BLS #6 : Locking Her Heart

By beyondlocks

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BLS #6 Sebastian Cesborn A billionare that has a really cold heart. He never cares about people's feelings ex... More

Chapter 1 - Oh Crap.. (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Ash
Chapter 3 - The Deal
Chapter 4 - Her Weakness
Chapter 5 - Be Happy
Chapter 6 - Worth
Chapter 7 - Cesborn
Chapter 8 - Axel Sierra
Chapter 9 - Family
Chapter 10 - Moving
Chapter 11 - Hunting
Chapter 12 - Gathering
Chapter 13 - He's Back
Chapter 14 - Losing Everything For Good
Chapter 15 - Not Getting Her Back
Chapter 16 - Future
Chapter 17 - Disaster
Chapter 18 - I Can't Wait
Chapter 20 - New Chapter
Chapter 21 - You Love Us
Chapter 22 - His Lie
Breaking the Last ( BLS #7 )

Chapter 19 - Time

110K 3.7K 81
By beyondlocks

Sebastian Cesborn

"We already check his background" Ken walked to us

"What does it says?" Sky asked

"His company went bankrupt and suddenly someone take him to a mafia team and make him as one of their trusted people" Ken said

"That shit" I hissed

Apparently he has a mental illness too.. Stress because his bankrupt. He started to kill people from that on and my parents is one of the victim. I hate him.. I hate him with my whole life

"He's still unconsious.. I think you should check on Lexy" Max suggested. Honestly I don't want to face her , I can't face her.

"It's not his fault" Ken suddenly said

"Why don't you talk to her and ask her the truth? Don't be an idiot like me" Alex said

"I can't face her" I said honestly

"Your choice is now Sebastian.. you know how a strong girl she is" Max said and I sighed. I turned my body and walked to one of the room inside the clan.

I looked at Alexis who is currently looking at the ceiling. I walked in and she looked at me. I walked to her and sit across her.

"I'm sorry" She suddenly said and I just stare at the walls beside me

"I'm sorry for everything. I didn't mean to be like this" I turned to her and just stare into her brown eyes

"Why do you tell me the truth? You know it hurt me" I said calmly and she sighed

"I don't want to be selfish , I love you. All of you. I want you for myself and just lie forever but I can't do that. You deserve to know" She answered

"It's better if I don't know"

"It's not that simple Sebastian , being with you is all I wanted but sometimes fate says different" I looked down

"Tell me the truth.. all of it"

"I wanna keep this way" I looked up to her , I didn't expect she will say that

"Tell me the truth"

"I'm sorry Sebastian , I really do. I mean it about my promise with Ken. I'm sorry"

"I'm taking Axel away from you" I stated without thinking

"If that makes you happy , take him but let me meet him once in awhile" I was shocked with her answer. I didn't expect she will answer that quickly and giving that kind of answer

"I hate you Lexy"

"I know.. I'm sorry"

"Stop saying sorry!" I bursted and she flinched

"Colton is going to be here.. he's already on his way. You can finish Frank , we both already giving you a permission to do that" She said

"I'll take Axel after all this settle down"

"I'm moving" I turned to her

"After I finish my runway , I will move to Swiss. Starting a new chapter , start a new life there. Axel can stay here but I will visit him once in a month. Let me see him for 2 days and I can-"

"What if I don't want you to?" I cut her and she doesn't say anything

"Do you know that I won't comeback for you again?" I added

"I know" My heart hurt.. I was hoping for her to beg me to take her back but why suddenly she just agree to everything I said.

"Good thing you're going to Swiss as for Axel , I'll send him to Swiss once in a month" I stated but my heart really hurt right now.

"Thankyou.. I'm sorry once again" She said and I ignored her. I walked out from the room and take a really deep breath.

"Colton is here" Luke said and I walked out. I saw Colton and I walked to him.

"Colton Sierra" He shake my hand

"Sebastian Cesborn" I said

"Where is that fucker?" He asked me and I lead the way to his dad. He looked at Frank being tied on a chair unconsious

"I'm going to kill him" I stated

"Do it.. My mom is not complaining about it too. He had ruined this family and killed people. I'm sorry about your parents. I mean it" Colton said and I nodded

"Did you guys plan all this?" I asked

"Plan what?" Colton asked confuse

"Alexis went to meet me and things like that.." I said but my eyes stuck on Frank

"Let's go home Colton" I turned to see Alexis standing there

"You okay?" Colton asked Lexy

"I'm fine.. Please finish him Ken , message how much money do you want and I'll transfer to you the first thing in the morning.. I'll keep my promise" Lexy said to Ken


"Kill him.. just kill him. I hate the sight of him" Lexy looked at Frank

"Let's go" Colton walked to Lexy and took her hand

"Goodbye.. nice meeting you guys , thankyou for everything" Lexy said but I don't want to see her left. A part of me wants to hold her back

"Give me that gun" I pointed , Alex gave me the gun. I load it and shot it right to Frank's heart. I shot him a few times until I saw blood coming everywhere from his body.

"So you're letting her go?" Aaron asked

"Yeah.. I'm taking Axel after this" I throw the gun to the ground. Walking towards the fridge and taking out some beers.

"Go home.. I'll take care this" Ken said and I shook my head

"You guys go home , leave me alone for awhile" I said and they starting to go out one by one.

I told my man to burn Frank's body , I stay at the clan drinking beer alone. Thinking a lot of things.. remembering my parents and things.

"Enough" I looked up to see Sky , he take a chair and sit across me

"Go on a vacation.. I'll take over your company for awhile" He said and I shook my head

"Can I be happy for once?" I asked him

"Forgive and forget that memories will be hard but.. you already kill the killer. Start a new page when you're ready after this" Sky answered

"Why is Lexy has to be his daughter?"

"Fate sometimes cruel Seb.. but it's your choice. It won't be easy , it takes time. When you're ready leaving the past.. get up and man up. If you love her go get her back.. if you don't then just let her go" I looked at him

"Are you happy? With Janet?"

"Happy.. more than happy to be exact. She completes me"

"She even give me Axel , she asked me if she can see him once in a month but I don't let her and she just stay silent"

"She sacrifice everything for your happiness.. she can be selfish if she wants to. She picked telling you the truth than stay silent and living in lies" I nodded

"I don't know what to do"

"You need time.. just give yourself a time to heal" I stay silent..

Maybe Sky's right , I need time to heal. I really need a time to heal..

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