Ask PyroTale Papyrus

By The_Masked_Pyro

564 46 173

Just a little qna,dares, and advince given by your truly! More

Question #1
All about us!
Question #1
Journal Entry #3: Funeral
Question for all my followers
Rare and Random pictures/memes
CP Christmas Songs!
Hey guys....


26 2 11
By The_Masked_Pyro

???: Hello everyone! Using the brain bestowed upon me by your precious 'Author-sama' I have made plans for an art contest!

Bei Chu: The rules are simple... You need to either create a book cover for the RP BOOK OF AMAZINGNESS! Or.... you can draw/type/CREATE one of the OCs....

Reaper: If you wanna draw me.. See Author-sama.

Torches: Why would you even want to...? I'm just another robot....

PyroTale Papyrus: So uhh.... You can ask Author-sama for mah info.

Scorch: You may need extreme skill to draw me.... I'm not exactly a blurry picture.. If you want to know more... call a cab. (RP BOOK OF AMAZINGNESS!)

Matches: Hello. You do not know me. I am one of the 'Forbidden Ones'.... If you would like to attempt...

1200 and 0199: I guess you could try... "You'll fail miserably if ya do!"

Deadline is December 1st.

Contest begins... Now.

Tag Author-sama in the drawing to enter

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