Fix You (Jelsa) -{COMPLETE}

By Sil-bD9

84.9K 3K 2.6K

Elsa Winters could be easily described as perfect. She has a great family, awesome friends, a secured future... More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine
New story!!

• Fourteen •

2K 80 126
By Sil-bD9


Elsa's Saturday began pretty well. First of all, she had slept in. She had worked the whole week non-stop and she was really exhausted yesterday when she went to bed. So, she finally felt like she was rested.

Also, she and Jack had finally caught up with their classmates. It's been pretty rough and tiring, but they had managed to catch up.

So, in compensation, they decided to take a break from the project for the whole day. And her plans of 'break' was to stay in her dorm the whole day, eating junk food and watching Netflix.

It just sounded so perfect.

It was like around 11 a.m. already, so after she brushed her teeth she went out of her room still in her pajamas to ask Anna what she'll like for lunch.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty" Flynn said the moment she got out of her room. She rolled her eyes en chuckled. "You finally decided to join us"

"Morning, Flynn" She said rolling her eyes and chuckling. "And shut up, I was tired"

She walked into the living room where everyone was; Anna and Rapunzel were giggling and squealing about Anna's date, Merida and Hiccup were watching something on the T.V and Flynn was completely bored out of his mind.

"What are we doing?" Elsa said and took a seat besides Flynn. Everybody turned to her.

"Hiccup and I have something to propose-"

"You. Only you" Hiccup clarified. Flynn frowned at him.

"Yeah okay, whatever" He said. "Anyway, since today is Saturday and we hadn't hang out in weeks.. We were thinking on going to the party tonight!" He exclaimed in excitement, hanging his fist on the air.

All the girls stayed in silence.

"What party?" Punzie asked, and Flynn gasped dramatically.

"You don't know about the party?" He asked in disbelief, and all the girls shook their head. "Oh my god. Phillip's party! The first big and amazing party there's gonna be after months!"

They stayed in silence again.

"Count me out" Merida said, turning again to watch the T.V.

"Yeah.. Me too" Punzie said smiling sheepishly at her boyfriend.

"Me three!" Anna exclaimed, Flynn looked at her hurt. "Oh, c'mon Flynn, you know I really don't like Phillip's parties... they are excessively crowded and that usually means sweat, smoke and puke everywhere" Anna said shuddering in disgust.

Flynn looked at Elsa, with one last bit of hope.

"Sorry, Flynn" Elsa said with an apologetic smile. "I'm really tired and I just want some Netflix and junk food"

"Oh c'mon!" Flynn whined.

"Told ya" Hiccup said chuckling. Flynn pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Heartbroken.

"Fine, bore yourself out on a Saturday night. Hiccup and I are still going" He said offended.

"Whatever" Merida muttered. Anna and Rapunzel giggled.

After that they all stayed at the Winters's dorm and ordered junk food requested by Elsa. Punzie managed to woo Flynn after about 30 minutes of playing offended, so they just decided to watch a movie and exchange some news going around the campus after that.

"So, where was Elsa last Saturday when you told us she was missing?" Hiccup suddenly asked Anna.

Elsa's blood ran cold and she paled. Oh Christ. What was she supposed to say now? If she told the truth, Flynn was going to have a heart attack and Hiccup would die of shock.

"I-uh.. I- I was.." She stuttered. The rest of the girls were looking at her in equal shock.

"She went to Honey Lemon's!" Anna blurted out. "Yeah, to Honey Lemon's! She had some uh... girl problem really late and she went to help her but decided to stay the night because as I said, it was really late, right Els?" Anna said nervously.

"Y-yeah.." Elsa muttered gulping.

"Huh, I didn't know you and Honey Lemon were that close" Hiccup said.

"Yeah, me neither" Flynn agreed, but was narrowing his eyes at both sisters.

An hour after that, everyone went to their respective dorms. It was like 5 p.m. already, and after showering and cleaning herself up, Elsa put on another set of pajamas, that consisted on a thin black sweatshirt that said 'Let It Snow' and pajama short shorts that where light blue with white snowflakes all over it.

She really wanted to have a sisters movie time with Anna, but she told her that mama had called her to tell that she was going to be able to add a couple of her designs in her mother's brand new collection. She was so excited about it and wanted to make the best designs ever, so she locked herself in her room and worked all night, only stopping for dinner.

Elsa decided to watch Supernatural since Anna decided to lock herself up. If she told anyone that she watched that kind of show she was sure they weren't going to believe it. Little Miss Perfect Elsa watching a bloody and violent show of demons and ghosts, yeah right.

After watching about five episodes and eating a cheesy hamburger, she finally gave up and went to her room, screaming Anna good night.

She brushed her teeth and jumped right to her bed, immediately crawling under her covers. She moaned in comfort. Another night of good sleep.

Or not.

Just like the other time, her phone began ringing in the middle of the night. She wasn't that grumpy like last time, so she just searched for it with closed eyes and answered it.

"Hello?" She asked sleepy, yawing right after.

"Elsa? Elsa are you awake?" A female voice said in a terrifying, desperate way. "Elsa it's me, Tiana!"

"Tiana? It's everything okay?" She asked concerned. She separated her phone from her ear to look at the hour 2:45 a.m. "Why are you calling this late? Are you okay?" Elsa was really concerned now. She and Tiana were friends, but that was it. They just mostly talked in some classes they shared or texted each other for homework. Nothing else. So why was she calling her this late?

"Elsa please you need to come to Phillip's party immediately!" Tiana said in clear panic. That's when Elsa heard the muffled noise coming from the other side of the phone. Music could be heard, but also there was a lot of screaming. Her blood ran cold.

"What's happening?"

"Elsa, Pitch and Jack are in a fight! Jack is really drunk and there's a lot of blood everywhere!"

Her world seemed to stop.

Her heart stopped and air stopped reaching to her lungs.

"W-what?" She whispered stuttering.

"Elsa please come quickly! There're some people here trying to stop them but they're shoving everyone off! I don't wanna call an ambulance because he might get expelled but I don't think he'll listen to anyone else but you!" She said desperate.

"I'm on my way" Elsa instantly answered and hanged the phone. She was shaking so badly. She just grabbed a pair of slippers and rushed to her car like she never did just before grabbing her keys.

She immediately started the engine and drove as fast as light, she could have killed someone on the road but she just couldn't stop. She could hardly breathe and her body was shaking uncontrollably in fear.

She slowed down just to call Flynn and/or Hiccup, she called them a million times but no one answered.

"FUCK" She screamed in desperation. She could already feel her eyes burning. She finally entered the street of Phillip's apartment, already hearing the blasting music. She parked just in front of the house/apartment, in the middle of the road. She didn't care. She just wanted to get Jack out of here. She really hoped Tiana was joking.

Stumbling, she got out of her car and started running towards the party, hearing a lot of guys whistling at her due to her attire.

She was about to enter to the house when she bumped hardly into someone.

"Elsa? What are you doing here?" Flynn asked in surprise, Hiccup was just behind him "Why are you in pj's?!" He asked in shock as tried to cover her from the hungry eyes, Elsa shoved him away.

"T-there's a fight!" Elsa stuttered quickly.

"What?" Hiccup asked.

"T-there's a fight! Jack is in a fight!" She almost screamed, she shoved them both and got into the house, making her way towards the most crowded room, Flynn and Hiccup instantly began following her close behind.

She could see a lot of people surrounding something, some of them were cheering and laughing, others were wearing horrified faces.

"Get out of my way" She exclaimed, shoving people aside "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" She screamed in desperation.

"Hey! Let her through!" Flynn screamed right behind.

She finally passed through the sea of people, and gasped horrified at the scene in front of her.

Jack and Pitch were hitting each other brutally. There were a lot of bruises and wounds on the two of them, some of them were bleeding a lot.

There was a difference thought. Jack was drunk, and Pitch clearly wasn't. Even thought Jack was hurting him too, he was stumbling on his feet. Jack moves were dumb but hard, but Pitch was being fast and precise.

She could already feel tears running down her eyes.

Horrified, she watched as how Pitch knocked Jack down on the floor after his slow attempt of dodging, and he was just about to jump at him to keep on hitting him. But in one millisecond, she was shoving him aside with her full force.

"STOP IT!" Elsa screamed at Pitch in tears, he turned to look at her in full shock, Elsa shoved him again "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" She could hear a lot of gasps coming from the crowd.

Elsa rushed towards Jack that was still on the floor groaning in pain. Pitch was about to walk towards them but Flynn's arms grabbed him from behind immediately stopping him.

"GET OFF ME" Pitch tried to struggle. Flynn saw from the corner of his eye how Hans was making his way to him, but Hiccup quickly stopped him.

"Oh my god" Elsa cried, tears flowing down her cheeks, looking at Jack's wounds. His lips were bleeding and so was his nose. He had cuts and bruises on his arms too. Jack groaned again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Pitch screamed in disbelief. "He was the one who attacked me and yet you go running to him!"

"Shut up!" Elsa screamed angered.

Pitch managed to get out of Flynn's grip and walked to her.

"Stay away!" Elsa screamed at him, eyes burning like fire.

"I can't fucking believe it-"

"I SAID STAY AWAY!" Elsa screamed again. Flynn managed to grab him and he shoved him forcefully to Hans, making them both stumble to the floor.

Jack started to stand up.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" He muttered, with raged eyes. He was about to walk to Pitch but Elsa got in his way.

"Jack, please stop" Elsa begged in tears. Jack gazed down to her in sudden shock, like he had just realized she was there, but soon he frowned again.

"Let me through" he growled, but Elsa didn't move. Flynn grabbed Jack from behind, not as harshly as he grabbed Pitch, but still steadily. Jack was about to shove him off, but Elsa grabbed one of his arms, signalizing him to stop.

"We need to get him out of here" Hiccup said, looking at all the curious glances that everyone was giving to them.

Flynn and Elsa helped Jack walk, and Hiccup shoved people out of their way. Jack hissed in pain several times, making Elsa's worry grow bigger.

They finally got him inside of the car, Elsa clasped his seatbelt and made her way towards the driver seat, still sniffing.

"I'm going with you" Flynn said.

"No" she said, Flynn frowned.

"You're gonna need help carrying him"

"I'm gonna be fine" she dismissed him.

"Jeez, Elsa. I just want to make sure you're okay! You're just going to leave him on his dorm and then go to yours!"

"I'm not going to leave him there" Elsa said with a serious look. Flynn frowned in confusion at first, but then he realized what she was meaning.

"You're not staying there, are you crazy?!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Stop it Flynn, he can't stay alone in this state"

"And you can't stay alone with him in this state! He's freaking drunk! You have no idea what he could try to do-"

"Stop it"

"I can't believe you're just so reckless when it comes to him! You jumped in a fight for god's sake! You are not staying-"

"FLYNN STOP IT, STOP IT AREADY, JUST STOP!" Elsa snapped and screamed in rage at the top of her lungs. Tears were washing her face. Flynn looked at her in shock. He had never seen her screaming like this, much less at him. "You can't just control everything I do! You can't just decide what's right or wrong for me! God, don't you see him? I know that you don't like him or trust him or whatever but you can't decide how I'm supposed see him! I'm worried about him, Flynn don't you see?"

Flynn was wide eyed, still like a statue. He felt hurt by her words, he was just trying to look after her. She was like a little sister. Still, he was stupid to believe that Elsa didn't care for this guy. She was in tears and shaking. Because of him.

"Okay" He just said, Elsa frowned in confusion "You can go just... just let me know if you need anything"

Elsa just nodded. She really wanted to hug him because she knew she'd been harsh with him, but she couldn't. So she slowly got into her car.

"You've been harsh on him" Jack said struggling with words, with his eyes closed.

"I know" Elsa muttered "But I needed to tell him all of that and he needed to listen"

The ride was silent after that.


"That was a great plan" Hans said sarcastically, watching as Pitch cleaned the blood with some wet cloth.

"Shut the hell up" He snarled, Hans just chuckled.

"What made you believe that she was gonna pick your side?" Hans asked curiously.

"Oh, I don't know genius" Pitch said sarcastically. "Maybe that it was Frost the one who jumped at me"

"Because you angered him" Hans clarified.

"Same fucking difference, he still was the one that threw the first punch" Pitch said and hissed in pain as he cleaned one wound.

"Still, you were the one that beat the crap out of him. If you wanted to play victim you should have let him hit you" Hans said raising a brow.

"I wanted to vent on him, I couldn't exactly hold back. Plus, I did not expect her to show up" He said frowning.

"Well, I really do hope you have a better plan. Because now as you are cleaning your wounds alone, she's probably cleaning his" Hans said with a grin.

"I don't have one right now, but I will soon" He said "Now be a nice bitch and bring me some ice"


They finally arrived to his dorm, Elsa helped him walk while she grabbed him carefully. The receptionist almost screamed when he saw both.

"Holy fuck!" He exclaimed "Do you need any help? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" He quickly asked. Elsa opened her mouth to say yes.

"No" Jack said, and coughed.

"You need to see a doctor" Elsa said to him sternly.

"I'm fine" he muttered.

"No you're not! Your wounds-"

"I said no doctors" He said sternly. Elsa frowned at him but sighed.

"Thank you for the offer" Elsa said to the receptionist and guided Jack to the elevator.

Once they got to his dorm, Jack handed the key to Elsa and they entered.

"Take me to my room" He said and Elsa silently obliged. She helped him seat on the edge of the bed while he hissed in pain.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" Elsa asked.

"I'm fine" he just answered, with eyes hardly open.

"You're not, we need to clean up the wounds" She insisted.

"They're just superficial"

"They could get infected" He sighed in defeat.

"In the bathroom cabinet" He said.

Elsa got out and returned a few minutes after with the first aid kit and a glass of water. She left the glass on his night table and then she seated beside him.

"Can I?" She timidly asked. He sighted again and nodded. He lifted up his shirt and let her examine his wounds. Elsa frowned in concern, there were a lot of them.

She soaked a gauze in peroxide and began cleaning softly his face first. She was aware that he was looking at her every move. She couldn't help but blush because of his gaze, but decided to say nothing.

"Why were you crying?" He asked after a few seconds after. Elsa stopped moving. She felt like this was some kind of trick question.

"I was worried" She just said truthfully, and adverted her eyes, pretending to be concentrated in cleaning him up.

"Why?" he asked again. Elsa narrowed her eyes at him.

"What do you mean 'Why'?" She asked feeling a bit invaded. "They were beating the crap out of you!"

"So?" he said. She was getting irritated, what was he trying to do with all this questions? Wasn't it obvious?

"So?" She asked a bit sarcastically. "I care about you, I don't want you to get hurt!" Elsa blurted out.

Jack's whole body tensed. He felt a lot more light headed than before, probably because of the alcohol. He quickly adverted his gaze from her.

"Well, you shouldn't" He said, looking away. Elsa let out a quiet huff.

"Why... why do you said that?" Elsa said looking hurt. "Why do you think like that? Why do you believe that you deserve nothing? Why don't you want people to care about you?!" Elsa said loudly. It hurt her that he tried so hard on make people dislike him.

It made her mad that he tried so hard to be hated, it made her mad that he was used to bad things happening to him, that he was used to having no one.

"You just say that because you don't know me!" Jack snapped. Alcohol and anger did not play well together. Elsa jumped in surprise at his sudden outburst, but she quickly composed herself.

"That doesn't matter!" Elsa said shaking her head "No one deserves to be alone, Jack. No one"

"I DO" He screamed. He looked away from her again and passed his hands through his hair harshly. "I do" He whispered. He was breathing rapidly. "And if you knew what I did, you'll immediately change your mind about it, about me" He said.

"Try me" Elsa said, looking at him challengingly.

She really couldn't help it. She wanted to know. She wanted to understand.

Jack gazed at her for a brief moment, to then gaze away. They stayed there in silence for a few minutes, neither of them even moving.

"I killed them" Jack finally said. "I killed my family"

Elsa's world stopped for a second time in the day.

Her blood ran cold, her heart stopped and she felt paling. She felt the urge of running away at that very moment.

"I didn't meant to" He whispered.

Elsa's mind started to work a mile per second while she just gazed at him wide-eyed. Didn't Punzie say he was in school when the accident happen? How could he have killed them if he was there? What did he mean with 'I didn't meant to'?

"I.. I don't get it" Elsa managed to say, she still felt the need of leaving the dorm. But she really wanted to understand. To know the truth.

Jack sighed and stared into nothing, while Elsa waited for him to speak.

"It-It was Emma's birthday" He started. "I woke up really early that morning, like 5 a.m. because we had hockey practice before school. A big game was coming up so the coach was making us practice really hard. I really wanted to wake Emma up, but my mom was surely gonna kill me for waking her so early. So the day before, I stopped at her favorite bakery and bought her favorite cupcake, vanilla flavored with purple butter cream and heart shaped rainbow sprinkles. Then I got home and hid it so she wouldn't eat it before her birthday" He said with a spark of melancholy in his eyes. "So, the day of her birthday I got the brilliant idea of lighting a birthday candle and place it in the cupcake, leaving it on the kitchen for her to see it when she woke up" He explained, now with a frown in his face "I- I didn't think. I just wanted so badly to wish her a happy birthday, I forgot about everything" He said with his teeth clenching. "A curtain caught the fire of the candle, and then the whole house burned in flames"

Elsa was shocked. She was shocked and devastated.

"They were sleeping while the house kept on burning and burning, when they finally woke up they were already trapped" He said "I couldn't believe when they told me that there was a fire at my house, I couldn't understand what could have happened. But when I got there and one firefighter explained to me that a curtain had caught the fire of a candle, everything made sense." He added. "So yeah, I killed my whole family on my little sister's 9th birthday" a single tear slipped on his cheek, but he was quick to wipe it away.

Elsa felt incredibly impotent and devastated. It was just a lot to take in. She wasn't expecting anything like that. She couldn't even imagine what Jack had gone through, if she was on his shoes, she wouldn't know what to do.

"You can leave if you want to" Jack suddenly said, getting her out of her thoughts.

"I don't want to" Elsa assured him, he turned at her with a surprised face. "Jack I.. I am so, so sorry" She said. Her lip was trembling "I know you must feel horrible but... It wasn't your fault. It was an accident"

"Of course it was! If I just stopped to think about it for a second-"

"But you didn't, and it's still not your fault, Jack. You were just trying to make your little sister happy" She tried to explain.

"Yeah, and now she's dead" He said "Just like my mom, just like my dad"

"Accidents happen, Jack. I know they suck and I know that you feel horrible, but you can't keep blaming yourself for this" Elsa tried again.

"Why are you trying so hard, Princess? I know you feel bad for me but you can't just deny the fact that I'm a fucking murderer" he snapped.

"You're not. I'll never see you as a murderer" She said shaking her head. "And neither your family"Jack let out a dry laugh making Elsa frown. "You're going to tell me that you really think that your mother would think that about you? Or your father?" Elsa asked sternly. "Or Emma?"

Jack instantly gazed at her, his eyes full of sorrow and grief. He was out of words. Did he really thought that his family would think that about him? That he was a murderer?

Any other day the answer would be yes.

But today he didn't know how to answer.

"Please forgive yourself, Jack" Elsa whispered. "Please, you need to forgive yourself for them" Jack was looking directly at her eyes. They were starting to crystallize. "They would really want you to be happy" She said with a quivering voice. "And I really want that for you, too"

A huge knot formed in his throat. His eyes started to burn and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Did she really mean that?

She went searching for him today. She exposed herself at the possibility of getting badly hurt when she jumped into his fight to stop him from getting hurt. She was crying. She fought with her friend because of him. She took him home. She offered to clean his wounds. She was worried. She listened. She didn't judge. She cared.

She wanted him to be happy.

This girl, the one he always saw as unreachable even though if he wasn't planning to go after her. The Queen of the campus, the one who was supposed to be snobby and to only care about her and her happiness wanted him to be happy, and they only met each other weeks ago. He treated her like shit, and yet she was here telling him to forgive himself.

He couldn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. So he just decided to stare into her eyes, hoping that she'll see everything he needed to say but couldn't.

And she seemed to understand, because a very small smile appeared on her lips, almost imperceptible. But he could tell it was a smile because of the relief and hope that shined in her eyes.

"We should clean this wounds up, don't you think?" Elsa said softly. He cleared his throat and nodded.

Elsa continued her previously paused job, with Jack looking curiously at her every move. She had the urge to giggle, he looked like a little kid. His eyes were slightly bigger than they normally were and he observed every of her actions in amazement.

Elsa moved to the wound of his lip and he hissed in pain once she attempted to touch it. She pursed her lips and frowned. Pitch punched right where his piercing was, causing a very large wound.

"I really think you should take that one out" She said biting her lip.


"If you leave the piercing there the wound is very likely to get infected" She explained. Jack sighted in defeat and he took it out carefully, face frowning in pain.

After she cleaned and disinfected all of his face, she moved to his chest, blushing furiously. This was a bit too much intimate for her comfort.

Jack didn't seem to mind, so she distracted herself observing his beautifully crafted tattoos.

There where a few written in languages she didn't know, one on his hip, one on his right rib and another one just below his clavicle.

There was a howling wolf on his left arm, a snowflake on his wrist, three dates on his nape, the map of a city on the right part of his back, and strangely there where some jingle bells on the left side.

She saw again the lake tattoo almost covering all the place where his heart was. That was probably her favorite, it was just so detailed and beautiful it made her wonder what could it mean. But she decided it was better not to ask.

There was one tattoo that got her attention, though.

It consisted in three feathers colored in gaudy colors, but the feathers were kind of broken and peeled. It actually took her a moment to figure they were feathers.

"All done" She said, smiling proudly at her job. He still looked like trash, but it was something.

"Uhm, thanks" He muttered. She lifted her gaze at him and she could tell he was trying hard not to fall at sleep.

"You should rest, Jack. Get some sleep" She said, Jack nodded and he slowly crawled into the covers.

Elsa smiled at him and was about to turn to leave to the living room when she felt he grabbed her wrist.

"Stay" he said, in a sleepy voice. Elsa blushed.

"I- I don't think that's a good idea" She instantly said.

"I don't want you to sleep in the couch again"

"I'll be fine" Elsa assured and started to walk but she was stopped again.

"Stay" he said again.

"Jack, you're not really sober at the moment, I don't think you'll appreciate this very much in the morning" She tried to say.


Elsa stood in her place, not knowing what to do. It didn't look like Jack wanted to try something with her, it actually looked that he didn't want to be alone.

"Okay" she finally said. Gosh what would her friends think of her if they saw her right now. Punzie was probably going to squeal and record the whole thing. "Just let me text Anna, okay? I really don't want her to get mad at me like last time" She said, he just nodded.

Elsa quickly texted Anna explaining what happened, even though she was sure that Flynn or Hiccup already texted her about it.

She returned to Jack's room, and blushing furiously she slowly got under the covers, staring wide eyed at him.

Just as he was sure she was in his bed, he closed his eyes.

Elsa gazed at him for a moment. People were so quick at judging. Even her. A year ago, he was someone to be avoided at all costs, and right know, he was the strongest person she knew. He went through a lot, yet here he was.

"I know you're hiding something" he muttered with eyes still closed, Elsa almost jumped on her skin.

Her heart sinked at his words and her body tensed.

"W-what?" She asked. "I don't know what you're talking about" she said stuttering a bit.

"Yes you know, I can feel how tense you are, you know?" Elsa could feel her heart drum in her ears. What he was trying to say? Was he demanding her to tell her all her secrets since he told her his or something?

"What do you think I'm hiding?" She asked, trying to appear calm.

"Not something necessarily bad, but something" He simply stated, eyes still closed. "That's why your room is always locked" he added.

Elsa didn't know how to respond that. She stayed mute and in shock.

"Sweet dreams, princess" He finally said.

Elsa just observed him, still a bit stunned by his sudden accusation.

She wondered how everything would turn out tomorrow.


Hey guys!!! WOW, that was one long chapter! It has 5.000 words (without the A.N.) CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??

It'll probably be a bit long for some of you but i seriously couldn't just divided in two.


So yeah, we finally know Jack's dark past, and it's terrible, and I feel awful by doing this to him, but oh well.

SO, here's a few things:

#1 There was a reviewer wondering when Elsa was going to open up to Jack... Well, not soon. Even tho if Elsa's not hiding a dark past or something, I think its pretty clear that she's trying hard to live up to his fathers wishes. She's afraid to disappoint him (as you may already know) because he's her role model, her idol. So she's always doing and acting like her father would like to, even if he's not there. Elsa its very insecure about herself, so she won't open up soon. I just want to say that that has nothing to do with trusting or not trusting Jack.

#2 For the reviewer that asked me from where I get Elsa's outfit: I really love describing outfits, and I really love when they describe them in other fics. I like to picture how the characters are dressed, because if a fic does not has a outfit description, I always picture Elsa with her ice dress, even if its a modern AU. So, if there's someone that doesn't like outfits description I beg you forgiveness and patience, but I kind of need them. Anyway, answering the question: I get them from Polyvore. Elsa's style is inspired in Blair Waldorf, it's like a preppy, classy and polished, plus expensive style. I always pictured Blair as 'daddy's little girl' so I really loved the idea for this Elsa. My account on Polyvore it's the same as this account, so you'll find Elsa's outfits on my likes :)

#3 For those sweet reviewers that are worried about me: Do not fear! I'm not dying, I'm really sorry if I've worried you last chapter when I said I was so tired. I wasn't tired because of writing, it was just that yesterday my back hurt so much because of a bad movement, it kind of made me feel fatigued. But I SWEAR I love writing for this fic and I love updating it quick and I love reading your opinions! It makes me really happy! Still, thank you so much for your concern! :)

#4 Para la reviewer latina :) Prefiero leer en ingles, me parece todo mucho mas detallado, tal vez? Y aunque cueste un poco mas, ahora me gusta mas escribir en ingles, creo que con el ingles puedo describir mas expresiones y sentimientos como "he smirked" es muy difícil y extraño decir "El sonrío de lado"... no le da el mismo sentido, creo yo. Lo mismo con acciones como "Scoffed" o "huffed" siempre son acciones que me gusta expresar, y siempre se me complican mucho al tratar de escribirlas en español. Igual, obviamente siempre chequeo los fics en español, siempre me ponen muy contenta:) Y no te preocupes! Amo reviews largos.

#5 You seriously don't know how HAPPY your reviews make me, I swear I'm smiling like an idiot when I read them you're all so amazing! thank you SO much I seriously LOVE YOU!!

So I guess thats all for today, next chapter its REALLY revealing, lots of things are discovered and I'm sure you'll love it:) Its a really sweet a sweet chapter after all this drama he he.



Till next timeeee! (you already know when that is)


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When Elsa Queen was little she was popular, talented, athletic, and good at everything. After their parents died she gave it all up so her sister; An...
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CURRENT WIP: REWRITE/EDIT OF 1ST BOOK BEFORE EDITING THE SEQUEL! - Elsa Arendelle and Jackson Overland Frost. They were the epitome of high school lo...
103K 3.8K 50
I don't own any of the characters. All of them are from Disney or DreamWorks. Elsa was new in Fatalery High School with her sister, Anna. They met tw...
13.8K 832 41
Jack Frost is like his name, cold. He is mean to everyone placing him at outcast status at his new school. Elsa Winters is the most popular girl at s...