Full Surtures/Patchwork Rikki...

Bởi NesTheHotMess

38 3 8

Since I am remaking the series, I decided to post the old one sperate. I'm making each chapter a book in the... Xem Thêm

Sutures: Book 1
Sutures:Book 2 (Patchwork Rikki)

Sutures: Book 3 (Danger for All)

16 1 3
Bởi NesTheHotMess

"Come on, Veil!" I called up the stairs as I stood at the door. "Don't wanna miss your first hunt, do ya?"
Veil came stomping down the stairs quickly, her heels clacking on the wooden steps, a thick black veil trashing over her covered her face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she chanted. She stopped in front of me and bowed. "Please forgive me. Monochrome hid my shoes, again."
I cracked a grin. "Calm down. You're fine. Just giving you a hard time." I opened the door for her. "After you."
She skipped outside and waited for me at the clearing, checking her purse for anything she forgot.
"Ready?" I asked her.
She snapped her bag shut. "Ready!"
I admired her her fashion, Lolita is what I think it was called, but with a gothic style with lots of black and dark purples. She was very beautiful under her veil, and her hair was done with great pride and effort to mimic a Victorian style. There was one thing that I didn't quite see in her.
"What is it like to be Slenderman's daughter?" I asked before I sliced open a portal.
She hooked her lace umbrella on her lace covered wrist. "Such that of any other Creepypasta, I would assume, but I was raised mostly in the Under Realm, where I was taught to control the powers I gained from my father. Then I am trained in the ways of a proxy, such as any other." She motioned to the portal. "Now, if you don't mind, I am quite excited to see the human world for the first time."
I attached my blades into their loop and pulled down my new signature mask before dropping into the portal.

POV- Veil
My mother was a demon who surrendered herself to my father solely in order to have me. She died at my birth. My power killed her, but she knew it would. I, like my father, was born with no face and eggshell skin with white hair and tendrils that were white were they connected at my body and darkened to a gray then black at the very tips. I was everything my father dreamed and more. I was his heir, to take his position in the Slendor Manor when I was ready.
I’m not sure where my idea for my whole Veil thing came from, but my father didn't take it lightly. I was not a proxy, as he told me thousands of times. I was a future operator to have proxies of my own. But he eventually got over it.
Another thing he never came to reason with was my style. I always had a thing for girly dresses of black and purple with petticoats. Then their was my bow obsession.
After 137 years, I have been allowed to join Splendorman's, my uncle's, household and perform my first kill.
Rikki taught me everything I needed to know to hunt, and once I was on the field, all of it left my head.
"Wait, I go for reds and oranges, right?" I asked. "What am I doing?"
Rikki placed a calming hand on my shoulder. "Stay close. I'll find you a nice kill."
Rikki held a charm that made us look normal to everyone except us, so we didn't seem out of place. I wondered what we would look like as the plain humans with minimal distinctions from everyone. So plain.
I nodded and walked close behind her, watching all of the people walk by. "What's wrong with them?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" She responded.
I frowned at the girl that walked past us. "They all are the same. Nothing to distinguish them. The only thing is different tones of skin, and even that is limited from pale to darker brown."
Patchwork laughed silently. "Trust me. If they met the whole family, they would ask why we were all so different."
We finally found a nice Purple Heart and led him into a darker alley that had a mural of Rikki's mask on one wall. Her alley. I won't get too much into detail, but I will say it was quite the struggle, and the final blow came from the point on the end of my umbrella. I smiled proudly as Rikki returned me to our home. At least I could smile.

I was about to open a portal when I got a sudden urge to go somewhere. I slice open a portal on the wall and stood back. "Go back to the manor. Tell the boys that I'll be home soon to make lunch," I told Veil.
She nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Thanks again," she said as she fell back into the portal and it closed behind her.
Once she was gone, I turned and began to make my way towards the city limits where one specific hotel was calling for me. I climbed up the fire escape to the sixth floor and sat on the rail, waiting for something I wasn't sure of. I finally got the courage to tap on the glass of the window, stained with an Anarchy symbol. After two minutes without an answer, I knocked again. After another few minutes, I opened the window, using one of my blades to pry it open, then climbed inside. Room six-six-six. I quickly noticed that the room was vacant with no signs of recent activity. Where did Tyler go?
I decided that since I was there, I might as well chill out for a little while, and remind the owner that this was the room of Satin, so I turned on the television and plopped onto the somewhat made bed.
I changed the channel onto the local news to see if by chance any of my kills would appear. I was definitely brought up, but not in the way I would have thought.
"The recent discovery of four adult men and one woman led to yet another discovery in the house. Many recall the disappearance of the local sweetheart, Rebecca Ann Henderson, from about three years ago. The police have found a large trace quantity of this young girl's blood at the scene. The police have reported to us directly that with the amount of blood found that belonged to the girl, there is no possible way she could have survived. We know what has happened to her, but still not certain as to where her body is," ranted the anchor woman.
I smirked. "Surprise, mother fucker. If only they knew," I told myself.
"We are here with the girl's mother to see what she has to say," said the anchor woman as the camera turned to none other than my mother. "Juliette, what do you have to say about this discovery?"
I watched intently as my mother, trying to hold back tears, spoke into the microphone. "All I have to say is that thanks to the investigation team, I know that her death was rather quick, but painful, and that I am happy she has not been... elsewhere, all this time."
A tear rolled down my face. My family never knew what happened?
i quickly shut off the tv and left.

"Welcome back, Miss Rikki," chimed Veil when I stepped through the door. "I assume you found what you were looking for?"
I shrugged, trying to keep a straight face. "Eh, more or less."
"Rikki's back!" yelled Mono. "Scales!"
I laughed as the two ran into the living room with smiles.
"Rikki, are you going to make your special macaroni and cheese?" asked Scales, his tail wagging excitedly.
I began to make my way to my room. "I don't know. I think I need to relax for a while," I told him, trying to stay upbeat.
"What?!" demanded Mono. "But you promised that you would. Please?"
The two boys stood shoulder to shoulder in front of my door with pleading eyes and folded hands. "Pretty please with ground beef and salsa?"
I laughed again. "Fine. I'll make my taco macaroni."
They cheered and ran off to most likely play on the X-Box. "Thanks, Rikki!"
I opened my door and stepped inside, followed by Veil. "Are you okay, Miss Patchwork?" she asked, full of concern. "Your temperature is in the yellow region. Are you mad?"
I gave her a quizzical look. "What do you mean? I'm fine." I told her.
She shook her head. "Pardon my bluntness, but between your high temperature and lie just now, there is in fact something wrong. Do you just not wish to tell me?"
I just looked at her.
"I assume you do not wish to tell me. Do you wish to tell our operator? Or Toby?" she asked. "From my limited knowledge, you and Toby are quite close, correct?"
I flipped her veil over her face, which only consisted of a mouth, and tugged her down in a teasing manor. "I don't need to talk to anyone. I just need some lax time. And yes, Toby and I are friends."
She uncovered her face. "If that is what you say, I will take it as truth. Do you need help in preparation in the mid-day meal, lunch?" she offered.
I shrugged. "Why not?"

"Lunch!" I called from the kitchen, causing the two boys to come running. They began to determine the bowls with the most taco-roni in it, then brought them to the dining room to the long empty table. Veil and I grabbed the last two and followed the boys.
"When do I get to go on my first hunt?" Asked Scales, his yellow and green slotted eyes big with youthful excitement.
Scales was only about nine, covered with leathery mint colored skin speckled with darker green scales, three small horns on either side of his head with a long thin tail. He was a bit of a sight, but once you get use to weird appearances, he is really cute, like a puppy.
"I don't know," I said honestly. "It's up to the big man with the polka dots."
He stuck out his lower lip and flicked his tongue. "But he's in the Under Realm for the next two weeks! Can you send him a message or something to ask him?"
I shook my head. "No can do, Scales. You can wait another two weeks."
"What about me?" asked Mono, who was about twelve, always wore this kind of old school paperboy outfit and the only colors that came from his skin and clothes were black, white, and gray. "Do you know when I get to go on my first hunt?"
"As I just said, I don't know. Unless you know how to get a message to the Under Realm that will get received by the big man in less than a week, you two are shit out of luck," I told him.
"I can-" said Veil, but was cut off.
"Come on. You're like the second in command. You have to know when we are suppose to go on our first hunts," argued Mono.
Scales shrunk down in his seat and shoved another spoonful of macaroni with Mexican cheese, beef, and salsa into his mouth. "I guess we can wait."
Veil straightened herself. "I'm from the Under Realm so I-"
Mono slammed a fist on the table. "We should be able to know when our first hunts are! It's not fair!"
"Lifes not fair, buddy!" I returned.
White tendrils with black tips shot out from Veils back and covered everyone's mouths. "Shut up!" she shouted, then retracted her tendrils and straightened her dress. "I know how to send a message to my uncle. I was raised in the Under Realm, after all, while my father controlled his manor." She pinched where her nose should have been. "I need some wine."
I laughed to myself as Veil disappeared to the basement, where Splendor hid the alcohol. A normal lunch for us. A boy brings up a topic that becomes an argument, and then either Veil or myself stop it and Veil gets a glass of wine.
After everything settled, we all went up to Veil's room, a dark room with large black lacy curtains blocking out any sunlight, and the only light came from floating candles around the room. Veil walked over to her bed and pulled out a black wood box from underneath. She opened the box to reveal a mirror inside.
"This is a mirror that connects to others who have one. My father gave it to me when the Slender Mansion first came to be so he could talk to me. It's like, what is that one phone application, FaceTime? Yeah." She turned to to the shelf on her wall and grabbed a vial with a dark hazy liquid and what looked like rainbow confetti. She handed me the mirror as she popped the cork of the vial and poured a drop on the mirror. The boys and I watched the glass of the mirror seemed to liquify and ripple. Once Veil returned the vial to the shelf, she took the mirror and swiped her finger across the ripples, forcing them to settle. We watched and waited for something to happen.
"I'm not sure if he took his mirror, but, knowing how you boys are, he took it," explained Veil.
After forty or so seconds, counted by Scales, the semi face of Splendorman appeared on the surface of the mirror.
"Hello, children. I nearly forgotten that Veil dear had a mirror. Is there a problem?" he asked, very nonchalant.
Veil held it up so we could all see. "Salut, uncle. I am terribly sorry for calling you during your trip, but the boys had a question that seemed to not be able to wait until your return."
I moved so he could see the boys better. "What was your question, boys?"
The boys were hesitant to answer, but Mono spoke up after a minute. "We were just wondering when we could go on our first hunts."
His face became a mix between anger and confusion. "Are you saying that you could not wait to know until I returned, and you have called me during my very important trip just to ask?" He looked directly at me. "Rikki, please yank their ears for me."
I reached for their ears and tugged firmly, pulling them upwards and holding them there for a few seconds before releasing my grip. "Yes, sir."
The boy rubbing their ears brought a smile to Slpendy's face. "Thank you, my dear. Now for your question." He seemed to shuffle through some papers then began to read one out loud. "Mono, you are able to go on your first hunt in two weeks, and Scales, you go in about a month."
The boys high-fived with their free hands and cheered.
"Now, I must make my leave. See you guys soon. Listen to Rikki. Rikki, wait! Did Veil do good on her hunt? Just so I can pass it on to her father."
"She did a great job," I said cheerfully. "She is a natural huntress."

I still couldn't get the thought out of my head. Where did Mallow Boy go? I mean seriously! I know I only knew him for like a few weeks, was it even that long, who knows, but I liked him. Well, he was staying at Toby's hideout. Maybe Toby...
No. Why would Toby do such a thing? He was too cool. He would never do that. Then again, Mallow Boy did send me into an ice cream overdose when he told me he hates me. What am I even thinking?! Maybe he just moved on to live somewhere else. It didn't really matter.
"Dammit!" I hissed as my blade sliced my finger. Note to self: don't sharpen my blades while I'm mad. I got up and went to find the first aid kit. Of course, Veil came to the rescue.
"Oh dear! Miss Rikki, are you okay?! How bad did you hurt yourself?!" she rambled.
I covered my hand and shoved past her. "I'm fine!" I hissed. "Just a cut."
I locked myself in the bathroom and washed off the blood to see a rather deep cut. My middle finger was going to need a few stitches. Band aids were not going to cut it, no pun intended. Neither would rubbing alcohol. I wrapped my finger in a wet washcloth and rushed back to my room, trying to find my serger kit. I would have to use my left hand, so this wasn't going to be pretty.
"Are you sure you don't need any assistance of any sorts?" asked Veil at my door, Scales glued to her hip. "Should I call for help from the other manor?"
I sterilized the needle I found, meaning that I wiped it on my jeans before threading it. "I got this under control."
Before the needle touched my skin, a thin tendril snatched it out of my hand and it ended up in the hands of Veil. "Miss Rikki, please reconsider my offer. I can not allow you to do something like stitch up your own hand while you are this stressed out!" She walked closer to me and snatched my hand and held it out with her extra appendages. She then sent Scales away and began to sew up the cut herself, then left only to return with a bandage roll. "I swear, sometimes you can be real stubborn. I don't understand why you are so against help."
Once my finger was wrapped up, I picked up my blade once again and began to sharpen it, only to have that too taken away. She began to sharpen both of my blades for me. "Look I can sharpen them myself."
She sneered at me and just continued. "I am helping. Just allow me to do so!"
Since when was Veil so angry? Since when was she capable of being angry? She has always been annoyingly helpful, but this is a bit much. "Are you okay Veil?"
"I'm fine Miss Rikki. I would only be concerned for yourself." She huffed and worked faster. "Just let me help you."
She promptly finished and left my blades on my desk and me alone in my room. I just sat on my bed quietly and looked around for something to do. I felt like I was put in time out. Then again, only the Slender brothers were in positions to do so. I mean, what the hell just happened?
I looked out the window and came up with a mental idea. Of course I'm not going to say. That's not how it works. You'll have to figure it out.

I went outside in my most human outfit, being jeans and a nice shirt with tennis shoes. I also grabbed Half and Halph before heading out to the backyard to the shed, where the house pet was found.
"Slendor Mutt! Here boy!" I chanted as I grabbed his leash off of the wall next to the door. "Wanna go for a walk?"
From behind the lawnmower, a growl rose, and a huge shadow shifted, its claws dragging on the wooden floor.
"Come on, ya fierce hound," I tried again, not wanting to drag him out. "We can get you a nice treat!"
As treats were life itself, Slendor Mutt pounced out of the shed and ran around me like a car doing donuts, his long dreadlock like fur flipped and flopped around his large body. By no means was he intimidating, just being a giant white mop, so I was allowed to take him to the human world.
I was able to attach him to his leash and opened up a portal.
"Where ya goin?" asked Scales, perched on his window sill. "I think Mutt went out the other day."
"I just need some fresh air," I respond, trying to get him off my back. "Now go play with Mono or something."
He began to climb down the rope ladder attached to his window. "You were the one that taught me how to tell lies." He pulled out a small throwing knife from his pocket once he touched the ground. "I see your heart darkened."
"I'm just going out to remember what it was like before the Creepypasta life," I said, though that wasn't going to be any more convincing as long as he had a weapon. I placed one foot through the portal. "I gotta go."
Before he could say any more, I was gone. I leaned against the wall of my alley and took a quick breath. He was gonna expose me. This is not how I should be reacting, but I can let him stop me. I placed my blades in Slendor Mutts fur, and they got tangled and absorbed into his moppy hair. He could hide a body in him then mop up the mess. It was like the man's best friend meets the best purse ever. I then began to walk towards the apartment building where the secret man cave thing was.
Knowing the staff hates the hotel room, and knowing that no one ever when inside, I was able to use Mutt to track down Mallow. I don't know why I wanted to find him so bad, but, I just did. Plus, there was nothing better to do in my boring life until Splendorman returned from his trip.
I searched high and low, but it seemed like Mallow boy cleaned the place head to toe before leaving. Then, Mutt began to huff at something under the bed. I bent down and reached for the small round object underneath. I looked down at the twenty sided purple die, like the kind found in RPGs. I held it out for Mutt to sniff, but all he did was slowly stick out his tongue. "I guess you can't track Mallow with this, huh?"
I shrugged with frustration, then got my blades back from Mutt, opening up a rift back to the manor, before I stepped through, I tossed the die over my shoulder. I stuck one foot in, and Mutt started flipping out. As a reflex, I yanked out Half and Halph and stood ready. "What is it, boy?"
I peered over Mutt to see him growling and snapping at the die, which was now glowing brightly and expanding. I got around the furry hippo and blocked him from the die. "Go home, Mutt!"
Mutt left my side and leapt through the portal on the wall, the portal closing behind him. I watched in horror as the die grew to the size of a basketball, several of the sides opening up like a hatch. The inside glowed dully dark purple, a pale hand emerging from within, reaching out and grabbing for the carpet. I was paralyzed with fear as the rest of the body was dragged out. A tall male figure, with a body similar to that of the Slendor brothers, emerged in a violet vest with a lavender dress shirt under, black collar and cuffs. An arm reached again into the die and pulled out a long cane.
I watched from the edge of the room as the large die was placed where his head should have been, floating just above the clean open wound on the top of his neck. The figure stood straight and folded its hands nicely over the die on the staff.
“What are the odds of meeting you here?” questioned an upbeat male voice, seeming to emanate from the figure. “If my memory recalls correctly, you are Rikki. Your face has a differing appearance from how it was described to me, but your features are not too drastically changed.”
“How do you know who I am?” I growled. “And who are you?”
“How do I know who you are? Well let's just say my previous owner ranted on and on about you. Everyday, Rikki this, Rikki that. A pain in my arse that was. But I now see that he has left me behind. I guess I’ll have to familiarize myself with you.” The die head tilted up and down, as if he was looking me up and down. “You’re on the shorter side, but ,then again, all humans are.”
I held out my weapons, aiming one at his chest, and the other at his floating head. “Who are you! Are you one of us? Are you a-”
“A scary spaghetti? I remember Tyler telling me that was what he called it at first. Hysterical. But, in a technical manor, yes. I am, for the sake of simplicity, a creepy pasta, not unlike yourself.” He looked me up and down again. “You’re a bit scrawny, aren’t you?”
He leaned a bit closer, allowing me to swing at his head. The die went flying off, temporarily distracting him. “Oh, um, oh-how rude! The incompetence!”
Before he could say anymore, I tore a portal and jumped through, ending up safely at the Splendor Manor. I didn’t stop to catch my breath, but ran for the manor, locking up any and all entrances. Mutt had found his way to Veil’s room and hid.
“What’s going on?” asked Scales curiously. “Are we playing lock Mono out of the house, again? I love this game! I’ll help!”
Mono slunk out of his room, looking like he just up from a long nap. “Hey, Lizard Breath! News flash, I’m inside.”
“What’s going on?” pleaded Veil, as she led a very scared looking Mutt out of her room. “Did something bad happen on your walk? Why is Mutt so upset?”
I closed the blinds in the living room, quickly darkening the room. “No time. Lock down the house! This is no drill, and this is no minor threat!”

Once the house was locked down, I

borrowed Veil’s mirror and called Splendor. It took a little while for him to answer.
“Hello, hello! My, twice in a week! What it the topic of this day’s call?” he asked pleasantly.
I told him all about the creature I found in the hideout. The more I told him about the trip, the more and more concerned he looked. I continued as he looked around for something off the screen.
“I’m sure you locked down the house? Right?”
I nodded. “Immediately.”
“By the sound of it, he would most likely think that you still work for Slenderman, my brother, so you still have some time. Go to my office, and look for a small vial filled with a pink liquid. It should be in one of the drawers in my desk.”
I left my room and ran for the library. I ruffled through all of the drawers and found it. I held it up so that Splendorman could confirm it for me. “This?”
“Yes. Now, go outside and open a portal. Once opened, pour that into it. Locking the doors would do nothing, but if you seal the dimension of the manor, there will be no chance for him getting in.”
“How will you get in when you return?” I asked as I rushed for Half and Halph. “Will you not be able to return?”
He frowned. “That is for me to concern about. Just know that if worst case scenario, do the same thing you are doing now, but with the silver liquid I gave you when you became my proxy.”
I struggled to open the door with my full hands. “Are you sure about this?”
“Are you questioning your operator?” he asked.
“N-no sir.”
I did as he asked and opened up a portal, then popped open the vial.
“Just know that by separating the realm you are in will prevent any contact from any other, unless you use this mirror. I must go notify my brother, but I will call you when there is a chance. Try not to use up all the calling juice, and keep the others safe. Maybe distract them. You guys are safe once you pour the liquid. I must go!”
As soon as his face vanished, I poured the liquid into the portal, causing it to instantly close off.
A harsh wind blew across the realm, knocking over most everything in the yard.
The others came running out of the house, asking what was going on.
Veil saw the empty vial in my hand and nearly fainted. “You sealed us!?”
“On your uncle's orders, Veil. Why?” She clawed at her head and clenched her teeth. “We are now stuck here! And I barely have any communication potions left and there us no way the make any since we can't leave!” She began to hyperventilate as she got worked up. “I can't handle this! Why the hell did you do that!”
I stepped away from her. “We'll be fine. There was someone dangerous that we need to make sure we prevent from getting to us. These are direct orders from your uncle, my boss. Now you need to calm down. Go get a drink or something and I'll see what we have in storage downstairs, okay.”
She was calmed until I mentioned alcohol. “What if we run out of champagne?! How will I be able to cope with anything? I can deal with any of this sober! You know what happened when I was forced to sober up for that one month. Remember Hannibal Hana?”
“Who?” asked Scales, who held onto my arm.
Veil looked like she was about to explode. “Exactly! I ripped out her spine for drinking a beer in front of me.” She suddenly screamed and made her way back inside.

Scales and Mono sat quietly on seperate couches, just staring at the floor as night crept over the horizon. I brought a big bowl if icecream to them each. “Hey, boys. Are you guys okay? Never seen either of you so quiet, even when your both sleeping.
For Scales, I used chocolate ice cream, adding eight licorice strands and little candies so that his looked like a spider, and I make Monos with pistachio ice cream and made it look like a zombie with corn puff cereal teeth. They both solemnly said “Thank you,” and ate their deserts itty-bitty bites at a time, not even looking up from the floor.
The house had been dead silent since that afternoon. Viel was still busy trying to ration out the vast collection of champagne for the next twenty thousand years, while the boys never left their seats on the couches, barely eating the taco macaroni I made, nor the mummy hotdogs I made extra. I took stock of all the food on the house and cooked and felt really guilty for all of this. It was my fault for going to try and find Tyler due to some stupid impule.
I looked out the window to see it downpouring. I scoffed and closed the curtains. “Thanks weather.” 
I went back to Scales and put my arm around his shoulded, giving him a half hug. “Do you want to talk?”
Scales shook his head and took another bite of icecream.
“Mono?” I asked.
He looked up at me, sorrow filled eyes. “No.” He looked back down and just started at his icecream’s melting food. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
I was thankful that he was now talking. “Of course. How about we all camp out here? We can move our matrasses out here or make a pillow igloo? We can even pop up the tents in here!”
They each smiled fiently.
“Guys, we are going to be fine. Splendor will take care of this one guy and then we can leave. I’m sure this will all be over before you two are planned to go on your fist hunts.”
Veil soon came up and, without talking to me, she helped me make the fort for everyone. After I had everyone shower, we all piled into the large area that took over the living room, with two tents on either side of a fort made from a blanket that was tied up to the candileir. Scales laid under his heated ninja turtles blanket with Mutt and quickly fell asleep as the rest of us watched Friday the Thirteenth through openings in the fort and tents. We were all aslep before before the movie came to an end.

We all woke up early the next morning, though not intentionally. Splendorman called us with Veil’s mirror with some dire information.
“Rikki, you need to find Marshmallow.”
I stared at the mirror with a mix of tiredness and confusion. “...What? That sounds like you are trying to tell me something important, but there is no context. Its like a joke without a pun. It’s nothing meaningful.”
“The creature you discovered yeaterday is a tricky spirit, which only does actions as instructed by a master. He discribed something about you old week long human friend, correct?”
I stepped away from the group and locked myself in my room with the mirror. “Yeah. What does that mean exactly? Tyler sent a demon after me?”
“Not quite certain of that, since you didn’t mention him having any intent to harm you persay. But whatever his intentions may be now freed, it would be at the will of your old friend. I’m sure that he intended you to find the being under the bed and release him. It’s only logical. So before he can do any damage, I want you to find this boy and tell him to release the creature. It’s not ideal to have a human control such a powerful magic. I can’t leave quite yet, so I’m trusting you with this.”
I began to chew on my lip. “Okay. But how would I be able to find him? And how will I be able to leave without having this place locked down to protect the others?”
“The vile I gave you. Open a portal up and just put in a single drop. That will allow only one way passage for a single trip. I would leave it with Veil for the time bing. Though I would highly suggest bringing Mutt along with you.”
“But, once again, how will I be able to track him down. There is nothing in the hotel to track him down with,” I argued, getting stressed and overloaded from everything.
He hesitated before continuing. “Toby. Go ask him. I believe he found something in the room a while back. It might have belonged to your friend. He might still have it. Just be cautious.” He cut me off again before I could yell. “Don't argue! This is a very sensitive task. Also, take my spare mirror. I believe I left it on one of my book selves in my office. Bye! Good luck!”
His face suddenly blinked away, and I was left in the silence of my room. “Great…”

I quickly caught the house up on the plan, and by noon, I was all packed with everything stored in Mutt’s fur, including my blades. After raiding the house for things I might need, being mostly canned food, water bottles, extra weapons, and money, I stood outside with mutt. The others stood on the porch, Veil with her mirror in hand. She left the boys where they were and came up to me. She pulled a vial out of one of the pockets hidden in the folds of her skirt, being filled with a milky liguid with strange wispy black and gray swirls. “Here. This is so you can call me.”
She sounded exhausted, since she had to disconnect Splendorman's mirror from him and connect it to me. She was also the only one who knew how to make the liquid to connect mirrors, which was a painful task. She held onto a bottle of it, but also gave me a vial to bring to the Slendormanor.
“Thanks Veil. Are you sure you're good holding down the fort?” I asked as I tucked the vial into Mutt’s fur.
She nodded. “Yeah. Who am I to question my uncle? Just… be safe and return in one piece.”
“Have you met me? We're kinda immortal.” I ripped open a portal and put away my weapon. “And I'll keep you up to date. It shouldn't take too long hopefully. A few days?”
She shrugged. “Just be cateful with my vial. Call me if you need us unsealed for any reason. Oh, and I have a friend that can help you if you need anything. I have her information on a slip of paper in Mutt’s fur. She can give you a place to sleep or something. Just say I sent you. And if you stop bye, tell her I said hi.”
“Okay. I'll hit her up. Well, I should get going.” I uncorked the vial for the portal and poured a drop inside, quickly recapping it. I then passed it to Veil. “Stay safe. I'll be back soon.”
I waved to the boys and gave Veil a half hug before tying Mutt’s leash to my belt loop and brought him through the portal.

I left Mutt outside the Slendor Manor as I walked up to it. I didn't even care to knock on the door,  just let myself in. I instantly spotted Sally playing with Mr bear on the floor next to BEN who was playing a video game.
“Hey, Toby home?” I asked as I approached them.
“His room,” they responded in unison.
I bounced up the stairs, petting Grinny as I passed him, then knocked on Toby’s door. I opened it when he responded. He sat in his desk chair, spinning one of his hatchets around his hands.
“Hey, Rikki. What brings you here?” He asked.
“I kinda need that thing you found from my human friend that you got from the hideout.”
He stopped spinning his hatchet and gave me a grave look. “Why?”
“Because there is kinda a demon that he has in his control that I discovered yesterday,and I need what you found to I can track him so i can make him release the demon. Splendorman’s orders.”
He gave me a careful look, then shrugged indifferently. “Looks like you're telling the truth.” He rolled himself over to his desk and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a tied up plastic bag and tossed it to me. “Good luck.”
“Thanks bro,” I said before walking out. “Hoarder,” I coughed at his door.
I walked out of the house and opened the bag to find a few random things, including a shirt, a pocket knife, and a little notebook. I tucked away everything but the t-shirt., which I held out for Mutt to sniff. I putt it back in the plastic bag to keep the scent longer.

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