Vanished (A Liam Payne Fanfic...

By BrittanyCallais

687 17 4

All you need to know is in the first page :) enjoy! More

Vanished (A Liam Payne Fanfiction)
Chapter 2: Curiosity killed the cat
Chapter 3: Should've Listened
Chapter 4: New Life
Chapter 5: Drama
Chapter 6: Blood Bond?
Chapter 7: Too Far
Chapter 8: Bubble and Boil
Chapter 9: The More You Know
Chapter 10: Broken Coven
The Truth
Blood Moon Part 1
Blood Moon: Part 2
Blood Moon Part 3 Never Ending Love

Chapter 1...Curious

74 2 2
By BrittanyCallais

You sat down on your couch, as you just arrived at home from work. You flipped the channel to the news, and the story of that creepy Wickley Mansion, and the recent missing teens popped up on the screen.

"Ten teens have already vanished in a month, last being seen entering the Wickley Mansion.

The last bit of footage was an interview from a boy called Louis Tomlinson, who was friends with four other boys who entered the Wickley Mansion.

Five lads appeared on the screen. Photographs of a boy named Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne.

Then A video of the Louis Tomlinson boy showed up. He was crying.

"W-we heard about the mansion, and Decided we'd take a look. When we got there, Zayn was complaining, saying he wanted to go home. We were laughing, saying he was scared, and he said he was gonna show us just how brave he was. He went into the house. We were laughing, waiting for him to come running out. But all we heard was him scream, and then it was all silent. L-Liam, being the over protective one, immediately ran into the house, to check on him. But No one came out. Niall was cryin, he was shouting toward the house, saying it wasn't a funny joke. He ran in, and we heard him sobbing, and A small shriek, but it immediately stopped and all was quiet again. Harry was laughing, thought they were still pulling a prank on us . He went to go in to stop the madness. But I was afraid. I-I grabbed him by his hood, begging him not to go in, but he just laughed at me and called me a pussy,mAnd went in. No one came out. No laughing or screaming or sobbing, just the horrific sound of nothing! I had enough, I went home, expecting them to meet me there, and laugh at me for runnin, but...they never came back!" He cried loudly before falling to the ground in sobs, then video ended.

Then it showed the pictures of Louis again, saying he went missing soon after that, cause he went mad, and went searching for his friends.

After, it showed a picture, of a girl named Rachel, Brittany, perrie, Eleanor , and Sophia.

The four girls, counting out Sophia, went to have a sleepover in the mansion, to show how brave they were, but were never seen again. The news reporter, Sophia smith, went to look for them after getting curious. She brought a camera along with her apparently, but the camera was found outside of the mansion in the grass, with little footage. The video started playing.

"So there are rumors of many teens, going missin hea." She says in a rude tone. "I think they're all just trying to play a shit prank on their families and friends." She says rolling her eyes in the camera.

Wow, cause teens would so totally play a prank on their friends and family by disappearing for a month. Dumbass

"So I'm gonna investigate!" She says before opening the door. As soon as it closes, she turned on a flashlight.

"This isn't that bad, I'm probably doin this for nothi-" "What Are you doing here!?" Shouted a demonic sounding growl. She screamed before the camera was thrown out the door, doing a spiral before landing on the dead grass outside.

Then the video ended.

But the reporter looked frightened as she began to speak. "No one knows what could've happened to these poor people. And I hope, none of you try to figure out." She said before it went to commercial.

Curiosity ran through your mind, wondering what could've happened to those people. A chill ran down your spine, being you were alone in your apartment at night, watching this crazy, creepy stuff.

You were interrupted from your thoughts when your phone rang. You jumped and screamed before harshly grabbing the phone.

"Hello" you say. Soon after answering, your co worker Libby answers.

" are you watching the news!?" She shouts.

"Yes." You say, annoyed from the shout on the other end of the call.

"Don't you feel so bad for all those people?" She says sadly.

"Yea, but it sure gets me wondering.." You say thoughtfully.

You hear a gasp on the other end of the phone.

"Don't you even dare jade! You saw what happened to those other people who got curious"

"Calm down lib. " you say aggravated.

"No! You're getting curious! And like they say! Curiosity killed the cat! You could really get hurt if you try to investigate!" She cried.

"Libby, seriously. Just cause I'm curious doesn't mean anything. And even if I do go, I can take care of myself." You say bravely, yet aggravated from the lack of faith she had in you.

"Fine! If you go to that house and vanish, then don't say I didn't warn you!" She yells and hangs up!

You gasp..."RUDE!" You scream and throw the phone down.

You grabbed a small backpack, and grabbed your phone, a flashlight and a bottle of water. You slid on a coat, and stepped into the cold night air.

You were gonna show her, just how well you can take care of yourself. And you set off, into the horrific journey.

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