
By SnareBackus

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By SnareBackus

A monk sitting at a window

Watching willow leaves

Swirling slowly into silent;

Songs of serenity.

Sensing subtle uncertainty,

Silence punctures sensibility

And hissing leaves come to life,

Speaking in tongues as of yet unheard.

And he asks;

Does this silence mean anything?

It was sought to provide clarity,

But the voice of God does not sound

In thunderous booms like we wish for.

And the silence settles into his heart

Lacking the sediments

Of joy and peace that he hoped for

When solidarity became his home.

And his heart breaks.

For in the quiescence,

His heart has heard a snapping twig

Speak the truth of truths:

To stay still is to simply stagnate,

To love is to live,

And to act is the only way to acquire any wealth,

Whether it be wealth or wisdom

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