Fix You (Jelsa) -{COMPLETE}


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Elsa Winters could be easily described as perfect. She has a great family, awesome friends, a secured future... Еще

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine
New story!!

Twenty Two

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They were already in front of the hotel gate after spending a few more minutes ice skating on the rink. After Elsa's question, neither of them say much, they just were content by enjoying each other's company.

Elsa couldn't help but feel just a bit sad. Those moments were the last they'll share here, at least for some time. She didn't want this little trip to end, she wanted to stay with Jack maybe a few more days here.

She knew that they will obviously going to spend a lot of time together in the campus now, since they moved past their rocky situation. But being here with him was a lot more different than being with him there. There, she has to deal with the constant pressure of her friends (excluding Rapunzel) an her sister. She has to deal with their constant concern and warnings about Jack. Not that that changed anything, but she just wanted them to accept him. She wanted them to give him a chance to prove them wrong, just like he did to her.

That's why being in a place were no one was constantly tagging her as crazy for spending time with Jack Frost was so amazing. She really hoped they could repeat this sometime in the future.

They walked quietly to the hotel as well, night in Burgess was beautiful. The Victorian houses looked like they were took straight out of a fairy tale.

Once they finally got to the hotel, they both greeted the receptionist (that quickly noted the sudden change in both youths relationship) and they went straight to their room. After all, they needed all the sleep they could get.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Elsa quietly asked, preparing herself for a shower.

"Around ten in the morning, princess" he said while he instantly laid on his bed.

"Why so late?" Elsa asked a bit confused, it was a long drive after all, didn't they need to get going as soon as they can?

"I need to do something early in the morning, so you can stay and sleep till I return" He said. Elsa raised a brow.

"Where are you going?" She asked in curiosity. Jack instantly smirked at her.

"I just need to make a short visit to some friend" He said, Elsa didn't know if he was lying, but he was clearly not telling the complete truth. Still, she just decided to not to push him, maybe was something a bit more private than everything they did today.

After both of them took a shower and put their pajamas on, they stayed just for a bit longer discussing about the things they did today. Jack asked her what were her favorite places from Burgess and what she liked to do most, and what her favorite meal was.

They just stayed talking and laughing for a bit longer. It was a bit hard for Elsa to believe that he had just opened up to her completely that day, it seemed that they knew each other since ever.

Trying to waste no more time since they really needed to rest after an eventful day, they wished each other good night and both drifted to sleep, each with a big smile on their faces.

This day they'll surely never forget.


Just as he promised, Elsa woke up the next day with no signs of Jack.

Yesterday she silently hoped he would actually take her with him, but even if he didn't after all, she couldn't be mad at him, she was just a little disappointed since she was looking forward to spending just a little more time with him before heading back to the campus.

She blinked in surprise at her own thoughts.

When she had fallen so hard for him? Just a few days ago she realized that she liked him, and now in a matter of days, or moments she realized that she loves him. How on earth did that happen?

Even though she was so surprised about how quick and hard she fell for him, she couldn't deny what she felt. She just couldn't understand why.

She liked him when he ignored her, and now she loves him because he finally shows that he care. Maybe she'll never have the chance to meet that 'old Jack' Rapunzel really liked to talk about. She knew that if even Jack just took a 180 turn, this was not the old Jack even if she didn't know how he was.

That Jack he likes to recall was probably cheerful, energetic, funny and even a bit mischievous. At least that's how she imagined him.

This Jack on the other hand was strong, and even wise if she dared to say. Sure, he was fun and energetic. But he couldn't hide the painful past from his eyes, no person on earth really could after all. That's probably the difference with Old Jack and New Jack, experience, pain and strength.

She smiled.

She needed to find a way to thank him for this mini-getaway. Even if she came just because he pleaded (and because she was really curious) she couldn't deny the fact that she actually needed a break from college and hard work, even if she didn't know that she needed it.

She wouldn't be able to find a way to thank him in the campus, they will arrive late at night. She already texted her sister her possible time of arrival.

She was a bit to afraid to look for something out of the hotel, even if they toured the whole town, she didn't remember any way to anywhere. Plus, if Jack returned and she got lost she surely would be in trouble.

She gazed across the room, searching for something that could help her say a small but sincere 'thank you'.

Her eyes hand in the hotel note pad and a pen with the hotel's logo.

She smirked.

After starting her little 'gift' she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and wash her hair. She got out and took the last pair of clothes she brought for the trip, that consisted in a white oversized sweatshirt, black yoga pants, and her adidas superstar. She wanted to be comfortable for the trip.

Once she was finally dressed and when she collected all her belongings and put them in her duffel bag, she finally started her gift.


Jack gazed about two hours later, at 10 a.m., just like he said.

He found Elsa in the bed just scrolling through her phone, with her duffel bag perfectly arranged, ready to go.

"Morning, Princess" Jack said with a smirk. "Ready to go?"

"Good morning Jack" Elsa said. "How is that friend of yours?" She asked. "And yes, I'm ready to leave"

Jack looked slightly confused about her question, but he quickly remembered what he said yesterday.

"Oh, my friend is fine, really fine" He said dismissively. "We should get going now, princess." He said and picked up both duffel bags "And don't worry I already bought breakfast, it's on the car" he said, after he scanned the room one last time to make sure they weren't forgetting anything.

After checking that they were ready to go, they went down the lobby and Jack payed the receptionist (after declining Elsa's offers to pay her part like ten times and finally forcing her to go wait by the car since she wouldn't shut up) they both got into the car together.

"Here" Jack said, and handed her a dispensable coffee cup and a paper bag. "You seemed to like it a lot yesterday, so I figured it was a nice good bye meal" Jack said with a smile.

Elsa opened the bag that contained yesterday's cookies, and she instantly knew the cup was filled with the delicious hot chocolate from the same coffee house as well.

She smiled in excitement.

"Thanks, Jack" She said sincerely, to then begin to dig in her delicious breakfast. Jack chuckled and started the car.

This time, the trip was completely different from the previous one. It's like they were two different people as well.

Elsa didn't fall asleep this time, she was just too entertained with Jack.

They stopped to eat a few times, to have lunch (at the same place as the other day) and to have dinner once they were just an hour from the campus.

It was 12 a.m and they helplessly began to grew tired.

"Do you want me to drop you at your building?" Jack asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence, they were only ten minutes away from the campus.

"No, Anna would probably be waiting for me there, and she still doesn't know that I went on a road trip with you" Elsa said chuckling. "I don't think her watching me get out of your car at 12 a.m. would be so nice"

"She's waiting for you?" Jack asked with the eyes still on the road. Elsa nodded. "Wow, it was just a two day trip"

"I know, but we never went to anywhere without the other no even if I need to go to a company meeting somewhere else, she was actually shocked when I told her that I was going on my own" Elsa explained with a small smile.

"She really cares about you" Jack commented. "She looks like a nice person... too bad she hates me" He said almost chuckling.

"Just because she doesn't knows you very well, I know that with time she's gonna start to like you" Elsa reassured.

"If you say so, princess"

Just then, Jack stopped in the entrance of the Main Building.

"I had a nice time" Jack said, a bit awkwardly. Elsa giggled and picked her duffel bag.

"Oh! I almost forgot" He said, and took a piece of paper out of her bag. "Here" she said and handed it to Jack.

"What is this?" Jack said taking the paper.

"Me saying thank you" She said, a bit flushed. "I really had an amazing time, Jack. Thank you for inviting me"

Jack looked at the piece of paper in awe. It was a sketch from the lake, made in pen. It looked just like the lake looked yesterday, and it was beautiful.

"I didn't know you could draw so well" Jack said. "This is amazing" He added, and Elsa flushed darker.

"I- uh, really should get going" She said flustered. "Good night, Jack."

"Good night, Elsa. And thank you for giving me a chance" He said with a smile, and speeded towards his building.


Just as Elsa predicted yesterday (or today) Anna waited for her in the gate of her building. Unfortunately, Anna immediately noted that her sister was a lot more happy than when she left two days ago, and she was really suspicious. So Elsa was showered with questions until she decided (after avoiding most of Anna's questions) to finally try to sleep.

She hardly kept her eyes closed for 20 minutes the whole night, she was just so happy, that she couldn't even try to sleep just to replay every moment of the trip in her head.

Surprisingly, she still woke up extremely cheerful, even for Anna.

"Morning Anna" Elsa said walking to their little kitchen in a maroon oversized sweater, black leggings and maroon booties.

She almost jumped in surprise when she saw a blonde haired guy seating at her table.

"Oh! Hey sis! Kristoff's here" Anna said red as a tomato. "Elsa this is Kristoff and Kristoff this is Elsa, my sister" Anna introduced them quickly. "We don't have classes today so we decided to take Sven for a walk" Anna explained.

"Oh, okay" Elsa said blinking. "Pleasure to meet you, Kristoff" she added with a smile.

"Same for you" he answered.

"Okay, I'll just get my stuff and buy some coffee on the way" Elsa said and went to her room again.

She couldn't believe that Anna was finally dating Kristoff- Okay, maybe not dating, but they were hanging out. She really didn't want to interrupt them.

While she was arranging her stuff, she heard a knock in the door.

"I'll get it!" Anna screamed to her sister, and went with a smile on her face to greet the person that was knocking. But just as soon as she opened the door, she turned pale and stayed still like a statue.

Jack Frost was standing at their front door with two cups of coffee.

Anna opened and closed her mouth like a fish, and she could swore she heard him say 'Crap' under her breath.

"Uh... hey" He awkwardly say. Anna finally reacted.

"Er- hey... D-Do you need- I mean, can I help you?" She said stuttering. Jack gulped.

"Jack?" Elsa said, her head popping out of her room door.

Jack was standing right in front of her sister, and by the looks of it, he completely forgot about Anna's existence when he decided to come to her dorm.

Anna's head snapped towards her.

"Uh, hey Elsa" Jack said awkwardly.

Anna just stood there, her gaze traveling between Jack and Elsa in disbelief.

"Hey, Anna. I think we should get going. Sven probably feels lonely waiting for us outside" Kristoff said getting up and walking towards her. "Oh, hey there. I'm Kristoff" He said once he knowledge Jack, offering him a hand shake. "You are?"

Both sisters and Jack stared at Kristoff in disbelief. This guy definitely didn't know anyone in campus if he didn't know who he was.

"Er, Jack Frost" Jack said a bit confused, and shook his hand.

"Pleasure" Kristoff said. "Ready to go, Anna?" he asked, Anna was still staring at him in shock but nodded slowly anyway.

"Yeah.." She said an picked her purse. "Elsa I hope we can talk tonight" Anna said with a fake smile.

"S-Sure thing Anna" Elsa said smiling a bit nervous.

Anna shared with her sister one last look, and she finally took off with Kristoff.

"I totally forgot about her" Jack muttered.

"I figured" Elsa said teasingly.

"Oh, this is for you" Jack said and handed her one of the coffee cups.

"Thanks Jack" Elsa said blushing slightly. "Excited to go to class after two weeks?" She asked with a mocking smirk.

"Oh yeah, dying of excitement" Jack chuckled and rolled his eyes.

They went to North's class together, and little to say, North looked like a little kid on Christmas morning once he saw them together in class, chatting and laughing.

They never worked that hard on any class before, they were so delayed with the project that they didn't even got time to take off their eyes from the work.

Still, even though if they worked really hard in class, there was still a lot to do. So Elsa suggested to go straight to Jack's room (since she didn't want to give her little sister a heart attack before they talked) after classes, to keep on working on the project.

"I didn't brought my car, so we need to take the mini-bus" Jack said once they got out of class.

"It's fine by me" Elsa said shrugging, until she realized something was missing. "Shit! I forgot one of my notebooks in class" She whined while she double checked her stuff. "I need to go back"

"I'll go with you" Jack said, already turning to the direction of the Main Building.

"Don't worry! You just go and buy something for lunch if you can, I'll be in your dorm in no time!" Elsa said and began to walk away.

"Are you sure? I don't mind" Jack said.

"Yeah, don't worry! It'll be just a second!" She said and took off before he could say anything else.

She was walking a bit rapidly since she really wanted to advance in the project as much as they could, and she was about to go up the little stairs of the Main Building when someone grabbed her a bit harshly from her shoulder and turned her to other direction.

She almost had a heart attack, and she turned hoping to see Jack (even thought the grasp was incredibly harsh to believe it was him) but almost died when she saw who was.

"Well hello my beautiful Queen" Pitch said while pushing her discreetly at other direction.

"What on Earth Pitch?" Elsa snarled. "Get off me!" She said and shook harshly from his grasp.

"Aw, always so feisty. That's really hot, you know?" He said smirking and grabbing her by the shoulder again.

"What th- What the hell do you want?!" Elsa said and shook the grasp off again, Pitch smirked, but then did a poor attempt of puppy eyes, making Elsa frown in disgust.

"Just a short walk with my Queen" He said and tried to grab her again.

"How about never" She said frowning, and she slapped her hand before he could touch her. Elsa turned to the Main Building and began to walk away rapidly.

But his grasp stopped her again harshly, but this time, she also felt a burning and painful spot on her side.

"What about now, your Majesty?" He whispered wickedly. Elsa's eyes traveled slowly to the spot in pain.

There was a knife discreetly getting through her sweater, and getting into her skin.


Hey again guys! So, here's chapter 22, and yes I know, it turned a bit dark but isn't Pitch that way?

So, firstly, I just want to warn you that next chapter its going to be a bit violent, but I don't think violent enough to turn my rate to M. (the rating is going to change in the future in case you didn't know)

Secondly, thank you so much for being so comprehensive and being such good readers and reviewers. Thank you so much for your support. I'm feeling so much better know thanks to you, I really really appreciated all the wonderful and supportive reviews I received!

Okay so a few things:

#1 Yes, Jack's car is from supernatural (I'm sorry I just couldn't stop myself). I really really love that car, I think it's beautiful and truly badass, I thought it'll be perfect for Jack.

#2 In case it isn't obvious yet, and even tho Elsa is already in love with him, Jack has no idea on what he feels about her (asides from seeing her as a friend) nor he thought about it. At this moment, he just sees her as her true friend, and savior even.

#3 There's still a LOT of chapters left, I had the idea of at least 10 upcoming chapters, and still I don't want to finish the story right there, so yes... we still have a long ride together :)

#4 I don't really think I'm going to keep writing until they marry and stuff (maybe a sequel? BUT I STILL DONT KNOW) but I'm going to keep writing when they are together for some time, this is not going to end right after they get together.

#5 This chapter was supposed to be on last chapter, but it just got so long I decided to make a separate chapter from it, it's a bit short, but I hope you like it anyway. I couldn't continue writing because next chapter is SO DAMN LONG and I just wanted to leave you on a huge cliffhanger.

Yes, I'm cruel, I'm sorry.

#6 Kaisasha, next chapter (Tomorrow) I'll prepare you a few Jelsa fan fiction suggestions, I just want to upload this now and it's already a bit late. But next chapter I'll give you a HUGE list (and everyone else) I promise.

I don't think there's anything left to say, other than thank you so much for your amazing support! We're about to hit 300 reviews and I'm THRILLED. I cant thank you enough!! I LOVE YOU ALL.


Till tomorrow ;)


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