Divergent High

By _thedivergentgames__

88K 1.9K 810

Tris takes on highschool... Tris is the new kid, she is making new friends only to find that she is in love... More

Truth or dare
Be careful Tris
The Hospital
Part Two of the Hospital
Hospital part 3
Leaving the Hospital
At home finally!
Christina Has Arrived
Meeting the Cousin
The phone call
Telling Will
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The end.

Divergent High

18.2K 171 300
By _thedivergentgames__


Tris' Pov

"WAKE UP BEATRICE!" I groan as my brother yells at me. "Caleb I still have an hour and thirty minutes leave me alone!" I'm so annoyed right now. There is no use in me falling back asleep so I roll over off my bed, landing on my feet. I took a shower last night so I didn't have to deal with wet hair this morning since it is the first day of school. I walk to my bathroom. We live in a large house so I have my own bathroom and all. I brush out my blonde hair. I also brush my teeth. I then head to my walk-in closet. I grab a black fitted tee shirt and black skinny jeans along with my black boots that lace all the way up to my ankle. I go back into the bathroom to curl my hair. I curl it into perfect wringlets of golden strands of hair. I unplug my curling iron and head down stairs grabbing my new black bag. when I get down stairs my mom has already made me and Caleb breakfast, who has already left in his red mustang. I eat my eggs and grab my car keys. I have a dark blue mustang with black stripes. My mom and dad are business people who travel the world, so that's how we afford such nice stuff. When I get in the car I pull out of my driveway. I decide to turn on my music. Right as I hit the on button Dance,Dance by Fallout Boy starts to play. I laugh knowing this is my favorite song. Before it is even over, I arrive to school. I am now in tenth grade. I have decided two weeks ago that I'll be dauntless. Our school is split up into five different categories, rather than grades. So that means all different ages ranging from fifteen to eighteen will be in the same classes. I hop out of my mustang and lock it. I head straight to the front office to get my schedule and my locker number. When I reach the office I ask the lady sitting down at the receptionist desk "hi,umm do you have my schedule and locker number? my name is Beatrice Prior" she process' this for a moment and then says "aww yes, Ms.Prior, your brother was just in here." she hands me my schedule and locker number. I thank her and walk to my locker, number fortysix. When I get there I see a tall, short haired, mocha colored girl standing next to my locker. When I unlock my locker she begins to speak "Hi I'm Christina, you must be the new girl! looks like we will be locker buddies, let me see your schedule." I then respond "Hey my name is Beatrice but please call me Tris and ya I'm the new girl" I hand her my schedule. she then speaks again "Oh my gosh Tris you have third,fourth,and sixth block with me!" after she says that a group of seven walk up. "Hey Chrissy!" The tan kid says. Christina then says, while pointing to each one "This is Will,Shuanna,Lynn,Zeke,Uriah,Marlene, and Four. I nod and smile at them. Then Uriah comes up to me while draping his arm around my shoulders "Hey Tris welcome to Divergent high, the hell hole." I laugh at his comment then he adds "it's not that bad I just hate learning" Everybody is laughing now. That's when I take a better look at Four. He has beautiful deep dark blue eyes, a muscular figure and a natural looking ombré colored hair. After a few seconds of laughing I ask "Who has Mr.Eric next?" Zeke, Four, Lynn and Will all do so we all decide to head there since we are at the verge of being late.

(A:/N: Hey you guys this is a new fan fiction, sorry if it was crappy. Vote if you liked :) I'm new at this stuff so I'm sorry if I mess up on words or something lol. Vote, read and comment!

<3 Hertastefl)


Tris' Pov

When we get to Mr.Eric's class, he is already calling attendance so he says to us "Why are you guys late?! and on the first day!?" we say "sorry we got lost I'm sorry" I tried to do my best pouty face then he says "fine but only this once since it was the new girl." I nod and say thanks and go find a seat. I sit down in the way back. Four sits down next to me. Lynn and Zeke sit in front of us and Will sits on Four's left. I feel akward next to Four's tall slim figure while I'm here being short yet slim, making me look like a child. Mr.Eric then speaks "Class, today is a free day today to get to know some people and relax." After a few minutes people break into groups, chatting about whatever. I then decide to pull out my sketch book. I also grab a graphite pencil. I start to sketch a picture of a dog in an alley way, just like I saw this morning on the way here. That's when I notice Four is examining my art work he then says "Wow, your really good." I then say "Thanks, I got bored so I wanted to draw." Four then chuckles I join in on his chorus of un needed laughing. After a brief few seconds we start to talk. "So Tris, how old are you?" I answer him "I'm sixteen going to be seventeen on September third" He says "oh cool, your birthday is coming up. I'm eighteen so I'll be leaving this school soon." I nod and then ask a question "So, How long have you been at this school?" He then says "Since I was fifteen" I nod and then it becomes silent. not an akward silence though. A comforting silence. I put my sketch book and pencil away. Then the bell rings signaling for us to go to the next class. I ask Will, Lynn, Four, and Zeke if they have Ms. Tori. It turns out Zeke and Lynn do so I walk with them to my next class.

----------Authors note---------

Well I was thinking that Tobias cheats on Tris with the new girl Katniss Everdeen, lol just an idea, tell me what you think :D

Hey sorry it's another authors note soo I'm not doing the katniss thing lol but I don't think I should continue this story I feel like everybody thinks it's stupid

Hey Guys I added a new story called morphing. Please go check it out :)

Chapter 3

We are soon at mrs.Tori's class. she then says "hi welcome to my class! please just call me Tori because I feel old when people say mrs.tori or mrs.wu it's annoying as crap and anyways this is basically a free class to do whatever as long as your in the room. I will give you all A's unless one of you does something bad then I will drop your grade. If you have any questions ask me. And also let's keep this secret free class between us all,ok?" the class nods and then basically everybody pulls out there phone. Zeke grabs my phone and programs everybody in our 'groups' number in my phone and then adds my number to his and starts a group chat. and that's when the conversation starts.

Zeke: Hey guys! I added tris to the fun!


Uriah: Ok cool, I'm bored and all of you are pansycakes

Lynn: Shutup Uri that's retarded and that's not coming back you idiot!

Four: oh no here it comes

Uriah: What the hell do you mean Lynn? do you have a problem with the word pansycake because you are one?

Marlene: Uriah Shutup please.

Uriah: Ok baby but only for you *smirks

Marlene: *rolls eyes and slaps Uriah


Lynn: who's the pansycake now Uriah?

Uriah: leave me alone -.-

Tris: do you guys wanna come over after school to my house except warning I do have a brother.


Christina: sure! and of course four answers first because he is in love with you!

Four: -.-

Will: sure

Uriah: we r all gonna party!!

Tris: No Uriah we are not because my brother will kill us then

Uriah: please peasant you know you wanna

Zeke: hell yes!

Marlene: of course!

Shuanna: yes

Lynn: Shuanna would drag me along anyways so why not

Tris: ok everybody meet me at Oakwood on redwood street and the first house after school. see ya!

*everybody leaves the conversation because the bell rings*

I go to third block which is Mathews, she is a science teacher. I sit down next to Christina, who I now call Chrissy. "Hey Christina are you excited for tonight? and I also wanted to know if you wanted to come early to help me get ready?" she replies "I'm so excited and yes I would love to, I can make you look hot for four!" I then say "ummm ok" "Tris you know you like him! just admit it!" That's when four walks in plopping down next to me and says "Admit what?" I respond swiftly with a simple "nothing" that's when class starts. "hi everyone I'm Ms.Mathews and I will be teaching you about sience and how marvelous it is" everybody sighs in annoyance. Ms.Mathews speaks again "I will make you all form a passion for science and how wonderous it is!" I roll my eyes and notice four is staring at me. I look over at him so he can see I'm looking at him. He blushes when he notices I caught him. I smile warmly at him. He smiles back at me. God his smile is so precious. What am I thinking I just met him. I shake the idea away, the idea that I love him.

----Page Break-----

Soon school is over and I head home. I go into my bedroom that is fairly large. I pull out eight bean bag chairs. Not to much longer I hear the doorbell. I run downstairs and Christina is there. She compliments me on my house as we trudge up the stairs for her to do my makeup. She buts black eyeliner on me and mascara, along with clear lipgloss. I change clothes since we are probably going to play truth or dare of spin the bottle. I put on a black lacy bra and matching underwear. I also put on tights, a skirt, a Black tank top that's tight fitting and a black ruffled shirt. Soon the doorbell rings and I run downstairs to get the door. All my friends are here. I invite them in and lead them to my bedroom. I can feel Four's eyes burning through my back. I sit down in a bean bag chair. Four sits next to me and Christina sits on the other side of me. That's when Uriah says "Lets play spin the bottle!" I go and grab a bottle and sit down Uriah then says "Ok arris you go first" I nod and right before spinning I say "Let the games began" I spin and it lands on Zeke. I see a twinge of jealousy from Four. Does he like me? I lean in and peck Zeke on the lips. Zeke then spins. It lands on Will. Zeke pulls his shirt off "I'll pass" we laugh as Will spins. Christina. They both lean in and have a mini makeout session untill Lynn breaks it up "Get a room!" They both sit back down and blush. Christina spins. It lands on Four. I feel like something is bashing at my heart as he leans in. They barely even touch lips. thank god. Four spins the bottle. It lands on Lynn. He gets up and pecks her on the lips just as he did with Christina. Lynn spins and it lands on Marlene. She gets up and pecks her on the lips. When she pulls away after a brief milli second she scrubs her lips with her hand. Marlene laughs as she spins landing on Four. Again. Four pecks her just like everybody else he has kissed so far. He spins and it lands on the victim. Me. he leans in and we kiss. I feel sparks all over my mouth and get a warm feeling through out my body. I don't know how long we have been kissing but it's definatly longer than his wih the other girls. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gladly accept and open my mouth. Before we can start making out, Shuanna throws a pillow at us and yells "GET A ROOM!" we laugh and pull apart. I am blushing like crazy and the game continues. After a few hours they all go home. We all agreed that on Friday we would play truth or dare. I am so excited. We have school tomorrow so everybody left. We also agreed to have a sleep over Friday since my parents and Caleb were going out of town this weekend for Caleb's birthday. I take my makeup off and change into my pajamas. I crawl into the bed with the TV on and fall asleep listening to The TV show Full house.

A:/n: Hey I probably won't be updating for a week or so because my friend just shot themselves so ya.

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