Protecting Her (Being Edited)

By XxDinkyxX

325K 7.5K 266

She's lost her while family but her baby sister and a uncle. Her life has become keeping her little sister sa... More

Protecting Her
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Damien's Pov
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Damian's POV
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Note Please Read.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 Damien's POV.
Chapter 43 Damien's POV.

Chapter 37 Damien's POV.

6.2K 160 4
By XxDinkyxX

Damien's POV

I can't wait to my babies are born. Quads how amazing is that? I've never been so excited about something. When that bitch attacked her. I thought I was going to lose them. I was ready to go wolf and kill her and that principle. If Arianna didn't step in when she did I would have. Then that damn ambulance took it's sweet ass time getting there. I was seriously losing it until I got her in my arms. Never in my life.

I thought I was excited when the girls were born. Apparently not. I can't wait to be a father. I'll be a better one than mine was ever to me. He wasn't a father just a sperm donor. Arianna thinks she's fat. I keep trying to tell her she not fat she's pregnant. I happen to think she's beautiful, incredibly sexy. She just keeps arguing saying she's fat. We did find her a prom and wedding dress. They wouldn't let me see the wedding dress. The prom dress is beautiful.

We got my tux today too. Yes, she's making me wear one. I was hoping she'd let me get away with jeans and a button up but nope. She said if she had to get dressed up so do I. Blah. I'm not a fan of tuxes. I'm just glad it's all black but the tie its purple to match her dress. Even the hanky is black. I just hope she's up for all this.

A couple of days after prom is our wedding. Then about month after that is her graduation.

"You keep your boy away from my baby or I will cut off his weewee!" she growls as I walk into the room.

"Arianna." I warn but Tara is to busy laughing. Whatever it is it must be funny as hell. She's laughing so hard she's crying and rolling on the bed.

"You'd say the same thing if you knew what this crazy person has in her head."

"Whats that?" I ask as I sit on the bed next to her putting my arm around her.

"This..this...lunatic. Thinks one of our babies is Taylors mate!" she yells.

"Would that really be so bad?"

"Come on Ari. Look at him. He's content and happy just being close to whoever." Tara chuckles.

"Yeah. What if it's a boy?"

"I wouldn't care as long as they are happy. Wouldn't you be?" Tara ask getting serious.

"I...I never thought about one of my kids being gay." she says dumbfounded. "But I guess I would be happy for them as long as they are happy."

"Would it be so bad if he was one of our kids mate?" I ask.

"No as long as it's a boy." she tells me then turns to Tara. "Just keep your son away from my daughter."

"Just look at it this way. She'll always have someone protecting her." I try to reason.

"Yeah and do you wanna be a grandpa in your 30's?"


"There ya go." Tara gets out of the bed.

"Come on little man. Aunt Ari needs her rest." she says picking up Taylor.

"No. I was comfortable." Arianna whines. Tara laughs shaking her head.

"Only you could be comfortable with a baby laying on top of you. Plus you need your rest young lady." she says leaving the room.

"Fine." Arianna sighs heavily laying on her side.

I snuggle up to her rubbing my hand on her swollen belly and the other one under her head. We lay in comfortable silence until Arianna turns over looking at me. She brings her hand to my cheek gently caressing it.

"I love you." she whispers.

"Love you to baby." she leans up pressing her lips to mine.

"Arianna." I say warningly pulling back.

"What?" she says innocently.

"You know what." sheesh. She gets turned on easy as hell these days. Not that I'm complaining but my gawd.

"Well turn ugly, lose those sexy muscles and we won't have a problem until then shut up." she says pressing her lips back to mine. She licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I eagerly give her. She runs her hands down my chest, to my stomach going under my shirt lightly tracing my abs moaning as she does.

What can I say she loves my 8 pack. I bring my arm to her head deepening the kiss as I take my hand sliding it under my t shirt she's wearing squeezing her perfect ass causing her to moan. She brings her hands to my jeans undoing them. She breaks the kiss.

"!" she demands panting.

"Yes ma'am." I chuckle getting out of bed taking my clothes off. I get on all fours so I'm hovering over not touching her body. I don't want to put pressure on her. I lower my head so my lips are just barely touching hers.

"I love you." I whisper.

"No teasing." she mutters pressing her lips to mine as she lightly runs her hands up and back down my chest earning a moan from me. I break the amazing kiss kissing her down her neck. I pull back getting on my knees lifting up her shirt.

"No D." she groans.

"Why not?" she gives me a disbelieving look.

"I'm fat." I shake my head no.

"No baby your not. Now get that shirt off. I want to see your incredibly sexy, beautiful body. Now!" I growl causing her to moan. She loves when I growl. Don't ask me. Her turn on I guess. She groans as she takes her shirt off laying back down. "Like I said incredibly beautiful, sexy body." I tell her ripping her panties off.

"You know it's a good thing you bought all those panties. I'll be out before you know it the way you keep ripping them off of me." I chuckle shrugging as I lean back over attaching my lips to her stomach kissing my way up to her neck. Some how she flipped us over so how she straddling me. I raise an eyebrow looking at her she shrugs pressing her lips to mine. I guess no foreplay.

Slumping over sideways on the bed with one leg over mine the other bent under her. Both of breathing heavy. Damn I think she is going to kill me. After we catch our breath I move so I'm laying sideways with her.

"Shower?" I ask.

"Yes please if you don't mind?"

"Anything you want baby." I tell her getting out of bed. She wolf whistles.

"Look at that ass!" she yells as I walk into the bathroom.

"It's all yours baby!" I yell back chuckling adjusting the water.

"Damn right it is. I own that fine piece of ass!" I shake my head walking back into the bedroom. I hover over her.

"You own it all babe." I tell her kissing her plump soft lips.

"Damn right I do." she says smacking me on the ass.

"Come on momma." I chuckle pulling her out of bed with me. "Just remember I own yours too." I tell her pinching her on the ass making her jump.

"Yeah and all the fat that comes with it." I sigh shaking my head pushing her in the shower.

"Your not fat beautiful. Your perfect." I tell her getting in behind her. And she is. She's everything I could as for in a mate, girlfriend, future wife. I can't wait. I swear I sound like a girl sometimes.

After we shower I wrap her in a towel and then me. I take her to our room sit her down getting her some of my boxers, one of my t shirts, her some panties and dress her. What I love dressing her. We go downstairs to watch a movie in the living room. In the middle of the movie someone rings the doorbell. Who the hell would be coming to our house this late. Arianna gets up to answers.

"No baby I'll get it." I tell her getting up she follows me. "What are you doing? I told you I'd get it."

"I know I'm getting us something to drink." I nod taking her hand, letting go as she passes the door. I open it and almost die. This guy looks just like Ky. Her father is suppose to be dead.

"ARIANNA YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET IN HERE AND FUCKING EXPLAIN!" I boom. No this can't be happening. She was a virgin. I know she was. How? What the fuck is going on? Kyiri is suppose to be her sister. Who the hell is this guy?

"Explain what babe?" she ask coming up behind me. I open the door further letting her see this guy. Her eyes bug out, her jaw drops and she drops our drinks.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" the guy yells pointing to her stomach. Arianna just stands there staring at the guy not saying anything. She opens and closes her mouth several times trying to say something but nothing comes out.

"Arianna!" I say calmly. She looks at me with some emotion I can't read but I feel her disbelief. She shakes her head vigorously.

"No it can't be." she whispers staring back at him. He isn't saying anything either just staring at her stomach.

"One of you better tell what the fuck is going on here. Arianna I'm getting really pissed off." I calmly tell her. She looks at me slowly pointing her finger at him.

"'s" she whispers stuttering.

Then bust out in tears collapsing in my arm. Luckily I catch her. Oh okay I feel better now. Nobody is going to come in here and take these eight from me.

"It can't be, he's dead." she whispers over and over. Then she starts hyperventilating.

"Shit." I quickly pick her up bridal style running in the living room sitting her down and taking her face in my hands.

"Baby breath slowly."

'taylor' I scream in my thought at him.

'what is it' he panics.

'bring me Arianna's inhaler now it's in the bedroom top drawer' he doesn't answer back. "Breath slowly baby." I tell her she nods her head slowly closing her eyes. Taylor comes flying down the stairs seconds later. He must of been flying. Not. But he must of been hauling some ass.

"Here." he says shoving it in my face.

"Open your mouth baby." I panic.

"Is that going to harm the babies?" Taylor ask.

"Shit I don't know. Call Derek now!" oh god I have no clue what to do. Taylor shoves the phone in my face.

"She can't be in labor. What's up?"

"Shit I don't know! I don't know if she's having another panic attack or hyperventilating."

"I'm on my way. What triggered it?"


"What?!" he yells.

"Derek I really don't give a fuck what triggered it. Will the inhaler harm the babies?" I rush out."

"No go ahead just no more than two. I'm on my way." he says hanging up I drop the phone.

"Open baby please." she slowly shakes her no. "Derek says it's okay just no more than two. The babies need to breath to baby come on." she opens her mouth. I give it a squeeze. I knew that would get her. Just mention the babies and she'll do anything. "Breath slowly in." she does. "Let it out." she does. "Better?" she shakes her head no still not breathing right. So I squeeze it again. "Deep breath in." she does. "Out slowly." she does. "Better?" she shakes her head no again opening her eyes. I see nothing but panic. Shit. I throw the inhaler down. I so don't know what to do. So I grab her head and put it to my chest and my mouth to her ear. "Listen to me breath. Breath with me. Listen to my heart beat. Breath with it." I don't know I'm just guessing here. Do I look like a fucking doctor?

I take slow deep breaths and Release. I do it a couple of times keeping an eye on her. Her breathing has got better but it's still not normal.

"Son of a bitch!" I hear Derek whisper/yell.

"Derek not now. Arianna!" I remind him. He comes over sitting down next to her.

"Ari. I got a treatment I want you try." he says putting some kind of machine together. She shakes her no. "It won't hurt the babies. It's safe for all of you." she nods an okay. She stays on my chest while he puts a mouth piece in her mouth. I run my fingers threw her hair just holding her while she takes deep breaths and releasing it.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Honestly?" he ask.

"No Derek fucking lie to me." I say sarcastically.

"No need to get bitchy." he sighs heavily. "It's nothing bad. I just suspected it for a while now. That's why I got this machine. It's just asthma."

"Asthma. I thought it was just panic attacks."

"It's asthma triggered by stress. I think that's why the HUMAN doctors gave her the inhaler before and just called them panic attacks. Not really wanting to do their job." I nod.

"What's the machine for?"

"If the regular inhaler doesn't work. Use this. It get the medicine to her lungs better." I nod "I'll show you two how to work it." he finishes. "Ari? Feel better?" he ask pulling it out of her mouth as she nods. "Good lay down." she nods as I lay her down. I pull a blanket over her. He cleans up everything then turns to the guy. "YOU...." but I cut him off.

"Derek not yet let me get her out of here. I don't want anymore stress put on her." I tell him. H nods and I pick Arianna taking her to our room. Thank gawd we have an elevator.

I know I'll have no problem carrying her it's just quicker and she doesn't have to walk up all them stairs. I gently put her in bed pulling the blankets over her. I get undressed crawling in bed with her getting in our usual position. I pull her closer to me listening to her breath. That scared the shit out of me. Asthma.

"Was that really him?" she whispers.

"I don't know baby. Don't worry about it all. We will talk to him tomorrow. Get some sleep." I tell her as she nods. Tomorrow I just might kill him.

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