In Real Life: A Jonas Sister...

By MissFictionFairy

32.3K 310 60

Nicole Jonas has three overprotective older brothers, one of them her own twin, but she wouldn't have it any... More

In Real Life: A Jonas Sister Love Story Ch. 1
In Real Life: Chapter 2
In Real Life: Chapter 3
In Real Life: Chapter 4
In Real Life: Chapter 5
In Real Life: Chapter 6
In Real Life: Chapter 7
In Real Life: Chapter 8
In Real Life: Chapter 9
In Real Life: Chapter 10
In Real Life: Chapter 11
In Real Life: Chapter 12
In Real Life: Chapter 13
In Real Life: Chapter 14
In Real Life: Chapter 15
In Real Life: Chapter 16
In Real Life: Chapter 17
In Real Life: Chapter 18
In Real Life: Chapter 19
In Real Life: Chapter 21
In Real Life: Chapter 22

In Real Life: Chapter 20

871 8 4
By MissFictionFairy


“What do you want Nick?” I asked plopping onto the bed in his room. “You want to take another swing at my family?”

“When did I stop being your family Cole?” Nick asked as he sat down next to me. “When did you stop seeing me as your brother?” I gulped and turned away. If I was brave enough to answer honestly I would have said several years ago. The minute I had begun to have romantic feelings for Nick I stopped seeing him as my brother. As my twin. Gently I plopped my head onto his shoulder just like old times.

“Why are you so angry Nicky?” I asked softly. “That’s not the Nick I know.”

“I miss you Cole,” he said grabbing my hand. “I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since you left. I know you want to get to know your family, but it’s hard for me.”

“It’s weird for me too. I miss being your twin.” What I really missed was spending the night curled up in his arms. I would never admit it, but I had been having trouble sleeping as well. Things just weren’t the same without Nick by my side. My once peaceful dreams had become nightmares where Nick forgot who I was and left me.

“Want to spend the night tonight?” Nick asked softly. “I mean if David is okay with it? I know it’s weird since we’re not brother and sister anymore—“

“I’d love to,” I said cutting him off. Very rarely did I see Nick nervous like this. He always tried to play it cool with everyone including me. I shifted until my head was lying across his lap. In our age old ritual he combed his fingers through my hair without me having to ask him. I loved just spending quiet time with Nick. Before I knew it I was fast asleep lost in a dream.


“I love you Nick,” I said as Nick watched me angrily. He looked at me as if he didn’t care as he stood by the school lockers. “Don’t you love me?”

“Nicole,” Nick said darkly, “You’re just my adopted sister. Nothing more. What is wrong with you?” he looked at me with such disgust that my stomach plummeted. Why couldn’t Nick love me.

“Nick, please,” I begged. He watched me like I was some bug he wanted to flick. “Nick, where are you going?” I watched as he slowly disappeared into the black and I was left standing all alone. I collapsed to the floor sobbing because I had lost him.


“Cole, what’s wrong?” I heard Nick’s voice asking from somewhere. “Cole, wake up! You’re having a bad dream!” I popped up from Nick’s lap startled. I took in his bedroom and realized that it had all been a dream. Nick was right here beside me. I clutched into his side and he wrapped his arms around me. “What happened?”

“I—I dreamt I lost you,” I said shuddering as he held me close. “You—You just left me there.” I could feel Nick hug me closer. I pulled my face from his chest and looked up into his concerned eyes.

“I would never leave you,” Nick said sincerely. I think I fell in love with him all over again. Nick leaned closer and for that one moment I started to imagine what it might feel like to kiss him. I pulled my own face closer until I could feel his breath on my lips. Was Nick going to kiss me?

“Nick, can I talk to—oh, I’m sorry,” Demi said walking into the room. Nick and I pulled apart. “I didn’t know you were here with Nicole.”

“What is it Demi?” Nick asked with a sigh.

“I need to talk to you about something.” I watched her gaze slide over to me. “Alone.” I stood and began to make my way out of the room. I didn’t know what Demi wanted to talk to Nick about, but I knew she didn’t want me there. It seemed Nick and Demi shared a secret that excluded me.

“Cole, are you going to be okay?” Nick asked as I reached the door.

“I’m fine,” I said as I turned around. I took in the sight of Demi sitting in the spot I had just vacated. She was leaning against Nick, and he was holding tightly to her hand. I had let my imagination run too far. To Nick I was just his adopted sister. Nothing more. I sniffed back the tears at the edges of my eyes. “Don’t worry about me.”

[AN: Writing this chapter was like pulling teeth for me for some reason. So I’m thinking about starting a new story that mainly focuses on Joe to premiere right around Valentine’s Day. Because I don’t have a Valentine, and the idea just came to me.]

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