Catching Feelings [bwwm]

Af thatkiddari

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C O M P L E T E D ☼ Book 2 ☼ - catch·ing feel·ings beginning to like someone romantically, but usual... Mere

Chapter 1- James
Chapter 2- Cookies
Chapter 3- Getting the Cookie?
Chapter 4- Mr. Antisocial
Chapter 5- My Past
Chapter 6- Matchmaking Incorporated
Chapter 7- Nightmares
Chapter 8- 10th Anniversary
Chapter 9- The Great Date
Chapter 10- Baby Momma's Back
Chapter 11- Trap That Hoe
Chapter 12- Angeli Benedetti Modelling
Chapter 13- Nice Ass
Chapter 14- Mi Negrita Favorita
Chapter 15- Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 16- Asking All Them Questions
Chapter 17- His Point of View
Chapter 18- The Back Story
Chapter 19- Jamia Lives!
Chapter 20- Ready to Testify?
Chapter 21- 34 to 1
Chapter 22- To The Mother
Chapter 23- Celebrations
Chapter 23 (Part 2)- Plan B
Chapter 24- Go or Stay?
Chapter 25- Death's Door
Character Questions
Chapter 26- Picture After Picture
Chapter 27- Ruby Jones
Chapter 28- The Last One

Character Answers

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Af thatkiddari

I love how nobody noticed that Mia's name wasn't included in the character questions form yikes.

This is long as hell... enjoy!


Q: How are you gonna be selfish and guilt trip Mia into coming back like that?

A: I thought by doing the selfish thing and getting her to come home to me was going to be a good thing and benefit me. How was I supposed to know she was going to get into an accident?

Q: What do you do in that office?

A: Office type things that you don't need to know about.

Q: I can understand how you feel about Mia leaving but why couldn't you constrain yourself to believe that she would come back to you? You obviously saw that she was different from Julianna.

A: I know she's different from Julianna and also my mother, but having been abandoned twice you can understand my paranoia.

Q: How do you feel about Mia being on the table? Are you going to be okay if she passes?

A: Technically she's not in surgery anymore so I feel slightly better. But I don't know what I will do if she passes. I'll probably check myself into a psychiatric hospital.

Q: Why don't you like Liv? I mean you are always giving her a cold shoulder.

A: I do like her - she makes my brother happy. But I'm just not really close to her.

Q: What are you going to do about the info Mia gave you?

A: I will make sure the person who hurt her pays severely for their crime.

Q: Have you and Mia done it yet?

A: Of course we have. I don't think Mia would ever marry me if we hadn't.

Q: What will you do if Mia dies?

A: Check out of life.

Q: How do you feel about all this?

A: As my daughter so often says, I'm shook.

Q: Will you kill Brittany?

A: Why? Other than continuing to breathe, what has she done?


Q: You finna beat Jonathan's ass when you find out Mia woke up and you wasn't there cause you was dealing with his foolery?

A: Wait, when the hell did Mia wake up? Nobody told me! I swear to God I'm going to hurt Jonathan.

Q: How was the D girl?

A: Bitchhhhhhhh. Let's just say Johnny Boy is packing for a white guy and he's very talented.

Q: So did you say yes to his proposal or...?

A: My best friend is about to kick the bucket and y'all really worried about Jonathan and I's relationship?

Q: Are you going to say yes to Jonathan?

A: If he had asked me at a more appropriate time, I would've said yes.

Q: Girl you keep doing you.

A: I don't know what I've been doing but thanks, queen.

Q: When you find out who tried to kill your best friend beat they ass!

A: You best motherfucking believe that I'm gonna put hands on them!

Q: Would you have been excited about the proposal if it hadn't been delivered under these circumstances?

A: Hell yeah! He said he'd been waiting a long time to propose too. Any other time would've been perfect.

Q: I hope you not dead.

A: I also hope I'm not dead.

Q: Bitch can I help you kill Brittany?

A: I don't even care what she did - I will gladly beat her ass.


Q: Really couldn't wait a couple days or weeks to propose huh?

A: I'd been waiting for a long ass time and I felt that it was finally time.



Q: Why weren't you there to support James when Mia originally left to go to the airport? Do you not know he has abandonment issues?

A: How was I supposed to know he was going to lose his fucking mind and break out into a fit? I thought he got over those issues since he doesn't cry his eyes out when Mia isn't in the same room as him.

Q: 1. Your dumbass picked a bad time to propose. 2. What are you going to do about your housekeeper?

A: What about Isabella? Did somebody hurt her?

Q: Why the fuck would you ask Liv to marry you when her best friend is on the table, you dumbass?

A: Why does everybody keep asking me about this? I felt like it was a great time.

Q: I hope you don't break her heart like you did the last time.

A: I won't. I promise.

Q: You're awesome. I love how awesome you are. I know this isn't a question, but I love you and you're awesome.

A: Wow, never knew I was this awesome. I would compliment you back but I really don't want Liv to kill me.

Q: Why were you so quick to believe the worst of Liv?

A: That was two years ago... are we ever going to stop talking about this?

Q: Why don't you trust Liv?

A: I do... what made you think I didn't?

Q: Why do you have bad timing?

A: I thought my timing was perfect.


Q: Are you helping with the wedding plans?

A: I was but there can't really be a wedding without a bride.

Q: How do you feel about being left at a friends house when all the action is going down?

A: I haven't heard anything from anybody since my father dumped me over here, but I've just been hoping and praying that my mom is okay.

Q: Where is Isabella right now?

A: I don't know... mopping a floor probably.

Q: Did your dad tell you what happened?

A: No... what happened?

Q: Are you happy your dad found someone he can be happy with again?

A: The fact that my dad is happy overjoys me. I don't even think my mom made him as happy as Mia does.

Q: How do you feel? I mean your mother is on the table.

A: I'm so scared and worried. Is she still in surgery?


Q: Why are you breathing? Who the fuck is you?

A: I don't know who you're talking to but it could never be me.

Q: You're such an unnecessarily bitter bitch. You did all this to do what? Once all this is over you're still gonna be by yourself being bitter.

A: You have the nerve to talk to me like that but I'm a bitch?

Q: Who the fuck are you and where did your irrelevant ass come from you old cheating conniving selfish ass petty whore?

A: Well, I was born and raised right here in the lovely city of Miami.

Q: Why do you need Julianna to get Josie back to bad? For money?

A: I've got plenty of money so no, that's not the reason.

Q: See, I've been watching a lot of American Horror Story lately so my imagination is wildin' about what I should do to you for banging up my girl.

A: What the hell is an American Horror Story? But either way, I'm untouchable so...

Q: What the fuck is wrong with you?

A: Well, the last time I went to my therapist, she said something along the lines of paranoid and something about schizophrenia, but I don't really know.

Q: Why are you so evil?

A: You haven't seen evil yet.

Q: Who hurt you?

A: Haven't we discussed this a million times already?

Q: Cocaine sniffing ass hoe. Why do you look like a rabbit?

A: First of all, just because I've sniffed a little bit of cocaine doesn't mean I'm a hoe. And second, why do you look like a panda.


Q: Why did you leave your child? How could you not know what you named her? Are you still on drugs? Who are you working for?

A: Left because of modeling over motherhood. It's not that hard to forget things. Why do you care if I'm on drugs? And I think we've already established that Corina runs the show.

Q: Bitch can you die?

A: Lowkey hope I do.

Q: What was the true reason that you wanted Josie back?

A: The pretty little child support check I would've received.

Q: Do you wanna fight?

A: I would win.

Q: Do you want Josie back because you need more money for your drug habit?

A: I plead the fifth.

Q: It would be a shame if you were to take a purposeful tumble down the stairs dear...

A: Is that a threat?

Q: Stay off everybody's tip.

A: How about you hop of mine?

Q: How about you go somewhere? Everybody was happy until you showed up.

A: Blame Corina for your problems. She's the one who brought me to Miami.

Q: Why do you want me to kill your walrus looking ass?

A: Excuse me? Obviously, I don't look like a walrus since I was a famous model. This is your jealousy talking sweetie.

Q: Do you think by killing Mia, James will take you back? You lost the case go away, please.

A: No I don't. And I would if I could.


Q: Why are you so irrelevant?

A: Nobody knows you but I'm the irrelevant one?

Q: Aren't you dead or some shit?

A: Obviously not.

Q: Do you even have a purpose?

A: Do you?

Q: Get out.

A: You first.


Q: Who?

A: What?

Q: Did you know you can catch these hands? And will?

A: My husband will sue.

Q: Hey there heffa. I hope you have your passport because Donald Trump is president.

A: Why would I need my passport. I am one hundred percent Caucasian.

Q: Who are you again?

A: This is like you calling my phone, I answer, and then you ask me who I am. You come to me and ask me who I am?

Q: Brittany bitch.

A: Oh yes, the iconic young idol, Ms. Spears.

Q: Why do you think you're relevant?

A: My money and mesmerizing good looks make me relevant.


Q: Do you know your wife can catch these hands? And will?

A: I'm so tired of her shit so please do.

Q: Hey mans how you doing?

A: I'm relaxing. Still looking for somebody 15-35 to love. Thinking about joining a dating website called Binder or something like that.


Q: Why did you do it?

A: Can you be more específico? (translation: specific)

Q: You a traitor?

A: I don't understand the question.

Q: Were you driving the car or in the passenger seat? Either way, how you just run Mia off the road like that?

A: Well, primero, it was a truck, not a car. And segunda, I technically was not the one who ran her off the road. (translation: first of all ... second of all)

Q: What the fuck? You was my homie! My fucking cinnamon apple! Why you do it?

A: I was your what? No soy una manzana. But, if you want an explanation, you have to wait for the next chapter to hear. (translation: I'm not an apple)

Q: Why are you a snake ass backstabbing bitch?

A: No soy una serpiente. I didn't do anything that wasn't right. (translation: I'm not a snake)

Q: I T R U S T E D you! Why would you do this?

A: Trust is meant to be broken.

Q: Bitch why? We trusted you!

A: Refer to my previous answer.

Q: How could you?

A: All these vague questions are not going to get you una respuesta. (translation: an answer)

Q: Why do you want to relevant?

A: Everyone has always underestimated me but I will no longer allow it.

Q: Were you just pretending to like Liv the whole time?

A: I've always been a great actriz. (translation: actress)

Q: I never liked you. Why were you the cumshot your mom chose NOT to swallow, huh? Matter of fact, where is your mother? I want to get a hold of her.

A: You could always book a flight to Puerto Rico do visit her gravesite if you want.

Q: Why you a hoe?

A: I haven't had sex in doce años. (translation: twelve years)

The Author

Q: Why you do my heart like this?

A: #SorryNotSorry

Q: Hey mans are you feeling better?

A: My ankle still hurts like a bitch but yeah I'm doing better... thanks for asking.

Q: Is Mia going to live? She needs to live.

A: We'll find out next chapter I guess. It depends on what mood I'm in lol.

Q: Is there going to be another book, if so, whose POV will it be in?

A: Unfortunately, there is not going to be another book. After the epilogue is posted, there won't be any more Liv, Jonathan, James, or Mia point of views.

Q: Why yo book so good?

A: *flips hair* well, I don't mean to brag but I do have the most amazing readers ever who keep me motivated.

Q: Are you writing a book after this or is this your last one?

A: Drum roll, please... Yes, I am writing a book after this, and I've already started working on it. It will be called Legs Closed and I am so so so excited about it. I've already made a trailer for it and I will probably post it in the next chapter so you all can see it and tell me if you like it or not.


hope you liked this bc it took me forever 

originally published: november 2016

edited: december 2020

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