The Girl Named Sapphire (Book...

By Drum_Major01

16K 401 85

You know Randy, ninja of Norisville. But his whole life as the ninja changes when this girl named Sapphire co... More

Part One: The New Girl
The Second Ninja Known as Shinobi
Sapphire is Captured
The Secret of Sapphire
The Tale of Two Ninja
The Power Within
The Way he Lied
The Battle they Never Finished
Randy Shows his True Colors
Part Two: Entering Avon
The Elders of Avon
The First Threat
The Split Up
Satan's Peak
The Phoenix is Born
Author's note
Phoenix Vs. Arch Demon
I'll be Back

Emerald's Past

805 21 18
By Drum_Major01

***** Emerald's point of view*****

~ I was never like the other kids, I always secluded myself. I kept myself isolated from the outside world. I never came out of my comfort zone, leaving myself in darkness; never to see the light. I hid my strength, my speech, my own face. 

I curled myself up in the corner of the room, in the cold. While everyone played outside for recess. I never liked the outside, I never liked light. I like the cold, I hate warmth. The darkness is my only friend, my only ally. It's my kingdom of isolation, and I'm the king. 

"Reveal, conceal." As I talked I could see my breath in front of my face. "Conceal, reveal."

I reached into my pocket, and pulled out a knife that looked like a mini samurai sword. I pulled it out slightly, only to see the Japanese writing on it. 

"決して戻ってダウン." Was written on the blade.

"Never back down." I read out loud, only in English.

I breathed through my mouth, fogging up the metal blade. I slid it back into place, and placed it on the floor. I shivered, letting my blond hair fall in my face. 

"Conceal, don't feel." I said to myself.

I looked up to see a girl standing over me. I looked up at her with my ice cold eyes, and she glarred at me with heat raging eyes. She looked at me with no emotion, as I frowned at her. I stood up, while picking my knife up off the floor. I drew the blade and pointed it at her.

"Get away from me." I said in hate.

"Cute, you think a knife like that would hurt me, I would only be a flesh wound." The girl said to me, swiping her brown hair out of her face.

"What do you want from me?" I asked the girl.

"I want nothing, I just felt a great fire from this area and came to check it out." The girl said still with no emotion.

She began to walk out. "What are you any way?" I asked.

"If I told you, you'd become more afraid of me than what you are now." She said not looking at me.

After she walk out of the room, the teacher walked into the room with a man. The man looked like a college student with darker skin, and wore glasses.

"Emerald, this man want to take you somewhere. Don't worry you're not in trouble." The teacher said.

I didn't care who took me, or pushed me away. I freely went with the man. He drove me to a huge building and lead me inside. I sat in the chair he told me to. He strapped my hands on the arm rests. 

My eyes widened and I began to squirm. 

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"I will once I'm finished with you." The man pushed a button, and shocks were sent through my body. I screamed for help, but no one could hear me any way.

The shocking sensation stopped, I could relax. I hung my head while the man unstrapped me. He tied my hands together and laid me on a table then used metal straps to hold me hands out. e cut my shirt off, he walked over to a table next to me. He picked up a needle and flicked it a few times. 

He walked back over to me, and grabbed my arm. He stuck the needle in the flex of my elbow. It hurt... It hurt!

"Stop!" I yelled, trying to break free. "Stop!!"

Something began to change in me, I felt my eyes began to change. I felt my teeth sharpen, I broke the straps that held me down. I stood up on the table, grabbed the needle out of my arm and threw it to the ground.

I roared finding fire to come out of my mouth. I covered my mouth stopping the fire.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I grabbed the man's shirt and held him off the ground.

"I improved you." The man said smirking.

"You made me into a monster!" I growled.

"No, I made you into art. You are half dragon." The man said.

I extended my new claws, and I scratched him across the face. I held the man off the ground by his shirt with one hand. I roared in the man's face. I dropped the man  and ran on all fours out of the building. I extended my newly grown wings and soared.

(2 years later)

"I choose the path of fire." I stood up and fire spiraled around my arms.

"I choose the path of Ice." The girl had snow gusts surrounded her arms.

"Las' I check, fire melts ice." I said glaring at the girl.

"Please Emerald, that's only weak ice. I'm the strongest ice storm you'll ever see." She smiled as the gusts surrounded her whole body. 

Sharp icicles stuck up from the ground around her. A doubled bladed ice sword appeared in her hand. Ice appeared around her feet, like ice boots. Ice gauntlets formed around her wrists, and an ice chest plate appeared on her chest.

"Your move." She said to me.

I gathered heat from around me and formed a mechanical fire armor, leaving fire to spiral around my body. I held a samurai sword in my hand that burned with a orange fire. But I lost control, the fire from around me spread throughout the academy.

The girl gasped. Her armor disappeared from around her, and she ran away. I followed, but was trapped by a fallen beam that hit me in the head. I fell to the ground and passed out completely.

"Emerald!" I heard someone calling my name. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. "Emerald!" The person called again.

I opened my eyes, and saw the girl over me. "Emerald." She said in a worried voice. She picked me up off the burning floor and ran out of the academy. 

"Emerald?" The girl said as I woke up on the ground.

"You saved me." I said.

"The academy wouldn't be much fun if there wasn't a worthy opponent like you." The girl said smiling.

"What's your name any way?" I asked.


*****Back to normal*****

Sapphire laid in her bed starring up at the ceiling. 'The past is the past.' She thought to herself. She turned onto her side, unable to sleep. She sat up and crawled out of bed. She walked out of her room and out to where the balcony. She saw the two boys, Randy and Emerald, talking to each other.

"Remember, don't provoke her when she goes into that form, do you understand?" Emerald explained.

"But what if I can stop her?" Randy asked.

"Trust me, I don't think even the sorcerer could stop her in that state. Only I know her weak points in that form, and even with that I struggle." Emerald looked over at Randy.

"Sucks man. I want to do something." Randy put his fist up.

"Even though you've only known for a short while you really care about her, don't you?" Emerald asked.

"Of course, she's my friend." Randy smiled.

"Quick question." Randy looked over at Emerald. "Do you consider me a friend?" Emerald asked Randy.

"What ever gave you the idea that you weren't?"

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