The Virtuous

By Dreamcatcher22310

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Naomi Hamel leads a normal, borderline boring life, even for that of a college sophmore. The only glimmer of... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter two: Chance encounter
Chapter Three: Detour
Chapter Four: Call from home
Chapter Five: Creative writing essay
Chapter Seven: Pinky promise
Chapter Eight: Bravo
Chapter Nine: Angel rankings
Chapter Ten: Lunch
Chapter Eleven: The Vawerth
Chapter Twelve: Nightclub
Chapter Thirteen: Pulled a few strings
Chapter Fourteen: Lilith
Chapter Fifteen: First Date
Chapter Sixteen: Mind Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Pancakes

Chapter six: Go away-N

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By Dreamcatcher22310

My fingers were still locked around my steering wheel as I sat in my car outside the cafeteria, where Duncan and I had agreed to meet. I was mentally preparing myself for tonight. I had to make myself forget about my dream from the night before. If I let something slip about it then Duncan would think I was just plain nuts and would never even give me the time of day. I didn't want to risk never seeing his night-sky eyes with the flecks of light that looked like stars or his smile so warm that it could've melted snow in a blizzard.

I let my thoughts sweep over the pieces of the dream from the night before that stuck out like tacks in my brain once more. One of the biggest parts was when Duncan had pushed me behind him, protecting me. The other one was remembering what his arms felt like on me when he'd caught me just before I'd awaken.

I pushed the thoughts away and pressed my fingers to my temples. The dream had been so real and yet it had such impossible things that had happened.

It was a dream, it was a dream, it was a dream I repeated mentally to myself before exhaling a long breath of relief.

Suddenly a soft knocking drew me out of my silent state.

I jumped back as I saw Duncan standing outside my door, smiling ear to ear at my expression. I gave a snarling glare and hopped out of the driver's seat.

"What the hell was that for? You scared me half to death!"

"I personally thought you were asleep, I figured I had to wake you up." He grinned and I sighed but let it go good-humoredly.

"So..." He started softly and his dark blue eyes softened.


"Yes please." I smiled and we began to walk down the road.

As silence fell between us I took a moment to examine him again.

His shaggy chocolate hair looked just trimmed enough to escape the path of his eyes. His night sky eyes were bright through the real darkness of the evening.

"Listen..." He muttered softly; his voice was smooth as velvet.

"About last night...if there's anything that you're not understanding-"

"What're you talking about?" I chuckled with a grin.

Duncan wrinkled his eyebrows and stared at me suddenly as if I had three heads. I wanted to run my index finger over the crease between his eyebrows to smooth it out.

"Uhm...don't you remember last night?"

I blushed, wondering what I should remember when I hadn't even gone out.

"Naomi...outside of the Starbucks...with the unleashed your light..."

I suddenly turned pale and felt nauseous. How on earth could Duncan have known what I'd dreamt the night before? It was impossible.

"How...How do you know about my nightmares?" I hissed quietly and looked around; making sure no one coming by could hear us.

Duncan blinked and drew back quickly.

"Naomi...that wasn't a dream...that was real...that was a real demon and you unleashed your light and killed him. You also did rather well I might add for your first time.-"

"Stop it! Demons don't exist; they're just some fairytale creatures from the bible! Like angels!" I growled softly and took a step back, internally panicking. It couldn't be true. That couldn't have really happened. There was no way that had been a demon or that I had killed him. And if it was real then what was the explanation for it all because I sure as hell didn't have one.

"Naomi, listen to me...I understand this is a shock to you but that wasn't a nightmare...that was all real...demons are real...Angels are real..." He explained softly and gently took my shoulders in his hands, forcing my gaze to meet his.

I usually would've melted at the sheer thought of his touch but right now; I was too stricken with panic. I threw his arms away and took a cautious step back.

"Y-You're crazy!" I shouted and turned, making a run for my car.

The glossy silver paint of my 02 VW bug gleamed under the streetlamp.

My stomach was twisted in knots and I felt queasy, like I was going to blow chunks any second. I had to be dreaming right now; that was the only explanation. It was illogical for there to really be such creatures to exist like demons and angels. They were mythical; don't get me wrong I was as religious as the next person but to believe that these strange creations of god not only existed but walked amongst us was just too bizarre.

My mind was still only able to process running away from Duncan and his lunatic thoughts. I prayed if I ran fast enough then I would escape him forever.

Suddenly though as I got two feet from the driver's door, Duncan's form literally appeared out of thin air. He leaned against my car and a shadow passed over his dark starry eyes.

"Naomi that really was uncalled for. I'm only trying to help you."

My eyes bulged from my shock and I suddenly let a scream of fear rip from my throat. I turned on my heels and started running for my dorm.

How had he done that? He'd literally just appeared out of thin air! There was no explanation for that! I suddenly felt as though I were losing my mind.

I gasped for air as I continued to run. I didn't care about my car; he could have it for all I cared.

I finally saw my dorm in sight and felt like something was breathing down my neck. With a terrified yelp I pushed myself to run faster.

I sped up the stairs and raced down the hall in a flash.

I ran into my dorm and slammed my door shut. I bolted the lock and fell to the floor. I shook my head, at the point of near hysteria. I quickly went to the sink and grabbed a glass of water to drink down my heavy breaths and frazzled thoughts. I had to forget about tonight. It was the only way I'd make it to tomorrow. I had to forget Duncan and never see him again.

For some reason though at the thought of that, my chest began to hurt.

He's a maniac! A crazy lunatic! My thoughts scolded my hurting chest.

I gasped after I'd downed the entire glass and slowly, with trembling limbs, went in the direction of my room. I carefully pushed my door open and stepped in. The first thing I noticed was that my window was open.

Suddenly my door shut on its own; I whirled around to find Duncan standing behind my door, glaring angrily at me.

I felt my eyes widen and I opened my mouth to scream but he clamped his hand down over my mouth before I could utter so much as a squeak.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his eyes on me. Their anger deteriorated to just annoyance.

"Jeez Naomi, relax will you? I'm trying to explain these things to you but you're freaking out like a mortal."

I felt something in me shudder at the way he said 'mortal', as if I should be something else.

"Do you really think it's a coincidence that you're nightmares were exactly like what happened last night...Or how about that I just happened to know that you drank coffee religiously when we met yesterday?"

I pushed his hands away and growled at him, regardless of my fury.

"It has to be! Nothing about this is logical! Besides that even, how can you explain how you would even know all of this?"

Duncan sighed and seemed to relax; I think he was just glad that I wasn't freaking out anymore. At least not on the outside.

"I'd be happy to explain everything but on two conditions."

I narrowed my eyes. I was pretty sure that given the situation I should've been the one making demands, not him. However it seemed like this was the only way I was going to get any answers.

"What're they?" I hissed and he relaxed for a minute.

"The one is you have to promise you won't freak out or tell anyone."

I wasn't sure if I could honestly promise that; regardless of the look he was giving me.

"I'm serious Naomi; not your mom, or your stepmom, not your dad. Not even Tara or Levi. No. One. Can. Know." He stressed.

I remained silent, wondering how on earth he knew about Tara and Levi or even Janine.

"The other matter what I'm about to tell you, you have to promise to just accept it without question."

I was silent and stared at the floor. I knew I needed to know. However on the other side of things was I sure I even wanted to know?

I finally shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, tugging it out of my face so I could think clearly.

"Okay...okay." I finally sighed and Duncan actually gave a small grin. I felt some part of me that was wound up tight; unwind a bit at the beauty on his face.

He stepped back and took a deep breath. When he looked at me again, his eyes were smiling too. Clearly he had been holding whatever this was in for a long time and he looked as though one way or another he was prepared to share it.

"Okay...Naomi, Angels, and demons and heaven and hell....they all exist. They're not just fairytales...they're real...However, the way they're portrayed in your bibles and through your tales of mouth is a misconception. There's more to the stories and it's much more complex."

I felt my jaw drop slightly and suddenly felt my skin prickle. Something was telling me I wasn't ready for this.

I shook my head and opened my mouth, preparing to tell Duncan he had to leave but suddenly my phone went off.

I heaved a relieved sigh and dashed to my bedside table and picked it up.


"Naomi, come open your damn door."


I was almost regretting having picked up the phone but then glanced at Duncan again and jumped towards the door.

"Okay, I'm coming." I muttered and flipped the phone shut.

"You have to go." I murmured to Duncan as I passed him and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you serious right now?" He questioned.

"Go!" I hissed as I put my hand on the knob of the front door.

I heard a soft swishing sound as I opened the door and let Jeff come into my dorm. He shut the door behind him and stared at me for a moment.

His usually bouncy blonde locks looked dull and listless. His dark red-black eyes looked half pained and half bored. His usually fair and flawless skin was breaking out and I could only imagine it to be because of his stress.

He glanced around before shivering.

"Jesus, since when do you keep it so cold in here?" He questioned.

I realized then that I hadn't even noticed the cold until he said something, even though my window had probably been open since I'd come in. I could only imagine it was Duncan who had opened it. So had it been him doing it the last few days?

Jeff started down towards my room easily and I followed him. He closed my window and turned back to me.

"Better; aren't you cold...why do you look so pale?" He questioned softly and pressed his hand to my forehead, checking to see if I had a temperature.

"I'm okay; just got freaked out being here alone." I explained softly, covering up my lie.

Jeff nodded unconvincingly then his eyes turned soft.

"Do you want me to stay here...We don't have to talk tonight...We can wait till morning to do that."

I sighed deeply and shook my head.

"Jeff...It's over. That's all I can say to explain it. I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you anymore...I'm really not positive I ever did."

Jeff sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his short blonde locks.

"Look, I'm not gonna beg for you back okay? I'm just gonna let it go...Besides I can't say you're not right... It's not like we ever had some sappy love story or something...Anyway, do you want me to stay with you until London gets back at least?"

I felt my muscles tremble for companionship, however surprisingly; it wasn't Jeff's that I wanted.

"No...its fine...thanks though."

"No problem...guess I'll leave then." He muttered and headed to the door. I let him out before going back to my room and shutting my window tight, and locking it. Then just for good measure I attached a note to the glass.

Go Away.-N

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