A Class Trip to...WHERE?! [CO...

By Animelover3313

155K 4K 2.4K

I know there is a lot of stories... or rather fanfic about Tsuna's class going to Italy during their class tr... More

The Plan
The start of the plan
What are you planning? And there's more?!
Information for the trip
Plan in motion
Tsuna's anger, Introductions and Poison cooking
Teaching them properly (1)
13 Wonders (Ok I suck at creativity)
Teaching them properly (2)
Teaching them properly (3)
Teaching them properly (4)
End of part 1, Beginning of part 2
First Generation on the move
Trinisette Siblings
The Meeting
Reborn's day
Papa Reborn
Soo... Fight?
A/N ;-;
The Truth
What happened?
The End

Bad feeling

6.7K 176 110
By Animelover3313





"Hi" Normal converstaion

"Hi" Speaking Italian

'Hi' Thought

'Hi' Text

"Hi" Someone on the phone talking




"I think Tsuna-kun would like it"

"After all this is his favourite cake"

"I want to see Tsuna-nii happy"

"Me too!"

"Lambo-san too!"

"...Quiet down, Bossu doesn't like when he is disturbed from his sleep"

They knock on the door softly and went in Tsuna's room.

"Tsuna-san" Haru shook Tsuna slightly.

Tsuna open his eyes slowly and got up. He stretched himself and rubbed his eyes.

"Yes..?" He yawned slightly.

"We made your favourite! Strawberry cake!" Kyoko smiled.

Tsuna smiled.

"Thank you all of you.. I really appreciate it" Tsuna said gratefully.

"It's fine Tsuna-nii, you should take care of yourself, you look tired" Fuuta looked worried.

"You look pale too, Bossu" Chrome frowned, looking worried too.

"Sorry, I'll take care of myself more, I just feel tired, there's too many paperwork" Tsuna sighed.

"We can help!" Lambo exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I-Pin agreed.

"Sorry, you guys can't, Reborn will kill me for slacking and you kids should enjoy your childhood for now" Tsuna pat their heads.

"Hai!" Fuuta, I-Pin and Lambo smiled happily.

"We won't disturb you now Tsuna-san, rest well" Haru smiled cheerfully.

"Be careful Tsuna-kun" Kyoko smiled worriedly.

"If you need help, you can call us, that's what we guardians do Bossu" Chrome bowed slightly.

"Sorry to worry all of you, I'll be extra careful" Tsuna smiled softly.

They left the room leaving Tsuna alone.

Tsuna slowly finish his strawberry cake.

'Why do I feel that.. my classmates shouldn't have come like.. something bad is going to happen but not cause by my guardians?' Tsuna frowned.

"Tch" Tsuna clicked his tongue and groaned.

'I better take precautions about it.. Better to be careful than to be sorry' Tsuna massage his tense shoulders, laying down on his bed and doze off.


The class had finished exploring the jet. When they are too absorb in exploring, they totally forgot about Tsuna and his group of friends.

Though some realized. Mostly realized their idols aren't with them.

'Must be that Dame Tsuna!' They thought the same thing.

They aren't stupid to not notice that how close their idols, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Kyoko and Chrome, are with Tsuna.  

Many were jealous, some just shrug it off, thinking that their idols would leave Tsuna soon.

But they didn't.

In fact, their idols grew closer to Tsuna and more weird things happened.

Hibari somehow joined their group! 

Ryohei did too be it wasn't a surprise... As Kyoko is friends with Tsuna, Ryohei would naturally too.

And what about Mukuro? The person who attacked Namimori without any reasoning.

And why the heck is he scared of Dame Tsuna? Shouldn't it be the fearsome prefect Hibari? 

A/N: Imagine Mukuro being scared of Hibari... Oh my god, that will be hilarious! 

Most probably this will happen but not with Hibari that bloody and injured..

Back to the story...

And heck! How can Dame Tsuna be that scary?!

And Dame Tsuna is Dino sensei's little brother?!

What is going on?

Though the class is smart enough to spot the weird things happening with Tsuna...

They are still stupid enough to continue bullying him.

Making many people craving for their blood.



The guardians.

Do I have to mention more?

"Decimo's classmates, this is Yuu speaking, we are landing Italy in a few minutes, please do not get off your seat and check that you did not leave anything behind, thank you" The speaker said.

Everyone was excited.

But different reasons.

Some are excited to meet Vongola, to visit the Vongola Mansion.

Some are excited to show off their skills to the Vonogola Ninth, wanting the Ninth to acknowledge them.

Some are excited to start the torturing.

Some are excited to kill someone.

Everyone but one is excited.

Decimo himself is having a major headache.

He couldn't shake the feeling off that something is really really off.

'What the hell is wrong?! When I arrive Italy, the headache got even worse!' Tsuna gripped his head, feeling the unbearable pain.

"Dame Ts- What's wrong?" Reborn came in the room to see Tsuna kneeing the ground, gripping his hair, pain written all over his face.

"Something bad is going to happen... From the moment we reach Italy, my headache got worse and my Hyper Intuition keep ringing in my head saying that my classmates shouldn't have come at all" Tsuna explained quickly.

"Maybe it's from our revenge plan?" Reborn asked.

"No it's totally different.. It feels like someone is going to attack us! And it's going to be very dangerous!" Tsuna warned.

Reborn frowned.

'I can't doubt the Hyper Intuition... It has never led us wrong so who would attack us? I have to warn Nono about it' Reborn noted to himself.

"Alright, I'll tell the others, now go prepare yourself, we are landing" Reborn left the room.

"Hai Hai" Tsuna sighed.

Tsuna stretched himself again and went down to the first floor. He made sure no one from his class notice him.

"Ah Tsuna! Did you have a good rest?" Yamamoto smiled.

Tsuna smiled tiredly back at him.

"Sort of.." Tsuna sighed.

"I see.." Yamamoto frowned.

"Well, I'll tell you guys later, I explain about something" Tsuna frowned.

"Alright, call everyone?"


"Ok, got it"


They got of the jet and head towards the Vongola Mansion. (They land a few meters away from the Mansion)

Everyone went in the Mansion, many gasps and whispers could be heard.

"Ahem" Reborn coughed to get their attention.

Silence again.

Vongola Nono walk towards them.

"Hello, I'm the Vongola Nono, Timoteo, nice to meet you, sorry that I have to get all of you here" Nono smiled.

"It's fine! Nice to meet you too!" Nezu sensei bow slightly.

"I've arrange your rooms, go with your partner and get prepared for lessons" Reborn said.

"Lessons? Now?"

"Yes, you are not here for a vacation, you will be still attending class, I told you before didn't I?" Reborn raised his eyebrow.

"Oh.. I didn't expect it to be so soon"

"Well, expect the unexpected" Reborn smirked.

The class went to their rooms except Tsuna and his group of friends.

"Grandfather, I have something to tell you..." Tsuna frowned.

"Come with me" Nono led everyone to the meeting room.

"Sit" Nono smiled.

Everyone sat on the chair.

"So what is it?" Nono turned serious.

"I think from the day you guys plan this trip, my Hyper Intuitiion has been ringing in my head a lot.. I thought it was the plan of this revenge but.." Tsuna frowned.

"I think someone is attacking us, we shouldn't have bring my classmate to come here, it's the wrong timing"

The room was silent.

"Someone is going to attack? How can you be so sure Tsunayoshi?" Mukuro asked.

"Well.. When we reach Italy, my Hyper Intuition was ringing in head even more, screaming danger, but why danger? If it's a revenge plan, it won't scream danger but it will tell me something bad will happen to my classmates.. not me, not the Vongola.." Tsuna explain.

"I see.." Nono nodded.

"So what do we do now?" Kyoko asked worriedly.

"We will still continue our revenge plan" Nono said firmly.

"But-" Tsuna wanted to disagree but was cut off by Reborn.

"I agree, if we suddenly change the plan, the students will think it is suspicious.. Tsuna, do you know when it will attack?" Reborn asked in a serious tone.

"Well.. I don't but maybe in a few weeks.."

"That's not helping, the class trip will end in a month" Reborn sighed.

"Well sorry then!" Tsuna pout.

"Stop pouting!" Reborn hit Tsuna's head.

Tsuna winced and mentally cursed.

"What about we increase the amount of guards watching the Mansion? Let's not bring the students out of the Mansion, we can show them around the Mansion outside a little but tell them not to go out" Gokudera suggested.

"That's a EXTREME great plan!" Ryohei exclaimed.

"I'll inform you guys if my Hyper Intuition is warning something else" Tsuna smiled.

"Giannini, Shoichi and Spanner will try to install more warning system and cameras around the Mansion" Reborn informed.

"Should Mukuro-sama and I put illusions around the Mansion to fool the enemies?" Chrome asked.

"Hmm.. Not necessary, the cameras will give a wrong reading then.. Try to spot anything that is out of the ordinary" Tsuna frowned.

"Yes, Bossu" Chrome smiled.

"I'll go out to check on the students now" Reborn walk out of the room.

"What about us?" Yamamoto asked.

"Protect the students if the attack happens.. Mean while just stay alert, don't do anything rash" Tsuna warned.

"Sure Tsuna!"

"Yes Juudaimme!"



"Bianchi, please take care of the kids and the girls, I don't want any of you to get hurt" Tsuna frowned, looking worried.

"No worries! Lambo-san will protect them too!" Lambo grinned.

"I-Pin too!" I-Pin smiled.

"I want to help too" Fuuta looked determined.

"We will do our best to protect ourselves and the kids" Kyoko smiled.

"Haru too! Be careful too Tsuna-san!" Haru smiled cheerfully.

"I will Tsuna" Bianchi nodded.

"Ryohei, stay with them too, you could help to heal them too" Tsuna smiled.

"Alright! I'll protect them TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaimed.

"Hn, is this crowding ending?" Hibari asked.

"Yes" Tsuna nodded.

Hibari immediately left the room by the door.

"Kufufu.." Mukuro left.

Everyone left but Yamamoto, Gokudera, Tsuna and Nono.

"You are going to be a great boss Tsuna.." Nono chuckled.

"Though I didn't want to be one" Tsuna sighed.

"Oh, I called them, they'll be here too, it will be a great help if they are here" Nono smiled.

"No way! More chaos!" Tsuna groaned.

"Isn't that great? We got more help!" Yamamoto grinned.

"More paperwork" Tsuna grumbled.

"Well, they will be here next week, hopefully the attack won't happen so soon" Nono sighed.

"Hope so.." Tsuna frowned.

Who knew that someone would attack during Class 2A's Class Trip?

And who is 'they?'


NO. OF WORDS: 1616



Hi~ Sorry for the late update! I'm trying to think how to the stories properly..

I hope you guys like this story so far.. Thank you for voting this story and I appreciate it a lot.. as in A LOT. (Seeing this is my first fanfic...)

Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes! I'm better at Chinese than English.. but I prefer writing English than Chinese as Chinese is complicated to type it out ;_; And my English composition is way better than my Chinese.. (I'm weird and I know it)

Well Plan 2 will start next chapter! And can you figure out who is 'they?' Pretty obvious by now! I'm sure most of you know..

I am a very patient person.. so I will continue to wait for more ideas about the revenge plan~ You can pm me or comment at this story~ I don't mind!

My sense of humor is so bad.. I'm trying to make this story and I don't think I'm doing a good job at it.. 

Oh thank you for following me.. that 4 followers I have..( To other people 4 followers is pathertic but..I'm more surprised that people are following me ._.)  

That's all for this chapter! I know the story is getting more boring but I'll try to make it interesting again.

Sayonara~ (≧∇≦)/

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