Philinda adopt Skye

By divergentcatchingjay

1.1K 21 6

Skye is a ten year old girl that has spent her whole life in the care system, she finds it difficult to trust... More

Day 1

Fostering Skye.

695 12 0
By divergentcatchingjay

Skye is a ten year old girl that has spent her whole life in the care system, she finds it difficult to trust after more then her fair share of bad homes, she had tried to run away from the orphanage a few too many times too so she is placed in the care of Melinda May-Coulson and Phillip Coulson. They are both experienced carers as they already have two girls Jemma Simmons-Coulson and Natasha Romanoff-Coulson, both kids are from the foster system too. 

Skye's social worker Maria Hill was a friend of Melinda's, Maria called Melinda on the off chance that she would take another little girl, Skye had just been released from the hospital with cuts and bruises. Melinda and Phil didn't feel need to talk about for very long but they did ask their daughters for their opinion, Jemma agreed and even offered to share her room with the girl she didn't know as she was a similar age to her so that the spare room could get done up, Jemma was twelve. Natasha took no convincing, as soon as she heard that the girl had been in a bad home she agreed, she herself had been in a bad home before Phil and Mel had fostered and adopted her, she didn't want anyone else going through that. Melinda was able to call Maria back quite quickly and they were told that Maria could pick up Skye and bring the paperwork with her so they didn't need to travel the hour in the car with two kids then pick up a nervous one. 

Skye was in the car with her social worker Maria. She was told that she was going to a nice home, as if she hadn't heard that before. She didn't want to take it out on Maria, it wasn't her that sent her to 'that' house, Maria was her new social worker. Maria had told her that the Coulsons were nice and friendly, that they had two girls aged 12 and 14. Having two other girls in the house made Skye feel nervous, they probably didn't want to share their mommy and daddy. 

Skye's p.o.v- 

When Maria pulled up in the drive way I got really nervous. I picked up my bag and got out of the car. Maria knocked on the door and a woman in her mid to late thirties answered the door and asked us to come inside. I saw Maria and the woman hug and then a man probably of similar age hug Maria too. "Hi my name is Melinda but i prefer Mel" the woman greeted "i'm Skye" she nodded, she already knew that i was called Skye. "i'm Phil" the man greeted, i just nodded. I then spotted two girls that looked nothing like their parents, the smaller of the two introduced herself first "hello i'm Jemma, it's nice to meet you" "hi, i'm Skye" "i'm Natasha but most people call me Nat or Tasha" i just gave a small smile. "okay Skye, i'm going to go do some paperwork with Mel and Phil so i'm going to leave you with Nat and Jemma okay?" Maria said, i felt that i didn't have much of a choice even though she said it as a question. "We can show you upstairs" Jemma said facing Maria with her back to me, i know what this means. They are going to tell me how much they want me to leave already. 

We went upstairs and they told me who each room belonged to, Mel and Phil's was first, then Jemma's , Natasha's was across from Mel and Phil's and then the room that would be Skye's after it got painted. Until then I'm going to be in Jemma's room and Jemma was going to be on the air mattress in Natasha's room. I waited for the comments to start but the didn't, I waited for the personal questions but they never came either. They weren't making me talk about anything i didn't want to. Jemma did most of the talking i noticed, she was trying to calm my nerves. "If you want to Skye you can leave your rucksack in mine or Natasha's room, you don't have to though."  I wasn't going to but i left it in Jemma's room, they seemed trustworthy and i don't think they'll do anything while Maria is here anyway. After leaving my rucksack in Jemma's room she shuts the door and she says "if you want anything out of your bag you can just go in" i nod, not wanting to say anything to upset either of the girls and we go downstairs to the main room. "You can speak freely here, just so you know Skye, i get that some foster families don't like that but Phil and Mel don't mind" Natasha says, she didn't call them mom or dad. Was that for my sake or hers? I nod my head and ask "are you adopted? sorry you haven't even asked me anything that was rude! you don't have to answer!" she smiles, not in a condescending way or like she's pretending i didn't offend her but like she was happy that i asked something. "Jemma and I are both adopted, they fostered me two years ago and adopted me six months ago" Natasha tells me "they adopted me when i was six so that's why i call them mum and dad and Natasha doesn't" i nod, that made me feel better. "settling in alright?" Melinda asks walking into the main room from the kitchen diner. I nod "thanks for letting me stay" "that isn't a problem, if you need anything just ask someone" Melinda seems okay but Phil i'm still not sure about. "Right Skye, i have to get back but you have my number if you want to speak to me okay and i will be back in a week" Maria says "thank you Maria" "safe travels" Phil says and Maria leaves. I expect something to happen but nothing does. "have you had anything to eat Skye? i can order a take-away if you know what you'd like" Phil says and I shrug my shoulders. "i will get some menu's and you can have a look" Jemma says and comes back a few seconds later. I let everyone else pick something before i pick and i go with the cheapest curry i can find. "oh Skye, i meant to ask are you a vegetarian or anything like that?" Melinda asks, i just shake my head, you learn not to be fussy when it comes to food if you live in care. When the food arrives we sit in the main room, it seems like they are all trying to make me feel welcome but don't know how, Melinda and Phil must know how I got hurt and they haven't said anything about it but i don't think Natasha and Jemma know anything and they still haven't asked. I just keep waiting for the bombardment of questions that don't come. When Jemma and Natasha decide that they are going to bed, i say that i will too, i don't want to be downstairs if they aren't there. Just in case. "Sleep well girls" Mel says and Phil says "goodnight." 

"Skye, you can go downstairs when you get up if you want to" Natasha whispers as Jemma goes into Natasha's room. I smile gratefully at her, it was always hard to know what the new 'family' wanted you to do in the morning. "night" she says and i go into Jemma's room. After i put my over sized nightgown on i get into bed and stare at the ceiling until i fall asleep dreading tomorrow. I had to be good so they don't kick me out or tell Maria i was bad. 

(Thankyou for reading, just so you know not all chapters will be as long as this -1308 words- but i felt like this one should be long as it is the start of the story, updates will be mainly on weekends but not every weekend as school is hectic due to upcoming exams.) 

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