Say you won't let go

By KateFletcher14

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Kate Fletcher has lost everyone. Her entire family died in a car accident and she never really knew her exten... More



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By KateFletcher14

So, as it turned out, John had left Jericho, California before we even gt there but, had booked out a motel room for an entire month. When we found this out, we broke into it, which allowed Dean to have a shower after we all had no choice but to jump over the local bridge after the ghost we were after started the Impala and drove it at us. Sam and I grabbed onto the railings but Dean, jumped into the rapids. We started to panic but eventually saw him pulling his way onto the side. He was however, covered in mud and stunk like a toilet. 

What we found in John's room was shocking and he had even figured it out. We were hunting a Woman in White. It was a form of ghost but punished unfaithful men. 

After that and after Dean had showered we called it a night and went to sleep but, in the morning both Dean and I got into a problem with the cops as the motel manager had busted us and called the cops. Then Dean was of course cocky about the entire situation and eventually pulled out Johns journal. What was even more surprising was the co-ordinates written in messy writing on a random page so, we made up the excuse that it was Dean's high school locker combination. 

Then Sam made a fake 911 phone call and that allowed us to pick the handcuffs with a paper clip and escape.

Then as it turned out, Constance, the Woman in White, could also make you unfaithful. We ended up 'taking her home' which then reunited her with her children. This got rid of her.

After we searched up the co-ordinates and they were in fact co-ordinates to Black Water Ridge. We went to go but Sam bought up our deal with him and after some more protests, we took him back to his apple pie life with his girlfriend. 

But then unfortunate events occurred and the yellow eyed demon killed Jess the same way they did their mum. Pinned to the ceiling, then fire. After the death of his long term girlfriend, Sam swore that he would get revenge. And despite the circumstances, Dean was more than happy to know that his little brother would hunt with him again. But he wouldn't dare admit that.

That was 11 months ago. So almost a year now. And man has it been fun. From Wendigo's to Faith healers to shadows controlled by demons. That was when we found John the first time and man was I happy to see him but those damned shadows almost killed us and him which meant we had to let John go by himself. Despite it hurt us all to do so.  

And now we were on our way to Manning, Colorado after finding out that a guy named Daniel Elkins had been killed. He was though, mentioned in John's journal. We just didn't know why.

But, what was I doing during this ride? That's right.


When we got to Daniel's place, it was a pig sty and that was when we knew that the guy hadn't gone down without a fight. But then we reached a room and almost instantly, Dean was getting our attention, then grabbing a piece of paper and pencil. This room was covered with blood too and according to Dean, it was the perfect glue for when he only had one hand. 

But then he uncovered what turned out to be a Post Office box number and very quickly after that, we were headed straight for the post office and in the box that we had uncovered, there was one letter. Addressed to a J.W and after remembering that his name had once been mentioned in John's journal, we thought there was a possibility that this was the case.

It turned out to be exactly that though when John knocked on the driver's side door, scaring the crap out of us all (which made him smile) then went to back door and I moved over to the left side of the car to allowed John to sit in the middle.

Then he gave us the scoop on how he knew Daniel Elkins. Basically it was how he met all of his hunting buddies. It was after Mary died and he needed help and more info on how to kill the sun of a bitch. This included Daniel who, wait for it, hunted vampires. Never in my life nor Sam and Deans had they ever hunted vamps because they thought they were extinct. This bought on many other questions but they were put aside for the time being.

"Now, was there a gun?" John asks us and I shake my head and look to the front for the boys opinions. Sam shakes his head but, Dean pipes up.

"I saw an old box. There was nothing in it though." Dean answers and John scoffs.

"Son of a bitch had it the entire time."

"John. Had WHAT the entire time?" I ask, slightly scared by what he was referring to.

"This gun, that he had, its special. It was made by Samuel Colt. Rumor is, it can kill anything but, the story goes, that he only made 13 bullets. There is now only 8 left in it. But, if it can kill anything, then I need it for yellow eyes." John explains and I nod.

"Right. Well then, where are we looking?"

We first went to a motel to listen out for any strange deaths. That resulted in all, but 1 (John), sleeping. We were woken unpleasantly by John shaking us and yelling at us to wake up.

I though, was quite tired seeming as I had been up all night and almost got away with the boys leaving without me but, Dean pulled me out of the bed and all but dragged me out to the car. When that didn't work, he picked me up and put me in the back seat of the impala. I wasn't very happy.

Then, just as Sam pulled out of the hotel, he texted me and I looked at him confused. My confusion grew as I read what it said.

Hope you're ready to break a fight

I look at him and he looks at me with mutual eyes and turns back to the road. 

But, he was right, as we were halfway to where we had to go, John texted Dean, telling him that we had to take the next right. Dean then told Sam who, for an unknown reason sped up, overtook John then went right back onto the lane. Practically cutting John off in the process. Then, quite quickly, we took a turn and I flew into the door, the flaw of not having seat belts. 

"Sam! What the hell?" I ask him and he just gets out of the car and slams the door.

"Here we go." Dean mutters under his breath then gets out also. I follow suit to see both the father and youngest son on the verge of punching each other. 

Then it starts. The fighting, not a fist fight but it may as well have been. They were up in each others faces and shouting at each other. A major argument occurring and it bought me back to when I didn't know about all of this. To when I lived in Australia.

All my life was, was arguments between my parents and little brother. Then he would take all his rage out on me and I would then tell my parents who just told me to deal with it myself. Too pissed to sort him out again.

Hell, the only friends who gave a damn, or more like friend, was Olivia. And now I can hardly see her because of my job with these two.

"Alright! That's enough!!" I shout and all the words stopped and all 3 boys looked at me, shocked by my outburst.

"That's enough. Both of you. Sam, no-one said John was sure of where we're going, he just had a feeling which is why we're checking it out and John, no disrespect but get a grip. Yes you're a great hunter but you can be wrong so please stop being so sure of yourself. Now both of you, grow up, get in the car, and don't talk until we get back to the motel. Are we clear?" The response? That was the directions I had given them. Don't talk and get in the car. There was definitely a significant drop in tension after that but, they were both still fuming. I was tempted to put tape over both their mouths just to make sure that they wouldn't talk to each other. 

Then I get another text from Dean. I look in the front seat and see a smile on his face and I smile back.

How'd you know how to do that? I've never been able to shut them up.

Years of practice and suffering my friend. Years of it.

Well, good job. I have never seen my father so starstruck.

Haha. Your welcome.

Then we stopped the texting and we just sat in the silence, soft music spilling from the radio.

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