Criminal Heart (Harley Quinn...

By WhiteRabbit150

5.8K 230 100

(Y/N) had always admired super villains but she didn't know why. She got bullied at school because of it. It... More

Chapter 2: I'll be back

Chapter 1:Meeting Harley

5.5K 204 93
By WhiteRabbit150

(Pretend that in the pic her hair has the pink and blue in it please)
            I sighed softly as I walked through the park, kicking the colorful leaves off the sidewalk. It's fall and slightly chilly. Usually I would be in school at this time but I just...I just couldn't go today. I'm almost completely fed up with the bullying.
My classmates may be the sons and daughters of superheroes but they are not superheroes themselves. They're mean and snobby and rude...I don't know how their parents still think they're golden children.
I rub the cast that encases my two broken fingers. They said it was an accident. I think it was Brianna and Susan but it's kind of hard to remember because of how the pain blurred my vision. It's funny really how they team up on me so much considering that their dads ,superman and batman, can be such big rivals at times.
Anyways, I may not remember clearly who did it but I do remember clearly how they got broken. I think it was Brianna who pulled my fingers back until the bones broke as Susan laughed and videoed my pain, making it everlasting. I suppose it doesn't matter though now...what's done is done they say.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by a big sign that happens to catch my eyes. Arkham asylum huh? I feel excitement well up inside me. I-I love super villains! I mean I'm not sure why...maybe it's my hatred for superheroes kids...maybe it's not...I don't really think about it much though as I approach the building excitedly. A guard immediately stops me though. I sigh unhappily, eager to get into the building.
"Miss what are you doing hanging around here?" He asked in a deep, gruff voice.
"O-oh um I have to do an essay about this place for my school so I was wondering if I could come in," I said, batting my eyelashes up at him, trying to look as innocent as possible. The guard simply frowns and I bristle. Surely this plan has to work.
"Well if you need to do an essay on it then other kids would need to do an essay on it too so why haven't other kids asked to enter?" He asked, stroking his goatee. Dang it! This guard is smarter than I though.
"Oh well I'm the only one brave enough to actually go in," I said, once again batting my eyelashes at him. The batting eyelashes don't affect him and he asks to see my student ID. I hand it over with a sigh of annoyance and after inspecting it for a few moments he gives it back to me and moves out of my way so that I can enter the asylum.
"Be careful in there miss," he warns.
"I will! Thanks!" I say, rushing into the building. I immediately go running down the halls, looking for one villain in particular. Three turns later I'm officially lost but I don't mind. I get to look at all the other cool villains now! I see dead shot and slipknot and diablo! This is heaven!
Suddenly I head a familiar singing. It isn't the best singing, kind of nasally and high, but it's alright and I instantly know who the voice belongs to. As if in a trance, I walk down the hall, following the wonderful voice. Before I know it I'm standing face to face ,or well face to glass, with my favorite villain of all time. Harley Quinn!
She's got some ribbons I see and she's hanging upside down. Without thinking, I let out a squeal of excitement and she gets down, landing perfectly and gracefully. A wicked smile spreads across her lips when she sees me and she sashays to the glass. She presses her hands against the glass right where mine are. I blush, now incredibly embarrassed. She giggles softly.
"Hello there sweetie~" she says and shivers crawl down my spine.
"Hi," I manage to squeak out. She giggles softly again and I blush more. She takes her hands away from the glass and I frown, disappointed.
"Oh no need to look so sad darling~ I just can't stand how cold that glass is! But you know if you got me out we could touch without that cold glass barrier," she said, raising one eyebrow as she looks at me.
Before I know it I'm using my admittedly rusty, hacking skills to find out the passcode to the lock on Harley's cell. After a few moments, but what probably feels like a few hours to Harley, I find it and I punch it into the keypad.

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