
By FluffyPieCaKe

23.1K 1.3K 1.9K

Mistakes are made, secrets are exposed, blood is spilled, and rumors run free. It's all for one cause ... Sur... More

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1K 76 47
By FluffyPieCaKe

Felixstowe, Suffolk, England.

"Go south"

Harry glances back at Zayn to see he's slightly awake, covering his eyes with one hand and slowly sitting up.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with disrespectful Englishmen"

Harry frowns at him. They're not yet at shore and Zayn apparently doesn't want them to sail towards an official port that would guarantee them a safer journey to the castle. "And I'm not in the mood to walk through the forest" he replies.

Zayn drops his hand and turns his face so he's facing him. "We're going south" he repeats.

Harry sighs, "We're not" he directs the boat so they're heading towards the port. He doesn't look at Zayn who doesn't open his mouth for the next minute. Harry can see from the corner of his eye how Zayn diverts his eyes from him and settles for untying his hair, brushing his hair a little with his fingers before tying it back properly. He pulls the dagger and moves towards Harry.

"We're heading south" Harry doesn't flinch, because Zayn can't walk around England on his own. He needs Harry. "Turn the boat"

Harry finally looks up at him, "Why?" he sees Zayn blinking a few times before he's putting the dagger away.

"It's enough shame for me to run away" his voice is quite and Harry actually stops to listen to him, allowing him a chance to explain. "Do you know how much insults I'll get for that?" Zayn sits back, "The English are waiting for any mistake, Harry. And they have the biggest one to laugh at"

"In case you've forgotten. I'm a runaway king as well"

Zayn looks up at him, "But this is your country"

"And so is yours"

Zayn rolls his eyes, "England will never by my country"

"Why do you hate us so much?" Harry furrows his brows and watches again as Zayn sighs and rolls his eyes for a second time. He doesn't reply and Harry could remember all the times –even if they were few– when Zayn would visit England and they'll have a very short conversation. Or even that time when he just arrived and he took him to a nearby village. He seemed a lot cheerful than that. He reaches with one hand and pokes Zayn's cheek with his finger. Zayn frowns and moves his head away, "You didn't seem to have a problem with the English before"

"Before" Zayn shakes his head, "Not when I learned they're plotting against me and planning my funeral, and let's not forget trying to steal my country. Yeah, I too wonder why I hate them so much" he scoffs and Harry takes a deep breath.

Zayn looks at the port or rather glare at it, his fingers are twiddling in his lap, and Harry grabs the paddles again to direct them south. Zayn's eyes widen a bit as he looks back at him. "Thank you" his voice is still quiet and troubled but Harry wouldn't comment on that.

"Do you think about it?" He asks instead and Zayn tilts his head to the side a little as Harry glances at him. "What happened in Germany? You never actually talk about it"

"Of course I do" Zayn takes a deep breath, "But I have no reliable information. So I'm sticking to guess the best ... Or the worst scenarios. It's all the same. I'm out of the country, and ..." he sighs as he looks down again, "Why would you care?" he lifts his gaze up to land on Harry.

"I'm a king to that country, remember? Germany is supposed to be my first priority"

Zayn straightens up, "Your first priority?" Harry nods, "When was it ever?" he scoffs.

"When did you ever give me a chance to?"

"Like you'd do the same"

Harry stops for a minute, "I would actually" Zayn stares at him, tries to see through him, those honest eyes that keeps staring back, and he wonders, Why? But he doesn't say it and he settles to turn his head away, or probably turning away from this whole conversation. He's tired, his mind is tired, and he doesn't need Harry inside his head as well.


They arrive at a more deserted area and make their way from there.

"I can go and have a cart for us" Harry suggests again.

Zayn shakes his head, "I can't go to the castle looking like this" Harry presses his mouth shut after that because Zayn is right. He should be a queen, a girl. So he allows Zayn to lead them.

"-and didn't arrive yet"

They both hear the conversation and Zayn immediately stops, pushing Harry backwards so they're behind a tree. Harry takes a peek at the men and his eyes widen.

"Those are Louis' men!" Zayn turns to him and tries to shut him up, but Harry pulls away when he notices who they're talking with.


Zayn wants to scream out of frustration because Louis can't be alive and he can't be in England as well. This is too much.

Harry hurries to Louis while Zayn curses under his breath and quickly gets out of sight to fix his appearance. Well, not completely because he's still wearing men's clothes and all he can do is letting his hair down and bringing it to the side to cover his face slightly. He's thankful his facial hair isn't appearing yet.

Zayn watches from afar Louis' relieved expression and Harry's happy one and they share a not-so-long hug that Zayn would call it friendly, but he unconsciously glare at Louis. He should've died where they left him or at least got lost for Zayn to never see his face again, suffering somewhere –that Zayn hopes he does someday– until his death. But Louis looks fine, the wound in his abdomen is probably not healed yet, but Zayn could think of a one useful thing they get out from having Louis here right now, but he can't approach them and risk being discovered from such a close distance so he waits until they're finished so he can talk to Harry privately.

After what seemed like forever of them talking quietly –because Louis glanced at him and Zayn already knows why they're whispering and about what and wishes he could be there to either hear or make them stop but he also knows that they'd have this talk sooner or later. He's still bothered by it, or Louis' presence bothers him. Both actually– Harry finally turns back to him.

"He can provides us with gold, and he surely knows places where I can ... take care of myself"

Harry nods and Louis doesn't question it as he asks them along with his men to follow him. Zayn doesn't miss how he's still in pain but doesn't show it.


"Your stand is actually good. Not so many people know how you look like, and it might have been annoying but in this case, it benefits you" Louis starts once they're seated alone in a room. Zayn had gone off to 'take care of himself' and has refused the help of the maids so he's going to take longer than usual which gave Louis enough time to explain to Harry the current situation in Germany.

He managed to temporarily stop the bleeding and got off the ship to the nearest port where he found a physician to attend to his wound until he got onboard of another ship sailing to England. And being well-known, his men found him first, being the loyal men they are to him.

"People's talk say that you were already on a ship heading to England when the incident happened. The good thing is, they don't see you as a runaway king, having a quick visit to your home land to ensure everything is going well between both countries and seeing your family. But the bad thing is, you're seen as a king who had no knowledge of the army Tiana was building and that weakens your position as a ruler" Harry sighs. He knows that much, and he did have an idea about what Zayn's doing, but to anyone else, they didn't know that, and he kept his mouth shut for Zayn's sake.

"When the blame is thrown on Tiana with some rumors saying that she wasn't even raising an army but wasting the country's resources, they've spread rumors that Tiana is sick, and when the people requested to see her, they came up with another excuse saying that she's visiting the French court to sign a treaty between both countries to avoid the people's rage and possible military interference. But I don't think the Germans are going to like that. The French rule is very different to what they're used to" Louis continues.

"But the people love and trust their queen. They'd feel something isn't right" Harry frowns.

"Which might cause a riot" Louis nods, "Spreading news that she's surrendering to the French isn't going to make the people believe it. The military interference will be a must, and blood will be spilled"

"And news will spread that she's here" Harry says quietly.

"People are going to talk" Louis shrugs, "And whether they say she ran away to save her life or to actually pull away to be able to fight and take her country back, she can't raise an army on her own. She literally has nothing"

Harry doesn't know how to deliver such news to Zayn, he cares too much for his country that this will be forever haunting him. And at the same time, it's basically his country too now, he just wonders if his father will stand by their side or not if they have a military advantage.

"It's a waste of your time" Harry's head snaps back to Louis, "This whole alliance is a waste of time" Louis shakes his head, "You could reach the throne here. You don't need to fight for Germany"

Harry's brows furrow, "If we allowed France to take over Germany it'll increase its strength and England will be next on their list" Louis sighs heavily. And also, Zayn would be devastated if they didn't move for Germany. His trust is already close to nonexistent towards the English.


Harry knocks before he enters. Zayn was taking too long and it's not that he doesn't like Louis' company but they can't stay here all day. He wants to go home. He doesn't hear a reply so he enters anyway. Zayn is sitting on a chair with a mirror in front of him placed on a table and he's absentmindedly playing with his hair. He looks astonishing as always, but Harry can't properly see him since he's facing his back. He clears his throat to get his attention to which Zayn responds by simply blinking and he can see how Zayn's face falls not uttering a word to Harry.

"Louis has a cart ready" Zayn still doesn't respond, "If you're ready?" Harry tries again and frowns. Why is he acting like this?

But unknown to Harry, Zayn was actually done a long time ago. He was meant to go to them and tell them he's finished when he heard them talking and his mood instantly went worse. He was already having a bad one and Louis' words didn't help at all. He knows Louis is honest, they didn't know he was listening, and the fact that Harry isn't saying anything to him annoys him as well. Will he even tell him? Or let him to his wild imagination? God knows it's the worst.

"Zayn?" Harry's tone is concerned, but Zayn is sure it's not about him being in that situation. Maybe he's confused why he's still sitting there staring into space. Harry said it himself, his words only confirm that he has no concern over Germany. He'll always put England first and honestly, Zayn doesn't blame him, he'd have done the same.

"I shouldn't be here" Zayn shakes his head, his hands falling to his lap. He should've been dead a long time ago. Why on earth did he get himself in this mess? He'd have been peacefully lying down. Or not, but he wouldn't have to witness all of these events. "Death is meant for me. I shouldn't be here" he repeats or more that he mumbles actually, mostly to himself, but he is aware that Harry is close and he heard him.

Harry frowns and opens his mouth to speak when Zayn turns to him. He would admit, not matter what Zayn puts on his face or whatever jewelry he has on or which type of dress he's wearing, nothing compares to when he saw him in Germany, face lit up, a smile present on his face, an overall happiness that he can never feel in England. It hurts Harry to see him like that. He knows he'd been through so much, but he also needs to know that he's not supposed to hold such weight on his own.

"Go on. Take me back to court. It'd be fun to watch me being humiliated" he rolls his eyes and turns his head back to the mirror. "I'd ask to chop my head first and keep my dignity but ... I'm well aware the English won't let me have that" his tone is bitter and Harry sighs again taking a seat on the couch across from him.

"I'm not going to humiliate you. And I won't allow anyone else to do such thing" Zayn doesn't buy it as he rolls his eyes again. "I'm a king, and you're a queen. Also, legally, my wife-"

"Legally, you're married to a dead girl" Zayn turns to him, "You and I aren't related"

"You'd die if you allowed yourself to trust me for a moment, wouldn't you?" Zayn doesn't reply but at least his gaze is still on him so he goes on, "Look, I promise I'll try to do all I can to support you"

"To support yourself" Zayn mumbles under his breath.

"I'm not going to lie to you. The situation in your country isn't the best. But we can't lose hope. Rumors might spread, but I know your people trust you and believe in you. They wouldn't believe otherwise. And until you're back on the throne, England will welcome you with opened arms" Zayn cocks an eyebrow, "It's still my country, Zayn. And even if you don't trust me, I'll still make sure no one dares to throw a single insult your way. You can have my word on that"

"You legally have the throne in Germany. Even if I'm dead" Zayn narrows his eyes at him, "What assure me that I will be alive to witness that?"

"Your people don't want a French ruler, and they sure didn't welcome an English one. They only follow you" Harry replies.

"And you think that anything would change?" Zayn retorts, "I'm having theories on why the French wanted me alive. You should know that I'm not bowing to anyone. Military support or not, I'll never follow anyone else"

"I never said you would" Harry simply replies, "I've already told you, I'm not like my father. Believe it or not, I'm not after your throne" Zayn raises his brows again, "It was for the treaty" Harry points out, "If you're willing to keep that, I have no further interest in your country"

Zayn tries to see through him but fails. Harry's honest eyes are scaring him. He doesn't know if he's a very good actor or that he's actually honest. He still doesn't trust him. Harry is a royal, he should say such things, illusions to ensure him a bright future. But he knows, whether it's the English or the French, they'll enter Germany by force and he doesn't have much of a choice in it but to have faith in one of them. But the problem is, he doesn't.

"Fine" Zayn replies and Harry smiles. Even if his answer isn't quite honest. He is not trusting Harry, he is not believing him, but his current situation isn't allowing him to do anything else. He stands up and allows Harry to take him back to the castle. If he's going to die then it's his destiny, and if they're already plotting against him then he will fight back for as long as he can. It's just that sometimes, giving his position ...

He would give up.


Surprisingly, Harry asks Louis not to ride with them, giving Zayn a breath of air, and also tells him about the situation in Germany. His way of telling him so is different than Louis', it's more cautious, and Harry isn't putting him down, which Zayn doesn't respond to anyway.

There weren't news of their arrival so the castle servants, the guards, the king and the queen were surprised to see them. Zayn doubts it's yet another act, because of course they have an idea about what happened in Germany even if false rumors are spread.

Another thing that he isn't comfortable with, the fact that he knows the king is having a twisted mind of his own, and his stare is giving him shivers already down his spine. The queen doesn't seem to be happy of his sudden visit and Zayn can see how they welcome Harry very differently. Louis too. Zayn bites his tongue because if he said anything sarcastic or tried a smart reply it'll backfire on him, and he doesn't want neither pity nor more threats.

Thankfully, the king has more urgent matters to attend to than to annoy him. The queen ignores him afterwards –which he doesn't mind at all– and he supposes Harry went to his own room. His however wasn't 'prepared' or what he likes to call 'the queen's way of telling him he's not welcomed' but too bad because he's staying for a while, and now that he thinks of it, it is a long while. So the room wasn't anything like his old one that he hates to even call his because he doesn't want anything related to him in England, and it doesn't have a secret passage –or so he supposes because he checked the walls– but he still keeps his dagger close which he kept attached to his leg just in case even if he'd lock the door.

It feels weird to be back without his ladies or Niall, and he didn't see Liam on his way either. Well, at least they provided him a sleeping gown that is somehow comfortable.

But he doesn't sleep, even if he's tired and he finds himself getting off the bed, grabbing a shawl and getting out. It's probably midnight, considering the time he spent eyes opened on the bed.

He finds a balcony and stays there for a while enjoying the fresh air until he spots someone entering the halls. He left his dagger in his room and despite what Harry told him, he still doesn't trust the English and anyone can attempt to kill him or kidnap him and he makes a mental note to be always prepared. Besides, he doesn't know if the French have contacts here or not and it's better to keep his guard up. However, he doesn't feel like he'd be putting on some moves tonight as the person comes closer and the lights of the candles lit up his figure.

Zayn relaxes and a wide smile takes over his face. It's been a while and the first thing he does is hug that person.

"I missed you" but he frowns when he feels him stiffen, "Not the reaction I was hoping for meeting a friend, Liam" he pulls back to look at him properly.

"You're a married queen. You should consider your actions!" Liam whispers to him as he glances around. Oh. Zayn rolls his eyes. "Come on" Liam pulls him to the side until they're at a corner. "How have you been?" Liam smiles.

"Not very bad" Zayn nods slowly, "You?"

"I'm sorry" Liam says instead, "Harry mentioned ..."

"Oh" Zayn shrugs. Speaking of Harry. "Liam?" he looks up at him, "You consider Harry as a friend, right?"

"Best friend" Liam smiles wider.

"And me?"

Liam furrows his brows, "Um ... also a friend?"

"Good" Zayn gives him a small smile, "And I consider you as one as well. Which tells me that you'd be honest with me. You would, right?"

Liam pauses, "Where are we going with this?"

"Tell me about him" Zayn asks instead, "Like ... Anything. A story or ... something that I don't know"

Liam studies him for a moment before sighing and pulling Zayn across the hall to an empty room.

"Something that you don't know? What are you looking for exactly?"

Zayn glances around the room and he doesn't even want to know whose room is this, but it's not cleaned and he rather stand in his position until they're done. He turns back to Liam, "Anything" he repeats, "I want to know him more"

"And you couldn't ask him directly?" Liam narrows his eyes.

Zayn sighs, "Alright, I can't. I needed to know because ... You trust him, right?" Liam nods, "So ... Is he ... honest all the time or ... you know" Liam gives him a confused expression because Zayn didn't even give him a complete sentence making Zayn huff before pushing his hair behind his ears and clearing his throat. "I meant that if Harry is being honest with you about me. I need to know if he is lying or still working under his parents"

"What did he exactly tell you to make you question him like that?" Liam brows furrow deeper.

"Liam just answer me"

"Well, I don't think he'd be lying to you unless there was a good reason to" Zayn raises his brows, "Nothing that will harm you, I can guarantee you that. He ..." Zayn blinks at him, "Sees you as a friend, and he respects you"

Zayn narrows his eyes, "There's something you're not telling me"

Liam gulps, "I told you the truth" Zayn takes a step closer, "I swear!" But Zayn still feels there's something else behind that. Liam isn't lying to him but he's hiding something more ... something that he can't quite put his finger on.

He tilts his head to the side slightly, "What are you doing at this late hour?" Liam pauses before answering and that's all that Zayn needs to know that Liam is hiding something. "What are you hiding from me?" he takes another step and Liam takes one back, "You said you considered me as a friend!"

"I do! And it's nothing harming you!" Liam defends himself. Zayn stares at him for a minute before exiting the room and following the route Liam just came from. "Zayn, wait!" Liam hurries after him.

Zayn doesn't get to finish the hallway before he passes a familiar room. He turns his head to look at the door for a moment before returning his gaze forwards again. There's a figure that's almost disappearing at a corner, but before it does, a light shines on the figure's face and Zayn feels his blood going cold.

He's being betrayed.

"Your majesty!" Liam catches up to him and Zayn can see the guards standing outside the room so he understand why Liam is calling him that. But Zayn doesn't give him a chance to speak further as he turns and walks away. He doesn't see the look on Liam's face and he doesn't need to nor want to.

Again ... Zayn feels alone.


After a mental fight on whether to get up from bed or not, Zayn finally makes his way up. It's tiring to do everything without his ladies but at least they've taught him how to prepare himself without their help. The 'emergency' situation is beneficial after all.

He doesn't plan to waste his time so he goes straight to the king to discuss the current situation in Germany. According to the treaty signed, England should move to help Germany or it would be void. Zayn still has the German ambassador at his side, someone he can trust, and he's glad that he's back at court. He however doesn't ask for him right away because he knows the discussion with the king will be rather unconventional. He embraces himself for what's coming his way.

The king agrees to meet him at his office chamber and Zayn is thankful for that. He didn't call him to his bedroom, and he hopes that the king is over his little odd desire.

"I'll have you know that I can't simply send my men unless I know the full situation in Germany" The king starts once he gets inside not even glancing up at him. Zayn feels relieved.

"The German ambassador has just arrived and according to what he said confirming what Louis already said before. The situation requires military interference" The king looks up at him then and motions for him to carry on. "Think about it. It's an advantage for us, before they get to rob Germany of its resources, we can strike. The French army is divided between Germany to keep things settled and France at their main base"

The king hums and his eyes roam again making Zayn get that uncomfortable feeling once more. He realizes now that the king didn't ask for the queen or Harry's presence and it makes him more uncomfortable. "And I hope you realize that this is your part of the treaty" he continues snapping the king out of his thoughts as his eyes return to Zayn's and he nods slowly.

"I hope you realize that I can't send all of my army as well" The king replies, "Until I can get you enough men to fight, I can't promise you anything" Zayn furrows his brows, "Men require gold and that is something we can't easily afford. Unless you want me to raise more taxes on the people?"

Zayn hates to ask this, but he has to, "What about Louis' army?"

The king hums again, "Louis doesn't move an entire army without gold as well. He might be loyal to us but he can't force his men to fight for free"

Zayn sighs, "And how long would it take to gather such army?"

The king shrugs, "I can't determine that. But I promise as my part of the treaty, I'll return you to your country"

Zayn stares at him for a while then speaks up, "And there is no other way I can help you ... raise the required amount of gold?" The king smirks and leans back in his chair. Zayn gulps, of course the king would do this to him. Why else he wouldn't have Harry and the queen present? But he needs to stall. "You do know that you have to pay first to get what you want, don't you?"

The king hums and leans forward on his elbows, "Do you?" Zayn takes a deep breath slowly, "I'm not the one in need" he says in a quiet voice before leaning back in his chair. "I'll wait ... Your majesty" his smirk grows and Zayn feels sick, so he just turns to leave. Apparently, the king isn't helping him. He's really tired of how the Englishmen always find a way to reverse the terms for their favor leaving the other side completely screwed. He makes a mental note not to make any more treaties with the English.

He should either find a way to blackmail the king, expose him, or find another way to get an army. The last option he'll resort to is submitting to the king, and he doesn't plan to do this any time soon.

He passes by a window and he stops when he sees Harry training with a sword, obviously a hard one at that. Louis is there too, maybe directing him from the way he's watching and mumbling something to Harry every now and then. Someone comes to Louis and Harry stops for a minute catching his breath and drinking some water. He catches Zayn looking at him when he tilts his head back and he offers a smile. Zayn doesn't return it and he turns to walk away leaving a confused Harry behind.

Zayn stops again and turns his head towards an opened window. Louis is still talking with the guy and he gets an idea.

If the king isn't willing to support him, he'll have to force him to do it. And if the nobles are the ones providing the necessities to the kingdom then he needs to get to them first. And to get the nobles to pressure the king, he needs someone who they're willing to follow. Louis makes the perfect choice. He just needs to find something to blackmail Louis with and he'll get his army and soon his country back, and then he can show the English exactly why they should stay in their place and never try to outstand him again.


"You seem to like this place recently"

Zayn doesn't turn. He keeps his posture still and calm, his tone is indifferent either when he replies, "Anything is better than the four walls I'm facing all day" Not that he's restricted. He'd known that his back doesn't have a target on so far and he's very cool with it. He just needed to clear his head. It might or might not had been to actually have this conversation.

"I wanted to apologize" Zayn waits a bit before glancing sideways, "You need to understand my position" Zayn sighs and fully turns his head so he can have a better view.

Liam is standing there, clearly not caring about anyone spotting them anymore, and it's fine, they're not even close. "Well?" Zayn raises his brows.

"Harry would never hurt you, okay?"

"Why?" Zayn narrows his eyes. "Because he's kind? Because he considers me as a friend? Or is it because I'm merely valuable at this time?"

Liam sighs and takes a step closer, "He wouldn't use you"

"Then explain the secret meetings he shares with Louis in-" he cuts himself off and Liam eyes widen a bit. "Tell me something, Liam" Zayn turns his body towards him, "How much exactly are you covering that you don't want me to know about? Because I'm having a pretty good idea about it" he allows a smirk to take over his lips and watches as Liam gulps. His eyes dart a bit which confirms Zayn's theory. "If you're not telling me, I can only imagine the worst scenario. And you know me. I attend to act based on my instincts"

"But you don't-"

"Oh trust me, I do" Zayn interrupts him.

"Please don't do this, you don't know for sure" Liam takes another step forward but Zayn raises a hand in front of him.

"I'm a queen. You should keep your distance" Liam frowns at that as Zayn walks away.


"Quite a view, isn't it?"

Louis turns his head –quickly, Zayn notes– and fights the urge to roll his eyes as he straightens himself and turns his whole body towards him. "Morning, your majesty"

Running away from the subject. Zayn takes another note.

"A lovely morning it is" Zayn fakes a smile and turns his head to look outside the window.

"If you excuse me, I have some important things to do" Louis speaks up after a moment of silence but Zayn can't have him leaving, he's just started pulling him.

"But I thought you're enjoying the view?" Zayn frowns and turns back to him. Louis gives him a narrowed stare before speaking up.

"I have a feeling that this isn't a casual conversation"

"When it's ever?" Zayn lets the smile falls and Louis takes a deep breath, preparing for whatever Zayn has to say to him.

"I thought we settled this"

"Not even close" Zayn grits his teeth. He hates Louis, and he will take any chance he gets to get rid of him, and if he can't do it right now, then yes, using Louis to his advantage while annoying him and hurting his pride is something that will make his day a whole lot better.

Louis sighs, "Stop going around the topic then"

"You know ..." Zayn starts as he turns his head back towards the window, "The past few days were quite rough on me" Louis waits, "And honestly, I just wanted some comfort" Zayn makes sure his tone is quiet and if he's putting a bit of a sad act as well, Louis doesn't notice –or does. At this moment, Zayn doesn't care– "So I did what any other woman would have done" he turns his head to Louis, "Seeking comfort with my husband" he offers a small smile and Louis just listens. His expression is unreadable, and Zayn might hate him more for that. "But you see ... I couldn't"

"I don't think I'm the right person to discuss your marriage problems with" Louis replies.

"But you are" Zayn's smile fall, "At night, when I can't sleep, I sometimes like to wander around. And I just happen to be passing my husband's room when ..." Louis blinks once, his expression isn't changing, and Zayn wonders for how long Louis can keep up his game. "Let's be honest with each other, Lord Tomlinson. I'm not blind nor deaf"

"I still can't see why you're talking to me about this"

"How much are you ready to bet that the people are going to take my side when I say it's you?" Zayn smirks.

Louis huffs a laugh, "You're not making any sense, your majesty"

"Oh?" Zayn tilts his head to the side slightly, "But I've already received an invitation to a party held by Lord Fisher at his mansion after he shared his kindness with me, seeing that my story is heartbreaking. I was a little surprised that he cancelled his journey to meet his wife and children" Louis narrows his eyes, "And I have given my deepest gratitude to Lord Abel for sending such expensive gifts ... And-"

"You're ready to sabotage your husband's reputation based on false accusation?" Louis cuts him off, and although his tone is still calm, Zayn can see the anger in his eyes.

"I'm ready to sabotage your reputation" Zayn replies, "I don't care. You already know that"

"Using your charm now? You've certainly learned new ways"

Zayn smirks and takes a step closer, tracing the palm of his hand over Louis' chest, "I would've tried it on you but ..." his gaze goes up to Louis' eyes, "I'm not certain if I don't quite meet your standards or you're yet to fall" his smirk is back on his face as he slowly brings his hands back to his side. "Place your bet whenever you're ready" Zayn steps back once before turning his head outside the window again, "Just think of what you're losing first"

Zayn knows it's not true, but he knows that Louis won't risk it as he watches Louis following his gaze back outside the window. His face is now showing mixed emotions, but it's different, making Zayn reconsider his theory. He's only doing it to gain Louis' opinion to his favor, but as he turns to walk away, he can't help the feeling of maybe there's something more, because he glances back to see that soft smile back on his lips, even if it was weaker than earlier.


Zayn doesn't normally leave his door unlocked, and he's sure he didn't. But the noises he hears are so close he thinks they're inside his room already. He doesn't believe it's not a dream until there are fingers poking at his cheek and then other pinching his sides. He snaps his eyes open and flinches away from the touch as he tries to adjust his vision. He almost gasps. No, He actually does.

"I don't think you need 'beauty sleep' your majesty"

Zayn knows this teasing tone, and he thinks he might cry. Because in front of him is none other than his best friend.


"Oh my gosh!" Niall acts first despite Zayn's surprised tone and hugs him tightly. "How did you? When? And-"

"Shhhh" Niall pulls back still holding to his shoulders, "We need to be quiet. This is important" Zayn's eyes are still wide and he tries to calm himself down a bit, but he's just too happy he might burst with it right now. Niall's serious face scares him a bit but he nods anyway.

"First, I managed to get here thanks to Louis' spy-"

"Louis has a spy inside my court?!" Zayn almost yells.

"After you're gone and things went downhill, yeah" Zayn closes his eyes for a second. But wait. "Louis helped you?" he opens his eyes again and stares at Niall with a confused look.

"As strange as this might be, yes" Niall nods. "I don't know the reason but I don't care either because you need to know what I'm going to tell you" Zayn takes a deep breath, "Your army wasn't lost due to an earthquake"

It takes Zayn a couple of minutes to register what Niall just told him. What?!

"I hate to bring this to you but the French knew where your army was gathering at" Zayn blinks, "There were explosions planted beneath the ground, and those who didn't die or managed to run away were tracked down. How else do you think that suddenly a French army appeared inside Germany and was heading for you?"

"Someone knew that my army was away and gathering at a certain spot"

Niall nods slowly, "And who knew about that other than your inner circle?" Zayn looks up at him, "That's why your father wasn't very trusting with everyone ... Two of your council members" Zayn gapes at him, "Sorry. But you should try to be cautious with the Germans as you are with the English"

"But they were-"

"No" Niall cuts him off, "You going away is only a distraction. They released some rumors that you're sick and not seeing everyone" Well, Louis was right about that. "Then some other rumors saying you're going to France to sign a treaty. All to shut the people up. They're even putting a replacement" Zayn furrows his brows at that, "A lookalike" Niall explains.

"They know me, they would see the difference"

"Not if you're wearing a veil covering half of your face all the time and barely there"

Zayn shakes his head, "I need to get back, and I will. I'm having an army soon"

Niall sighs again and Zayn doesn't like it already. "The French made an alliance with Lithuania a long ago that was kept a secret and still is until now and are having their navy sailing to England in the next few weeks"

"And facing the enemy is a must before heading to another country" Zayn curses and gets off the bed, pacing around the room. "And the army will need time to recover after the battle if they win, and after they're paid. Which means I'll have to find a way to earn an immense amount of gold in a matter of days to pay to a mercenary army that are not English!" Zayn stops pacing and turns to Niall, "And by that time the French forces would already be inside Germany, which might lead to war that the people can't win, increasing France's strength and the English would find it as an excuse not to go ... The treaty won't be even valid if Germany is no longer in my hands!"

Niall looks down, "I'm losing my country" Zayn says quietly as he sits down on a couch placed across from the bed, "And the English won't need me anymore "He looks up at Niall, "What's my value now?"

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