Under the Mistledough (JaeYon...

By cherrybom_72

10K 412 172

'Jaehyun bent over and reached Taeyong's collar bone to kiss the deep scar that was visible. He then kissed t... More



4.3K 150 80
By cherrybom_72

The fog cleared sooner than expected. It wasn't even early in the morning anyway but it usually stayed foggy outside till Taeyong came out of his house and walked all the way to his work place. He took his hands from his pockets comfortably approaching the most well known bakery, 'The Mistledough', in the small town situated just on the outskirts of the big city. The tons of orders that were taken in the span of each week for numerous birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, pastries for get-togethers and all sorts, were kind of surprising considering that the town itself was very small. The amount of customers that visited 'The Mistledough' was an astounding number. Yet the bakery looked as humble as it could look.

Taeyong noticed the traces of flour hung onto the sleeves of his jacket. He quickly dusted them off remembering to clean properly after today's shift. He was hired as one of the helpers about one year ago and he has still hung onto the job. It was extraordinary, for he wasn't really the type to keep doing something if he did not fancy doing it. Yes, Taeyong hated the job. He hated that he had to deal with flour and mixing, making, baking and even the smell of everything mentioned before; but for some reason he never did move on despite his mind saying otherwise a million times over.

Once he reached the bakery with the sign on the door saying 'open' in colorful writing, he walked around the tiny place. He reached the back door and opened it to enter the kitchen.

"You are early today. There's still half an hour till your shift begins," Taeil, a small man who worked at the place from early morning till late night was doing what he usually did; carrying around heaps of dough unnecessarily as if he was trying to prove to himself that he was doing something useful.

"Oh God! Taeil, can you let that be and get behind the counter now?!"

Taeil jumped hearing Johnny, the owner of 'The Mistledough', shout out. Taeyong watched Taeil dump the bowl of dough on him and whisk out of the flappy doors and disappear. He smirked. Taeyong was used to clumsy Taeil, and their witty but caring boss Johnny, who appeared next to Taeyong seconds later and picked up the bowl from him giving a glance across at the flappy doors which were still swinging back and forth.

"Get changed. We've got loads to do. It's getting busier than ever. I already put up a notice for hiring someone. Hopefully someone good will apply for the job. Till then just hang in there, Yong-ah."

Taeyong nodded and moved away to change into something he wouldn't mind getting batter all over. Also, he ignored the fact that Johnny called him 'Yong-ah' despite him expressing that he wasn't very fond of the nickname. But Johnny and Taeil called him that nevertheless. They never listened to him anyway; not that Taeyong talked that much either to argue his way into getting them to call him 'Taeyong' all the way. However, if it wasn't for Johnny being a caring and easy going guy, Taeyong would have already being fired for his rudeness. He usually stayed quiet but the rare times he opened his mouth it was always something not pleasing to the ear.

Taeyong dumped his bag to a side at the corner where the employees' lockers were located. In one go he took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and crushed them into his tiny locker. His upper body was bare. The unseen bruises were being exposed to the world but no one saw them, just like how he had gone through many trials but no one knew them.

He pulled out a dirty white t-shirt and wore it covering his imperfections going back onto looking like an unearthly being. He wasn't as tall as Johnny, who was sky high with long ass legs, but definitely taller than Taeil. His skin glowed like always. His lips were plump and his jawline was awfully prominent giving off a beautiful formation to his face. But most of all, his eyes were what got everyone's attention. They sparkled each time as if he was trying to seduce everyone (except his personality just drove them away, but we've already talked about that issue).

Taeyong usually stayed out of the main counter area, but there were rare occasions when he was let out to the public. This was when teenage girls ogled over him, ladies were trying to slip their number to his pocket and men grew jealous of him (as long as he stayed silent). And today was going to be one of those glorious moments.

"Yah! Switch for me, will you?..." Taeil, who came running inside the kitchen next to Taeyong, who was getting ready to prepare some dough, spoke uncomfortably. Taeyong watched him twitch his body holding tightly onto his crotch. Taeil was holding in his pee.

Taeyong gave out a frustrated sigh looking back at Taeil, who bitterly smiled.

"Go," he replied flicking his finger. "I love you!" Taeil shout out loudly before running away like a mad man. There was no bathroom at the bakery. He had to run to the house next door where the kind ahjumma had asked anyone of them to come anytime they wanted to relieve themselves.

With Taeil gone, Taeyong had to make it to the front as soon as possible. The last thing Johnny wanted was to have customers waiting with no one to attend to them.

With the green apron on, Taeyong made it out of the flappy doors and into the main area. There weren't many customers. Just one or two early office going people who had dropped in for a coffee. He looked to see whether they were doing okay. They never served coffee before until recently where Johnny decided to just step it up a bit.

Taeyong was going to rest his elbows on the counter in front of him and get comfortable when he noticed a head popping up from below in front of the glass cupboard displaying the cakes and pastries. Seemed like the customer was looking into them very attentively.

Taeyong watched their customer's small yet bright eyes widen as his saw the red and white ribbon cake Johnny made last night. It was like his eyes were overflowing with so much appreciation. The little note book on the customer's hand opened up and he quickly drew up a sketch of the cake on it in no time. Taeyong watched him a bit suspiciously; there had been enough and more people who came in to the bakery to sabotage them over the year; It wasn't surprising, for people usually liked to rip apart something that is successful than to praise it. He was beginning to be more cautious of their odd customer who stood up straight now and Taeyong saw that he was quite the tall and skinny lad. He watched him ruffle his own dark brown hair as if something was making him think hard. And suddenly, Taeyong found the peculiar guy come in front of the counter and stand right in front of him.

"Umm...I have a question..." Taeyong watched him speak looking at something near the door. He waited for their quite the impatient customer to look at him. And just as he looked at Taeyong he suddenly choked up almost like one of those occasional ladies who get caught by Taeyong's unintended beauty.

"Yes?" Taeyong asked breaking the spell to which the customer shook his head and looked back at him to give an uncomfortable smile.

"Umm I was just..." he suddenly started walking back to the cake display and came back to Taeyong scratching his head like he completely forgot what he wanted ask. This wasn't an unusual happening anyway, so Taeyong stayed calm; he's already gone through this a million times over (insert eye roll). And finally the odd customer made his way to Taeyong once more and gathered himself up before asking, "There's a notice saying you guys are hiring. Can I...Could I...Where do I apply?"

Taeyong raised his prominent eyebrows in one go for he didn't know what to say. It was probably time for him to call Johnny, but that wasn't necessary for Johnny was already there to save Taeyong.

"That's great! Come with me. I can explain you everything," Johnny, who appeared from behind Taeyong, opened the counter-door sideways so the customer could come inside. Johnny was probably going to take him to his small office.

"What's your name?" Johnny asked gesturing their customer to enter in comfortably.

Taeyong gave way for him to come in. He could already see the customer couldn't take his eyes off of him.

"Huh?..." the customer seemed to be still lost, "...Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun." He answered and glanced at Taeyong once more before disappearing away with Johnny.

The awkward stares didn't make Taeyong uncomfortable though. Like always, he was used to it (even Taeil did it the first day, but then everything went back to normal the very next day). However, this was probably the first time even Taeyong was (although he didn't even know it to deny it) was a bit star struck for he didn't notice that he too was checking the customer out. Even after the customer was out of his sight, he still remembered what he looked like. The milky white skin, the innocent face with long eyelashes and the slight dimple that formed whenever he smiled was already in Taeyong's mind. And as if Taeyong already knew he was probably going to get hired right away, Taeyong started memorizing his name over and over.

"Jung Jaehyun...Jung Jae-hyun...Jung...Jae-hyun...Jaehyun..."

__ __ __ __

"Yah! Are you stupid? Why did you keep the flour near the sink? I don't even fucking know why you got hired. Do you really want to get fired on your second day itself?!"

Jaehyun lowered his head and bit his lower lip tightly listening to his senior throwing harsh words at him while he stayed put and listened. The first day went quite smoothly with Johnny taking him around the small place and teaching him everything as much as possible. He was told that he'd be working with Taeyong on his second day and he'd be able to learn everything in detail and start work being Taeyong's assistant. Jaehyun even came to work early morning excited that he'd finally get to know his coworker, who didn't quite interact with him on his first day where only Johnny and Taeil kept talking to him and making him as comfortable as possible. However, from the time he put on that green apron all he's been hearing was endless scolding. He was asked from why he even thought of wanting to work here, to all the way as to why he was even born to this world, within the span of the day where Taeyong constantly bombarded him with complaint upon complaint.

Jaehyun could have easily stomped on Taeyong for the bugger was shorter than him. Jaehyun even considered accidentally throwing one of those big metal bowls to Taeyong's head and pretend as if he didn't do anything, but that would not let him sleep in peace at night so he held himself back.

However, as the day went by Jaehyun sneakily spilled some oil on the floor wanting to make Taeyong slip on it and fall down, but poor Taeil, who was running to the toilet, was the one who slipped on it and fell very tragically to the point they had to call an ambulance.

"It's okay, guys. I'll be fi—fine," Taeil, who was put on a bed and rolled into the ambulance, squeaked out trying to cover up the fact that he peed his pants after his embarrassing fall, and was feeling sorry that the two had to clean it up for him.

Jaehyun and Taeyong stood outside watching the ambulance pull off and go with Taeil and Johnny, who went with him. They had already closed the bakery early and Johnny asked the two to clean up and go home.

"Hopefully nothing has happened to his spinal cord," Jaehyun let out a frustrated sigh.

"Yeah, if something has actually happened it would be your fault and you'd definitely hate yourself till you die if Taeil is to end up on a wheelchair, won't you?..." Taeyong looked at flabbergasted Jaehyun, who looked away as he met Taeyong's laser gaze, "...Mostly because you were the one who purposely put that oil on the floor."

Taeyong smirked disgustedly and went away leaving Jaehyun to pull his hair out. Taeyong knew what he had done. Jaehyun had already stained his image enough on the second day and has had one of his coworkers end up in hospital, that he wanted to quit right away.

"Oh! And you can't quit..." Taeyong peeked back to let Jaehyun know, knowing what was going on in his head, "...since you've made such a mess on your first few days, you better stick around and make things go back to normal before quitting or I'll make sure Johnny know that it was all your fault that Taeil peed in the kitchen...and 'angry Johnny' is a terrible horrifying human being."

Jaehyun was furious...and sad and extremely mad at himself. He waited outside for a bit longer before going inside the bakery to start cleaning up. Without a doubt, Taeyong handed him the duty of cleaning up the kitchen including Taeil's pee mixed with oil, while Taeyong cleaned up the counter area and packed up everything else.

Jaehyun didn't even know for how long he had been scrubbing that floor that when he stood up finally he realized that it was pitch black outside and the light that was just above his head was the only one on. There was no one inside but him.

"Great...Just great. He left me here without a word."

He sighed realizing what a rollercoaster his second day was. He put away the bucket and the pieces of cloth along with the mops and air fresheners into the closet at the end before turning around and zombie-walking to the locker room where he wanted to just grab his bag and go home.

However, as he reached the lockers he saw a shadow moving about. He immediately held back and stopped just in time to see Taeyong pull open his locker and grab out his stuff. Taeyong was still there. Jaehyun watched him untie the green apron, pull it off of him and finally take off his dirty white shirt revealing what was all under 'Mr. Big-talk'.

Jaehyun was beginning to be fascinated by Taeyong's perfect muscles, but soon his heart began to sink as the bruises and the cuts which were hidden beneath began to glisten in the faint white light coloring the locker room. He watched Taeyong move a bit uncomfortably although the bruises had already become scars. He wondered whether there were a few wounds on the inside of his body as well. The scary man didn't look frighting anymore. He was beginning to look pitiful to Jaehyun however, that wasn't what Jaehyun was feeling; it wasn't pity, it was something else. Before Jaehyun could even think of what it was, he found Taeyong bang the locker close. He immediately moved away back into the kitchen and started pretending to clean the table.

Taeyong came out of the locker room to suddenly find Jaehyun up on a table cleaning his heart out, rubbing the surface to the last dot.

"That's enough. Just go home--"

"Oh no! Everything should be sparkly clean before I go home. You go ahead. It won't be that long," Jaehyun cut him off and spoke so fast going back onto bending over on the table and pretending as if he was trying to get the last spot of dirt on it.

"Johnny is not here for you to impress anyway. I would probably tell him you didn't do a good job, so quit trying to prove things and go home."

Although Taeyong asked him the second time over, Jaehyun completely ignored him and kept rubbing the same spot till he heard Taeyong give up and go away. As soon as he heard the back door shut close Jaehyun sighed and sat on the table crossing his feet and looking at his hands. The scars on Taeyong's back were still on his mind. Unknowingly, Jaehyun reached for his tiny note book and propped it open to suddenly start sketching what was going through his brain. Yes, he started sketching Taeyong's back scars, everything he could remember to the last one. He wondered whether this was the reason why Taeyong seemed always angry and restless; like he was trying to hide that fact that he had being trampled before and didn't want others to think of him as a weakling. He was slowly getting interested in the guy who most likely would keep bugging him for many days to come.

__ __ __ __

The next few days were pretty much the same as the second, except Taeil wasn't around and Jaehyun was mostly asked to stay behind the counter. So he successfully didn't hear as many complaints as he was prepared to. However, once Taeil came back, and thank God that nothing had happened to him, Jaehyun went back to listening to Taeyong nag on every little thing he did.

"Yah! Are you stupid? Are you dumb? Where's your common-sense, did it go for a walk down the road?!" Taeyong slightly knuckled Jaehyun to which instead of feeling like he wanted to smack Taeyong in the face with the dough he had in his hands, a sudden crooked smile appeared across his lips. Taeyong didn't see it and nor did Jaehyun know that he was beginning to like this whole nagging situation.

And just like any other day, Jaehyun was the last one left scrubbing the floor and everything sparkly clean.

"Hyunnie, I'm going! Hurry up and finish off!" Taeil who came out of the locker room with his gigantic bag waved at Jaehyun and disappeared. Jaehyun knew Taeyong was most likely to go to the locker room now, for he noticed how Taeyong waited till no one was there so he could change his clothes.

Jaehyun scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Finally, Taeyong came out of the locker room wearing his fluffy big jacket all ready to go home. He saw Taeyong suddenly stop and turn to him, from the corner of his eye, but Jaehyun pretended to be totally invested in cleaning his favorite spot over and over. He saw Taeyong open his mouth to say something but give up right after and whisk out of the place without a word.

"What a rude bastard," Jaehyun whispered to himself but he caught himself smiling alone right after.

He cleaned around a bit more before he finally changed his clothes and got out of the bakery. Since he was the last one out he had to lock everything up properly, and once he came to the last door, the back door, he noticed a lump sitting right next it cuddling his jacket, all curled up. Jaehyun locked the back door and squat down next to the curled up person to see him sleeping there peacefully despite it being a very cold night with the chilly winds blowing quite harshly.

Jaehyun watched him rather than waking him up. He fluffy hair danced with the wind while he occasionally cuddled his knees tighter. Jaehyun didn't know but he was smiling. And almost as if he felt Jaehyun's warm breadth touch his skin, Jaehyun watched Taeyong flutter his eyes open and find him staring into his eyes.

Jaehyun at once pulled back and lost balance falling on the ground on his butt. He stealthily looked back at Taeyong, who was still sitting there cuddling his knees, looking back at him.

"You were trying to do something evil, weren't you, you sneaky little shit?" Taeyong asked back in his surprisingly soothing sleepy voice. It sort of took back Jaehyun before he shook his head and stood up. He went closer to Taeyong and gave his hand asking, "What are you doing outside anyway?"

Despite Jaehyun giving his hand, Taeyong stood up on his own making Jaehyun take back his hand awkwardly rolling his eyes.

"Well, I always walked back this girl who used to work here till late."

"But I'm not a girl—"

"Who said I was sitting here waiting to walk you back home?!"

Jaehyun fell silent and bit his lip.

Taeyong took the lead and both of them started walking out to the road. There weren't any words exchanged between the two. Jaehyun tried speaking with Taeyong but Taeyong just stayed silent or ignored him completely, until they reached a small hut and Taeyong offered to buy dinner.

Jaehyun obeyed Taeyong's order and sat at the tiny table inside the very unstable tent where Taeyong got some ramen and some soju. He poured a glass and watched Jaehyun avoid eye contact with him.

"No, I haven't lost my mind..." Taeyong answered the unasked question, "...This is only because Johnny hyung asked me to take you out to dinner... and I have to show him the receipt tomorrow as proof that I took you out."

Jaehyun nodded and sighed partially because he was glad he was here, and sort of disappointed it wasn't entirely Taeyong's idea. However, the night progressed quite faster than the both of them intended, and soon they were talking away about things they never once thought would be exchanged between the two.

"I have three siblings. They are all in Seoul. My family owns this gigantic business and...and...I..." Jaehyun was lost at words.

"You didn't want to be a part of it?" Taeyong finished it. Jaehyun nodded. "But then what are you doing here?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to get away from everything there. It's too busy and hectic over in the big city. Here it's peaceful and calming. Sometimes we need that, you know."

"And you like to bake?..." Taeyong asked to which Jaehyun looked at him a bit puzzled, "...It's just that the first time we met you were very much fascinated in that ribbon cake. I just thought you were one of those people, you know, crazy about baking."

Jaehyun smiled back to which Taeyong couldn't help but mirror him. "Not really. I just like to draw things that catch my eye. Kind of like taking pictures to keep them as your memories but I prefer drawing, mostly because that way you get to sink into every single detail of it like it becomes your own little thing you'd have forever..."

Taeyong watched Jaehyun explain quite wonderfully how he preferred sketching on his note book over instant photographs like an expert. He watched his hands move as he talked so merrily about the things he had sketched so far, to things he wanted to see one day to add to his little collection. He didn't know but he was mesmerized by the one who was sitting in front of him. His voice, to his body language, to how his dimples appeared whenever his mouth surpassed that limit, Taeyong was captured by Jaehyun like no other.

"So, tell me something about yourself. I feel like I don't know much about you other than the fact that you are an arrogant pussy—"

"Excuse me, look here, just because I bought you dinner doesn't mean that we are best friends now."

Jaehyun nodded playfully and looked back into Taeyong's eyes. Taeyong knew Jaehyun was probably getting a bit tipsy so he let it slide.

"Well...there's not really much to tell about me."

"Oh come on! I just spilled everything there is to my dull life. You got to have something."

Taeyong watched Jaehyun gulp down another cup.

"Well, I grew up here for most part of my life...which is after my mother left me and my brother with our quite the crazy drunkard father..." Taeyong looked up to see Jaehyun looking at him with sad eyes, "...I don't want to continue of you are going to start pitying me."

"No, I don't pity you. It must have been rough--"

"Don't! I hate it when people do that."

Jaehyun stayed silent. He didn't want Taeyong to think he was like the other people, for he truthfully was not starting to pity him in any way.

"Continuing on, since you want me to say something about myself, I grew up with my brother, not that he took care of me in any way, I kind of learned that I'm the only one who could take care of myself. So yeah, basically I'm just...an arrogant pussy."

Taeyong watched Jaehyun start giggling and then suddenly stop and ask him, "What about those endless amount of girls who chase you around all day? I was behind the counter for around twenty minutes and I got over seven chits of numbers wanting me to hand them all to you! Wah! Must be amazing to live under the spotlight!... Ouch!" It was Taeyong, he knuckled Jaehyun hard partly because he was speaking nonsense, and mostly because he was beginning to look and sound adorable.

They went on teasing each other for a while before Jaehyun turned completely red and passed out. Taeyong tried asking where Jaehyun lived so he could take him home but the tall fellow insisted on sleeping on the ground tonight.

The next morning Jaehyun woke up to the smell of freshly made coffee and a comfortable blanket wrapped around his body tightly that he couldn't even move. He struggled a bit before he opened his eyes fully to realize that it wasn't his place. He was in a tiny tidily kept room in which he wondered whether a Febreze bomb had exploded for he was sure he wasn't breathing air but air freshener instead. The door suddenly slid open and Jaehyun almost choked seeing Taeyong appear wearing a tank top and comfortable sweat pants. He had never seen him like this before so Jaehyun wondered whether he should lower his gaze or not. However, Taeyong suddenly threw Jaehyun's jacket and socks to his face and spoke,

"You passed out last night. I didn't know where you lived so I brought you to my planet. Wash your face, get dressed and get out of here. I have to get ready to go to work. Also, no coffee for you."

Taeyong slid the door shut but opened it once more to complain saying, "And why the hell are you so heavy?! You are stick thin but so damn heavy...And you keep throwing your hands around everywhere falling off the bed I had to wrap you up in my blanket and sleep on the cold floor. If I catch a cold, you are going to be paying for my medicine!"

Jaehyun jumped as Taeyong shut the door once more. He thought after last night's talk everything was going to go smoothly, but seemed like Taeyong was back to his old grumpy self.

The two of them got to work together on time (Jaehyun was basically running behind Taeyong who purposefully walked very fast from home) although they thought they'd be late. Jaehyun never went home to change hence came back in yesterday's clothes. And yes, Taeyong did ultimately give him coffee and even offered him some of his clothes but after Jaehyun joked about how they wouldn't fit him anyway, Taeyong refused to give him his clothes and only gave a fresh pair of socks.

"You better give me my socks tomorrow. They better smell like they were newly made or you will die!" Taeyong whispered to Jaehyun's ear before separating from him to which Jaehyun just rolled his eyes and went away.

Although the day started off on a high note, today came with a bit of sad news as well. Johnny was going to be gone for a week and Taeil was made the one in charge (which was going to be a heck of a ride because when he runs to the toilet, which is at least three times a day, things were going to be a bit tighter).

"Guys, just be sure to lock the doors after work. You'll do fine! I have faith in you lot. I'll be back in five days so make sure to give the two birthday cake orders and the anniversary cupcakes order tomorrow. Taeyong-ah, remember Mrs. Kang is coming to take the Blue and yellow ribbon cake on Wednesday...Bye guys! See you soon!"

Taeyong, Taeil and Jaehyun waved good bye to Johnny, who went away with quite a heavy heart wondering whether his workers would be able the handle the pressure. Little did he know the three were actually running everything smoothly. The day wasn't that bad. They didn't get as many orders as they usually did but as the first day without Johnny they were doing fine.

And so were the other days, surprising them how there weren't any major issues...until it got to Tuesday night.

Taeil, who usually worked from early morning till late night, worked till six this week and then went back home since he came extra early in the mornings since Johnny wasn't around. So, only Jaehyun and Taeyong were in the bakery till late night to clean up everything before heading home.

As usual the two closed down the bakery at around seven and started cleaning up slowly. Their relationship, as predicted by Johnny who constantly listened to them argue, had become much better after that night out drinking. However, there still was tension between the two.

Jaehyun, being his clumsy self, was trying to scrub the tables again, and was moving Mrs. Kang's blue and yellow ribbon cake that was prepared by Johnny before he left, from one table to another when Taeyong headed out to the locker room. Seemed like Taeyong was done cleaning. Knowing that Taeyong was going to expose his upper body once more Jaehyun subconsciously moved side ways to look from the corner of his eyes to see what was going on (He was sort of a pervert, let's say). From the tiny visible slit, he could see Taeyong taking off his same dirty white shirt and expose his skin to the world. Jaehyun was beginning to ogle over him but suddenly stopped feeling something mushy around his elbow.

He looked and at once jumped crying out loud that even Taeyong hurried out wearing his shirt half way on, and both of them paused for a moment in shock.

The blue and yellow ribbon cake that was to be delivered tomorrow to grumpy Mrs. Kang, who only accepted cakes made by Johnny, was sitting there squashed from the center and looking like a melting snow man.


Taeyong shouted so loud that the ahjumma next door, who was preparing to sleep, even called the bakery to ask whether everything was alright.

After a couple of minutes, Taeyong took the cake and threw it to the trash can without a word before heading out to wear the green apron once more and start taking out all the bowls and flour and everything needed to possibly make a replica of the before perfectly decorated ribbon cake, where parts of it were still hung onto Jaehyun's elbow.

Jaehyun was biting onto his lower lip so severely that it was beginning to bleed now. He was partly shaking and partly confused as to why Taeyong was not punching him in the face and scolding him till his ears would start bleeding. He watched Taeyong act so calm, solemn yet his eyes flamed in anger. Jaehyun was terrified yet somehow started to wonder why Taeyong was holding back in scolding him.

It probably took hours and hours to bake and entire new cake. Taeyong was concentrating so much so that he didn't even realize that it had passed two in the morning when he started preparing the icing to decorate the cake finally. He stopped for a moment to take a break when he realized that Jaehyun wasn't around. He walked around the long table to find that Jaehyun had fallen asleep sitting on the floor (the spot where Taeil peed to be exact) and had his head resting against one of the drawers.

Taeyong squat down next to him and sighed seeing that Jaehyun still hadn't cleaned up his elbow where the blue and yellow icing had already begun to stain. Although he was furious at him before (that he didn't even want to look at him for he knew he'd lash out at him and have Jaehyun feeling miserable and start crying), the fire had died down by now and he only looked at him more...lovingly.

Taeyong brought a bowl of water and a piece of cloth, and sat beside sleeping Jaehyun to start cleaning off the cake on his elbow slowly making sure not to wake him up. After all that, he brought his big fluffy jacket and put it on Jaehyun wondering whether he was warm enough.

"Why on earth are you even sleeping on the cold floor?" Taeyong whispered, gently tucking the jacket, and watched Jaehyun rest his head feeling comfortable.

Taeyong watched him breathe silently. He had never seen someone so innocent that he admitted to himself that he felt sorry that Jaehyun was afraid to face him after he shout out seeing the cake destroyed. Taeyong's fingers reached Jaehyun's hair and began to run through very slowly. Taeyong felt his heartstrings pull each time he let his fingers glide through Jaehyun's soft hair. Taeyong's stone like heart was feeling alien like strange feelings, but he was enjoying them. He carefully moved strand by strand that fell on Jaehyun's eye lashes to a side and watched Jaehyun's knit eyebrows relax. And after a while he found himself staring at Jaehyun sleeping so peacefully. However, as Taeyong's thoughts progressed he suddenly pulled back and walked away immediately in anger and doubt. That happiness that was there on his face had vanished. He was not at peace looking at Jaehyun anymore, he moved away looking like he knew that he was falling in danger and was surely going to hurt himself.


End of 1/2

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