It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

1.3M 37.5K 1.9K

Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Circle
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Thirteen

42.8K 1.3K 77
By MarciMarie

Copyright © MarcyN 2013


The last part of this chapter was inspired by Blake Shelton's song The More I Drink (The More I Drink) I love the song and the video. His words are so true.

I look forward to your comments they inspire me and please vote. MarcyN :)

"Everyone move away now. Ignacio hand me the smelling salt and a glass of water." Take from Nonna to play the role to the hilt. "Is she ok " She heard Lliam ask.

"I'm quite sure she'll be fine." That was Rob with his phony sarcastic accent. "Robert come carry her to the room. Llaim you go with Bruno to the living room. I' ll be right up. She felt Robert lift her. She leaned into his shoulder. As he carried her up the steps. She heard him twist the knob and kick the door open. "You can open your eyes Lauren."

Then she felt herself falling as she hit the bed with a bounce.

"Rob I'm so sorry." She stood walking over to him reaching out she and was surprised when he backed away from her touch.

"You sorry for not letting me know that you were engaged to dude."

"Yes I'm sorry for that."

"Me too but I knew what I was walking into."

"Rob I never wanted to hurt you."

"I'll be ok I'm a big boy, I'm leaving anyway. It's nothing here that I want or need. So go ahead and get married to that poor schmuck who trusted you go show your fiancé some of those moves I taught you."

The sound of the slap resonated through the room. Lauren couldn't believe she had hit him but his words hurt and it was truth.

"I guess I deserved that one." She watched in silence as he grabbed his things and stuff them in his bag and left no goodbye not that she really deserved one. She was angry at him for what he said and at herself for not telling the complete truth. .

Theresa waited at the bottom of the stairs as Robert came down bag in hand. "Robert, where are you going?"

"Home Nonna." She notice the red hand print on his cheek and the sad smile that crossed his face. "What did you say?"

"Something that was not very nice."

"Oh Robert." She stretched her arms out and he embraced her.

"Believe me Nonna this is over and forgotten."

" That's what you mouth says but your eyes tell me another story. Remember there the window to the soul."

"Nonna , It was nice meeting you."

"She took his hand in hers as they walked to the door. "You act like this is the last time we'll every see each other."

"Well no I can visit you when I come to see Giorgio in Palermo."

"I think we'll see each other before that." She reached up cupped his face pulled him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she watched as he got in his fancy car and pulled off.

She refused to let Lauren lose out on happiness. So before heading up the stairs she stopped in the kitchen Bruno and Ignacio were getting their new visitor drunk. He stood with a worried look on his face."How is Lauren Nonna?"

"She's fine just tired from all the travel from Palermo."

Lliam gave her a questioning look. "She was in Palermo. I thought she was here with you the whole time."

"Oh know she was in Palermo with Roberto for a week. They just got her two days ago."

"She didn't mention to you that she was in Palermo."

" No she didn't." Theresa knew that threw him for a loop. Now he had questions.

She hated what she was about to start something but someone had to take charge.

"We'll you know her and Roberto flew down together and stayed at his uncle Giorgio's villa."

"You have another son?"

"Oh no that's his mother's brother."


"Those two have always been close as peas in a pod. Since they were little things. Almost like kissing cousins. I'm surprised she's never mentioned him to you."

"What did you say?"

"That their close."

"Never mind, do you think I can see her now?"

"Let me check on her first then I'll let you know." Theresa smiled to herself as she headed up the stairs the seeds of doubt have been planted.

Theresa entered the room to find her granddaughter on the bed crying. She sat down beside and pulled her into her arms ." It's going to be alright everything will work out."

"Rob left Nonna. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings."

"So what are you going to do to fix this mess."

"I don't know."

Her grandmother stood up looking down at her. " I do, your going stop crying dry your eyes and take control."

"How can I hurt Lliam."

"You're not going to hurt Lliam. At least I hope not. " Lauren watched her grandmother pace the floor as in thought. Than sit back down. "Answer me this when was the last time you had relations with this boy." Lauren felt her cheeks turn red at her grandmother's question. "Never. Fore play kisses that's all."

"How is that possible in this age and time."

"We just never Nonna.."

"So are you and Robert." Lauren nodded her head yes.

"Rob's my first Nonna."

"Oh My..Lauren he must feel like you used him."

"He knew I had a boyfriend."

"But did he know you where engaged."

Lauren shook her head No." It was a an unexpected yes..Nonna we had a few drinks and he asked I said yes. He hadn't even brought a ring. Then I needed to think about things so I said I would visit you and then Rob was on the flight and things got intense. And I told him I wanted him to be my first and he agreed."

"You two are funny."

"How long have you wanted this boy forever but Nonna he's no angle he has girls all over. They throw their selves at him."

"Of course they would he's young, handsome, wealthy. You should have been made a move."

"We always joked and flirted but that was all."

"Then maybe it wasn't the time. But back to our other problem like Rob Lliam is a catch. So you think this healthy good looking guy like him has been waiting for you faithfully to give him some coocoo for a year.." Lauren looked wide eyed at her grandmother or was he getting it from someone else? Have you meet his family?"

"He only has his brother his parents died in a car accident."

"That's unfortunate ..god bless their souls. But the question remains if he has been faithful and if not there is are loop hole."

"What about the engagement."

"He hasn't put the ring on your finger yet, let's see how thing transpire."

"Rob told me to go marry him.

"Rob is just angry now. He has to think things out."

"How did you become so wise Nonna?"

"Time brings wisdom..and lessons learned."

Rob's flight landed fourteen hours later at Philadelphia international Airport once he was off the plane he headed straight out the airport into a waiting taxi that took him to Fat Larry's for a drink. He had started in the Vincenzo Airport in Trapani with four doubles. Talked shit to the stewardess he got four numbers but as soon as his buzz wore off he began thinking of Lauren. So now he planned to get drunk and find some chick to help extricate Lauren from his brain permanently. It was early evening and Wednesday the bar should be hoping soon because of karaoke. Changing into a clean shirt in the back of the cab he put on some cologne then comb his fingers through his hair just as the driver pulled up to the bar handing the driver a hundred dollar bill. He got out. " Hey do you need a ride any other place later." The driver asked. Rob turned looking at him. "Probably give me a card if I 'm able to call I'll hit you up ." " Thank you sir ." The driver gave him his card and he headed into the bar what better way to pay Lauren back then to pick up a chick in her bar it was wrong but so was that bullshit with the fiancé. As expected his cousin Joey was sitting at the bar. " Hey cuz " Joey stood given him hand shake.. "It's good to see you when did you get back?"

"About an hour ago." Rob signaled to Larry who was working the bar. "Hey Rob, usual."

"No I want two double whiskeys and take care of Joey and keep it coming. He gave Larry four beans (hundred dollar bills) one is yours." " Someone hit the lotto." Larry smiled taking the money.

" Hey Robbie." Rob turned around before stood a pretty red head in bootie shorts and a tight shear shirt.He new her face but not her name. " I'm Josey. Do you remember me."

"Nope can't say that I do."

"Oh that's too bad." She turned to walk away.

"Where are you going?"Rob took her hand." Stay I'll buy you a drink."

"I'm with my girl friends" She pointed to a group who were smiling and looking at them.

"Bring them over."

"There's six of us."

" The more the merry, just as long as you sing for me tonight."

"I promise." She whispered in his ear as she she smiled walking over to get her friends. Larry placed his drinks on the bar and he took them both down. "Boy don't you want a chaser to go with that. " Larry asked. "No just my next round." Larry gave Joey a look before going to get the next round." What the hell happened in Italy?"

"Nothing.." "You're lying so it must have been serious and I definitely know it involved a woman. " Joey threw his hands up. " Whatever tell me when your ready."

Rob watched as Joey pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "I have to make two calls."

" Too who?" Joey looked at him as he punched in the first number,." Hey yeah" This is Joey, Matt calling out. Why? I'm sick. Why else dumped ass. Yeah..Yeah tell dad."

"Must be nice being the boss.?" "It is, now my next call. Hey, French's bitch you coming out tonight. No! Your boy here acting crazy drinking like a fish.. Yeah he'ssss back. Some chick must have broke his heart. Because he taking down Jameson like it's water. Ok see ya soon."

"Why did you call Angelo." "Because if you won't tell me what's wrong you'll tell him."

"Whatever Joey drink.." They both hammered down two shots.

Angelo put the phone down and looked at his wife holding there daughter.

"What's wrong?"

"That was Joey, Rob's back."

"Oh No.."

"French your fish was on the money."

"She said she wouldn't hurt him..poor Rob. Go but don't get too sloshed. I call Cella and Mom."

Just then the bell rang. Angelo answered. French you don't have to call. Franceca walked in the living room. Cella and Giana stood. Giana spoke. "I took a nap earlier low and behold Bobbie told me you needed me and Cella so here we are."

Angelo entered Larry's to find Rob and Joey surrounded by a group of women. They were in the

Angelo entered Larry's to find Rob and Joey in the center of the dance floor surrounded by six girls who were literally taking off Rob's clothes. His shirt was unbuttoned and the girl was working on his pants. As the crowd shouted take it off. Angelo spotted Lala's brothers who worked as her bouncers on the side watching the side show. He walked over."Aren't you guys going to stop this?"

"Nope, no ones fighting just having plan fun right Tony?" "That's right bro."

"We were actually trying to decided if we should tap it or not for You tube. " Carmine said laughing.

" Carmine he's going through something."

"An that's his problem. He's the one ordering doubles."

"Guys he's our friend."

"We Know Angelo. That's what's going to makes it more entertaining when I roll back the bar tapes and show him how he acted a fool." Angelo looked up at the various cameras. He could just imagine Lauren looking at those tapes too. Maybe he should let Rob act a fool. No Francesca would kill him.

"You two are so wrong."

"We didn't tell him to have another round.."

"You didn't tell him not to either."

"Angelo do us both a favor go get you boy then and stop bitching."

Angelo pushed his way through the sea of girls. Rob and Joey were with dancing.

"Angelo Heeyy. French let you out to play?" Joey shouted . He gave Joey his middle finger as Rob stopped dancing to give him a hug. "Angelo. What's up."

"Came to check on you." "Hey blue eyes you come to take it off too." A redhead girl asked Angelo. " No." He tapped her hand away from his shirt buttons. Holding up his hand he proudly pointed to his ring. "I'm married."

"We like married men. Don't we girls." A mutual shout of yes went up in the air. Angelo watched as all the girls danced around him and Rob." "We'll I love my wife and life so back off."

"Whatever." The girl said as she continued to dance. "Robbie will take it off."

"Not today girls me and Rob need to talk." AWWWWWWWWWW. The girls yelled. " Rob we still on for tonight right?" The redhead asked. " Yeah I'm taking three of you girls home." He slurred out. "You don't have to take three you can take us all." She said kissing him." Bring Joey but your friend, he's a party pooper baby." Angelo laughed as he pulled Rob away. And the girls began shouting. PARTY POOPER! PARTY POOPER!

"Okay you can let go now. What's up?"

Angelo turned looking back at his friend. "Do you think this is the right place to be acting a fool." "I come here all the time Angelo. Shit, I brought you here,"

"How would Lauren feel seeing you dancing with those girls like that."

"I don't give a fuck about Lauren's feelings and she sure as hell don't care about mine ."

"What does my sister's feeling have to do with you Deluca?" The both turned to see Carmine standing to the side.

Angelo knew that no good was going to come from this. He stepped between them. "Rob don't say anything."

"Angelo, shut up. Rob you got something to say about my sister."

"Yeah, I do. I have a lot to say about your sister. She was a good lay in the morning and a better lay at night."

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean Deluca?"

"Do the math Rizzoli. Your sister is a good lay."

"Fuck You Rob." Carmine flagged him about to walk away.

"Lauren did real good. Day and Night." Angelo shook his head in disgust. "Here we go."

Angelo saw it but it was no way to stop it as he was pushed to the floor. Carmine's fist connected with Rob's jaw but Rob recovered quickly shaking the punch off as Carmine went in like a boxer but was surprised when Rob came out with counter punches. Then the tackle Rob lifted Carmine off the floor so that the both went through the bar on to a table smashing it to pieces. The music played on but all motion stopped in the bar as Larry and Tonio came running pulling them apart with two other bouncers. "What the fuck wrong with you two?" Larry shouted.

"He said some shit about Lauren, I didn't like." Everyone's eyes turned to Rob in shock. "Maybe you heard him wrong." Larry tried to reason between the two. "Know I heard exactly what he said." Larry looked at them both. Angelo saw the devilish glint in Robs eye it was on. "Don't Rob. He shouted. Trying to pull Rob back . "He's drunk ignore him. Joey! Shut the fuck up Rob." Angelo looked back. It didn't look good at all now it was not only Carmine it was Tonio, Larry and the other bouncers. And Rob refused to shut the fuck up. Angelo shook his head no as Rob shouted out. "I only told the truth. she was a good fuckin lay in morning and a better fuckin lay at night." Angelo ducked the punch that came his way as the whole bar went into an uproar.

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