It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

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Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Circle
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs

42.6K 1.1K 31
By MarciMarie

Copyright © MarcyN 2013

Lauren nestled closer to Rob naked body she felt fulfilled and tired. She was about to doze off when her cell went off.  Rob grabbed it from the bedside table and handed it to her. The screen had Lliam’s name. Sitting up she eased off the bed heading for the bathroom. Rob watched her walk toward the bathroom and close the door. He knew it had to be the boyfriend. Which pissed him off but for real he had no rights.

“Hello Lliam.”

“Hey babe you enjoying your time with your grandmother.

“Yeah I’ve been having a ball ..learning all kinds of really neat things.  If he only knew. Oh god she felt so guilty ..Rob in the bed Lliam on the phone she was going to hell.

“what kind of things.?”

“Oh how to make some pasta dishes and some gardening tips.”

“I miss you Lauren.” Just as she was about to respond. Rob entered the bathroom. His eyes never leaving her face as he leaned up against the wall.

“I miss you too.” She looked away facing the mirror.

“I’m sorry.”  She looked at his back as he left the bathroom. 

“Sorry for what.”

“Nothing, look I’m tried me and grams where up early.”

“are you sure you ok ?”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

When she entered the room Rob was asleep or at least pretended to be ..She eased under the covers on the other side bed  her back to him. It was a surprise when he pulled her into his arms and whispered. “Oh What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

“I know Deluca and I’m sorry.”

:What do you want from me Lauren?"

All of you she thought to herself.

 He had gotten up put on his shorts sneaks and tee shirt and was heading out earlier than usual he walked over to the bed and brushed her soft blonde hair away from her face and kissed her pouty pink lips. Running was his solace his way of getting away from the world the sun was just rising as he headed down the road his ear buds in and Adam Lambert playing What Do You Want From Me . Clearly the situation was getting out of hand for himself.  Lauren seemed to only want sex which meant she was just in it for her own entertainment which was pretty much the deal they had set up.  Damn he felt sorry for the other dude he had no idea what Lauren was doing behind his back at least he knew what he was walking into.  Taking a curve at triple speed  the sweat was pouring down his body he was about three or four miles from the villa the only people out were a couple farmers and a dude on a bike. He had to get back in control if it was platonic for her then it would be the same for him.  Yet it was hard when you kissed that person good night and then woke up with them in the morning. Talked about your dreams and laughed about life. It was time he made a change in this situation. If Lauren wanted just to be fucked then so be it.  He was going to take what she offered freely and enjoy every moment.  They were going into the city today  staying overnight than heading to her grandmothers in Marsala. Maybe he should just drop her off  catch the next flight back to states and then it would be done and over. Who was he fooling he was going to stay for the duration. Than take it like a man by finding some chick to help him pick up the pieces. Making his way back up to the villa he ran straight into the house up the stairs to the room where he found her still asleep. Her blonde hair spread  wildly across the pillow the sheet only covering her backside.  For some reason he felt playful bending down he nipped at her big toe he laughed as she wiggled her foot in her sleep. He waited a few seconds than did it again. “ What the hell?” He watched as she turned over kicking.

He smiled at her angry look. “What are you doing ?” She asked with a sleepy smile.

“Waking you up to take a shower with me.”

“I want to sleep Robbie Deluca. You wore me out.”

  “ I know .”He laughed.“Maybe you should come running with me and build up your stamina.”

He ducked the pillow  she threw and  grabbed her by both legs pulling her forward  than pulled her up over his shoulder. “This isn’t fair Deluca. Ugg your sweaty.”

“I was up running.”

 “ Ok super healthy put me down.”   He ignored her. Walking in the bathroom, turning on the shower adjusted the temperature kid off his sneaks and slid out his shorts all while still holding her on his shoulder.  Then he placed her in the shower ripped off his shirt and got in. This man was truly insufferable. And she was falling for him. God helper.

  Celia was lying on her couch in the den when the doorbell rang interrupting the Bold and the Beautiful .  It was Sunday afternoon her catch up time with her favorite soap everyone knew not to bother her. Angrily she marched to the door since every man in the house which their were six refused to respond.  They were lucky the food was already done or she would have left them to starve. Grabbing the door knob she swung open the door.  The young man on the other side of the security door was  handsome with his black hair blue eyes and strong jaw line he  looked like he had just stepped off the pages of a magazine dressed casually in a pair of slakes a sweater and a sports jacket. “Hello can I help you?”

“Yes, ms Rizzoli my name is Lliam I’m a friend of Laurens actually where more than friends.”

Celia turned as she felt someone behind her . it was her son Carmine eating a sandwich giving the guy an ugly look. “ What you want dude?” He asked between bites.

“I’m Lauren’s boyfriend.”

“Lauren ain’t got no boyfriend and if she did we would know.”

“I’m sorry but we’ve been dating for a year. Look I know this is strange.”

“Yeah your strange dude.”

“Look your Carmine. Right?”

“So you know my name big deal. You can ask anyone in this neighborhood for that info.”

“Look Ms Rizzoli all you have to do is ask Francesca. She knows me. And I know that Lauren is in Italy with her grandmother we talked last night.’

Celia new that Lauren was with Rob in Palermo still. So that meant Lauren was lying to this boy. Oh god.  “So you know Francesca?“

“Yes..Look I’m only here to do this right.”

“Do what right creep.” Carmine stepped in front of his mother.

“I wanted to ask your dad if I could have permission to ask Lauren to marry me. It’s kind of backwards since I already asked her.”

Celia pushed Carmine out of the way..”You asked Lauren to marry you ?”

“Yes, she said she need to think and get away so she went to Italy to visit her nonna.”

“Oh my god…” Celia grabbed her chest as if sick..

“Ma you ok ?”

“No…Yes..No call your father..”

“Come in Lliam.”

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