to know if you sold some Santa costumes that I can buy."

I blinked taken aback and shook my head with mock humor.

"I'm sure we can scrounge up something."

"Cool, then I'll just follow you over there."

This clearly pissed Levi off and Duncan soaked it up, loving every moment of their bickering. They glared at each other for a full thirty seconds before I felt the need to cut in.

"Listen guys, I think you both need to take a chill pill." I grumbled and swallowed the last bite of my lunch before returning my tray to the counter and walking away.

I left quietly and noticed them beginning to talk heatedly as I went past the window and continued on my way back to work.

Once I was back in the shop I was happy to find I was all alone with me and my thoughts for about an hour while my boss left me to look after the store solo.

I paged through my book without anything else to do when I heard the door open. I glanced over to find Duncan coming in; his face looked cool and collected but his eyes were clearly annoyed.

"So...sorry about all that." He murmured with a grin and came closer.

I shrugged.

"Not my problem; I just don't understand why he gets jealous like that...or you for that matter."

Duncan narrowed his eyes in mock surprise.

" really don't get it Naomi...That kids got a major crush on you." He explained and took off a masquerade mask from the stand set up on the counter, tying it on and examining himself in the mirror.

I suddenly began to blush and cough in disbelief. I shook my head.

"No way...Levi's just...Levi." I explained and fought hard to hold in my shock. There was no way Duncan was serious; Levi was just a really great friend and a good guy. He and I were too close to let feelings like that develop. We were too good of friends. He knew that if something like that were to happen to us we could never get our friendship back.

"Maybe you do but he doesn't." Duncan grinned and pulled on another mask.

I blinked taken aback and growled softly at him.

"Would you quite doing that?"

"Doing what Doll face?"

"Reading my damn mind; how're you even able to?"

"Because I'm your Guardian Angel, I know everything about you. Including your thoughts."

I narrowed my eyes and suddenly wondered what kind of supernatural stuff would start happening when my own powers started to develop.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you could start to read my mind to be honest."

I was confused so I shook my head before muttering.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're going to be even more powerful than I am. I wouldn't be surprised if your own powers far surpass mine."


"'re half archangel, plus one quarter chaos angel, and one quarter mortal. You're like a living heavenly pie chart." He snickered and tried on another mask, winking at me to be funny. I rolled my eyes and snatched the mask off his face as he jumped back surprised.

"Okay, clearly you're still in the coping phase?"

"Think so?" I grumbled sarcastically and rolled my eyes, fixing my jacket and taking a pile of costumes to hang back on the racks.

"So, I was thinking-" Duncan started and followed close by on my heels.

"That's a dangerous thought in itself." I chortled and he grinned.

"-I still owe you coffee, and since I'm a little late to compensating for that, what if I take you out to dinner?"

I blinked and turned to face him. I realized his usually collected and so-sure-of-himself gaze was gone; for a minute he actually looked...vulnerable. His night-sky eyes were watching me patiently and the grin that tugged up in the corners of his mouth was making my legs weak. I felt my breath catch and I tried to keep my head focused but it wasn't working out so well.

"I uhm...I don't know..." I explained and Duncan was suddenly even closer than before, if that were possible. He had me backed into the corner of the shop and the costumes suddenly tumbled from my hands, falling to the floor in a clatter of hangers. I felt a deep blush spread over my cheeks and my tongue went dry as Duncan's eyes moved only a few inches from mine.

"Come on; I'm really a nice guy if you give me a chance...I'm not like Jeff....I'm someone you've never had the experience of knowing before...Once you do know'll never forget me." He explained softly, and I could've sworn it was his warm sweet breath that was tickling my skin. The back of his hand was softly caressing my cheek before he pushed a tuft of my black wavy hair behind my ear.

I couldn't breathe for a moment and I was sure somewhere deep down in my chest that he was going to kiss me.

I wasn't sure how to react did I want him to kiss me? Did I want to kiss him?

Suddenly though before any decision could be made the bell of the door rang and we both snapped out of our trance. My head jerked up and I looked in the direction of the entrance before bending down and scooping up the pile of costumes that had fallen to the floor.

I tried to relax my racing pulse while Duncan just grinned as he watched me.

"So?" He questioned as I finished hanging up the costumes and watched my co-worker Daniel come past, on her way to the backroom.

I narrowed my gaze at him before groaning and looking at the ceiling in mock agony.

"Okay, fine...dinner Saturday night...and you better behave."

He then, very seriously, held up his hand and stuck out his pinky. I stared at him questioningly for a moment.

"I've never broken a pinky promise and I don't intend to start now."

I watched him for a minute before linking my finger to his.

"For your sake, I'd hope not."

And with that I turned away to finish my work as Duncan left silently, a smile plastered to his face. 

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