I Could Be Nothing But a Memo...

By GotADreamGotASpark

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t's been 4 years since Leah moved away from Baltimore, leaving Alex and all of the guys behind. What happens... More

I Could Be Nothing But a Memory to You
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

612 3 1
By GotADreamGotASpark

After I finished eating at Burger King I walked back to work and had a pretty boring day. A couple people came in, only one of them actually buying something, the rest just walking around and checking stuff out. As the day went on I got more and more upset over the fact Alex wouldn't text me back. I wished I could go back in time and take everything back but I couldn't. My feelings were written clearly on my face and Hannah kept asking me if I was okay. I wanted to shout, "Do I fucking look okay?" but I bit my tongue and tried to keep patient, she was only trying to be a good friend. By the time we were closing though Hannah had not left me alone for a single minute, she kept asking me what was wrong over and over again. "Comeeee on Leah, tell me please? Please? Pretty please? I'm worried about you! Just tell me what's wrong, please? " she begged as we stacked up boxes in the back. "Hannah. I'm fighting the urge to kill you right now but I'm starting to lose so if you want to live to see tomorrow you will STOP asking." I finally snapped. My patience was thin tonight, I couldn't deal with anyone right now. I knew instantly that she was pissed at me but I didn't really care. All I wanted right now was my bed and some nice hot chocolate. "Fine. I'm gonna leave." she said, going to her locker. Once she grabbed all her stuff she punched out and left without saying bye.

I sighed before going back to what I was doing. Once I finished doing everything that needed to be done I made sure I had everything before punching out. I walked out of the back, shutting off the lights as I did so and then I locked up before I ran to my car. I hated being that last to leave, it was really scary. Once I was in the car I took a deep breath, feeling safer almost instantly. I grabbed a piece of gum out of my pocket and started chewing it before starting the car. I was not ready to go home and clean the house that was sure to be a mess. I just wished Chase would grow up and clean a bit so I wouldn't have to work all day and then come home and clean up after him. I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home in silence thinking about how bad I just wanted to fall into my soft bed and sleep for forever. When I got home I parked in my usual spot and made my way up the stairs slowly, my feet aching. When I unlocked the door and walked in my mouth dropped.

*Alex's POV*

After Leah said that to me, I spent the rest of the day moping in my bunk. All of the guys tried to get me out and cheer me up but I refused to budge until I was forced to by Matt. We had a meet and greet with a bunch of kids and I tried to put on a smile for all my fans but it was just so hard to when my heart was aching. We were sitting in the back when all the fans came rushing in and swarmed around me. "Alex! Alex!" they all screamed and I gave them all a smile. I started posing for pictures and signing things but I wasn't really paying attention. I was thinking about Leah and how she said "It doesn't matter anymore." I knew she didn't mean it but it still hurt hearing her say that something that was so important to me "doesn't matter anymore." It would always matter to me. She was the one and only girl I had ever loved and without our time together even though it was only a short time we were together I might have never known that.

When the meet and greet was over I went into the back and just laid on the couch. Zack tried to talk to me, then Rian, then Matt and finally Jack. By the time Jack got to me though I was getting really annoyed. "Jack! Just leave me alone! I'm fucking fine! Why can't you all just leave me alone! It's all I fucking want!" I shouted before putting headphones in and ignoring everyone. I saw Jack's face filled with hurt but I didn't care. Why couldn't they all just leave me alone? It was all I asked for, just 10 minutes to myself, no one bothering me, no one asking questions, just silence. A couple hours later we had finished playing and we got off stage, sweat dripping from us. None of the guys said anything to me and I ran into the shower, glad to have a couple minutes to myself. That's the only thing I hated about tour. I never had time to myself, no time to do what I want or to just think quietly. Everyone was always talking or fooling around all the time and everyone was always squished together either in the bus, a hotel room or the back of a venue.

When I got out, I grabbed my dirty clothes and walked to the bus. Surprisingly it was quiet inside, all the guys were silently doing their own thing, even Jack. Instantly I felt bad, everyone was doing this because of me. I was stopping everyone from having a good time because I was being a jackass. "Guys, I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm just not having a good day." I told them all before walking to my bunk and laying down. I looked down at my phone and saw I had a bunch of texts and missed calls from numbers I didn't know and my phone was still ringing like crazy. I was shocked but I answered the phone. "Who's this?" I asked and I heard squeals. Instantly my stomach sunk, my number got leaked. "How did you get this number?" I asked and I heard more squeals before I hung up. My phone continued to go crazy and I ran back into the front.

"Matt. We have a problem." I said, holding my phone up. He looked up from his laptop and then groaned. "I'm gonna kill the fucker who decided to give out your number! Didn't I tell you to be more careful about who you give your number to Alex?" he said before taking it from my hand. I nodded, "I don't, I don't even know who would do that who I gave my number to recently to be honest." I said frowning. "Alex, you're gonna wanna see this." I heard Jack say softly. I looked over at his laptop screen and then I just wanted to yank my hair out. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted, instantly furious.

*Leah's POV*

"Chase, what the fuck?" I asked, quickly running over to all the boxes that contained my stuff. "Look Leah, you fucking nasty slut, we're over." he said, his voice icy and low. The words cut like a knife and I was surprised at the tone and the words. What had I done to deserve that from him? "What? Chase, what is your issue?" I said going to grab a box and drag it back to the bedroom but he yanked it out of my grip. "I mean, you're a slut, we're over and you're getting out of my house." he said, saying it slowly like I couldn't understand what he said unless he took it slow. "Wait, how the fuck am I a slut? And this isn't just your house, it's mine too, I pay half of everything!" I said, trying to get the box out of his hands but he wouldn't let go.

"No, no, my name is on the lease, not yours so it's mine and I want you out so fucking leave!" he shouted at me and I was instantly furious. "I still don't get why you're fucking kicking me out!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest as he threw the box of my stuff on the ground. Everything that was in it spilled out and I bent over, trying to pick everything up and put it back in. "Because Leah, you're a slut and a liar. Hannah called and told me everything! About how you fucked your ex boyfriend, how you kissed him, how you've been talking to him again. Well if he wants you then he can have you. You're a dirty whore anyways." he said before starting to pick up my boxes of stuff and throw them out of the apartment and into the hallway.

"Chase! Stop! Stop it!" I shrieked, trying to grab his arm so he would stop. He pulled away from me. " Don't fucking touch me. I'm giving you only 20 minutes to get all of your crap out of my house and for you to get out of my life forever." he said before going into the kitchen. I ran into the bedroom and I went into my closet. I had gotten lucky, he hadn't destroyed anything of mine that was left there. I pulled out my suitcase and started stuffing all of my remaining clothes into it. I reached on the top shelves and grabbed my box of pictures and little trinkets I had collected over the years. Once I made sure I had everything in the closet I went into the bathroom and saw he had already gotten rid of all my stuff. I checked my drawers and saw they were already empty. I dragged everything out of the room and down the hallway, stopping for a moment to catch my breath. I hadn't realized how much crap I owned.

I slowly brought everything down the stairs and into my car and then I went back upstairs, needing to say one last final thing to Chase. I walked into the kitchen and I fought back tears. I needed to say something to him and I didn't want to seem like a complete and total cry baby. "Chase, you're a fucking douche bag hypocrite. I've caught you seven times cheating on me and I stayed with you despite that and then you dump me because I make one drunken mistake. Wait, never mind, Alex isn't and never will be a mistake. But you know what? I'm glad you dumped me because now I'll be happier without you. Maybe I can be with a real man like Alex without you holding me back. Have fun trying to find another girl that will put up with your shit and take care of you like I did." I said before walking out and slamming the door behind me. When I got into my car I burst into tears and leaned my head against the steering wheel. What I was going to do now? I had nowhere to live, I hadn't really saved that much money. I cursed myself for buying all that stuff I didn't need but I thought I could blow the money so it didn't matter at the time. I didn't even come close to having enough to pay for an apartment and all the utilities by myself. More tears came to my eyes and I cried for losing Chase, for losing my apartment, for being stabbed in my back by someone who I thought I could trust and was supposed to be my best friend. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where to go. I pulled out my cell phone and went through it, trying to find someone I could stay with but I could only find one person. I didn't want to stay with them but I didn't have a choice. I sighed and looked down at the name in my phone.

After a couple moments I pressed the call button and waited as the phone rang. It rang and rang until finally the answering machine picked up. "Hey, you've reached Jordan Hunter, leave a message at the beep." the answering machine said. I hung up and then I sighed, of course my dad wouldn't answer his calls. He was always busy and sometimes he just didn't feel like answering. I guess I would have to drive there and ask him in person if I could stay there until I found my own place. I thought as I wiped my tears and started the car. I was just about to drive off when my phone rang and I looked down, hoping it was my dad calling back. I saw it was Jack and I answered the phone quickly. "Hello?" I said, turning out onto the road. "What the fuck is your problem Leah? Yeah I didn't talk to you all day but you didn't need to pull a fucking stunt like that!" Alex screamed into my ear. I was extremely confused as I stopped at the red light at the end of the street and tried to figure out what I did recently that would piss Alex off this much. When nothing came to mind I was even more confused then before. "Alex, what are you talking about?" I asked before I started driving again. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! How could you be such a fucking bitch? I guess you're just not the girl I used to know!" he said and instantly I felt like I was stabbed in the heart. Alex calling me a bitch hurt, hell Alex talking to me this way hurt and I wanted to know why he was because I had no idea why. "Alex, I really am completely serious when I say I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about." I said hoping he would tell me why he was so angry. "Oh really? Facebook status posted about a hour ago? If you can't remember what you posted I'll gladly read it for you." he said, his voice like venom.

There was silence for a moment and I tried to think of what Facebook status that would piss him off. "Alexander William Gaskarth from All Time Low is a complete asshole. Not only does he suck in bed but he's a horrible kisser. I don't love him, I never did and I never will. Why don't you all call him and tell him this. And then my number." he said and instantly I knew who had done it. I hated myself for letting her know my Facebook password, for thinking I could trust her. "Fucking Hannah. That's it, I'm sorry Alex, I have to go though. I'm about to fuck a bitch up." I said angrily before hanging up and making a U-turn. I sped quickly towards Hannah's house, ignoring my ringing phone and the speed limit. When I got there I parked quickly and I ran out of the car and up to her door. I banged on it hard and waited for her to answer.

*Alex's POV*

I stood there in shock as Leah hung up on me. I had never heard her angrier. "What happened? What she say? It wasn't her who did that right? She wouldn't! Leah is better then that!" Zack said quickly and all of the guys mumbled in agreement. "Dude, I think she's gonna kill Hannah." I said sitting down. "She's what? Alex! Call her back!" Rian shouted at me. When I didn't do as he said right away he snatched the phone from my hand and called her again. I guess she didn't answer because he slammed the phone down on the table. "Hey! Watch my phone!" Jack shouted, snatching it from Rian quickly. "Sorry Jack, she's not answering though and what if she really does mess up Hannah? She could get into a lot of trouble." Rian said nervously. I sat there still in shock, not saying a word.

I felt like a prick. I couldn't believe I had just accused her like that. I should have known like the rest of the guys that Leah wouldn't do something like that but I was stupid, I am stupid. I was rash and I jumped to conclusions. Leah was the sweetest girl ever, she wouldn't do that to me. I knew deep down she loved me or at least I think she did. I knew she wouldn't ever do something like that to someone she loves or at least loved at one point. It surprised me how she knew it was Hannah right away though. I wondered what else Hannah had done to piss her off. I knew she wouldn't kill her after just this, there had to be something more.

Jack was trying to call her again and I watched him, hoping she would answer. I didn't want her to get in big trouble and I knew the damage she could do. Hannah didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against Leah. I remembered back to when she had popped Megan in her face for spilling milk on her. Despite her small size she could really pack a punch. "She's not answering dude." Jack said, putting his phone down, his face full of worry. All the guys stared at it silently, hoping she would call soon. Maybe she would calm down and then she would decide she wasn't worth it. I thought but I knew in the back of my mind that once you got her going that she was hard to calm down.

*Leah's POV*

When Hannah didn't answer the door I banged on it again. A couple seconds later she pulled it open. "What?" she said nastily. "You know damn well what!" I shouted angrily. I was already mad but just seeing her face made my blood boil and I pulled my arm back and punched her straight in the face. I must have blacked out because the next thing I remembered was being pulled off of Hannah by a large man and hearing sirens. I looked down to see Hannah on the ground, her face was a bloody mess and she was crying. I grinned to myself, glad the bitch got what she deserved.

Then my stomach dropped when I saw an officer come over to me. I had never been arrested before and fear went through my body at the thought of it. A part of me said to say strong but another part of me just wanted to burst into tears as I was placed in handcuffs, told my rights and then placed into the back of the cruiser. I fought back the tears that threatened to fall and I took deep breaths. Almost 2 hours later I had been finger printed, booked and was sitting in a cold jail cell. "Don't I get a phone call?" I asked timidly as an officer walked past. He laughed and kept walking, not even looking at me. I was starting to lose it, I needed to call my father. For once I was glad he was a lawyer, he could help me get out of this. Almost an hour later a police officer led me to the phone and I instantly dialed my father's number, hoping he would answer. Surprisingly he did and I would have jumped for joy if I wasn't in a jail. "Daddy, it's Leah." I said quickly. "Leah, what happened? Why are you calling from this number?" he asked, his voice full of worry. "Uh, I kind of got arrested." I said and he instantly started asking a million questions. "Dad, I'll explain it all later, can you just please come get me?" I begged not wanting to be here anymore. "Alright, I'll be there soon, don't worry okay?" he said before hanging up. I sighed in relief, at least my dad was helping me for once.

A couple hours later I was out of the jail cell and in my father's car as we drove to his house. "What the fuck Leah? Battery charges! You know you can get a year in prison for that, right?" he asked not looking up from the road as he screamed at me. "Dad, I'm sorry, I just lost my temper, you don't understand." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Leah! You're not 16 anymore! You just can't punch someone when you get mad! You're an adult and you need to start acting like one!" he shouted at me. "God, stop fucking lecturing me like I'm a child then!" I shouted back. "Leah I yell at you like a child cause you acted like one! You know I had to leave my pregnant girlfriend in the middle of the night for you!" he shouted. Instantly I stopped. What? Pregnant girlfriend? Since when did he have a girlfriend? And he didn't tell me! "Wh-what?" I asked, looking over at him.

"You heard me! Maybe if you called me or came around more often then you would know this Leah but you cut me out of your life once you got into college. You only talk to me when you need something or it's a holiday. I don't know what's going on with you anymore then you know what's going on with me and that isn't my fault." he said. I didn't say anything, just looked out the window. "Dad, where are you bringing me?" I asked, confused. "Home. Where else would I be bringing you Leah?" he asked. Uh, damn, how was I going to tell him I got kicked out of my apartment tonight too. "Well dad, uh, well, I don't live there anymore." I said nervously. "Then where do you live?" he asked, looking over at me confused. "Well, kind of, nowhere. Chase kicked me out earlier." I said softly not looking at him. "Why? What happened?" he asked me and I took a deep breath. "Hannah told him that I cheated on him." I said, still not looking at him. "Well did you Leah?" he asked. "Uh, remember Alex?" I asked timidly. "Oh Leah! You didn't! Well I guess I'll pay for you to stay at a hotel." he said before turning around. "Why can't I just stay with you?" I asked, confused. "Because, Marie doesn't know about you and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell her I have another kid, especially after tonight." he said and my jaw dropped. My own father didn't even tell his girlfriend about me. I wanted to be surprised or angry but I couldn't be. Sadly that something I had come to expect from my father. He had gotten just as bad as my mother over the years, while he didn't hit me he acted like I was some horrible child and never told anyone about me. If anything he acted like I didn't exist. Like I was unimportant.

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