Eden's Love

By _Grantgust_

180 5 2

Dreams can feel so true. More



103 3 2
By _Grantgust_

I gasped at the beautiful view in front of me. A garden full of foreign and non-familiar flowers, all full of colour and full of happiness. The soft wind was rustling, teasing my ears and fanned gently and softly against my face, making me smile unconsciously and close my eyes, enjoying the freshness of this most like heaven garden.

Suddenly I felt a pull toward the small wood house cottage forward. I walked hesitantly to it and opened the door gracefully before allowing all my body in. There was a light coming from a window I did not notice before, I frowned and place myself under the spot light.

A hand, so gently and almost loving, place itself on my shoulder delicately. I spun around and gasped at the magnificence beauty of the person smiling gently at me. He had the most beautiful icy accentuate blue eyes I ever saw and had a bit of stubble on his jaw. His long blond hair was almost floating due to the windy weather. He was as tall as I was, holding a dark blue book in his hand, his eyes filled with envy and love.

He caressed my cheek tenderly and smiled, his perfect white teeth teasingly showing off. His half-full red lips teasingly tugged up into I believed a teasing smile or maybe a smirk. I could not quit put my hand on the expression of his face.

His firm, tanned long nose rubbed itself against my jaw, his breathe fanning onto my ear and he whispered to me in his deep angelic voice "So lovely and yet innocent, so lovely..."

He continued to whispered, placing a gently kiss on my neck before disappearing just like that. The tingly sensation on my neck making snap back to reality.

He trapped me in a trance of love and lust. My heart throbbed for him and made me run out of the cottage, finding myself soaked with rain. I looked up at the sky to find it a beautiful blue. It was still raining despite the beautiful sun and sky.

The flowers, the beautiful flowers disappeared making me frowned in suspicion.

Where was I?

A tree caught my attention, a cherry tree, large enough to give me shelter. I rushed under it and started to shiver due to the cold. I felt the rain drops run down my neck making it tingle again, thinking of the icy blue azure eyes.

"Who are you?" I whispered to myself.

The wind rustled, a branch slapped me on the face making my head turn on the other side of the tree. With a throbbing pained cheek, I looked at the name on a tree.

Cassiel it said.

"Cassiel" I whispered, smiling to myself when the face of my angel appeared in my head.

It was his name.

The thunder roared loudly causing me to jump in surprise. I jumped up in surprise and looked around my room and noted that it was the morning. My heart's pace was going faster and faster with the anticipation of seeing My Cassiel again. Mine, my mind whispered making me fear loneliness.

If he was mine, why wasn't he by my side?

My alter ego asked me, making me scoff.
It was just a dream. Maybe watching old Greek movie make me dream of a Greek god.

I shook my head and got out of the bed, walking toward my desk to take my plastic band and tied my hair in a ponytail.

Before I headed toward the bathroom, I took the piece of silvery like metal in my hand and frowned 'Mine' was written on the necklace. I gasped in shock and turned around checking if someone was watching me. I ran towards the big window and found no one outside my garden, staring at me but this did not make me feel safe. I was scared.

When I was about to turn around, I felt a familiar voice breathed in my ear, in a slow melodic voice almost pleadingly whispered 'Mine'.

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