My Lovely Nightmare (ouat pet...

By s0medaybelievers

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My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
I. Love. You.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Sorry :(
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part 15

Chapter 5

6.8K 173 13
By s0medaybelievers

Hey guys so I calmed down and I'm pumped for the next chapter it's currently 12:09am but I can't fall asleep and I love u!! Sorry this chapter is kinda sucky but I needed to introduce these characters LOVE U GUYS NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE BETTER I PROMISE!!!


I opened my eyes and I was on a beach. Okay wtf? Then I remembered what Tink had told me, wow she wasn't lying. THIS IS AWESOME!!

I looked into the sparkling waters of Neverland as I walked along the rocks leading into the water.

I remembered how when I was little I would swim to clear my thoughts, maybe it will work this time.

I dove into the beautiful water, when I surfaced I saw a girl sitting on the rocks I had been on moments ago. She was smiling and waving at me.

"Hi!" I heard girl yell with enthusiasm.

I swam over to the smiling girl, getting up and sitting on the rocks with her.

She had a green tail with a purple seashell bra and she was wearing a beautiful seashell crown.

I smiled and looked up at her.

"You're Ariel" I said with astonishment.

"Yep thats me" she said motioning to her tail and flicking it.

"It's beautiful" I said staring at her tail.

She looked up at me, you could see her bubbly personality through her smile.

"You've got the heart of the truest believer" she said smiling.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You've got that sparkle in your eyes" she said quietly it almost sounded like she was out of breath "and you catch on quickly" she added giggling.

"I wish I had a tail" I said with a sigh, still admiring her tail.

"Well, you can have one" she stated matter-of-factly.

I looked up at her my eyes wide as she handed me a gold bracelet.

"It's enchanted, when you touch the waters of Neverland you will become a mermaid, when you leave the water you will become human again" she explained while putting on the gold bracelet.

"You ready?" she asked, eagerness in her voice.

"Yes" I replied with a smile as big as hers.

I jumped in the water. When I came back up, I had a tail.

It was a shimmery aquamarine color with small shells and jewels pinning the area where my gills met my stomach.

I had two gold seashells as my top and a beautiful headband made of small seashells. My dark brown hair looked teased and knotted.

"You look beautiful" said Ariel before she jumped in the water and swam over to me "wanna try it out?" she asked when she noticed me admiring my tail.

I swam a circle around her.

"This is awesome" I said as I came around to face her.

"Let me show you some of my friends" she said before making an odd noise with her mouth.

Moments later several mermaids appeared.

"Kristie this is Pearl," she said pointing to the first girl. She was a blond with blue eyes matching the color of the sea. She had a silver tail and top with pearls lining where her skin met her gills. She also had a pearl in the middle of her top and pearls scattered throughout her tail.

"Emerald" Ariel said pointing to the girl with fiery red hair and piercing emerald eyes. Her tail and top matched the color of her eyes. She had gold specks in her hair.

"And Topaz" she said pointing to the last girl. She was tan with brown hair. She had a topaz colored top and tail, the topaz color had a gold shine to it. She had a topaz jewel in the center of her top and a headband like me.

"Hi" I said waving to the girls I front of me.

"Kristie has the heart of the truest believer, so we need to keep her safe" said Ariel.

We swam around for a while talking, laughing and just having fun. Soon after the girls left Ariel and I got on the rocks and started talking.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"My dad sent me here to ruler after their ruler died. Pan, Pan and his lost boys, they wiped out over on hundred mermaids including the ruler and his family" she said becoming nervous and tense.

"He's one evil dude" I said looking down before looking back up at Ariel.

"Yep he made all of us out to be bad people" she said looking off into the sunset. "Uh I gotta go" she stammered before jumping into the water. She turned around to face me "If you ever need help or just an escape go to where the rocks end, with the hand that your bracelet is on, swipe it across the door then just follow the path".

"Bye Kristie" she said smiling.

"Bye Ariel" I said returning the smile before she disappeared.



Sorry this chapter sucked and it was kinda rushed I JUST WANT 2 WRITE NEXT CHAPTER anyways get excited!!

P.s question: what character do you think I'm going to introduce next chapter?



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