Warrior Cats: The New Course...

Von LightningStrikeTC

52.8K 1.9K 2.1K

(ICETAIL'S ENEMY SEQUAL!) "The ancient secrets of the forest will sway of a new path for three cats alone." E... Mehr

Allegiances - PART ONE
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
a/n 1
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
a/n 2
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Nine

2.4K 80 145
Von LightningStrikeTC

UGH, how long has it been since I've last posted? Since the summer, perhaps? Maybe even May or June? I can't remember; all I know is that I'm utterly upset with myself for not doing what I love. Most of you know why I've been off Wattpad but I really want to make my return. I don't know how many people will be reading this because I might have lost some people by foolishly not publishing.

P.S let me know if there are any errors.

P.P.S **@Lilsis365 is a new writer and her books need a little attention. Go check out her Warriors book and her account! :)**

The sun peaked over the tips of the oak trees, and the wind stilled. Not a single breeze traveled through the air of MoonClan territory, so it was not cold. Just by the feel of it, Icestar knew that the first wave of humidity of the new-leaf season would begin soon. At long last, all traces of leaf-bare seemed to be gone, and the season of prey had finally arrived.

The MoonClan leader led Shiningmoon, Crowflight, Flameheart and Amberwind through the familiar tangle of the undergrowth. As the first border patrol of the day, everything has yet to be discovered. He was a bit weary to encounter more rogues, but the daily duties of the Clan could not be stopped by meager threats.

As he led the patrol closer to CloudClan borders, Flameheart trotted up to his side, straying a bit from the group. "How was your sleep?" questioned the warrior, his voice a bit low. Icestar had told Flameheart about his dream the previous day, especially because of the encounter they'd witnessed during Amberwind's warrior assessment.

Icestar's recalled the rogue Jinx's troubling words. Somewhere around, there resides the cat who will destroy. We won't stop hunting for him until he's dead. You should too, because he just might cause the destruction of all the Clans in his wake. Somehow, these words had to connect to Icestar's dream . . .

He turned to Flameheart, who was looking for an answer. "No dreams. No voices, no visions, nothing." He took a swift glance over his shoulder at Amberwind, but she could not hear their conversation. After all, she was too busy talking to Shiningmoon and Crowflight, her eyes sparkling as she indulged on a hunt she recently had. Thankfully, the new warrior hadn't spoken about their encounter at all, only leaving Icestar with questioning looks. The leader sighed, murmuring, "But something has been bugging my mind lately. I have the troubling suspicion that . . ."

"Go on, Icestar," encouraged Flameheart.

He took a deep breath. "Well, the rogue we have prisoner in camp must have something to do with the one we encountered. And Jinx mentioned having come from a group of cats, like our rogue." Icestar looked ahead as they finally approached open land. CloudClan valleys were seen in the distance, still dark because the sun's rays have yet to touch their lands. "They're searching for the cat who destroyed with a bad intent, so I know they're out to kill me."

Flameheart stopped walking, his eyes quickly traveling down on to paws.

"Don't tell me you've been avoiding that thought, Flameheart?" Icestar questioned.

Crowflight's voice piped up, making the two toms jump with surprise. "Avoiding what thought?" he asked.

"N-nothing," Flameheart stammered, throwing a quick glance at Crowflight, who had Dropeyes and Amberwind on either side of him. Amberwind glanced at him suspiciously.

"Icestar was probably telling him important leader business," she said, quickly flashing her eyes to Icestar . "I don't think you should nose in. Anyway, Flameheart, now that we're here, let's race!"

Flameheart was startled for a moment, but relaxed when he realized Amberwind had saved their private discussion from their curious Clanmate. Icestar was secretly grateful to her, his fur flattening on his ends.

"Alright, why not?" Flameheart quickly stood up. "Last one to the border is a dead squirrel!" In an instant, he dashed from his spot.

"No fair!" Amberwind called, letting out a yowl of delight as she chased him. However, in no time, she was able to catch up to him and even passed him.

Icestar watched the two with amusement as they went on ahead. Crowflight padded up to his side, asking, "Is it okay to let them act like that? They can scare away the prey."

Icestar purred. "Why not? We should have fun once in a while, and there won't be a hunting patrol here anytime soon." He began to walk forward, followed by the other two warriors. Deep down, Icestar secretly hoped that Crowflight had already forgotten about Flameheart and Icestar's conversation earlier, and also hoped he hadn't overheard anything. It wouldn't be good if rumors spread around the Clan.

When Icestar finally reached Flameheart and Amberwind, he realized that they were not alone. For a brief moment, he thought there was a band of rogues on the other side of the border, until then he realized it was only a CloudClan patrol.

I'm being delusional! Icestar thought. I should quit thinking about rogues, and focus on the patrol.

"It's good to see you," meowed the familiar voice of Grassheart. Amberwind gave them a curt and official nod as Icestar reached by her side.

As if they were old friends, Grassheart and Icestar touched noses. "I hope you're doing well, Grassheart," he said sincerely, and looked over the tom's shoulder to see two more CloudClan cats—Smallfeather, a little calico she-cat, and Swallowfur, a tom with unusual markings all over his pelt. His fur was gray, his neck was red, and his belly was white, along with his white paws and an oddly shaped patch over his eye. "As for your Clan," Icestar added, giving the two an acknowledging nod.

Grassheart took a step back into his own territory. "How are your kits, Icestar?"

"Oh, they're fine—"

"Ravenkit is a boisterous one. Quite a troublemaker, isn't she?" Crowflight cut in with a mrrow of laughter.

Flameheart purred. "And she doesn't even take it from any of her parents! Icestar and Silverleaf were never a cause for trouble." He gave Icestar a humorous shove. "And Dewkit's got a personality of his own too—the kit is scared of his own shadow!"

Grassheart's whiskers twitched. "That sounds like my own Flykit—"

Smallfeather stepped up in between her two Clanmates. "That sounds nice and all, but I think we should get to our own business," she said, casting a glance as Icestar and Grassheart. "The sun is about to pass over the trees, and Swiftstar wants us to mark the whole border along MoonClan before it becomes sun-high."

"We understand," Icestar said with a respectful dip of his head. "We will let you be on your way." He looked at Grassheart. "Well, if I see you at the gathering we'll be sure to talk then!"

Grassheart nodded with agreement, just as Swallowfur gave an exasperated sigh. "It's never been appropriate for two cats of different Clans to speak on good terms other than in gatherings anyway," he piped up, his gaze firmly on the MoonClan warriors. Amberwind narrowed her eyes, becoming clearly a bit annoyed. "Just because we fought one battle together, it does not mean that MoonClan and CloudClan are friends."

"No, we're not friends," Amberwind said quickly. "But there's nothing wrong with being on good terms!"

"There is!" snapped Swallowfur.

Grassheart gave a stern look of disapproval to his Clanmate. "Don't try and argue, Swallowfur. It's uncommon, sure, but not unheard of." He looked at Icestar and his Clanmates. "We best be on our way then."

As Grassheart led his Clanmates away, Amberwind let out a rather loud growl of annoyance. "What's his problem, anyway?" she muttered, staring at Swallowfur as he slowly disappeared into the distance. "He clearly just wanted to cause problems!"

Flameheart rest his tail on her spine, perhaps as a comforting gesture. She jumped at the sudden movement, but as she looked at Flameheart, her eyes sparkling as if she suddenly forgot about her anger. "It's alright, Amberwind, some cats are just too tense with this sudden peace. He did nothing wrong."

"Y-you're right," she said quickly.

Shiningmoon heaved out a sigh. "Oh, StarClan."

Amberwind looked at her. "What?"

Dropeyes exchanged a knowing glance with Icestar, her expression trickling with amusement. Amberwind clearly likes Flameheart, he thought as he began to lead the patrol to their first mark. "Come on, let's get this border patrol finished quickly," he said over his shoulder.

As Icestar led the patrol, he let his paws sink heavily into the soft dirt and grass. He let his chest fill with the freshly warm and sweet air. He let his ears listen to the lively prey of the ground and trees alike, catching the song of a sparrow in the close distance. But most of all, he let himself sink into the moment and relax, all of his troubles and previous thoughts flowing out of his mind like a river.

What point was there to worry about dreams and rogue cats when he could have a good time with his Clanmates? The Clans were at a time of peace, and he should relish it before it was gone.

* * *

A vole dangled from Icestar's mouth as he made his return. He slipped through the camp entrance with Amberwind at his heels, immediately noticing that all patrols were back in camp. Excitement buzzed around camp, the liveliness pleasing Icestar. It's so good to see MoonClan thrive! The hunting patrols seemed to have done a good job, for the fresh-kill pile was filled to the brim with just enough food for everyone. Icestar observed the clearing as Crowflight, Amberwind, Shiningmoon and Flameheart dispersed into the crowd.

Skypelt was in the medicine den with Squirreltail, Goldsun and Thrushclaw. Even Sweetheart, who was working on some of her herbs, seemed to have joined in their conversation. Sharpfang was by the far end of camp, watching the prisoner rogue intensely as if he was up to something. Nightrose, Fireshade, Shadowheart and Rainwhisker were all sharing a rabbit with Thrushclaw, while Volefur, Dawnheart, Redsky and Petalwing stood by the leader's den as they spoke. The only apprentice, Bloodpaw, was cleaning out the nursery bedding at the instruction of perhaps Sharpfang, while Sagepelt and Swiftbreeze sunbathed along with Swiftbreeze's young son, Smokekit. Berrykit and Shadekit tackled each other nearby.

Icestar found his mate and kits by the apprentice den. Silverleaf was in a hunter's crouch as she spoke to Ravenkit and Dewkit, and the two nodded eagerly as they tried to copy her. They're at the age to learn now, huh? he thought. He decided to meet with them, but first there was something he had to do.

He made his way down the clearing, stopping by his deputy, and dropped the vole on the ground by his paws. The rogue stared at it hungrily.

"How are things, going, Sharpfang?" Icestar asked, taking a swift glance at their prisoner. Though it has been days, the rogue's yellow-pelt-turned-brown was as matted as ever, his fur tangled and knotted in places that would take perhaps a whole cycle to clean out. Despite Bloodpaw, Amberwind and Blacksun regularly providing water for the rogue, his stomach looked deprived of food from the lack of it for days, and Icestar couldn't help but feel a bit bad.

"They're getting better," admitted Sharpfang. "But this mangy flea-pelt insists on keeping everything to himself. He told me that the place he came from is where the sun sets, and that his leader sent him out here. That's as far as I know."

"At least your name," Icestar said, turning back to the rogue. "Tell it to us."

The rogue spat. "Not over my dead body."

"Which will be soon, unless you drop your pride and realize that keeping silent will kill you," Icestar growled, placing a paw on his vole. "I'll make sure you get a daily piece of prey over the next few days if you at least tell us your name."

The rogue hesitated. Icestar could practically hear his stomach growl from starvation. Hunger is the only way to make a cat talk, he remembered Sharpfang say. Perhaps it was finally starting to work.

"No," the rogue firmly stated. "I shall not tell you my name." And with that, he laid on the ground heavily, and let low growl emitted from his throat.

Sharpfang gave a curt nod. "I'll take it from here, Icestar."

Icestar took a deep breath, recalling the brief conversation he had with Flameheart this morning. I have the troubling suspicion that these rogues are out to kill me, Icestar had told him, before Crowflight's sudden interruption. As he stared at MoonClan's prisoner, Icestar wondered if his intentions were to kill the cat who destroyed, just as Jinx had said. But why had Jinx been so open about it and this rogue so quiet?

Icestar tucked his troubling thoughts to the back of his mind, reminding himself that he was not supposed to dwell on such thoughts with times as peaceful as this. With a silent reassurance to himself, he picked up his vole and made his way to Silverleaf and the kits, knowing that Sharpfang would be fine handling the rogue on his own.

As he approached, Ravenkit leaped onto Dewkit, yowling, "You're mine, evil rogue!"

Dewkit gasped. "No, get off!" He fell onto his back on a swift motion, his paws pinned over his head by his sister. With her mouth, she nipped at his face and he hissed, kicking her in return. Ravenkit squealed with delight and let go of his forepaws, batting her white paws on his head as he tried to kick her weight off of him. Silverleaf watched the two, her back to Icestar, her tail flicking with amusement.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Dewkit suddenly yowled. "Ravenkit, you're hurting my scratch!"

"No, you're just being a big scaredy-mouse!" she taunted playfully.

Silverleaf put a paw in between the two, gently pushing Ravenkit off her brother. "Now, now, Ravenkit, don't get too excited. Remember that the two of you still have scratches from that little incident that needs healing."

"Mine don't bother me anymore, Silverleaf," Ravenkit insisted. "Dewkit just can't handle pain like I can."

"Can too! I had it worse than you!" he snapped, turning around to expose the scratch on his side. "If you could have felt the pain—" he stopped speaking as his eyes traveled behind Silverleaf. Finally, he noticed his father. "Icestar's back!" mewed the kit with excitement, quickly forgetting his scratch. He ran up to Icestar along with Ravenkit as Silverleaf spun around, purring.

"Icestar, how was patrol?" she asked, touching her nose to his.

He put down his vole. "It was great. We ran into CloudClan, and Grassheart said that they were doing well."

"Did you fight them?" asked Ravenkit eagerly. "You're the best fighter in all of the Clans!"

Icestar swiped his daughter's ear. "You know I'm not," he said humorously, "And of course we didn't. The Clans are on good terms, especially MoonClan with CloudClan. We should cherish our alliance for as long as it will be. Hardships come at our peaceful times like cats hunting prey."

"What does that mean?" she asked, tilting her head.

He gave her a gentle lick over her ear. "You don't have to worry about it now, but perhaps you'll know when you're a warrior."

"Hopefully not," Silverleaf added with a sigh. Ravenkit slumped back, clearly in thought.

Dewkit prodded Icestar's foreleg. "Is that a vole you caught, Icestar?" he asked, looking at it hungrily.

He nodded and pushed the vole toward his son. "Yes, you can have it if you'd like. Why don't you take it over by Sagepelt and eat it there with Ravenkit?"

Ravenkit hared forward and grabbed the prey, calling over her shoulder, "Come on, Dewkit! You're too slow!"

Dewkit glanced up at Icestar, clearly frustrated, and pelted after his littermate. Icestar watched the two with amusement, knowing that there had been no greater trouble-makers than them. Though they often angered their parents and Clanmates by getting into things that they shouldn't, his love for them never faltered.

"Isn't there something you have to do?" asked Silverleaf with a tilt of her head.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

She motioned toward the medicine den with her paw. "Sweetheart returned from the Night Flower. Looked like she was in deep thought ever since. StarClan must have . . . spoken to her." She looked back to her mate, eyes hopeful. Of course she knew about all of Icestar's ordeals—she was the one cat he confided most in, other than Flameheart or Sharpfang.

Icestar had given the medicine cat's half-moon meeting seldom thought, however. He had been too enveloped in his own conflicting thoughts to even remember to ask Sweetheart about it. "Do you think I should bother her?" he murmured, watching her run her paws down Skypelt's broken back paw.

"It seemed important," she replied. "If I were leader, I would."

"But she hasn't come to talk to me. Perhaps she doesn't want to tell me about her dream."

"Stop being so hesitant," she scolded. "I'll go with you if you like. I know you don't want to get involved with trouble anymore, but it's better to be aware of things than in the dark." With that, she stood up and began to make her way over to the medicine den. Icestar reluctantly followed, his eyes downcast to his paws.

As they approached the medicine den, Thrushclaw gave a raspy purr. "Look who's back, Goldsun!" exclaimed the elder, gently prodding her side. "Shouldn't you let him know?"

Silverleaf jumped. "Oh, Icestar, I forgot to tell you!"

Squirreltail purred as Goldsun stood up. Icestar reached by his mate's side. "What is it that you need to tell me?" he asked.

"Goldsun's expecting my kits," Squirreltail purred, giving her an affectionate lick behind her ear. "Isn't it great?"

"It's wonderful!" Silverleaf said, to which she added, "I can't believe you're going to be a father at last, Squirreltail."

Icestar let a deep purr escape his throat. "Congratulations!"

Sweetheart emerged from the medicine den, her pelt messy from a day's worth without grooming. Icestar stared at the beautiful medicine cat with astonishment. For her to look so unkept must mean that she was troubled. Something must have happened during the half-moon.

Sweetheart looked in between all the cats, and spoke up. "That's great news, Goldsun. But I believe Icestar is here to speak with me. We'd like a bit of privacy, if you will."

Goldsun gave a respectful nod. "We'll talk later," she told Silverleaf, before she and her group padded off to meet with Redsky, Dawnheart and Petalwing.

"What . . . what has happened, Sweetheart?" murmured Icestar, fearful of what she had to say. "Has StarClan visited you?"

"They have indeed," she replied, leading Icestar and Silverleaf to an isolated part of camp. "I was in the territories, and there was this storm unlike anything I've ever seen. Trees were falling, the ground was breaking apart, and there was a great flood where we are standing at this moment."

Silverleaf shivered, pressing closer to Icestar. "A vision of the future?" she whispered.

"I—I don't know. StarClan is mysterious," she whispered, shaking her head slowly. "And Vinetail visited me, too. He was grim, Icestar, and it wasn't right. He told me a new prophecy."

"Prophecy?" the fur along Icestar's spine bristled as he remembered the dream he had of Shard. Things are not over.

"The ancient secrets of the forest will sway of a new path for three cats alone," she murmured, her voice laced with anger and frustration. "Something is happening, and the three mentioned are going to change the destiny of the Clans. I know of nothing more." And with that, she swirled around and padded back to the medicine den, clearly deep in thought.

Icestar stared after her with horror. She doesn't know what it means! he thought. That vision . . . that prophecy. The Clans are in a mysterious new danger!


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