Past Comes Back

By allmytomorrows

77.9K 1.3K 172

NCIS:los angeles!! What will happen when Kensi past comes back. Will it bite her in the ass? Or will it be t... More

Past comes back
P2: First Kiss
P3: Miss. Jones
P4: girl and the house
P5: The unspeakable
P6: Settling in
P7: Sparks fly
P8: Love, followers & Zoe
P9: Truth about Toby
P10: Sofia and Jack
P11: The Finding
P12: Trip to the Hospital
P13: The Wait
Authors note
P14: Kensi & sofia talk
P15: Home time
P16: Bigger on the inside
P17: First Real Talk
P18: First Day Back
P19: Talk To Hetty
P21: Test? I Dont Like Tests
P22: New For A While
P23: Little Girls Diary
P24: Fight ? ! ?
P25: The Beach!
P26: Just My Luck
P27: Its Tomorrow, I Forgot
P28: Like Being On TV
Authors Note
P29: Dad Moad Activated
Not A Chapter But Read!
P30: Allways Makes Me Smile
Authors Note
P31: Guys Night Out
P32: Confession & Authors Note
P33: So Cute
P34: Densi Date
P35: Pancakes & Beach
P36: Another Day Another Case
Random One-Shot
Authors Note
Tell Me About Her
P37: Dead Men Tell No Tails
P38: Bored !
Author's Note
P39: Early Morning Magic

P20: Did She Say That ?

1.8K 33 4
By allmytomorrows

I only own sopfia/sophi ... any other charecters are property of CBS ●●● please comment to tell me what you think ●●●● and I just seen that this has 1.8k reads and I went into totall hapoy fangirl moad over the amount of people who read thos and it makes me so happy so thank you.

Kensi pov:

I went up to ops to go get sophi so we could go home. I was really happy to go deeks' with him, it would be our first jight as a couple.

I walk into ops and see sophi dancing aroumd like a three year old , and eric almost crying , and nell laughing her head off.

" whats going on hear ?" I ask as I walk into sight. " she beat eric at his game . you know the one he is always talking about and says he is the best ? well she beat him by a mile " nell says as she laughs.

" thats not fair " eric says just looking at his score. I cant help but laugh.

but then eric's computer dings and nell stops laughing and runs over.

"what it is ?" I ask.

"hetty " he responds as he puts her face up on the big screan.

" miss. blye " hetty says

" which one ?" I ask.

" sorry I keep for getting there is two of you . sofia , I need to have a word with you in my office ,"

"ok , I will be right down." then hettys face dissaoears.

" this cant be good ! " sophi says as sue bounces out the door.

well looks like we will be waiting fo a while.

I walk back down to the others and sit at my desk watching sophi standing infront of hetty. I wonder what they are talking about.

Sofia pov:

I walk down the stairs and strait into hettys office. I could tell kenai was right behind me but the went and sat at her desk .

" you wanted to see me " I said with a smile to hetty .

" ah yes. we need to talk about your visit to the FBI" she said as she siped her tea.

I sat in the chair infront of her desk and crossed my legs. "what do you want to know?" I asked.

( 47 minutes later )

" ok I think that is everything , you may now go home. thank you " hetty says as she closes the folder she was writing in. " yay thanks hetty. see you tomorrow" I say as I stand up and turn to leave. but I stop and turn back to face her . "hetty does nate and the other agents come tomorrow ? " I qsk with a smile. " how do you .... do you know what I don't want to know how you know that but yes they are " she says as she sips her tea. " yay I cant wait to meet them , night " I say as I skip off back to a half asleep kensi and deeks.

they were borth on the sofa. deeks was sitting up and kensi was lying with her head on his lap, he was playing with her hair. it was really cute. they made a adorable couple. I was out of sight so I stood watchimg them for a while.

deeks looked at the half sleeping kensi and just started to smile. she roled onto her back and looked up at him and smiled back . she lifted her hand up and out it on his cheak. he put his hand on her cheak too. then he started to lean down and I could kind off thell she was pullig him slightly. then they kissed. it was only alittle kiss, but it made both of them smile. I think it was the fact that is was in work which is a really boring place and they were well are half asleep, but it was really romantic. they just gaze into each others eyes smilimg for a while.

"ready?" I say as I jump ito sight making them jump .

"oh my god sophi dont do that " kensi says jumping to her feet. I just laugh. " did you just see that ?" she asks as deeks stands next to her. I want to say no but one of my new rules. I have made up this little set of rules to help me get my life back on track. anyway one of the rules is not to lie to the ones I care mos about unless it is to save their lifes or we wre joking of coree because then it doesnt really count. " yes. but I know that you two are in love and I know that there will be plenty more where that came from. and to be fair I find it really cute because I have never really seen love before and you two are jut perfect together! and I know you proberly dont think of it like this and wont want to do it , but because im hear you wont have much chance to be a couple out side of work . but I want you too, dont bother if im there and you want to do well things" " SOPHI" kensi interupted abit shocked I think. " anyway ... you two need to be able to be a couple so just dint think im there . and if youndo like start to kiss or something then dont get mad if I go to my room , becauee im hust trying to give you space to do well what ever it is you feel like doing. dont forget I am old enough to be left alone for the night if you decide to go the the other ones house for what ever reason. so I will totally get ig I get droped off at a house and then you guys go to another you you say like you'll be back in the morning or something because you need your space and time to be together and not have to worry. so just tell me when and i will dissapear for the night " I say with a smile.

they both look really shocked by what I just said. I basically just said. if you want to have 'fun I the bedroom' then I will go to my room so you guys can get hot and heavy under the covers. I know they will at some point but maybe when I like stay somewere else or somehing.

they both smile at me. " your quite a smart kid " kensi says with a laugh. " thanks short stuff " deeks says with a wink.

with that I turn, pick up my bag and start to skip to the car. kensi and deeks follow close behind me.

Kensi pov:

I was really , and I mean REALLY shocked by what Sofia just said. but I couldnt help but smile. she was only 15 but she was smart as hell.

i was kind of happy that she has said that but I dont think we will actually need to ask her to do that. but they way she said it, its almost as if she wants us to be able to have time together. but now I am more focused on mine and sofia's relationship than mine and deeks. well I am , I rewlly want this to work with me and deeks and I really wwnt t8 spend time with him and be a couple. but for a short while I want to spend kore time wit sofia and get to know her better. after all I know everythin about deeks and he knows everythig about me.

I was interupted in my thoughts by sofia tappig me on the sholder. I tur and see we are in a gas station and deeks is waitin in the line to pay. I turn to sofia to see what she wants.

" I know that me saying that back at ops was weird and im not in the right place to be sayig thimgs like tha. but I have never really had a family before and now I have my mom back. and im really happy and all, but just because im hear doesnt mean that your life should change. well it will but I dont want t to be in a big way. I will gradualy become part of things like at work. but you and deeks have somethimg special. even before I saw you kiss thismorning I could tell that sparks fly between you , and im not gonna be in the way to make things strange if you kiss while wathin a movie or want to do something" she says with a wink, which make be blus and smile knowing what she ment. " so if you two want abit of space just tell me and I will go to the otherones house. I know this will sound weird but I want you to tell me to leave for the night, because it lets me know that im not in the way and I want to know that my family is still happy. even if its just so you can cuddle on the sofa and watch a film and thats it . I want you to be able to have time to be together and just be a couple. and a family" she says with a smile.

" but your part of the family" I say back. " yes and I will be there all the time and every day at work but there will be times that you two should be alone" "but-" I start to answer as deeks geting the ar but she cuts me off. " I dont care.... every friday ! and dont answer back because im very good at just disappearing if you dont ket me do this. I reallt want this. please" shensays with her puppy dog eyes. " thank you " I say with a massive smile as I lean through to the back and hug her. deeks look confused. " I will tell you later" I said. he said ok then started to drive to his place.

sophi was really sweet and I was so happy that she would do this and she seemed to be hapoy about it to.

( 2 hours later )

about half way through the film sofia feel asleep on the floor with monty. deeks walked over and picked her up gently. she was a tiny bit smaller than me hight wise and was thinner than me too. so it was easy for deeks to pick her up. he lay her on her bed and pulled the cover over her then slowly closed the door as he left.

he really did care about her and seemed to be ever so gentle wth her .

I could tell that at some point she may start calling him dad. after all he seems to know lots about her. and she is really fond of him. and he is good with kids. I could keep goig with these reasons and its been just over a week. wow.

deeks came and sat next to me.

I told him about the talk me and sofia had in the car, and then we started to talk about things.

about 20 minuets later I am lay on the chair with my head on deeks chest. he is slouched on the sofa with his feet on the coffe table. watching telly. I try to watch the telly but my eye lids are to heavy , I need to get up to go home. but I cant be bothered and I kind of want to stay hear with deeks. moments later my body takes over and my eyes fall shut, and I drift of to dream land!!

yes I am bringing another team into this. but only two people from it. you will find out who and why very soon. hope you liked this chapter. please comment and tell me what you think... and please vote ! love all the people who read this!!

and if ou like Ncis:LA then you might like my instagram account, which is all about ncis:la and densi

instagram = @ncisla_charlie

I you have any questions you want to ask then talk to me on kik

kik = @ncisla_charlie

and Im always hear if any one wants to talk about anythin reslly. or is anyone wants to have a rant about something I always happy to listen. or if anyone wants to talk ncis or nics:la or loths of other crime shows and fantacy shows ( e.g: Grimm or Arrow ) Im always on kik if yu need to chat

thanks again for reading - Charlie x

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