All Is Fair In Love & War [CO...

By BeautifullSoUL

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Two hearts journey together in life, heartbreak, and passion in one story intertwined with two siblings desp... More

A message to my readers.


723 49 11
By BeautifullSoUL

Picture: Cole.


“You going?”

Cole asked as he and Kimmie made a beeline to a table outside for lunch. The school was hosting a sleep out over the weekend. The tables in the outside lunch area would be put aside. It was from 5pm till the next day.

They were going to talk about school events, academics, and scholarships. They were also providing food as well as games. The flyers had been posted all over the school. “I have so much homework.” Kimmie honestly didn’t want to go. She had all these worksheets just for the first day.

“It's not til the weekend you have time.”

“I guess” Kimmie bit into her sandwich.

“You mind if I sit here?” Kimmie looked up to see Shae standing in front of them holding an apple, and a turkey sandwich.

“Hey Shae. This is my brother, Cole. Cole, this is Shae my roommate's girlfriend.”

Cole only gave Shae a head nodded as he took the rest of his Pepsi to the head.” You going to the sleep out?” Cole wondered. Shae shook her head. “I was thinking about it, but probably not. I’m not into  big crowds” Shae bit into her apple. “Social anxiety?” Kimmie questioned.

Shae nodded. “Yeah, something like that.”

“Where is Alex?”  Kimmie watched Shae pitch her apple core in the trash can next to her. “Girl, she doesn’t talk to me when she’s in class so I couldn’t tell you.” Kimmie laughed. “She’s focused on her studies.”

Shae smiled rolling her eyes. “You guys got class after this?”

Cole nodded. “Honor studies.” Shae looked impressed. “A few of my friends are taking honor studies for their doctorate degree. That's a six year program. Entirely too much school for me, but kudo’s to you Cole.”

Cole laughed a little. “It's where the money’s at.” Shae shrugged.

“I’m normal. I have history class.” Kimmie told Shae.

Shae laughed eyeing her sandwich. “I wasted four dollars. I don't even want this anymore. Cole reached over the table taking it from her. “I gotta go. Bye ladies” Cole hugged Kimmie, and waved to Shae before walking off in the opposite direction.

“So, I’m just gonna get this away real quick. Your brother is fine as hell.” Shae told a confused looking Kimmie.

Kimmie started laughing. “If Alex heard you she’d probably kill you. That’s if Brittany doesn't strangle you first.”

Shae laughed. “I’m just being honest. Whose Brittany?” Kimmie threw the remains of her burger away. It wasn't very good.

“Long story short. She and my Brother are REALLY close friends. Emphasis on really.” Shae nodded. “I can dig it. You’re not gonna tell Alex though right?” Shae asked with an innocent smile, and a laugh

“I should, but I won’t” Kimmie teased. “But hey -- I thought you were gay?”

Shae nodded. “I’m bi-sexual, but I lean toward the female side more, but I can definitely appreciate a fine brother like your brother.”

Kimmie made a face. “Okay. Shut up. I’m starting to get disgusted.” Shae laughed. “I’m gonna go. I have class in the next five minutes.” Shae slung her backpack across her shoulders before running off.


It was just Kimmie and four college textbooks all scattered across her bed. It was that way for about two hours until Alex came in texting on her phone. “Hey.” Kimmie greeted. Alex looked up from her phone. Giving Kimmie a head nod as if to say hello back.

Kimmie started back in on her homework as Alex settled into her side of  the room before getting her homework out as well.

Kimmie’s phone vibrated beneath the scattered papers on her bed.

From Cole

Mi. The school cafe closes @ 6, U wanna grab something to eat with me & Britt  B4 they lock the doors @ 12?

To Cole

Cool. What time u comin’

From Cole

30 minutes.

To Cole

C u then.

Kimmie put her phone down; picking up her pencil; looking up when she heard Alex lightly laugh. She was looking down at her phone though.

Kimmie sat up grabbing her wallet when Cole texted that he was on the way. She shoved her homework and her books in his shoulder bag quickly before walking over to leave out their room.

“Be safe.” Alex spoke .

For a minute Kimmie thought she was talking to someone else. Alex didn’t speak to Kimmie much after last Saturday. A few words here and there, but not much since then.

“Thanks?” Kimmie said still unsure before leaving.



Cole pulled his car into a parking space infront of Kimmie’s Dormitory. Brittany slouched in the passenger seat next to him.

“You okay?”

Brittany shook her head. “No. Huge headache.” Cole nodded “You wanna stop and get anything?”

“Some Tylenol.”  


Both Cole, and Brittany started laughing when Kimmie tripped over her own feet and went tumbling into the grass. She got up quickly looking around to make sure nobody saw before sprinting over to Cole’s car.

“Shut up. Don’t say anything -- about anything.” Kimmie told them as they still laughed. Cole put his car into reverse first going to the store to get Tylenol for Brittany.

“I’ll be back.” Cole told them both. Brittany only smiled. “What's he getting?” Kimmie asked scrolling down her face-book timeline. “Tylenol for me.”

“Aint he a doll.” Kimmie commented sarcastically as she liked Brittany’s face-book post that said;


When he asks if you’re okay, and he goes to get what you need so you can be okay.


Brittany laughed. “Maybe you’d stop hating if you found somebody.” Kimmie put her phone down on the seat next to her. “Technically you, and him aren't even a coup-” Brittany waved her hands around. “We don’t speak of that in this car.”

Kimmie laughed as Cole came back with the Tylenol.

“Thank you” Brittany gave Cole a smile.

Cole smiled back at Brittany the same -- his eyes lingering on hers long enough for Kimmie to say something. “HELLOOO. Food remember?” Brittany giggled. Cole only shook his head. Pulling out the store parking lot heading to a restaurant near by.

Kimmie pettily sat by Cole forcing Brittany to sit on the opposite side. Brittany gave Kimmie a playful glare. Kimmie laid her head on Cole’s shoulder when the waitress came over. She knew Cole was handsome, but damn stop with the gawking.

“Can I get you guys something to drink?” The waitress asked still eyeing Cole. “Me, and my boyfriend want a water.” Kimmie hugged Cole's arm tighter. Brittany looked like she wanted to tackle the girl to the floor.

Kimmie had to do that a lot when they were young, and still today. She had to keep these crazy bitches out his space. Cole was thankful. “Kimmie, your nails are digging to my arm!” Cole snapped at her when they waitress left to get their drinks.

“She needs to mind her eyes.” Brittany mumbled flipping through the menu. Cole smiled. “Why? Is there a problem Brit?”

Brittany smacked him in the head with the menu. Cole laughed.

They left a little before 9:30pm.

Cole dropped Kimmie back at her dorm before pulling off with just him, and Brittany in the car.

“Cole, why can’t you be Muslim?” Brittany sighed when he was rolling down the street. Cole shrugged looking over at Brittany. “Why can’t you not be Muslim?” Cole took Brittany’s small hand in his own larger one before kissing the back of it.

Brittany smiled. “Thanks for the meds.” Cole cut his car off walking Brittany to her dorm room door his fingers now intertwined with her’s “Text me when you get home.” Brittany asked of him as she got her door open.

Cole spun Brittany to face him before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Cole held Brittany’s waist -- his forehead to hers as they stared into each other's eyes. Cole lightly rubbing his nose to Brittany’s in an Eskimo kiss.

“I never wanted to break up with you Cole.” Brittany whispered softly to him.

“I know, but I respect your reasoning.” Cole eyed her lips wanting so badly to kiss her but knowing he couldn’t.

“I want to kiss you so bad.” Cole told Brittany as her eyes fell to look at his own delicate lips.

They looked so sweet.

“I can't.” Brittany said softly. She pushed him away quickly. “You need to go.” Cole nodded walking back to his car. “I’ll text you.”

Cole lucked out, and had gotten a private dorm  room. No roommate. Just peace and quiet

To Britt

I’m here.

Cole spent the remainder of his next texting Brittany until he fell asleep on her.


“Cole from Honor Studies?” Cole eyed the girl walking in stride next to him as he headed to the sleep out in his pajamas.

The bat symbol covered his pants from his waistband to the bottom of his pant legs.

The first thing Cole noticed about her was her titties. They were in full view as she wore a silk pink night gown.

“Yeah?” Cole questioned.

I'm Liddia. She introduced herself as if there was more to it than just her name. “Yo.” Cole gave her a small head nod.

“This may seem a little forward, but we are both adults here.” Cole dropped his sleeping bag to the ground listening to her talk as he sat down waiting for the sleep out to begin. “Okay?”

“I wanted to know if I can have you just for tonight.” Cole chuckled. “You want to have me for tonight?.” Liddia plopped down next to him. “Boy, don’t act brand new. I see you looking at me too.”

Cole full on laughed.

“What makes you think I’m going to agree to that.” Liddia flipped over onto her stomach. “Because you haven’t said no.” Cole shrugged. He was use to this. He’d get asked for sex every so often. Sometimes he accepted depending on how the girl looked.

He had been turning down the last few girls because of how he felt about Brittany.

Cole gave Liddia a once over -- taking her in entirely. Along with a nice set of titties. Liddia carried with her a nice round ass,a small waist, and thick hips. Liddia’s hair was curly and put into a high bun on her head. She was not bad looking either. She was probably latin

“I like what I see”

Cole told her honestly. His chocolate brown eyes focusing on her hazel ones. Liddia blushed under his gaze. Obviously surprised he was taking the bait.

“I like what I see too.” Liddia told him biting her bottom lip. Cole gave her a full smile. His smile seemed to have a very powerful affect on women. Liddia laid down on her back allowing Cole to see every curve, and asset of her being.

“Where can we go?” Cole questioned very interested in how she may feel. Liddia sat up. “The supply room is always open.”

“You’ve had this planned out for quite a while hmm?” Liddia shook her head. “No, I'm really just going with the flow, and I just saw one of the administrators leave outta there. So if we hurry up and quit talking.. ”

Liddia stopped mid sentence skidding over to the supply room with Cole walking quickly behind her. Liddia disappeared right into the room as he crashed into Brittany knocking her down. Cole reached down to help her.

“Damn I’m sorry.”

Brittany fixed her Hijab. “I was just looking for you. Where are you hurrying off to?” Cole looked over at the supply room seeing Liddia watch him with a raised eyebrow. She was asking a question.

“I was about to get something from the table.” Cole lied.

“Oh okay. I’ll go with you just let me put my stuff down first. Where are you laying at?” Cole took Brittany over to his sleeping area. “I see you have company already.”

“No. I don’t know who's that is.” Cole found himself lying to Brittany again. Why was he lying? It's not like they were together. Brittany unknowingly shuffled Liddia’s things a little farther to the side, before lying her sleeping bag on top of Coles.

“Okay, let's go.”

Brittany took Coles hand leading him to the long table full of food. The line was long so they stood for a while. Cole looked back towards the supply closet, but Liddia was nowhere to found. Cole and Brittany fixed their plates before going to sit down again/

In the middle of eating Liddia came over with her own plate.

“Hey. I’m Liddia.” She gave Brittany a sweet smile. Brittany finished chewing before she swallow. “Hey I’m Britt. That's Cole” Liddia smiled. “Nice to meet you guys. Sorry about my stuff. I don’t know anybody yet so I just sat it down.”

“It's cool. You can sit with us.”

Cole was mentally shaking his head. “How long have you two been together?” Liddia played stupid all too well. It bothered Cole a little. “Oh no. We're just friends.” Brittany shrugged.

Cole nodded in agreement. He still hated hearing her say that.

When Brittany got up to get some more napkins. Liddia busted out laugh. “Shes cute. I like her, but she gullible, and naive.” Cole sighed. “Just leave it Liddia. Go lay down somewhere else.”

“I am.” Liddia grabbed her things up in her arms. “I still want you.” She said eyeing him before walking off.

“Where did Liddia go?”

Brittany questioned looking at the empty space before smacking his arm. “What did you say to her?” Cole put an arm around Brittany's waist. “I just wanted to be alone with you.”

Brittany smiled happily laying her head on his shoulder.


Author’s Comment: hmmmmm….

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