Loving You

By stop_filthy_press

13.5K 392 68

It's 1956, Elvis Presley is America's heartthrob. Women nearly faint at the sight of him, and send him dozens... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Two

259 12 0
By stop_filthy_press

September 8, 1956 10 PM

*Elvis POV*

After dinner, Daddy and I went and watched television while Mama and Jessica did the dinner dishes. Everything was really good, and I was a little surprised that Jessica knew how to cook like that. Afterwards, we all just sat around talking about nothing in particular while drinking coffee.

I yawn and glance at Jessica, she seemed on edge about something, but I wasn't sure what. "Mama, perhaps Jessica and I should get back. I've got an early start in the mornin', and I need to get a full night's rest so I'm ready for rehearsals in the mornin' with Ed Sullivan."

Mama nods and glances at Jessica, "Sure, but would you mind if I talked to you for just a second?" She turns to Daddy, "Why don't you walk with Jessica?"

He nods and stands, leading Jessica out into the hallway. I look back at Mama, "What's the matter?"

She sets her mug down and turns towards me, "Elvis, I'm not liking the fact that there's a woman Officer staying with the both of you. I understand that Jessica needs some protection, but I'd be more comfortable with a man staying there."

I furrow my brow, "Why do you say that? Officer Loretta is a very good police woman."

Mama nods, "That's not my problem. Since this woman came around, Jessica has seemed on edge. And tonight, she looked upset when she came out of the bathroom, I think Loretta had something to do with it." She looks up into my eyes, "Satnin, I know how you can be with girls, and I don't want you hurting Jessica again. She's too fragile a girl for you to screw around with. With everything that's gone on with her, I'm surprised she still has the energy to drag herself out of bed, do her makeup, and make herself look nice for you."

I sit quietly for a moment, thinking. I look up at Mama and nod, "I understand. I'll talk to Jessica about gettin' someone new, I promise."

She smiles, "Good. Now get back to your room, she's probably waiting."

I stand up and hug Mama, then leave the suite and head down to my own. When I open the door, I find Daddy sitting beside her. He rises when I enter and says goodnight, quickly leaving. I walk over to Jessica and sit beside her. She did look a little stressed. I lean over and kiss her cheek. She looks up at me, "Elvis, what have you been doing with Officer Loretta?"

I freeze, looking at her, "What do you mean? I told you, I saw her naked again." Why am I doing this? Why don't I just come clean?

She nods, "Uh huh and where did you see her naked? Did it happen to be in there?" She points into the bedroom, "Because I didn't give you that hickey on your neck, and I know for a fact that didn't give it to you, no matter how many times you tell me that I did." She stands up, tears in her eyes, "I can't keep doing this, Elvis. I can't keep sitting around and waiting for you while you screw every female up and down the fucking coast! I get that you're famous, but Paul Newman is famous and he's capable of being faithful to his wife!" She looks down at me, tears streaking her face, "Or am I just that hard for you to love? What is it Elvis?" She stands in front of me, panting as she cries.

I look up at her, shocked. I wanted to yell, but I knew it was an awful idea, she was on the verge of a breakdown and yelling would just amplify the situation. "Jessica, I-I don't know how to respond to any of that. Of course I love you, I love you more than anythin'!"

Jessica steps back as I stand and shakes her head, "If you loved me, you wouldn't treat me like this. You would come home to me and make love to me, not the woman that's supposed to be protecting my life! You know what I should do?" She looks up into my eyes, "I should go across the hall and sleep with Joe! I'm sure he would treat me like a woman is supposed to be treated!" She stomps into the bedroom and comes out a moment later with the phone book in her hand, "I'm getting her fired!" She flips through pages until she finds what she's looking for, dials a number and waits. "Los Angeles Police Department? Yes, I have a complaint I would like to file..." She pauses as she waits, "My name is Jessica Drew, Officer Loretta Duvall was assigned to watch over me until Dylan Thrice is found..." She pauses again as the person on the line speaks. "Well, I have a very serious complaint about her. I'm staying with my boyfriend currently and Officer Mark Johnson from New Orleans was my Officer beforehand. But I relocated out here, and she was assigned to me." She bites her lip nervously, "Well sir... She slept with my boyfriend." Her eyes fall to the floor as tears fill them, "I don't want her to be my Officer anymore. By any chance, could you assign a male officer to protect me? Thank you, goodnight."

I watch as Jessica hangs the phone up and looks up at me, "What did they say?"

She shrugs, "They're firing her, and a new, male, Officer will be here in the morning to take over her duties." Without another word, she turns and goes into the bedroom. The door slams, and the lock clicks. There goes our evening...

I sink down onto the sofa with a sigh. Why was I such an ass? I don't understand why I can't control myself when a woman throws herself at me. I shrug lightly and curl up on the couch, since there was no chance I would be sleeping in the bedroom with Jessica. She was pissed, I saw the fire in her eyes. Grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch, I toss it over my body and close my eyes, hoping to get to sleep. I had an early day in the morning, and I desperately needed to get to sleep.


I wake up at some point in the middle of the night to the suite door slamming shut. Immediately, I jump off the couch and check the bedroom door. It was wide open, and Jessica was not in there. I snap my gaze towards the door and rush over, yanking it open. Jessica was walking down the hall, dragging her bags behind her. I clear my throat, "Where are you goin'?"

Without stopping, she shouts over her shoulder, "I'm going home, Elvis. I called my parents and told them I was on my way. I told you, I couldn't stay with someone who wasn't going to treat me right."

I felt weak suddenly, but managed to chase her down the hall, "Please don't leave! I-I promise, no more women!"

Jessica laughs, finally turning around, "How many times have I heard that, Elvis? Just because you think pleading with me will get me back, doesn't mean it will. I'm tired of playing this game. I need to be with someone who really wants to be with me. No one else, no cheating, just me! I should have known right from the time I caught you with that woman under you in Louisiana that you weren't going to change!" She shakes her head, turning back around and continuing to walk, "I hope you have a good life, because I'm gone."

My knees give out under me and I strike the floor with an immense thud. Everything inside of me felt heavy, and I just wanted her to come back. I wanted to start over with her, and never screw up. That wasn't going to happen though, she hates me. I saw it in her eyes, she hates me...


Sorry this chapter's short! I promise you I'll be writing a lengthy one soon!

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