Tag you're it { A t@gged fanf...

By 65_redrosesfan

736 9 5

My name is Chelsea. My life is pretty normal or at least it was before. A couple weeks ago I was tagged in an... More

1| Secretly

2| I should've

248 4 5
By 65_redrosesfan

My eyelids fluttered open. I was cold, freezing actually. I rose up and figured out where I was. The spot. The spot where it all happened. The night I began to be afraid of death and water.


"Here have another one." Ash joked handing me another beer.

"Ash, stop she doesn't need anymore." Zac said.

"Come on Zac have fun." I threw my arms up in the air.

"Hey Chelsea you up for a swim." Aiden had asked me.

"Hell yeah." I smiled.

I quickly finished my beer and threw it down. I pulled my shirt and shorts off revealing my bra and panties. Aiden stepped up on the ledge. By the time I stood up he already jumped.

He didn't come back up for a while. The clear bluish water began to get a red tint to it. Aiden's body slowly floated to the surface. "Oh my god, is he dead?" A girl panicked.

I lifted one of my feet up and hung it over the ledge. Zac pulled me off the. Ledge. "Let me go." I pushed on him.

"I deserve what he got." I cried.

"No you don't." Elisia said.

I put on someone's oversized t-shirt and was pushed into a car. Some kid yelled at the car. "You'll pay for this!"

I buried my face into Zac's chest as he hugged me tightly. "You're okay." He said.

"Aidens not." I said.


I looked at my foot. There was a chain around my ankle which was attached to a cement block. Another boat approached. It was him. Monkeyman. He was recording me I could tell, he also had a gun pointed at me. I tried to scoot away from him but I couldn't. I tugged on the chain. Tears streamed down my face.

He put his phone in his pocket. "I never intended on killing anyone except for you." He had a voice changer.

"See you set my best friend up to die. Right here in this very spot." He said.

"I didn't know." I cried.

"Oh you won't rot here, I promise. I'll send them a video."

"They'll have a chance to recollect you for a funeral." He said.

"I bet you wish you would've kissed Zac don't you." He laughed.

"Now I'm gonna push you over the edge, give you a few good seconds to breathe and then I'm gonna drop this cement block. You'll sink all the way to the bottom, you'll thrash around down there trying to swim back, but you won't me able too. You'll take your last breath and feel your lungs with water. You'll die down there." He said.

He pulled out his phone. "Help." I cried.

Thats all I could say tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I'll wait for that to deliver." He said.

"There we go." He showed me the little text that said seen by hailee.grl. He pulled me up and pushed me into the frigid cold water.

"Oh yeah there's a spring nearby and it keeps this water nice and cold." He said.

He pulled out his phone and pointed it to me. "No, please." I sobbed.

He pushed the cement block off the boat. I reached for the surface struggling. The more I tried to kick, the more the chain tightened around my ankle.

It hit the bottom of the surface. I kicked and reached. My chest started hurting. I wasn't gonna give up I was gonna keep trying but then I remembered how much I deserved this.

I even told myself a year ago that I deserved this. I stopped thrashing. My arms floated up with my hair. I drew that last breath filling my lungs with water.

I closed my eyes. The last thing I pictured was Zac. He'll never know I love him. A deeper darkness consumed me and I could no longer remember or think of anything at all.

Zac's POV

"Zac!" Hailey shook me.

"Wake up we got another video." Rowan looked at me.

Hailey turned the phone towards me. Monkeyman approached Chelsea with a gun. She pulled on the chain wrapped around her ankle and tried to scoot away.

She hand on a tank top and shorts. Tears were rolling down her face. I got a glimpse of the familiar bridge. "I've been there before!" I exclaimed.

"Can you take us there?" They asked.

"No, but Ash can." I said.

"Come on." Hailey said.

We piled into her car. Hailey's phone beeped. It was another video. Chelsea was curled up in the back of the boat crying. "Help" her voice cracked.

He wasn't at the grotto. "Just drive around this neighborhood he's probably here somewhere." Elisia said.

We drove around for a few minutes before I saw his familiar face walking down the street.

Hailey honked at him. "Get in." She said.

Hailey's phone beeped again. Hailey and Rowan watched the video first. "Oh my god." Rowan said.

"What? Show me." I panicked.

She handed the phone to Elisia. Me and Ash stared over her shoulder at the phone. He had pushed Chelsea over. "Help." Her fragile voice cracked. He pushed a cement block over pulling her under the water.


Sorry for the shorter chapter.

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