Divergent High: College Life

By annaeliza247

123K 2.7K 1.1K

➽Sequel to Divergent High. I suggest that you read the first one before you read this. ➽It's been two years s... More

hey guys!


1.5K 38 12
By annaeliza247

It took a minute or two for my eyes to adjust to the light coming through the small window when I woke up. I sat up, suddenly recognizing the room as my fingers pressed into the carpet.

I'm in Peter's basement.

It's not until I try to run my fingers through my hair that I realize there's a chain around my right wrist that's connected to the wall.

I look around the room to find my purse, and I see it in the corner. I reach for it, and I can barely touch it with the tip of my fingers. My fingers manage to grab the bag, and I pull it slightly towards me, not enough for Peter or anyone else to know that it was moved.

I dig through my bag, trying to find my phone. I finally get it just as I hear someone walking down the stairs. I sit back up and slide my phone under my leg.

"Good morning, Tris," Peter says as he walks up to me and squats in front of me. "That serum must've been really strong, you've been out for days." What day is it? "I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up."

"What do you want with me?"

"You know what I want, Bea."

"You don't get to call me that," I warn, gritting my teeth.

"Tsk, tsk, don't you want food?" My stomach grumbles as he says the last word. "I'll take that as a yes." He tosses an apple and a bottle of orange juice at me and I catch them.

I sink my teeth into the apple immediately, knowing this won't be enough to settle my hunger.

"Don't go crazy, or anything. Ill be back later," he says, standing up and walking back up the stairs. As soon as I hear the door close, I take my phone out from under my leg.

When I unlock my phone, I see that it's January seventh, January seventh! I was supposed to fly home on the third! I was asleep for four days. This is not happening right now.

I see that I have 15 missed calls from Tobias, and nine texts from him as well.

Tobias💕😍- where r u?

Tobias💕😍- y aren't u picking up?

Tobias💕😍- what's going on?

Tobias💕😍- text me pls

Tobias💕😍- is ur phone dead?

Tobias💕😍- tris, pick up, please, i'm really worried

Tobias💕😍- i miss you, pls come home

Tobias💕😍- i love you

Me- Tobias, it's me, Peter kidnapped me a few days ago, and injected me with something that made me sleep for a long time. I'm at 311 se 197th ave in portland. It's a blue house with white garage doors. Pls come as quick as u can with as much help as u can get, I don't know how many ppl Peter has w/ him. I love you❤️

I type as quick as I can and wait for Tobias to reply.

Tobias💕😍- I'll be there as fast as I can bby. I love you too😘

I let out a relieved breath and lock my phone, shoving it under my leg again. There's only 30% left of the battery on my phone, so I have to save it as much as I can.
"You know this isn't the way to treat someone you want to love you, right?" I ask, glaring at him

It's around three in the afternoon now, and Peter is back in the basement, sitting against the opposite wall from me.

"I'm aware of that now."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because I hoped trapping you in close quarters with me would make you love me again."

"Peter why can't you just accept that I'm never going to love you again? I found someone else, this relationship is behind me, I don't need you anymore."

"You see, that's where I don't believe you Tris, I think you do still need me, and I think you could fall in love with me again."

"Maybe I could, if you were the old Peter. What made you change, anyway?"

"My father. He always said I looked weak when I was around you and treated you the way a man should. He told me I needed to look strong and not do everything for you that I should've."

"Why'd you listen to him if you knew it was wrong?"

"I didn't know it was wrong at that time, Tris. I was 16, arrogant, and thought I needed to do everything my father told me. It broke my heart when you moved away and texted me about it afterwards, you know. But I guess my feelings don't matter because I treated you like shit, and I'm sorry."

"Thank you, but you have to know that there's no you and I anymore. I want you to be happy, and to do that you can't be chasing me around all over the place hoping I'll fall head-over-heels in love with you again."

"No. I still believe you can love me," he says, standing up and walking over to me. He sits next to me and smiles. "I know I can still make you love me." He puts his hand on my cheek, leans in, and kisses me.

I pull back, startled from his actions. "Why would you do that?!" I yell.

"To show you that deep down, you still love me."

"I don't!" I scream, standing up. He stands up also.

"You're lying, you have feelings for me, and you know it."

"I do not! Get the fuck over yourself! Not everyone in the world loves you!"

"Maybe not everyone in the world, but you do." I'm honestly surprised that he's still as calm as he is.

"Fuck off, Peter! I don't love you!"

"You do though, you just don't want to admit it because you're scared. Scared that you'll have to start all over with a different guy. That all of your hard work in that failing relationship of yours will be wasted."

"It's not a failing relationship! If you could pull your head out of your ass and admit to yourself that I actually–spoiler alert!–don't love you, then maybe you'd see that I'm actually happy for once!" I'm so close to slapping him, but I know if I do that he'll make me regret it, somehow.

"Listen here, Tris, you're going to love me and like it. You're not going to scream insults at me anymore, otherwise, it won't be pretty. You don't want that do you?" He asks and pins me against the wall. He's inches away from my face that I have turned to the side. I nod, hoping he'll set me down.

He does, and I sit on the floor again.

"I didn't want to have to do that," Peter says and goes upstairs.

I pull my knees to my chest and bury my head, silently crying.
Tobias POV:
The plane just landed in Portland, and Zeke, Shauna, Lynn, Uriah, Marlene, Christina and Will are with me, trying to get two rental cars.

We get them, and drive to the address that Tris sent me. We don't park right in front of the house, we park a little farther down.

"I'll go in first," I say. "I'll text Zeke if I need any help. I doesn't look like anyone's home, but you never know."

"Okay," they all say.

"Tris said there was a door in the back that leads right into the basement, so that's what I'll try first.

"Good luck," Zeke says. I get out of the car and run around to the back side of the blue house. I find stairs leading down to a door, that must be what Tris was talking about. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, and tried opening the door. It's locked. Good thing Zeke taught me how to pick locks.
Tris POV:
I wake up when I hear rustling at the door down here. It swings open, and someone turns on their flashlight.

"Tris?" I hear Tobias whisper.

"Tobias?" I whisper back. He runs over to me and leans down, kissing me. I hug him, and then stand up. "I can't go anywhere if we don't get this off," I say, showing him the chain.

"Let me see," he grabs my wrist and starts picking the lock.

"Where'd you learn how to pick locks?"

"Zeke, he told me like four hours ago." I smile. "I can't get it."

I look more closely at the lock. "I know this, Peter used it to lock his locker. I think the key's upstairs. They have a large magnetic strip on the wall that they putt all their keys on. It should be the smallest one."

"Okay, I'll be right back." He kisses me again, then goes up the stairs, trying to be as quiet as he can.

He comes back a few minutes later, holding the key in his fingers. He unlocks the lock and then wraps his arms around me.

"I was so worried," he whispers into my hair.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"No, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have let you come here by yourself."

I hug him tighter and he kisses my forehead. We run out of the house then, closing and locking the door behind us.
☏ ☏ ☏ ☏ ☏
A/N: hiah!😘 how's it going?
I saw fantastic beasts the other day and I LOVED it! it was so good! The theater was already filled when my dad and I got there, so we had to sit in the bottom part, but it wasn't that bad. It was actually pretty comfortable except for the fact the someone kept kicking my chair every fricken ten seconds😡 it made me so mad!!!
Oh well😇 luv y'all!

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