
By Leech613

18.8K 371 361

Ash Ketchum is a man of his word. Ever since he left on his journey, he's been keeping every single promise h... More

Chapter 2: You Had My Word
Chapter 3: Plans and Promises
Chapter 4: First Date
Chapter 5: If You Try
Chapter 6: Inspirational Promise
Chapter 7: Trustworthy
Chapter 8: Anything For Her
Chapter 9: Kiss Me Awake
Chapter 10: Before You Realise
Appreciation Chapter

Chapter 1: Made and Kept

3.9K 63 84
By Leech613

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. Pokemon belongs to GameFreak, etc.

Ash made one promise, every year. He was now keeping that promise.

What was that promise, you ask?

Well, the promise he makes every year is to visit all his past travelling companions one day. And this week was the week he was going to do that.

Ash was now eighteen. He recently completed another journey. He didn't exactly promise his friends from the region he just went to that he'd see them again, as they had just parted ways but he certainly promised his other friends. One day after another, he was flying to different regions. He had been to Hoenn, Unova and Alola. Today was the day he went to Sinnoh. He was lucky he didn't have to didn't have to visit Johto, because that meant he could spend more time with each friend. He didn't have to visit Misty or Brock either, since he could visit them whenever he wanted when he was in Kanto.

The plane Ash was on landed in Jubilife City. After going through security and quarantine for the fourth time this week, he saw the buildings towering over the streets. He saw the flocks of Starly, migrating to the colder parts of Sinnoh.

Ash owed Dawn a visit, of course. He decided on walking to Twinleaf Town so he could enjoy the surroundings. He had enough time on his hands, he was sure. When he finally got to Twinleaf Town, found Dawn's home and knocked on the door, it opened up to Dawn's mother, Johanna.

"Hello Ash! How are you? It's been so long since Dawn and I last saw you!"

"Yeah it has, Johanna." She had instructed him multiple times to call her by her first name. No need for formalities. This was in fact the same with May's parents and Serena's mother as well.

"Come in! Would you like some tea?"

"Um, actually Johanna, I only came to inquire about Dawn. I promised I'd visit her one day and well, here I am."

"Oh, okay. Something going on between the two of you?" Johanna asked, winking.

"No, just a guy visiting his friend - who happens to be the opposite gender."

"I see. Well, Dawn is currently in Hearthome City, so if you-"

"Thanks Johanna! I apologise for the sudden leave, but Dawn isn't the only one I'm seeing this week."

"That's alright. Safe travels!" Johanna shouted, waving to Ash who had run to the flat field next to the house and was already calling out Staraptor. Only fair to use the bird he caught in Sinnoh, he figured. He had used Swellow in Hoenn and Unfezant in Unova. He was going to use Noivern in Kalos if he needed to.

Ash wasn't too happy with needing to go to Hearthome, since he had just come from Jubilife. However, Ash was a man of his word, and kept his promises.


An hour or so later Staraptor was beginning to tire out, but they were close enough to where Ash could walk into the city. He landed Staraptor and thanked him. He assumed Dawn would be in the Pokemon Centre. He went there first and he saw her reading a magazine, her head down. She had surprised him in Unova, so he decided it was time to return that favour. He lightly tapped her shoulder but got out of her view immediately after.

Dawn turned around at someone touching her on the shoulder but saw no-one there. He had a feeling of déjà vu. She did this to a certain someone in Unova, and she guessed this is what she got for doing it. However, she didn't jump to conclusions right away. She pretended to turn to her right now but quickly snapped her head back to the left to see Ash.

"Well, I've been caught. Hey Dawn."

Dawn stood up and hugged Ash. She had missed him. How could she not after three, almost four years?

"You kept it. Your promise."

Ash didn't reply. He had indeed missed her as well.

"How long are you here for?"

"Just for tonight. Tomorrow morning I'm catching a flight to Kalos to see my friends there."

"Oh." Dawn said, somewhat saddened by the fact that Ash would only be with her for less than twenty-four hours.

"We can go out for dinner if you want."

Dawn was shocked. Was Ash asking her out on a date?

"Ash, did you just ask me out on a date?"

"I'm sorry, no. I don't... like you like that."

"Oh. Nevermind then."

Dawn pulled away from Ash. He had grown in the time she hadn't seen him. He was taller, of course. His hair had grown more wild, too. Dawn also noticed that parts of his arms seemed more muscular now.

Ash noticed the changes in Dawn, too. She had grown taller as well. She had styled her hair differently, too. He still saw the determination in her eyes. He now put their friendship to the test.

Ash's arm moved ever so slightly upwards, but Dawn's joined it. They ended up in their signature high-five. They smiled at each other. They had both remembered it.

Before they knew it, they were discussing their most recent adventures. They then brought up the good times they'd had together. Soon it was time for dinner.

Ash reached his hand out to help Dawn to her feet, though she didn't need it. Ash had certainly become more gentlemanly as well.


Ash nodded, left Pikachu with Nurse Joy and led Dawn to a restaurant. Over dinner they talked about how they planned to achieve their dreams.

"I still can't do it. I can't win a single League!" Ash complained cheerfully.

"Cheer up, Ash. You'll be a Pokemon Master one day. You know, I think you are one already."


"Yeah. The bond between you and your Pokemon... that's what makes me think of you as a Pokemon Master. How you're so close to Pokemon, so close they'd trust you with their lives a thousand times. They're a twentieth of the way there. You saved the world, like, what? Fifty times now right?"

"Maybe. Oh, the count's thirty by the way." Ash responded dreamily. He considered that perhaps she was right. Perhaps he was defining the term 'Pokemon Master' incorrectly.

Dawn giggled. "I feel the same way as you. I've never won a Grand Festival either."

"Oh. Uh, good luck in your next one."

Dawn shook her head. "Ash, I don't think you understand. What I meant was I think I want to settle down and find a more realistic dream."

"No, no, you can't do that Dawn! Keep at it! I know you can do it!"

"Do you really think so?"


Now they walked back to the Pokemon Centre. It was a beautiful waning gibbous outside. They were silent, but occasionally looked at each other and grinned. They got back to the Pokemon Centre – eventually.

Ash checked the clock. It was well into the ninth hour. "Oh Arceus, I'm so sorry Dawn, but I have to sleep now. My flight tomorrow is at five in the morning. I don't want to wake up late."

"Aww, well it was fun while it lasted." Dawn told him, raised her hand and brought their hands together into a high-five once again. This turned into a quick embrace.

"Goodbye, Dawn."

"Bye Ash!"


Ash woke the next morning at about half-past three. He wasn't a fan of waking early, but he would do anything for his friends – and this was for his friends, so he willingly got up. He took a rather rushed shower. In the shower he thought about his friends in Kalos. Had they missed him? It had only been a little over two years since they last saw each other in person. He wondered how Clemont, Bonnie and Serena were going. Had Clemont become a more accomplished inventor and reliable Gym Leader? Had Bonnie started her own journey yet? Had Serena even come back from her own travelling yet? What if she met other guys? Ash pondered. Wait... why am I asking myself that? Do I like her in that way? Surely she does, kissing me in the airport like that... but do I?

Ash turned the water off. He got his day clothes on and Pikachu hopped on his shoulder. He hadn't even realised Pikachu was awake. Why was Pikachu even in his room? Didn't he leave him with Nurse Joy? Ash put aside those thoughts. Today was the day he would visit more friends... and leave them again. He really did feel bad that he would see them then leave them, but he still wanted to become the Pokemon Master he dreamed of.

He sat down for a light breakfast downstairs. He crunched through it. He retrieved his bag from upstairs, returned the room key to Nurse Joy and was about to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Dawn.

"Hey Ash, just thought maybe I should say one last goodbye."

"Sure, Dawn."

"See, Ash, I was really pleased you kept your promise and took time out of your day to see me. I know, I know, you did the same for your other friends, but knowing I have a friend who cares about me as much as you do means a lot. So, um, thanks, good luck and goodbye." She said, and kissed Ash on the cheek.

"No need to thank me. I just want you to continue pursuing your dream, and never give up. I kept my promise, so you have to promise that you won't give up and become a Top Coordinator one day, okay?"

Dawn nodded and she and Ash exchanged one last high-five before Ash hastily turned on his heel and left.


Ash arrived at Jubilife City on Staraptor. They were back again, so soon too. He didn't feel right, but knew that he had to keep his promise to his other friends too. He made his way to the airport and went to check-in.

What Ash was certainly not expecting was that his flight had been delayed for another day due to certain weather circumstances on the path between Sinnoh and Kalos. Apparently extreme thunderstorms that could end up crashing the plane.

Ash thought that calling friends could help him kill some time. He got to the Jubilife Pokemon Centre, and rang his home phone number. His mother picked up and was delighted to see him.

"Ash, my little boy! Are you done yet? How did your friends react? How are they?"

"Whoa, mum, one question at a time. First, I'm not done yet. I still need to visit Kalos but there are weather conditions preventing the plane from taking off, so I'm stuck in Jubilife City for the time being. Second, well, May squeezed me dead, Max was sadly not there so I didn't see him, Iris called me a 'kid' again, Cilan rambled on about how 'fine' it is that I visited him and it compliments his 'bitterness' at me leaving very well. Dawn hugged me and we had our signature high-five. Third, they're all fine. They're going great when it comes to their dreams."

"That's good to hear. So you'll be back... when?"

"I'll call you when I know for sure, okay mum?"

"Okay! Bye, honey!"


Ash called Clemont next. He didn't answer, which wasn't too much of a surprise since Ash knew he could be taking a challenger right now. He had no direct contact to Serena. He called Professor Oak next so he could talk to his other Pokemon as well while he waited for Clemont to finish whatever he might have been doing at the time.

"Ash, my boy, how is the tour around the world going?"

"Professor, you know it's not around the world."

"Of course. Now, where are you?"

"I'm in Jubilife City right now. Due to some weather conditions the plane can't take off and fly safely."

"Ahh, I see. So why did you call?"

"I was wondering if you could get some of my Pokemon on the phone so I could talk to them?"

"Sure, I'll call them now. Who first?"

"Uhh... maybe Kanto ones first."

"Of course."

Oak left the screen for a minute or so then reappeared with Bulbasaur, Muk, Kingler and Snorlax behind him. Ash wasn't too sure if a Snorlax inside the lab would be a good idea but Professor Oak seemed fine with it. He didn't see his Tauros, but it made sense that the Professor didn't want thirty bulls inside.

"Hey guys! How's everyone doing?"

Each of them let out their respective calls. They seemed happy to see Ash again. In fact, he hadn't even been back to Pallet Town yet after his most recent adventure.

"They've all been doing well. I'm sure your Tauros miss you too, just like Charizard and Squirtle."

"Well, Professor, Johto Pokemon next please."

"Of course."

The same cycle continued. However, when Ash saw his Kalos Pokemon, he was still slightly saddened that Greninja wasn't there. He was amazed Zygarde still hadn't finished its job around Kalos. Ash knew Greninja wasn't living alone, surely. He had specifically instructed the frog to find his way to Sycamore's lab in Lumiose when he was done with Squishy and its brother.

Ash finished seeing all his Pokemon and ended the call with Professor Oak. He tried Clemont again and this time the call went through. He saw an excited Bonnie.

"Hey Ash! I was wondering when you'd call again!"

"Oh hi Bonnie! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great! I started my own journey, and I picked Froakie because of you!"

"That's awesome! I hope you caught a Fennekin for Serena too!"

"Yeah, of course I did! Speaking of Serena, she's coming here tomorrow for a Rookie Class Tripokalon! I know she'd love for you to be there!"

"That... there might be a small problem with that."


"I well... the plane I was going to fly on has to stay in Jubilife City because of weather conditions. Please, tell Serena that I'm sorry if I don't show up tomorrow."

"Oh... okay."

"It's at the Lumiose Theatre right?"

"Yep. Why?"

"Well, just want to make sure so that even if I'm late I'll be there for her."

"Ooh, is Ash in love with Serena?"

"Bonnie! Don't embarrass people like that!" Ash heard Clemont berating his sister faintly since Clemont had turned down the volume on the microphone. Ash chuckled to himself. Clemont was still a caring brother. He wondered if Bonnie was right. Sure, he loved Serena like a sister, but did he love her any further than that?

Ash noticed that Clemont had turned the mic up again and was speaking.

"So, Ash, you're coming tomorrow right?"

"Clemont... I don't think you heard my conversation with Bonnie. I can try, but I can't guarantee I'll make it for Serena's performance."

"Oh, okay. What happened?"

Ash was getting slightly impatient, having to tell everyone the same thing over and over. "Weather conditions." He said simply. Clemont nodded understanding.

"So, anything else?"

"Nope, bye!"

"Bye! See you tomorrow!"

Ash hung up. He was likely going to miss Serena's performance. He shouldn't have but he felt bad. He recalled that he didn't have this feeling when May had gone on the ship on her own for her Contest. Why was it that he felt bad for Serena?

Ash decided to ask his mother about it. He dialed their home phone number again. No response. His mother must've gone shopping, he guessed. He call again tonight. Come to think of it, he still had half a day. So why not do his least favourite thing, shopping?

Ash walked around Jubilife City. He entered multiple stores, but found nothing interesting. That's when an idea hit him harder than Wulfric's Avalugg back in Kalos. He would get a present for his Kalos friends. He didn't think of it until now and it was too late to do it for his other friends too. Now he felt bad for someone other than Serena.

He browsed through more stores. He finally found something one of his friends would like. A Greninja suit, for Bonnie. He knew she'd love it – Bonnie always loved dressing up, and considering she would evolve her Froakie into Greninja one day, if she hadn't already, he thought it might be rather cute.

Next he found something for Clemont, completely by accident. It was a set of Pokeball stickers which added electric-related things to the Pokeball's design. It'd be a nice touch to Clemont's Pokeballs, considering he was an Electric-type Gym Leader. Of course, Clemont did have Bunnelby ad Chespin, so Ash bought a few extra stickers that related to those two.

Finally he settled on a present for Serena. It was sort of over the top. It was a jewelled collar sort of thing - like the black band Serena usually wore around her neck during her performances. Quite expensive, but nothing he couldn't afford with the money he earned from all his Gym matches. He was proud of the purchase. While scanning it, the woman at the counter looked up at Ash.

"For your girlfriend?" She asked, smiling.

"Uh... not exactly. Just a friend who happens to be female."

The lady chuckled heartily at Ash's sense of humour. "Thanks for coming. Here, take this as an extra." She handed him a small box. Ash was hoping he'd find what he wanted inside. He pumped his fist excitedly as he saw it.

A single ribbon. A ribbon that would strengthen his friendship with Serena. Only this ribbon was red.

"Thank you!" Ash thanked the woman gratefully.


Ash felt elated. He had found gifts for all his friends. He returned to the Pokemon Centre and was amazed to find that it was already six. He had already eaten lunch when his stomach told him to, but he never expected shopping for gifts could take six hours.

He had a super-fast dinner and called home again. His mother picked up this time.

"Hey Ash. I wasn't expecting you to call already. Something the matter?"

"Um, yeah. Remember Bonnie?"

"That cute little blonde? Yeah, of course! Who wouldn't?"

"Well she said that she thinks I'm in love."

"My little boy? In love? With who?"

"Uh... Serena. I wanted to ask what do you think."

"Well, last time I heard about her from you it sounded like you cared about her more than your other female companions. I think I could agree with Bonnie here."

"Okay, thanks mum. See you later!"

The screen went black and Ash took a seat on one of the couches.

"So... I might be in love with Serena? Funny, isn't it Pikachu?"

Pikachu looked at Ash and licked his cheek. Ash laughed. "You can stop now."

Pikachu finally ceased the cheek-licking. Ash turned to the staircase.

"Well, I think it's time for bed. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."


And so Ash returned to his room with Pikachu. Ash changed and fell asleep immediately. Pikachu snuggled at Ash's feet and joined his trainer in his slumber.


Ash woke early again. He got up out of bed and had Pikachu hop on his shoulder again. He ate another light breakfast – well what he considered light anyway. He then walked to the airport again. This time he checked-in and sat at the gate, waiting for the boarding to open.

Once it did, he was one of the first to get on. He found his seat easily, and sat down in it. Gradually the plane became more and more full as more and more people arrived. The gate finally closed and that was when Ash realised he had the other seat to himself as well. He took advantage of this by using one seat for one half of his body and took a nap.


Ash opened his eyes. He felt a searing pain in his cheek. Pikachu had just slapped him.

"What was that for?"

"Pika pikachu!"

Ash looked to his right. Food was being given out. "Oh, thanks Pikachu!"


Ash knew Pikachu would want ketchup as a reward for waking Ash up for lunch. Ash asked for just that and handed a ketchup sachet to Pikachu, who accepted it greedily. Ash wolfed down his food as well. He watched some movies on the small television implanted in the seat in front of him until the captain announced that they would be landing in Lumiose City.

Ash was one of the last to get off. This wasn't making him the happiest of people. He wanted to be there for Serena.

He bolted for the doors of the airport once he was off the plane. He ran past many people who were walking slower than his Torkoal. He was amazed that after his late start he was still one of the first to pass through customs and quarantine.

He walked out the glass doors of the airport. He reached for a Pokeball and released the Pokemon inside.

"Noivern, I want you to fly me to the Lumiose Theatre. Fast."

Noivern heard the urgency in Ash's voice, and did his bidding. Within minutes Ash was outside the Theatre, where the crowd was cheering loudly. He managed to get inside and caught sight of Clemont and Bonnie, watching from their seats. They hadn't noticed Ash yet. Something caught his attention. There, on the stage, was Serena. She was dancing with her Pokemon, Delphox who had evolved from Braixen, and Sylveon, but they weren't at their best. The crowd was hardly making any noise now.


Serena was worried. The girl before her had absolutely dominated the whole Showcase. This was her last chance to get her third Princess Key before the Master Class started and her progress would be reset. Currently she wasn't doing so well thinking about how good the girl before had done. Sure, she didn't really need to become Kalos Queen, but her dream was to make people happy, and hardly any people watched Rookie Class Showcases. She had to get into the Master Class if she wanted more people to watch her performances and be cheered up by them.

She looked to Bonnie and Clemont to try and calm herself down. It didn't work. Her movements were getting more and more clumsy by the moment and she'd fail if she wasn't saved soon. Then she saw Ash, standing at the back of the stands. He gave her a look. THE look.

She smiled to herself and recovered.


Ash saw the change in Serena the moment she made eye contact with him.

"Good. Don't give up til' it's over, right?" 

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