"We So Disrespectful"

By ChonnyFromStateFarm

28.5K 1.6K 164


Flashback(2½ years earlier)
Chapter 1...
Chapter 2...
Chapter 3.....
Chapter 4
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7..
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13..
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23 PT 1 Triplets Bday Party
Chapter 25
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29..
Chapter 30
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33....
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35.....
Chapter 36.....
Chapter 37.....
Chapter 38.....
Chapter 39....
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 24

710 46 9
By ChonnyFromStateFarm

I watched as my sister played with the kids I guess she felt someone staring at her because she turned around roaming the building until our eyes connected she smiled and waved as I blew a kiss at her getting one in return , I turned back around in my seat looking at everybody else in the building my eyes landed on Trigga how could he bring that thing with him they  ain't even married that was so disrespectful not only to the boys but to Pecan because she wasn't aware of it

Heyyyyyy baby I heard from behind me turning around it was Pea

Hey sister girl , y'all did a excellent job on the party

Thank you thank you, you know I try my best come on lets walk around and talk some she said pulling me up

So what's up I asked

Nothing much how has it been going

Good actually just taking it a day at a time

Soooooo I know this isn't the perfect time nor place but since I don't never see you at momma's I

Pecan I'm doing great ok the miscarriage didn't damage me I'm fine me and Tony can always have another I said as we sat down

So you and Tony huh , how's Mike treating my niecey pooh man she done got so beautiful I use to always think she was mine

Uhhh that's not his daughter I said looking away not wanting to turn back around because I already know she was staring dead at me

Say what come again

I said that is not his daughter Tony is her father we got a D....

Hey girls I heard behind us turning around seeing Ms Anne

Hey Ms Anne how you doing I asked giving her a hug

Hey Momma Anne , y'all know each other or something Pecan asked

Yes this is my granddaughter's mother the one I was telling you about where the kids at she asked looking aroud

Hold up so you Tony mother too Pecan asked

Yes I am , how do y'all know each other

WE SISTERS, same mother and father Me and Pecan said

Ooh lord Jesus I didn't know why I couldn't tell ,y'all favor your mother a lot

Grandma Anny we heard the kids yell running towards us

Happy birthday my boys , hey my little princess , here get these presents I'll catch up with y'all later she said walking away..

Momma Anne Huh !??

Shut up so she's Tony mother too

No well you can say that, her and Tony's mother was best friend until she passed away Ms Anne took Tony in as her own and raised him I explained

Oooh wow so was Tony excited when he found out Jocey was his she asked

Hell yeah girl he said he kind of figure that she was his anyway because of her eye color and other features, neither me or Mike have hazel eyes he said he was just waiting on me to ask him to do a DNA and you know Jocey and Tony always had a tight bond so either way he haven't missed nothing So how did Trigga react when he found out the boys was his I mean from the looks of it my boy happy as hell

At first it was crazy because of the way he amp out but he was the one who said he wasn't ready for any kids shit I'm guessing because of Diamond pregnancy caught him off guard but hey things happen she said shrugging

But Diamond d---

What in the holy water Jesus slippers is that heffa doing here she ain't his wife and I know you didn't approve of this Tonesha we heard Ms Anne say behind us turning around we saw the disgusting look she was giving them

We didn't know he was going to bring her here I don't have a problem with it Momma Anne Pecan said

Well I do let me go say hey to my sons she said  walking towards them as I shook my head

You not used to her yet she extremely petty as fuck she beat momma in being the pettiest I said laughing as my mom popped up out of no where mean mugging us

What's wrong with you Pecan and I questioned

Look I understand that that's y'all kids grandmother as well but y'all ain't got to call her momma damn bad enough I got to share my grandbabies with her show me some respect my mom said then walking away as we bust out laughing

Okay mom jealous as hell but like I was saying Diamond daughter isn't his though that's your ex boy Trey baby mother everybody knew that when that baby came out brighter than the sun ain't see none of Trigga's features and that boy almost signed the damn birth certificate until Momma Anne told us to put in a request to do a DNA that's when her ass blurted out some "ain't no need" then told us to get the hell out of her room so a hour later Trey and his mom came rolling up in the building but hey I ain't the one to judge

This is too much for me Pecan said taking a bit out of my chicken

What is y'all over here talking about Tony asked sitting beside us taking some of my food as Banko Trigga and his little rat sat down at the table as well

Don't worry about what be talking about and all that food out there you and Pea greedy butts better gone somewhere eating my food

Chill Roc you know I only eat catering food if its off other people plates that's when its the best she said taking some of my grapes

Daddy can you hold my shoes please my daughter asked

Hell yeah give me them shit I paid too much for these little kids to be stepping on them, aye pea why that one over there always mugging Tony asked pointing at one of the boys hell I still can't tell them apart

Who Kingston? My baby do not mug nobody that's just his natural look he don't mean no harm

Yeah whatever I asked him what's up holding my hand out for a shake he put his hands in his pockets and gave me a head nod

Yeah broski he most definitely got that from you Banko said to trigga as we laughed

Kingston come here baby, Pecan shouted as he came running over

Yes ma'am.

Did you tell uncle Tony hey ,Pecan asked pointing at Tony as Tony mug him causing him to narrow his eyebrows mugging back

Yes mom I did and I told Uncle Banko hey too

Ooh okay baby you can go finish playing now

See he called Banko uncle I don't get called shit

That's strange he usually don't... nah I know you, you had to say something to my baby to make him mug you...Pecan said

Ooh shit now I remember when Juju On That Beat was on and I pointed to him when he said "You ugly you your daddy son"

Ayeeeee I yelled out as me and him slapped hands laughing

Y'all corny as hell bruh I swear Banko said

So how do you two know each other Alicia butted in as I looked at her way and roll my eyes

She's my sister , blood sister why what's up I asked

Just asking thought she talked to one of the other guys

Bitch you sound st--

Roc sit down its my kids day and I'll hate for my mood to swing left Pecan said looking straight ahead I know my sister to well she too calm

Didn't mean to start trouble I was just asking since I am dating him now , didn't you just got back how do he know for a fact them his boys

Okay now I done had it with this bitch I said standing up

Yo Alicia you need to fucking chill bro this is my kids party show some fucking respect... Trigga semi yelled
Oooh how he know for a fact them his kids because we fucked and I sucked , rode , caress , fed him , 69, hit tricks and played with it


Pecan let's go its almost time to sing Happy Birthday to the boys Lesha said grabbing Pecan hand as she got up

Trigga I need to talk to you after the party and for you we shall see each other again sweetheart Pecan smiled evil at Alicia before walking away

She going to get her ass man she just don't know Tony said laughing in the crock of my neck as I starred at a mad Alicia

So you not going to say nothing Trigga ..Alicia asked pouting

Nah you good learn how to keep your mouth shut you got your answers so chill son

She just don't know I mumbled



Make a wish babies Pecan said holding up one of the boys as Trigga hold up the other two as they blew out the candles as every body clapped

What you wish for they asked each other as all three looked up at Pecan and Trigga smiling goofy then back at each other

I did too

Me two

Me three

Okay can I have everyone attention please our uncle yelled over the mic as everyone turned towards him

Thank you now I know this isn't the time nor place for this but it's been a long time coming  a very very long time but my uh special guest wanted to make his surprise entrance so I told him why not

Aye Batman come on out here dawg and Reintroduce yourself  my uncle said as Batman came walking out with his back turned towards us slowly turning around I was now in tears I don't know how but they came fast as hell

DADDY ! Pecan yelled running towards him as he welcome her in his arms

Dadd-addyy I struggle out between tears walking towards him as he grabbed me into a hug kissing my forehead Pecan was still in his arms not letting go I don't blame her she's a daddy's girl while I'm a mommy's girl

Welcome Home Big Bruh

I love you daddy I miss you I said between tears

I miss y'all too but I got to go ask y'all mother something Pea let me go , I'm not leaving y'all no more girl he said laughing as Pecan slowly took her arms from around his neck as I held  her as we walked behind my dad over to where my mom sitting

Jaceion Jones was all my mom could say staring my dad down as he grabbed her hand pulling her up

"I left you, I left you for almost six years I left you to raise two beautiful girls by yourself and I know for a fact that it was not easy because Pecan got my crazy savage ways all in her and

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT MOMMAJ ...Shouted out as everybody laughed

& Roc got my mouth and your sassy all in her and I apologize , I apologize that I wasn't here to control them to help you to comfort you to tell you every day that you are beautiful and a strong phenomenal woman a wonderful mother ,grandmother as well , them phone calls visitations and letters just wasn't enough and I apologize because I suppose to have you in your dream house with the white fence with your garden growing and your flowers blooming but it's not too late, its not too late to let you have it all now what I'm trying to say is......he said getting down on one knee

I should've been done this a long time ago , TaSheena Wright can I change your last name into a "Jones" will you marry me? He asked pulling out a black box opening it showing the most beautiful diamond ring


NanaMa...we called out because she was bullshit'n around

YES I WILL DO THE HONOR OF BEING YOUR WIFE JACEION ...she said with tears rolling down her face as my dad slid the ring on pulling her into a hug kissing her tears away as everybody clapped and yelled except for Pecan cause she was too busy crying all over again

Its about damn time thank you Jesus ..mommaJ said

Got that right momma aye let's congrats bro and my sister in law on their engagement

Congratulations... Everybody yelled out

I love y'all he said bring his three girls into a big hug

Hey I want in , Me too we heard the kids say as we all hugged

Ain't Nothing Like Family

A Successful Birthday Party and Engagement


Its Been A Long Time I Shouldn't Have Left You...😂😂

You Name It...

Well Daddy's Home

Enjoy My Loves

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