Cinderella left no shoe [ON H...

By norwegiangirl

3.3K 160 47

I got up and grabbed my shoes and started running. "Hey, wait!" he called after me. Tonight I was supposed to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

782 38 5
By norwegiangirl

"So, are you excited about tomorrow?" My best friend Lilee asked. We sat on CC, short for Coffee Corner with our daily cup of cappuccino. Her dad was a movie producer and finally managed to land a job, working on the highly anticipated remake of Cinderella.

"A bit. It sure is not an everyday occurrence" I answered. Since her dad was working on the movie, of course she managed to score an invitation with a plus one to the official wrap party for tomorrow. To make it in style with the movie, the organizers thought it would be nice to make the party a masked ball. Yes, as in Cinderella. Well, Cinderella was not really a masked ball, but Cinderella was somehow masked, so it's that.

It was held at a luxurious mansion here in L.A., so that's where we're staying for the weekend. Not that we're staying at the actual mansion. We're just staying at a hotel in L.A nearby. This was the last week before autumn break was over and it was back to college. I was a freshman. I was very happy with my life. I grew up easy despite not being born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had loving parents and a very idiotic and at the same time awesome big brother.

"Athena, look a bit more excited. All the stars are going to be there!" she gushed. She was smiling so bright it was like her entire frame was shining.

"I am excited. I just don't think I will fit in that much with the red carpet, expensive gowns, masks and rich people, famous people" I answered.

"Oh come on. I'm not famous either, and I'm excited. I promise it's not going to only be cast people and people with starring roles. At least I think so" she answered. Maybe there would be more people like us, who got invitations because they were lucky with their connections.

"It'll still be fun though. Besides, our gowns and masks are awesome. That's the beauty of it, no one will know who anyone is, so it doesn't matter if your famous or not, rich or poor. Tomorrow we can all have just fun" she declared.

A smile formed on my lips. "That's true. At least there is an event where we can actually use amazing gowns for a reason. By the way, thanks for paying for the whole outfit, I know it cost a bunch" I thanked her. The dress, mask, shoes and accessories were expensive, so being the awesome friend she was; she paid for it.

"Hey, no worries" She waved it off. "Anyway, we should get back to the hotel now before it gets swamped by fans trying to get a glimpse of Aiden as he flies in tonight" she said, finishing her beverage.

"Who?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow; "The star of the movie, he plays prince charming" she answered.

"Oh, didn't know" I answered.

"Figures, you're not exactly caught up on Hollywood and E news" she chuckled. That's true. I didn't care much for that. My life was calm and simple. I had no interest in that other celebrity world.


I groaned as I was woken up by screaming outside the hotel window. "Lilee, what the hell is that screaming for, who is it?" I asked and rubbed my eyes and sat up in the bed. We both shared a room.

"Who do you think? Aiden's fans. They probably saw him in the window or something and flipped out" she answered.

"Oh joy. How many people do you think is going to crash the party tonight if they're so bad now?" I asked. The ball wasn't until tonight, and it was only early morning so far.

"Tons of course, but you and I can just waltz our way in without any problem at all" she said, twirling around one time on her way to the bathroom, making me laugh. I walked over to the window to peek outside. My eyes widened at the huge mass of screaming girls outside. I'm glad I'm not famous. To waking up to this every day, knowing they were here for you must get tiresome after a while. So happy I'm not Aiden Heart or anyone close to him. I'm one of the girls who would never dream of to get their picture taken for tabloids and gossip magazines.

I stretched my hands in the air and walked away from the window and fell back down on my bed, scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook while I waited for Lilee to be done in the bathroom.


"Are you sure I fit this dress? I mean, it looked great in the store, but I'm not used to wear these kinds of things in front of other people" I said, tugging at my dress here and there as I took in my outfit in the full length mirror. I was wearing a huge ballgown, colored ice blue, and I wore a white mask that covered about 75% of my face. It was a very delicate design with glistening blank stones and feathers at the upper right corner.

"Quit stressing, you look fine. In fact, you look pretty hot" she commented. "Ta-da, how do I look?" she asked and twirled around, showing of her elegant outfit. She wore a black, knee length dress with a black mask. I envied her the dark brown shoulder length curly hair. Mine was just normal corn blonde, as it had always been.

I had it in an elegant bun on the head to get it out of the way for tonight, and at the same time looking pretty good. I also had a strand of curled hair on either side of my face on the front. I took in a deep breath. "Okay then, let's do this" I smiled.


Since this were an exclusive private party with a chance of paparazzi sneaking in, meant that us under 21 wouldn't be able to order any alcoholic drinks from the bar. Guess I have to stick to sodas this evening. Hey, at least they have food.

Wow, this place is already really crowded. I guess it'll be easy to blend in and act like I belong tonight. Well, doubt anyone will even notice me. I plan on mingling with the food tonight anyway.

It was so weird being at an event like this. Guess it would be some fun memories to take back to college with me after all. "Hey, I love your dress, who's the designer?" A girl with a pretty nasal voice asked. She had on a black and white dress that reached the floor in the back and just above the knees in the front.

"Vera Wang I think it was" I answered. To tell the truth I had no idea. I forgot the name, but it wasn't as any journalists would bother asking me anyway.

"Really? Wow, must be custom made then, can't remembering seeing this in the collection. No to mention she designs mostly wedding dresses" she answered, eying it up and down. "So which role did you have in the movie. I just have the hardest time placing you from the set. Well, maybe because you're wearing a mask" she chuckled. Dear lord, can someone please get this girl away. I had no idea how to talk to her. She just assumed I was important.

"Oh, I'm not an actress. My friend's dad worked on the movie, and she invited me" I answered.

"Ah. I see. Then what are you doing here? Can't imagine someone like you would be missed here" she answered suddenly acting like a high-class snob.

I scoffed; "Doesn't look like anyone would miss you either seeing as you're left talking to a no life low class like me then" I answered. She just huffed and stomped away in her heals, which didn't work out well. Her ankle bent slightly and she almost tripped.

I pressed my lips together in a thin line to keep myself from laughing. I shook my head at these people. This was going to be fun.


As soon as everyone had arrived, and by everyone, I mean the important members of the cast, they made s short 'thank you' announcement. I had no clue who any of these people was. Not even Aiden who supposedly was quite famous.

People were already dancing, even Lilee had found herself a partner, and I as promised hung out by the food table, just observing. After the first disastrous encounter with the nasal sounding girl, I wasn't to motivated to try an interact with anyone tonight.

"Not having any fun?" Someone asked. It was a guy with a completely black mask, covering around the eyes, dressed in a very hot suit. He had messy, slightly spiky dirty blonde hair. From whatever I could see, he looked pretty handsome.

"Not really my scene. I'm not one of the important people. How about you?" I asked.

"How about me what, having any fun or anyone important?" he asked, laughing. I didn't see what was so funny.

"Both I guess" I answered.

"Seriously?" he asked stunned.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" I asked frowning.

"Nothing. Sorry. I'm Ace, son of the casting director." He said, presenting himself.

"Athena, friend of a daughter of a producer" I answered. We were in the same boat. There was someone I could talk normally with after all then I guess.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Athena, friend of a producer's daughter" he smiled. He actually made me laugh. "Want to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to me.

I chewed my lip; "Sure" I answered. With the fairytale theme and all, it was songs it was easy dancing in pair to. It was the classic dance. He held my right hand in his and had on hand on my waist as I place my left hand on his shoulder.

"So, how old are you?" he asked and twirled me around one time.

"18, you?" I asked.

"23" he answered. Woah, he was 5 years older than me. Wait, why did that even matter. I'm just dancing with the guy.

"You look very beautiful by the way" he said as he leaned in and whispered it in my ear. Damn, he's a flirt. He hasn't even known me for 5 minutes. But, I was only here until tomorrow. And tonight, no one was anyone in masks, so why not just enjoy it?

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself" I answered. He just smiled and we kept dancing in silence. I noticed the few times he spun me around that a few people were staring, but I just brushed it off. Maybe they were just trying to figure out if we were any of the stars behind the masks.

After that we just talked. It was easy to talk with him, and he was really nice. "You know, I was actually dreading this party. Now I'm happy I went" he said.

"How come?" I asked. "Why were you not looking forward to it I mean?" I added.

"Because I hate going to these kind of things sometimes. Kind of have to" he answered. I frowned.

"Why? Does your mom work as a casting director to a lot of movies? Why does that means you have to go anyway?" I asked.

He looked like a person who just realized he had shared too much; "Oh, I mean, my mom expects me to go. Think it's rude to say no to invitations whenever I get one because of her. And to answer your first question, yes, she works on quite a lot of movies" he said.

"Oh, well, this is my first ever exclusive party. Otherwise I'm just a normal everyday girl trying to get through college" I smiled. Nothing exciting to share about my life.

"Have you been to one, you have been to most of them. Tonight, is an exception though, I rarely meet girls like you" he said.

"Girls like me, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Down to earth, smart and funny and someone who actually has no idea-" he said and stopped himself.

"Has no idea of what?" I prompted.

"Uh, that has no idea that you're not missing out by not going to these kinds of things" he answered.

I looked at him weirdly. That didn't really make sense, but okay. "Okay, not sure what to make out of that" I laughed. He was a bit weird too, but I kind of liked it.

"You know what. I'm getting tired of the music and people in here, want to go outside. I know the mansion has a beautiful garden in the back" he suggested.

I looked around me. Not like it was anything in here I would miss anyway. Lilee was having fun and I didn't want to ruin it for her. "Sure" I answered. "Lead the way" I gestured for him to go first.

To my surprise, he took my hand. He led me through some hallways until we reached a back door. The garden was beautiful and huge. It was like in one of those movies. Decorated with thousands of lights. It even had a fountain and hundreds of colorful flowers. It also had a long arhway of trees in front of us. The trees above us were also entangled in shining lights. It looked like stars. Like earth and space had merged together.

"Wow, you weren't wrong, this is beautiful" I said and took in the surroundings. We slowly walked forward. This night had taken a turn for the better. "Now we really are two outsiders." I joked.

He chuckled. "Pun intended?" he smirked.

"Yeah" I answered.

We walked in silence until we got to the end where a bench was placed. It was perfect. "Thank god, I really need to sit down. These heels are killing me" I said and slumped down, instantly taking of my shoes.

"So Athena, tell me something about you" he said, sitting down beside me.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Anything, something about your life" he answered.

I pondered about it for a few seconds. Wondering what the hell I could tell about myself that would be at least a tiny bit interesting; "Well. Anytime anyone ask me that question, I'm the kind of girl who has no idea what to answer. I guess it's because my life is so ordinary. I'm the kind of girl who hates the morning, but look me up at 3 am and you find me full of inspiration. Mostly with my laptop to write on, headphones playing my favorite playlist. Sometimes I can also just sit quietly by the window, looking outside, thinking about everything and nothing" I answered.

"That sounds like a pretty great life. I hardly have time to just be up to 3 am doing whatever I feel like. Aren't many nights like these anymore" he answered.

"What do you mean?" he answered.

He looked at me, but his smile seemed a little wistfully; "Just a night where I can talk to someone who is completely normal, who talks to me as a completely normal guy. Many girls try to worm their way into my life by lies as soon as they find out my mom is a casting director. Trying to make their dreams come true through me, like I'm not really a person to them you know, but the guy who is someone's son" he answered. The way he said that was like it was almost painful for him.

"I'm sorry. It's not fun being used, much less lied to. But at least tonight here we're two completely normal people" I said.

"Yeah, I just wish it could stay like this too when I wake up tomorrow" he answered gloomily.

"I'm sure it's not like that everyday right. I mean, being a casting director's son doesn't give you dedicated pages in the magazines, right?" I asked, sure he was laying on a little thick.

"You'll be surprised" he answered. "So tell me something more about you. I like hearing you talk" he answered.

I smiled at that; "Well. I've always dreamt of sometime finding the perfect guy and go star gazing with. Driving the truck to a lake or a field overlooking the city. I love looking at the stars at night, just like this" I said, looking up at the same time.

"Stargazing huh? Well, who knows, maybe that'll happen soon" he answered.

"Yeah, I hope so. So how about you? Tell me something more about you" I answered.

"I travel a lot from city to city, country to country because of the job. I hardly feel like I have roots anywhere anymore. So whenever I can find private moments, just being me, I cherish them. It's actually pretty lonely sometimes" he answered.

"But you have friends, right?" I asked.

"A few yeah, but I hardly get to see them anymore. Besides, like I said, it's hard to know who's fake and not anymore, so I have a difficult making any new friends" he answered. The way he talked made it sound like he was one of those movie stars back inside.

"Why not just stay at one place for a while, just be yourself and live for a little while and not focus on whatever it is you do" I suggested. It couldn't be that hard right?

"Wish I could, but I love my job at the same time. Working in the film industry with the help of mom as a connection gives great opportunities for the future" he answered.

"I can see that. I myself wouldn't dream of anything in that direction. My nightmare would be a picture in tabloids or being a brand someone knew about. Although I hope to publish my stories someday. I just don't want to be famous" I answered.

"I get what you're saying. Which is why I wish things were different" he answered.

"Different how, you said you love your job?" I asked.

"Nothing" he said. We just looked into each other eyes for a moment. Without a word, he leaned closer, and then paused for a minute, waiting for me to give him permission. I leaned in too, meeting him halfway. It didn't take long before our lips met.

His lips were so soft as they met mine. His hand sneaked behind my head and pulled me closer. Then it happened. I heard frantic clicking and flashes from cameras that landed right at us. "Aiden, who's the mystery girl?" someone shouted.

Aiden, look over here!

Aiden, kiss her again.

Aiden, is she your girlfriend?




I pulled away from him in shock and looked at him with disbelief; "You're Aiden Heart?" I asked, but I knew the answer was yes. There was paparazzi outside the fence to the garden, which was close enough to where we were sitting.

"Fuck" he muttered. "I can explain this" he hastily tried reassuring me.

I stood up. This was everything I never wanted. He played me the whole night. Must have been fun, pretending to be someone else in real life for a change. Its' not like he doesn't do it for a living.

I touched my lips with my fingers. I just kissed Aiden Heart, and they got pictures of it. This would without doubt get me in magazines and on websites tomorrow. I have to get away from here.

I got up and grabbed my shoes and started running. "Hey, wait!" he called after me. Tonight I was supposed to be nobody, but turns out I'm simply Cinderella of all people, and prince charming or not, I'm not leaving my shoes behind.

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