"Lies" // h. s. au ||COMPLETE...


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Book one in the Harry Styles Series {1/2} London was a normal girl who had the best friend that you could o... Еще

Chapter 2 - My Best Friend
Chapter 3 - Lies or Truth
Chapter 4 - The Nightmare
Chapter 5 - Punishment
Chapter 6 - The Almost Kiss
Chapter 7 - Fiancee and Family
Chapter 8 - Dinner
Chapter 9 - Death...
Chapter 10 - Death... Pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Chase Begins
Chapter 12 - The New Beginning
Chapter 13 - Home?
Chapter 14 - The Call
Chapter 15 - Memories
Chapter 16 - California
Chapter 17 - Reality
Chapter 18 - The Adventure Begins
Chapter 19 - Life Shattering Events
Chapter 20 - Darkness
Chapter 21 - Misery
Chapter 22 - Her
Chapter 23 - The Date
Chapter 24 - The Date pt. 2
Chapter 25 - The Decisions
Chapter 26 - The Fight
Chapter 27 - Let the lessons begin
Chapter 28 - This isnt a game
Chapter 29 - Broken Dreams
Chapter 31 - The Reveal
Chapter 32 - The Final Battle

Chapter 30 - The Truth

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I have no clue where Harry is taking me but he feels pretty excited about it. The car is silent as we don't talk much, his facial expression is happy but his eyes say something else. I don't if it's anger or something more. Happy to not make eye contact with him a lot as he pays attention to the road. I stay quiet as he pulls up to this house. The house is nice, quite small compared to ours but still nice. I stay seated as Harry gets out and comes and opens my door.

"Whose house is this?" I ask, no really feeling safe with coming to a guys house I don't know.

"Someone that speaks fondly of you."

Speaks fondly of me? This person doesnt know me or anything about me or less harry has said something to him. He leads me to the front door of the house, my nerves get to me as he opens the door and walks in.

"Styles!" I turn my head to see James walking over.

So him and Harry are buddy buddy now? James and Harry exchange hellos as they talk about things. This has been a weird experiecne so far and whats mostly strange is Harry isn't holding my hand nor have his arm across my sholders. Strange.

"Beautiful London" James greets me. He kiss me on the cheek before looking back to Harry.

"He's been waiting for you guys ever since you called" James states.

Who has been waiting for us?

"Good" is all Harry says as he grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway.

We stop in front of a closed door, i wonder who this person is or why has Harry brought me her. Opening the door my eyes land on a man sitting on the floor, he looks to be a little out there with his clothing attire. We step into the room i have a feeling this isnt going to go well.

"Harry my boy you left this, like i told you its very important" the man speaks as he hands Harry a piece of paper.

He stuffs it in his pants pocket. I look around the room to see blankets scattered on the floor, this man most like being in the floor.

"My boy can you leave me to talk to Ms. London?" he questions.

"Yeah, sure thing" Harry mutters before heading for the door.

I grab his arm not really wanting to be left in this room by myself. He turns to look at me as a smile grows across his face. Why the hell is he smiling?

"You'll be fine" he states before prying my hands from his arm.

I watch him leave, now im left in this room with a strange man. I turn to face him, he gestures for me to take a seat on the floor in front of him. Over thinking it i finally cave in a take a seat, he doesnt say anything as he just sets there with his legs crossed and eye closed.

"Ms. London, your energy is deeper than i thought." He finally mutters.

My energy? What the hell is the guy talking about? I remeber James telling me his Uncle was a little fruity but i didnt know he was this fruity. Sitting here watching him breathe is boring as hell, i wish i would have begged Harry to stay home or something.

"You my dear have a very complex mind, seeing as you seem to uninterested to be here i will make this quick."

I ease up off the floor not wanting to be here any longer, he is beyond freaing me out and i dont know why Harry brought me here in the first place.

"Your plan is the thing that seprates you and your mother." He speaks up. "She never thought of doing what you have planned, as i speak to her she is very proud of you."

"How do you talk to my mother, she wouldnt answer her phone for me when i call" i state.

"Dear your mother has left this eart to join her long friend that soon will be yours. What happened to your inocent mind and your pure heart? The hate you feel is taking who you are away from everything." He takes a deep breath before opening his eyes.

"Oh my god your blind" I blurt out.

"My dear I have learned that and excepted that but this isn't about my ability to see its about your ability to not under estimate your enemy." He closes his eyes. He clasps his hands before speaking. "You love still brings for him your dream to have him the way your mother did is slowly fading. His love for you grows with each passing minute. But the other one you are nothing but a person to help him to the top, cut him off now he shall return to who he was but lead him on now you will be the one wishing you would have opened your eyes."

My eyes are open, I realize that what I have to do is extreme but who wouldn't want everything to be over with. My life had been hell and it's mostly my fault but blaming myself ain't going to get me anywhere but what about blaming someone else? He is the reason for my pain, he is the reason for my trust issues.

"He is the cause of your happiness, the look in his eyes when he sees you is amazing that love grows deep, deeper than we know or even he knows. His past might interfere but he would do anything to keep you safe and his."

"What if I don't want to be his?" I question.

"Me and you both know that isn't true, why lie to yourself? I know you care for him" he replies.

"So, okay I love him but what he's done-"

Holding up his hand to silence me.

"It's not meant to be discussed, you except him for his mistakes but why do this now?"

He has a good question, why now? Finding the letter and waiting for him to write on that little piece of paper help me realized what I had to do. He took everything from me, everything I loved and I'm not going to let that happen again.

"Harry my boy" he exclaims.

I turn around to see Harry standing in the door way. He smile is still present as he closes the door and walks to me. He takes a seat beside me. I look forward knowing something is up with him. His smile is so big is dimples are popping out, he never smiles that big.

"Jordan we have to get going" Harry speaks up after a few good minutes.

"Will London remember what I've told you and my boy remember what I've discussed with you over the phone."

Harry nods before helping me off the floor and heading back to the loving room. I wonder what they discussed, Harry has been happy all morning so it had to be something good. We say our goodbyes to James before heading towards the car. He opens my door for me before going around to the driver side.  Watching his every move as he gets into the car and buckles up before starting.  This whole day has been a weird but mysterious day, i cant really wrap my mind around what was said or why it was said at that.  His words have altured my mind yet still have intrigued my intrests. Does he really mean by everything he said and by saying 'my mother has left this earth' what the hell does that even mean? Is she dead?  Did my calling Dale and telling him about her sex life with Harry end her life?  

"Carla was found dead a few days ago, after your little call to your father" Harry mutter as he takes a fimiliar road to the shooting range. 


"London i know more then you think i do and calling Dale and telling him my sex life which is none of his damn buisness was stupid.  I'm shocked he has gotten his gang of idiots to attack the house yet" He snaps at me. 

Him knowing i called Dale and exposed his biggest secert just makes him so close to finding out everything.  It has to be the Jordan.  Him speaking what he said most mean he is what James said he was, he could see things and read people better than anyone can, this explains Harry's weird behavior and the pulling me out of the house to come see such a person.  I stay silent as she pulls up to the known range, this place i have gotten use to.  I'm excited to get back to the so needed lessons.  He has taught me more than enough last time.  Its been a day since i was here, i just want this whole thing over.  Knowing that soon i would have spent more than a month here and nothing really has changed besides from my attitude to Harry and Niall's new agression.  The things with Niall arent as serious as i would have hoped but leaving me with a guy for so long and he is the only one that will actually pay attention to me, make me feel wanted why wouldnt i just give him everything i have.  Harry has my hear and has since third grade and he probably will but nothing will change with him and him keeping things from me.  That letter led me to the truth i needed, the truth yearned for and now that i have it he has to know the pain i felt.  

"London, you coming?" He voice brings me out of my thoughts as i look over to him standing with my door opened.

I glance to him before unbuckling myself and grabbing his outstreached hand.  He closes the car door as he leads me to the main door of the building.  I glancing at the sign on the door that said "Closed" i hear Harry mumble to himself before taking my back to the car.  He lets go of my hand as he gets in, as i get in he speads off to the house.  The car is silent again, his anger is boiling and i can tell by the way his hands are tightly cluched to the steering wheel.  Noting his nuckles turning white i decide to maybe calm him down. 

"Harry why are you so mad?" 

"I've been mad but i tried calming down.  My anger was down until i got to the range and saw it closed for some unknown reason which i have a feeling Dale is apart of that because it is never closed.  Also i wanted to calm down with some shooting but to see thats all to hell"  He keeps rambling on about everything until he pulls into the driveway.  This is so confussing, his is mad at me or becuase the range is closed.  Shutting of the car he gets out and opens my door grabbing my wrist and pulls me out. Feeling his grip tighten i know something has caused serious anger, but knowing its me just makes me more scared of what is to come.  

He pulls me to the main door of the house opening it up he leads me upstairs.  Walking past my room i feel scared that what is about to happen is what ive been trying to aviod this whole time.  Tugging me into the room he slams the door shut as he pins me against the wall. 

*Harry's POV*

Looking into her wide green eyes as i pin her wrist against the wall with my hands.  She winces as i push my body against hers, gribbing her wrists tighter.  I never want to hurt her but this is the only way i will get answers, answers i need. 

"Why did you fuck Niall?" i yell.

"I didn't"

"Dont lie, i know you did.  The way he looks at you and i noticed him smacking your ass this morning." I growl, i am not in the mood for her playing inoccent anymore.

"Fine i slept with Niall! There you happy.  It was many times and i injoyed every damn minute of it!"

"You are acting just like your fucking mother."

I couldnt believe the way she was acting, she was being such, such.

"You implying im a whore or a bitch which one Harry?" She questioned. 

This isnt the london i fell in love with.  I keep quiet not really knowing what i was implying there, she rolls her eyes at my silence.

"Why fuck NIall?" i shout. 

"Because you gave up on me!"

"Gave up on you?" i whisper caught off gaurd. 

I would never give up on her in anyway.  If she felt that way or still does i just cant helo but regret my attitude towards this whole thing. 

"Harry you left me here without you while Dale could have found me.  I was scared i had no one and Niall comforted me when you wouldnt. He gave me something i needed and that was affection." 

Leaving her here was for her own safety.  I didnt want her out there when Dale was waiting to strike any moment, she means to much to me to let that thing happen. "Why didnt you tell me?" 

"I couldnt you always were gone you never listened to me." she mumbled as she looked down. 

I let go of her wrists as they fall back to her side. She doesnt say anything.  Keeping her against this wall is the best option right now, knowing if i let her go she will either leave and go to Niall or i would go find him and beat the shit out of him. Him getting pissed at me for fucking Sarah is an understatement, that was once but knowing this whole thing between them was a one time thing, it was longer than that. 

"Lon im sorry, i never meant to make you feel that way.  I wanted you safe but at the same time i pushed you away." i muttered. 

I keep my eyes on her as she looks up at me with her bright green eyes.  A faint smile grows across her faces as she wraps her arms around my neck.  I watch as she brings her bottom lip in between her teeth as she just stares at me. 

"You can make it up to me" she slightly whispers. 

Is she implying what i think she is?

"And how so could i do that?" i question raisng my brow.  

"Prove to me that im yours, show me how sorry you are.  Make me know how much of yours i am."

"Are you wanting me too-"

My sentence gets cut short as London pulls me closer to her, forcefully crashing my lips to hers.  She force her tongue onto my mouth, i step closer to her pinning her firmly against the wall her legs wrap around my waist pulling me closer to her.  She breaks the kiss as she begins to lightly kiss my neck. A moan escapes my lips as she begins to lightly suck, knowing im the one that tought her to do that brings a smile to my face.  The memory of her giving me one in the car flashes into my mind. She knows how she is making me feel right now, she knows damn well whats shes doing.  I pushes my hips closer to her making sure she knows, feeling her giggle against my neck makes my need for her worse. 

"Is this what you want?" i ask as she pulls away from my neck. 

"More than anything." she states as she tries to catch her breath. 

I lean in to peck her on the lips before lightly kissing her jaw and working my way down to her neck. After i do what we both want will she still go behind my back to fuck Niall, after she fucks me? I cant let that happen, never again i want every guy to know she is mine and forever mine.  I dont give a rats ass what Jordan told me about being blinded by love, i need her my and always mine. 

"If i have sex with you know will you go back to Niall?"

A soft moan escapes her perfect lips as i nibble the skin below her ear. 

"No" she lightly yells. 

"How do i know you are tellin the truth?" i mummble againt her neck.

"what do i have to do to make you believe me?" she quietly yells, im guessing out of sexual fustrations.  "I will do anything."


"Marry Me."

I kiss her neck on last time before pulling away, her eyes are wide. She looks lost as i know my words are rushed and out of context but i mean it.  I have to make her mine some how where people like Niall will leave her the fuck alone and where i can protect her with everything i have.  Its the only way. 

"Wait what?" she speaks up. 

"Will you marry me London?" i ask again. "I love you to much to lose you and let someone else have you the way i should.  Thats already happened but not again, and if you love me as much as i do you then whats stopping you from saying yes?"

"Harry I-I" 

I look into her green eyes, hoping and praying she wouldnt shatter everything ive layed on the table.  She closes her eyes before taking a deep breath, i watch as she flutters her eyes open. 

"Yes, Harry i will marry you" she mutters. 

I cant help the goofy grin that spreads across my face.  She giggles at me before bringing her hand up to caress my face, i close my eyes injoying the feeling of her skin on mine. I open my eyes to see her staring at me, her smile is as big as mine.  I knew my London would come back to me somehow.  I lean down and begin to kiss her passionalitly, she the feeling of her lips on mine just makes everything better and so much better that i would be able to kiss her anytime i want to no matter the day or time.  Pulling away i look at her before giving her a little smirk. 

"Let me show you what you have to look foward to every night soon to be Mrs. Styles!"

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