There's Only One Direction: L...

By niallsforbreakfast

2.6K 23 3

Sara and her friends, Danielle and Katie, win a trip to London to hangout with the boys! And heavy drama occu... More

There's Only One Direction: London
Best Spring Break Ever
The Limo Ride
So Complicated
Starting Over
Now What?

Is This Real Life?

332 3 0
By niallsforbreakfast

After a hard day at school, i was finally home, alone and at peace. I lay on the couch watching "Codename Kids Next Door." I closed my eyes wanting to take a little nap. "NOOO WHERE ARE ALL THE SPOONS?" number 3 screamed. I laughed to myself and thought about Liam. Then it hit me. I sprang up and bolted up the stairs to my room. I plopped to the ground flipping up the laptop screen, and twitter popped up. I took one look at the screen, then shut it. I began to cry. I wanted it so bad, and in my head, i deserved whatever the surprise was.

"Congratulations to @AlessiaPayne1D for winning the contest! You seemed the best choice for VIP tickets for our show in Canada. Cant wait to meet you! :)"

Thats great that she won, honest I'm glad she gets to meet them, i would have liked to, but oh well. I put my head on the floor and lay there completely still for a few moments. Then, my computer made a noise. I picked my head up and saw that i had a direct message. I didn't get excited because it was probably Katie saying sorry, but when i clicked on it, it said it was from Niall. I rubbed my eyes and slapped myself to make sure i wasn't asleep, but this was real, this was really happening in REAL LIFE! I didn't move a muscle, i couldn't breathe, i thought i was going to pass out. Finally, after about 5 minutes of staring at the screen, i began to actually read what he wrote:

" I am sorry you didn't win and i bet you are wondering why the hell i am messaging you, well its because i wanted you to win. Sadly, majority rules. I laughed at your bio and for some reason, when i got to your profile, i felt weird inside. Ive looked at about a thousand other girl's profiles, but i felt tingly when i looked at yours. I don't know what it is about you and your weird conversations with your friend Katie, but i feel like… i don't know… i wanna meet you. Please send me your phone number, we should talk :)"

I literally could not breathe. It felt like i got my soul sucked right from my body. I pressed "reply" and slowly typed my number as my hands shook violently. When i clicked send, i let out a huge breath of air. i closed my computer and stood up. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch staring at the television. Was this really happening? Is this a dream? As soon as i started doubting myself that that actually happened, my phone rang. "ITS GOTTA BE YOUUUUUU" My head quickly turned to my phone as it lit up. I picked it up and glared at the screen. It read: "INCOMING CALL from RESTRICTED" was this him? Is this it? I tapped the answer button and slowly placed the phone to my ear.

"He-Hello?" i hesitantly said. A recognizable accent came from the other side.

"Hi is this Sara Brilliant?" I smiled so big, my jaw clicked.

"Uh.. Yes it is…"

"HI! its Niall Horan"

"Oh my… Hello." i said trying not to make a fool of myself. That was only the beginning. We chatted for hours, getting to know each other. To my surprise, i wasn't that nervous as i talked to him. Something about how he talked to me made me feel like i could tell him anything. Late that night i was getting cozy in my bed, still talking to him. " Im sorry but… i gotta go, i have school tomorrow and-"

"No its okay, call me tomorrow after school anytime, i have the day off."

"Okay sweet! ill call you…tomorrow"

"But wait…before you go…" There was a long silence. I sat there waiting for him to speak again. " I was wondering if you would like to come to London, over spring break? If its okay with-"

"OH MY GOD YES! i would love to! Only problem is, there is no way i am ever going to afford a plane ticket halfway across the world."

"You wouldn't have to worry about that, see…. i will pay for the tickets, round trip." i didn't speak for a while, trying to process that i not only might finally go to London, but i might meet Niall Horan.

"Wow…thats a lot of money… i wouldn't want to-"

"No! really don't think too much about the money, think only about you convincing your parents to let you go."

"Yes… that might be tricky… well how many tickets can i get?"

"How many do you want?"

"Well if i didn't bring Katie she would probably strangle me in my sleep, and if i can get our moms to let us go by ourselves..then that'd be only 2 tickets!"

"Great! talk to your moms, and get back to me tomorrow. okay?"

"Yes, definitely! ill call you."

"Goodnight Sara" I smiled, and giggled. It was the way he said my name…. it sent chills down my spine.

"Good bye Niall." we both laughed, and i hung up.

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